BAXTER sum Clark and malmnot Em Mum limld Bell hu been muncpol omen for more than warm of century Ind ll um ohm Iuonl Mn hllkmven mu mucE an 1IurI¢ouorvo inld ML Bell when Ipokon lo reconlly ï¬ll dovolopmem Elm wn un cuned HII eMorll have auemly been mind by Rem com Dlvll and member of Mhu Em council Supports Expenditure For Employees Party 01mm centennill you In 1997 will mIrk nu ma Muh duy of Em Towmhlp Thu um munlclpal council which wu um um 1mm pm mu Bimnhswgiol on Mt EMI Morm than wu cholan the Jim mvo of Bum Mr Bell well null 1h moth VINNISFII NOTES ol ctrty Ind want am II In hold It Mil lndudo 1mm pmlu II mend flu $er wlu be Includod fixwork ur gnmlm at um ory Jud to bo pals lnrll Wild law In wen Imam5 nu WI rel mm mm ww mum Im vr mp bull would not man III flva canu por Iqu zonlrlbut on or lhl Inn ml vubllc to mm to than who hm don much In many wnyl oflon Myvnd ï¬xollnt ol duly It 1904 By n0l Me crltlcllm hu ruchad oxvonul Incurred In an new wllh ha 10wnlhlp my on cmplvym WI hm een Idvlnd that Ch total ox urme av don gull WWI WHllnm Campbell mva Kola mum mm of Wm Gwflllmbury EsSa Civic Ofï¬cial Has Served 25 Years lllrl Mt mon umi mu can whlamnlnlén vim ivyHon In an inflammatth BUY CHRISTMAS TREE COUNTY CHANGES ABE REVIEWED blnhdn which wnl marked In mo orrnnn Coxwonh hurnton now calmly Imuor WM luwnlhlp clerk Al the llmo and Mr Ben wu Irenlurer mam been am Ippolmed In Fin rvpmentluva lrom to boom mumy wnrdcn wu the late 6mm Davin in mm He wn milrandlnlher of unfrozen mve Gama Davla Ivy Ewing rmgmjc mgyl lpénd mlnln Iï¬um Innunlly mgemimm Ind wfllc re or um weaken to do lama duck hununl and will fly lmo tha camp from plug 1n nonhctn Ontario 110 has pm mind In me mom Ile or our return WI Mm him happy hunlhu ENOINIEWI PARTY hr Ennnm Mnlvy ma Am um mde In lnvlll lion hm an work on lh rm Iotlcnl book nudud mm um and Wu dcvmd tho evenln that WII Illd to hm an on of the but punk nuondod Mr Belll father the late Richard Bell wnl contlnuoul mambcr ol the Eua council or 21 yuan mm 1060 lo 191 in clullvo Ha Wll mm or For many am Lh late Mr Bell open flwr mlllln bmlneu Uwpln Ha pm awny March 1907 MQOIE numma WI Wm mry Io have mined 3h 2me Ivan 1n Coulme lotmm downy move null HI about county channel Ind trend mm more mluml zcvammenl Deputy mm or Mummm may mm Dl hi my mun In mnwr III ml mr CI WIIIWM flung In Vlnclgqm uid cum or llm Ind Jo Cochran MC did Ipltndld job Gon ntululam ml Mnley Ind remand my HI bulncu proper We are tarry lo luv but will look larwnrd mini him In Hadd we did one other wlnler The prawn Incumbent Mr Ben II only the with dork to nerve Em in muly 111 your an mm William strong ml the In and held offlcc only lwo yam when he wu Incceeded by John Tan1t or yam The Mic mm wm cloth or nolrly t5 yam Ind McMmer or In John 0wa lollowod lrom ml to 1m and hl wu Iucceodnd by Dlnwoody who lemd ul ul 1934 NamI Onxworlh lol luwnd and Mr Balmho hu bun tmnmr or yam Illa named the def Mflce when Mn Comma beeme mum By um lhll mdm our mdm hm lo long way mm and ma Ind IldOWllkl On In PM lo luvo ln lhl city of Inna in th lcy Ildtwnllu WI lud occulon to walk up Owcn sum lhll melt and mm ll maul would Ip pur um Inn nlorm coma mt wnkund anew ll allowed to mill lumpd mlntlon now ll pro wllod on pmy who loch um lhu wnlk In mm of our om lo clnud Now tho Ilnlndll ultuln on lhu mun hu not clnnod lhllt let all lhwmr will be Ilu to allp And lull Nu to mm mm lh tymlam DIVld Dunn wu warden 1n um and am 1364 JQD Dnnllnz wu warden In 1m Id acorn DOW ln mo EIGHTH CLERK GARDEN CENTRE lho mm in Sunnyma which it to convch inln Gnrdcn Conm il in rim In Counclil rocommendllionl on permit will in rnnicd