Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1966, p. 10

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IXEWJETEHS um pumnm to ply llm my the mm lnvlmuly udnd 0mm in meIud by mo HM and Ymver P°2 Imimflom will mull In In lndnllnlla munkm run all war on 151 gm NEW YORK ANAllarklnl In ofllclll an or of flu la join lo mm couly or phy it In Ihu mum lloclq III Tm Elli bowl ownnon voted umnlmmly madly lo mum lm null or In Ind mm bowu bl maul 1mm pullde Tom For the am often the an Ally ulll b1 ma And no my Impmion mum Tim wu mm from no In winu Stiller Fines To EHL Players 1m made lhq on may tlmml wu Ihnl than two cntrlou wmnl wnnmd up on lhu Irlck balm rm Whlh On other 11x mnm on rupnlui 01m Irmup mllu Curr Boy Tho lwu plcfll wm lrnlnod tor b0 rm by Baby wan cold aumdn Novmhdtu horn mml Cnmr Boy cum all 11 wk oi ldIcneu In in 4mm qulmyhu own In two mlmuu uconda In mm mm nridnll Lu aln Ml le month Halhad Ulh In In My NEW YORK CF Now lll nun ballu or harm Vim madman It Roosevelt nmwny on Long bland la maklnl bellman out of old time minm The warm lo their 1111 In lrndfllonll mill preparing hlmm horu lor umpollllon wn dvllvmd on an alltruck dur In mom Memo dly mmmsmmum Irinkelim rhy ll Mud lo ddp Km WWWWI lathe thm nomad Mm kn Inl mud dpkw mm WWW donor ullha judo 0km Club Team Sauna Baths Introduced To Thoroughbred Racing John lMoy mm mm umUw of woe armorial In Ibo Home Iron mung ma to akl Jack Webb Webbs rink 62mm mun squad on Barrio mm 01w arm malty Ill VII lulu hmle Moraly maria the mud Imoo Indian or Nunm nm ma mom mo nu flu Ma Jan ma mu run an Jun in Illa phylum Nahum III WM ML Hum mu Mplqlx Frnlkk John 01th Jim dunm no man skimm nu no Amlnl manom no nob Um no Norm cam 500 um Curler MNme 101 but Jo Nanth New York an mm ovakm Mil Mel or maul lorn lmru unmn tram bl HIM hm nu Mmlfln room 14 Mr mowed mac III VII lulu hm Muc llllh nullu Don lick In Ml Muv AL bu am Audra But 30 Nor mm Nlmvy Undu hm HUMIIIW Vol NAMATII NEW YOnK MP Qunmh Iglgl Nayth New York MIXED MAJOR Tum lundln ll Hum 890 70 Mm Drl nldvbmk Dmlo Howl no 0mm 31 Dml Euo 3L IH llwrlm I1 MIMI Pvlnum Q1 Drlvrln 40 mm Crawim Ktmpvlaw Domhlon no Iu3m2 mo nrldl Lu In and in dlrod ll Mn bu mo null bo lwoen thCh ll room haul lnl puk ol bll mm ltd with lonn Ind healed by hulm harm When hum no he ed lo 150 die mm or mm clrcunllon of dry hm mun Eon Inl lb IdJmm ml flu qulm occupant uulr Ioro much And Illll nm emu AM so mlnuln hou Irmva al 190 de mu Cl roglr wu My lo belnl put into mobile dry hul uni dovhod by William Johmlon Jh Olllmo win Icquplq dullAd In man PIAk In ulnoh pm mu mama BOWLING uqu dung or Rafi MMM let mum at ll lunu ammo In in main Mm phyla W13 Cm hlvo bun yonqu qnlungy or Two loam tram lb Nortth 0mm Hoe II ModHon sum 1m Mm ml Kmulu will mm or flu Mm cuminn Toronto Noct huug ylll IhnMgrl Iurmwlll md Ihi Marl you Alhu nujlor hem ulna will bu lb um um mm Onllrla lllmr llomr Ag Hon Hamilton Coach Guest Speaker In1c Coop Mld Ill wlll tmnpm In lhu 01A loam mom huh mp of Palsrbomm wall Thu OHA ll Ipomwln 1h burnmm lo docldc un mm whlrh will uprmnt ammo Canlmnlll 19 Agmrgl 1n Klnm mm by Can on AIM WW Anod lion dwlnl Ruhr Colch Edd Bnlh ul HlmlL Ion Junlor Rod Wlnu will be at Ilwr ll lhl hickall hum laud Dmmbn sum or In Onllro llochy lumin Mldm plan Wilk It prnvldu horn with wnrmnp wllh mu or no mu cullr ullvll wilhwl Ibo ox pcndfluro rmrvn