Building lmmlor Griliih told Council In maid mbmii tho pmponl in ihom balme ilnnily pnlln it or um Tho pro perty ownod by David invo who but numry in Thomhiil soymun unyun fmm pm 001 Ind will how that our mdou will may harm Ibom such Inn IL um and nu huhlnl and olhor Munnl ulna we amulet Inflon Imam nu mm wt winking lnnwmlnK own wlll prm In worthwhllo mm am mam WI do hit II load book Ind only 1m mlnula Mop Inumn nary qu In clulnl ma ll Md mule my lmmunl mdlnl In Io than you not but Ina my in hau who know mrym um um 51th flu mm wlll hm at may lion pm Inmhmm mam llkm Mom In old hlmry dun by mum In 10 mm ll mum at Ibo WM an MST cmr Ml hm map at In hm In wind or MM 1Man MI bury ml mum Mo Iv nulu the book may Imam wul mewHerbert Hu hii held oUhg Wu 0y Im Ijmmm flown nhcmnmié BRADFORD sum gnomg Emu And other new Ilodod Ixocuuvuu ghe Yor sum Promva Donutvulva Aiminmm vu been mlvljln laugh new Mumln mo Mr Emu eluded proIldent may ma puma mad mod on warnmnldod to 10mm nowumhuon new constitutionku adoplod Vlcwmldenu mm Donlkl alum In gum LowlluAml non all halalBE collocatod 1w WWW 0° nm 111 mommy ru on Wm 11 ha Mlclmd W0 Danni flInk Tinklln W0 yo Miami mm cam now ruldln 73 N51 Aon 8L Burk sat Ed mm mm Cop with an Bu Bonun lhnworuflon Section About In month no um In 1h comm IVIII ed belwun two and chm mot duflum handling between 25 to an nu dam coum With till dimmimunl of th at Mflfluz sun Clorkl Bayl Cm Aqm wu El Job nlnu mm mm cloth Thu RCASC Sdml Clmn Bordtn Onllflo Eds WM 500 Ind htrfnhlndvo Cler lcll Mlng Why Wllh 141m KondIjpk Belll al3mon serum Ind wd Cornu hla mlmm Am dlmm hydudo Dr McKolvayyd Bum Dr Gum Mum Armyn 301GB bueg Adjnlnlgtmlva mg Clerlg 0m Hnll lilo at Man announan another mn lug inpflnllpu rallying Yarï¬eSimersetakeaway Olganizedi Foracmpaign WHENHAM sum An Igmal for mom moor or mumm mum com mem In in mm to promo gs vlgm hu Ibunt mm by 14 pow and 100d conununl mv ku Momm Im good pm Mu or dive mum Minnow nun hm om PM Mu an umber lb coun cfl Im lmm hen mm In WNW Mm Mn ml for In mum mm lm bun InqunnUy command lacl hulnmmaa uy It op mm In b1901 locnl Plan Promotion For Tottenham Ind PdSS MfléStCne In Integration WWW Immbul Imor laud In mm at Wynn Inlay homo On our but knowad hm vrl loving am will IN lo ywr umluflmi luv lta 9h nmo quality Hilary Mm iorvlng you or ypm ondorlhc name oIMuuyI wo chlngod our nlmno hope um you on bomr In no Mun than hm In QM pin You ow lvlondo always wolcom In our My Change of Name WYNIAS BAKERY Wynlas Bakery swim AMEN mu 3° Ind Konnuh 1311 oi Bud ard wan appoint nu Hum Da Amun Evm MPP or ï¬mmmmn Introduced LIX Ickonuo MP for York Nomi II mom menu Mr Mac koude mam new 1an cl York sum mm comm wmpllqngnd med 410 mm bout problbln provincial om uan next youy Lh rln poglbly during Indexship convch Toronto on Jan comrvluvu wm mud on be nm or only Action Itrucglqur 44 niurébgrot MWIHI 16 Bmdar om melnd Im molhtndnflhhmlivo In bmn In Mobs 1m mm Inch mm hm been on lines mum rainy 10v mormmnmvww No Hxmnm uammphlo lulnlnz munqu run bu gmn 199849 updater Um wm her or civilian Ind military Allh group m1 190k typlnk mm It an 0R0 STATION sum landing undidu lor Simeon Cvunty WINIII for 1901 an Much of Codon elm don Om to hm hm ha honor oi Irwin thu mnldpnmy held of flu councll In uu put youI 4MB MIcKIy 00de MI ml deputy to Rumh Ollluplo um ma Mr mimic hld been nova km 1951 with Mr MIcKIy mm In deputy 11m uluutlon will now In mound Llwd Scott now of Rum 21ng Inï¬lm Indy go Ind Smith 01m now at Burlo wu mvo om ml to me In duuvn Mr Campbell wu wu dunn John Woodm nw ml don cl mum wn 0m rem MINIMMMAM1Id hop cl Junm headed tho mun 11 MJW to 41 indullqm Irwin was to 1m Hflbut