nmr um my be med lu Icgunl mo Johrulon can um who llllfll of oqu Iuccou Marla In an or of Mn MM mm call In ll la iKufimr want into the ram altar min minute In ha 0er Johnllon Mlhvm hLI do vice hr cull ll Thermo Thmyywlll mako luvrm wnrmupn unnecessary from the my Inaball pInycrI lbomulm or IUHMII mm qu bnltu yd WW EW NI1 cm in in faxi 1M Photos Yew load Red wand John Morley Jack Webb Ind Ron 54mm vice Youlh Oomcu 0m 50 Wall Ind Mm mmpud In tho loummul In UH mum hm dMAlm wlnnlni mom wu Mr Palm ma non Shun In lho lhb mum VM lunar Ind won In human Junlor bm mm wm Drlm Mu Ind undo Bordon And All to an crowd Id Kuwvm Bwtl or MI WW Ph mllevull Orlllll North York levlllu BARN Coflinxwd Olll Young And Old Crowd Lanes Tim Harlem 19 by llWl Ind 1h Jolnl nflllallon IIIIOHIOM human tho AHL Goéhiimmjul nu he Md bun recllunfhylhl rum Dalton Red Wings of i°nlfl9=x hum thorduzh lnmuw Hon Buuerlleld uld hu boon dolvmlnod um uld pllyar wu mulled from loan lnPltuhmlh by Delloil In Hod II dnylu The Harm wore fined for thelr mo degeqcemln Pm numnvull nwlvy manna llnzd Pllubmh Hornet H000 Wodnuday niahi for min In ineligible Ellyn in um miml Blilmon Doc Ind 5in use in an Quubec con Phil Waiton or mkinl Iiimd lnflammaiory remark onn igievilipn brondchli ROCHESTER NY AP otBnllarfleid mm Amulpan VHoc 0y bum IiiTEE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY DECEMBER 22 19 Rood minim and un throw the bull well Cllk aid at mu mumonce lo Introduce Lhc qulrterbnck enn dlgnp But an oven biz er llctor In erlnxl my he he II qnmnrback prospect Cilir hu in mind in Caul dinn liyuroid Dick Wlliiil ol Sarnil Warinx ll an In adults irom Hamlin moon Sills Univmily thin Iprin Ind will he imnl mu mu ne lion in hit in two lemu din to injuries Clnir iiliniu ha would be In ideal choice in AHL President Hands Out Fines HI mammal mblem LI ment Adyelopmunr but may hm aven mler Ioluuon Import Bl Cline mdmludy °u L° 35 wom expoc to be dflfld filmy mth Clair with bob ll quurler buck Ind It deleulvu hull big polllhn Thats why Sengrnmn v0 is tho largestselling CunndlanWh1aky in the world thwgnnyno lu go look Ouch mum1r Ilmdy lump chad flwcolehtn plum Ind nfid In In Int v1uwWodnemy ha ham to Announccm cholcu by tho midi dlo of luxury would not ldentlly any lb mcn belnl cumldmd hi job amp to any maul or them In mw cqachhllnbhtlha That great mum My luurnl mm II ml ht tor nil SENIOR STRX 61ng mi qgum NMMNZWHHHH Auuflflwuuflm FNWMMWMNMHW hwuuunnooaab cm Ium Inm hf lad1 or urlu mum mm by din uld ha did not think Clmdlan Iour would ndvmly mm In mml MIA In the world chume Ihmalln Vlgm MMIM Idlhoyumwlllbllnlov pyglcql Mil mum um and III toldo Kml sum Ilclnn uld Wm uy 113m mnldm Immi udy on alnl an tour nu ma loo nod Pm nld flu apldam Ibo Ind chum the WM PRAGUE AP Iovml 92 Mummu boxcu lad um lho 1m wind 14101 to min Selma mm Rellnn CIPI ol 1h Wulem 8min Mun hlday In Rulnl Golden Bun pllym wm gymmch by membm monlon Nu Wm orn Clnldl onlor 0cm 141M Ailihg Czechs Head For Canada Gordon Jone Ind Drlln Hu per both mombm of III Unto vmlly Album 00km Burl uu Wulorn Cmdl Inm cvflellltu Alhlullc Auocllflon Ihmd Icodnu er tho llllllrl Th0 Salem on In elmum low Clnldl Ion min to ho Canndhn muonll um Ind one to Wuan lnlunnllonll liochy bum Illll tum MW Ylhmov In Ml tollv Molawllnv med thc mm Mm with on uch Vlc or SMIW ldd lhl lhhd EDMONNN CF Moscow Seim endd threeum