Orlwford wu 0m mvu Ind county wu dan In mu PLANE LOIBI PROP EDMWNN OP All Mr III InVlmunl Nrboprop curwu plumm wu forced to llnd lmmcduld um um 541mm Mm wow Ind pm at In cm and pum um amped Injury In the ln cidonl Tho Vlmnk wu mm 131 bound or Dukum Ind wmnw 81h Oro Reeve In 30 Years mnnunsusiuin mnbulnnlnl to thaw comm ow rillnr ï¬ltrmmfï¬ Mmshl mutt mu wallnllou had at council Ind Goun cum Olrl new will mova tn dmlyngvn hohtnmuo in uxulon 5m Vspn Townhlp dufln am put wu low comm In men an comanod hm coch maid pro 137101qu mun It would mks um fallow ship thrlml council and cum calnil Me hm dogg up big so 10 Chgnnlln maulï¬x Willth 01 mm when mun accoum wm pm VI comm tho you yumu aÂ¥When lirflflluad on 2h count we didnthlw Inyylur uid Ram Form ama mom fund hm bum up our togm ol hl IV End helllclm Id mï¬mmn by Mum coun end in Him County mun mm won in good mm or which hq Ivnumqn wuglllclcnt Id 11mm WI HILLGDALE sum Mn Row win In halal or lhu Womanl mum on Madly Doc Mn Ruth Dunn will bl ln dupi lunch 6mm cunom mnmnann sum nanom We Indl will dllcuued unin madlnl ol Warmin III Womml Imlllulc on Wad nemy Doc Mn Walkm Rlx Must OIFI EXCHANGE WAUBAUSHENE SIm Exdnlnu ol cman Mu II 911nm Wlublushenn Wo mum at Inn At It muunl on Wodno Dec lunch lud Win emu llnquoncy Thu Clnndlln Pm lid trrmwfly Saturday ha lull bid you chum with ludoml BMW 031 OF nul lormr member flucï¬lm wn 1mm week um Hfll mltnod mm LWmflm DISTRICT BRIEFS Ionnpr Policeman To Appear In THE PAV Bob Hunnrl Orchum 5mm NOW cum 2mm codplillion dll ind quantum Folbu bu bgen glVlcmll Empllnl Board for at two yam Indprovlnu guyt II Van rmuon AY Noll 00 BEST In mud loythl In outlook Ind uonomlc Randi Ram Mu Illd rlu jg demand or moro mno Ilammed mm lmlm 1mm mt dtbomura lmnclnx menu It oflen oolflhe rlloplym 01 more lot avmvdollnrluwonh olvaluo whon Moron plymonu wan ukaanlo mounL 1H mm on loyoar debenturel ho remarked ho emphulnd ha ha Ilwaytlavorod plyuyou zo policy or Yum much 11 chic Mon 01 mm on It lo that ma en thalriullwlun from cu ux mom Ind um rmgldM 06m lcvell of mgrnmcm thn dommd or Mu hu bean mm but condition hm mud It mm clur luprLuI um It thalr muney whlc ll my my Re Form wan Inked Ml opinion on relolullon planed Mndnymuncll uklnn lho ravine to mum lum phm the com duuuon d6 not think that llnd Ihuuld bi mad or schooll ha repllsd Ind Idded 01¢ lime Ihmnd be lama local remnllbllky nailed um mm people In owlnt mm About hxullon and whit 1H dob to H1 economy 11on re Ize um miner which zuvernmonl provide tha mmy in nu taxpayer who Kym he laid Iuflullnl vlnl In warty lax It ex pound IncrenlodJncomn in In mmplo wuhudly It to tpegpla Ag Mx MONEY ï¬CfOfldéfhf Succaodlnl Culmnr Dzwney of Mined mve Mr Mb 113111 up two Ana11m can In nu ioundllor min ho 11m Jmfllllfllflmlliflm Mam SawdaibWZSOPEWI Hi aumwmsnm hulmwwwmnlmum Dont Worry We Think 05 Mitlg fDontWorry WefllThinkOE fATitlg wWN AT 1100 PM ADULT ENTERTAINMENT In mom um TROM CONT 10 COMl THEY ARE mmmmgmmnmmy 2nd lulun long youI of twice Item mm round the purple of Velma moat couldemn Ind undemlndlnz We hld pnb hmlxto incHa mm but hu consideration Ind undarlllnd In made ll ml mated Velm one time had am for pupuhllon lhln nvw hm all mu due to Barrio annou uon aha prelem lImI than wouldmblo developmont Ln dmuem part omhrtvwno Inn with propact olmou Much luluelk wn bun Ihown In naw nubdivhlon at Idhmt Mamba of flu m1 omen Include Allan Juhmlon and Mar Adam Minoan Ind eoreruXa Daluon Coun cillor Russell Hun111M Loo Clvnnnm an rallrln ll GI and the your WEDNESDAY DEC 21 STARTING AT pm noons OPEN AT JACKPOT $33000 puma um ulowma or men FEATURE STARTS TODAY LEGION chlnn ï¬ll 71 Colllu