la in mm by downing In Ed monton Iiilur mm Wed nudny in In exhibition hockay um balon 3500 im Bullulleld nld Wilson Ip pelted on Quebec lelvvlslon Ihm Doc prior to llml Illllul Rochuler Ind ml wted but the mcmm coma no ho the Kama lint mm the Ooiheum and shower the visit Inn with various Ind gundry pudu cannula31 115an been In oflllblo durlnz the period lolnnung mull MAI euller Moscow Selects Beat Edmonton Ind NHL uldpla er mun bl cannulaed nu ma bun In But smytEwu an In misllnl coach He ooked me the enlIn ddemlva mm Win In leun dlxd pllnnllu Job vha bundled wlghwl fin lgvolved db chin on lon mutflflflcul de clslon MI 111th mm Ion 3111 Smylh had bun It Ill aide In Oluwn 11 your an his Iuddan doll during um mm In ml Jul Snw wu mmthln Manu Glmllno Eyetold lullhlch from Pamborough it Florida SIIMVUMMWa um CANDIDATE 31th toad bunch boyl And would bu ab to luck Irgun CM uld gum Intellot llnemln tram ml Illendlnl Nprthun Mlchllln Unlvmlkvr We Vlvlln llyomold no md onnw mllbuck It unch bum Fred mu rayonold III blck Mm WIndmr Duh Mm Techn919¢icll Unlveh 31 AL ch he will In nbh nemeth on lurn flu 1h numerth Job without win to pity mum on Ianci II In Wdou Wnlnahonly one cl flvccu nndhu Ayers manual from 6m whuxthu mm open It M1 Clnldlnn Fool blll Loam Inning mp next WWI taste IRIAK RECORD 1M did Um dorm 0n um hm Nmu men than mad ut b1 mm mm Oolll WM Anlmt mama sum the mat our wood the aunt or You but to rely mm to ma comm In an umdlryfl But an pm mil me four In nonuth 01 MIN060110 Andria and 10 1mm ll mil 141 MM on Football Lulu mom or ppm Ibo qulfllbkt m1 Couch Tom MW at 0mm don not to or bum much WNW We £1de mlifii Gall Man on Mom at mt For ha lnlonmllon ol Blrl sun Gran an mu nab mm MI ammo wr nom nu bun dam Ihnu lo umarbuh Hut dimer am to It rnfld th tom DALLAS rimmun Cow boyu cam of bailing Green Ely Pucker Jam or the NM UpnnlFoouql hung chum Elulenun uld hopzd lo mul wllh Show owner the llury club owner 1le 0th talking he wu during day hud hlllhu Nallann Hockey delencemln film no murch ha would no ndvlsed the plnyen that they mymlm and pm Friday nllhll me and other wiu honor ctr contacts Meson with advised mom mm IEh Keir moral buznunns This complex problem with two tide to II SPRINGFIELD Mm AP The deflenl Sprlnxfleld Indium nppenred ready £0 accept ed vlce mum end end re heillon today against Eddie Shore herdmead owner of the Amerlun Hockey league club The Indians who walked out to protest pieyer rupemlom Monday returned lo the Ice or onedluur noneupervlsed me the Wednudey vu shore tried to abuln other Fluen or 313 wm Prov dence Frldey The Iqued worked ouL Iller re cuntum conferred by tel one with Alan Eagle Ion oronlo lawyer whorep menu mnny hockey mu ll IndividuflL Elzluon liter Prllld HOPE FOR MEETING CoWbbvs Depend 011 Front Four matured or blackmfllcd Into changing belt my munnu muuu houn hm Dam who bemueonunluloner lhc on Jun Issued autumn whlch he uldhe doevnot Intent to be fixmhud com mlsfloner and mum to ba Hove Emu and Slrr Berler pmldsnt of Ottawa Rough Md wnt one ELiiu rzer Iy vey on what he temned memnm mtemenu about the nm of ngmloolbau TORONN 034 5mm Keith DIM will not b9 flanks vcommlulonu or the Candiulna Aim 3mm hm duhwlfl no pushed Amad ms dmoprmnu evolved wcdnesdlvahen Baum om man thuboud olIhn mas and 1mm commune und crlaclud men ltulemenu cal to Davth In mi do SI In the Glob angling mug 013mm Practice Held Without Shdré WI io knithoufiln rm out In Mn lulu or mm With Ully not mu In than lbsymk down ho New York 01mm quuMAckaUnm ImamMumflfl mummm mm al mlmpwndllommlnmot only In tho malt loam In the hmbulallomlllwml Coffin ll lb own It unyunmmumruch and Tmfludu MngxflfimIcmhm Dangerfield Motors Ltd Tilawovu clou 55mm um Ila might give zmmd lln ttta taut9w settlement with diuidenl mm or prlcllce In good Inllh nId Gerry Fekx PM Wm Shore an lhnllho on play repqln upended flan Shore and he hld pllym coming In the tune nuns valdenca It wan lurned llm Shore had ob alnod on Ionn dam pllym from Man of tha Cent Pro leulonnllfloclgey begun zéifi not decldod lay Illinu Prov Defencemen Dlll lime Bill White and Diva Ammo wen Impendai or mud mum enl play Sundly mar the clubl 10ml nulth dam Velakn lorwud Mumm wu Inspended on lhn nyne mum Illa Um wllkoul IGNORE sisssxmv Shm Ind ConchHurry Pid hyneyjznmd the pmjlcu cmvnom cynmoplu CADILLAC MADPOID mm ml However Shuts Had noon pnctlco fur the lam tady He nId um the plnyeu 1m up to the contract at Al ouL of hullqlnl 1119 mum E76 demlnded thll Shorarelutm mn Ik pended pllym Inlo mice Shor ma when lo Rm Emma win on difhariioén Com Car Mo 7043 llno Oldunobllo WI WILL MY THI BALANCI ON YOUR PRIIINT CAR AND FINANCI TNI TOTAL nut won nliovlnflvfllofllfiil hp 11 um WIIII Chm lmlon Warn Indord mm pm ow Ixnllmt sandman 9°qu PnIhlopno MurfihpVl 77 Runh 10 no it 23 GII In 350003 oellln be ahead on any we equallutlon plluevolved under the mound Ilnllo hum OFLMw lsdlvided Into Eutem Ind Western Merv enmesva loam In and pllylnl pnrtlnll Interloth WGJVIUI Ila In the DHNEERFIELD MOTORS lTD Pomlle Lluronilm VI Mm ndlo pow Mooring Wu new moo mm au have mmmodpby Mr Mdbmon Don McPher executive at Malam Winmen thu Wulern emulvwl the cum thnerodect that we do no chum our pultlon ht mum at ona laotbnll lune will all Indlll will be dis remulblllly maul mummum Amy OR USED CAR SPECIAL angin blI 3m In It 63 For AI lmlo AI $42 Monlhly WI 031s Show llflun Its fasx built In Canadnfor Canadian It makes every wlnter weekend an advenlum Ngww uo unsich dim an 01 Iusponslon make Snow Cruise lho man manoeuvnbln mm mob over Thm models to choosu hem We have into nmhorizod saw on by mined Snow Cruiser mechanics canm In and too the 67 Snow Crumuwdavll laLloa lhty Ind to Wax1 mmulblfllka He laid McPhuum ignore 1hr 51$ emerhtwunémt Ply belly ntlou mu no true Mn Welt when he mm conununlly owned Comxylennnz onvlugmllnn by Davey that EC should belnduced to carry more not ing mew Basset laid he mmmluioner hu mm 00 ch with Vishnu th mm sold hy ouch cnnluranco aopamelv Surelybe um an mm the Eu have been bought Ind plldlor In 1391 mussu in two you MI hm Bauen nld Arno wanlzdl lha Illrmflhltlon milk de Pfmh fiffllVE munmm AGIFIDF PlEASllRE Dmydwu 6M0 Ind Mama Mia any Toronto Armnuu to an the way he 0H WHIJQ mllnbllhnltedufllll Ibo 9qu cm cities with M1 bluer venuu mun they must shin emu11y ngvir Jim at ad mm on cummlonmlm ledrdeluv nlvetootball undue and uh he would Ilka to be present army mumpwhen ho new mom menu how 10 ops It thdr mam M¢Pharm win Anoted ta eéullhnlon Nllld kill the Interlock schedule Wnu Ill pmmrlor waln ML mnmmmmm and glummm illnlt AnnM equnlludun or my omch an But mono SPORT HAVEN LTD Sunny In 1mm Al 51 Maul 7min Mumu 51 um Mum NEer

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