Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Dec 1966, p. 11

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loluhornm In plyinu all 01 Chlcm Dllck lluwh mln olhor mm 17er nu with ma drlclmcy of new dlvom couru Hawk wln nlngnby Looping Sun Illdll Chuvalo Gains K0 In Third Round In landlyl Iclbn nonou II at Baum Tomnlo In 3015130 and NW Yuri ll Do Dallas Gunning For Division Title And nlnc um mun Inclod Inllwrlod mle Cm mm In lour mm wlmm In Icnrln ch planMm Im DI and mm mum muL WT 13$ WMmm 1m Dnliu Cauboyl with ovary thina to gain and mum mm with worything to low imp leievillun dnnlh WILch lodly whla their future nre dulded nSt Louis and Now York Dalian gunning for it in uvni wolult thunplon flunnd Mc Cormlck only In the round with hind Ind ended nthlh Ann rim It gang lhlntrlllzhf vic mJvor Iolnce nu ater duelIan toorwarld Mle rIm chumplnn Clulul haqu lha Amman adv um IM WWI almllr motme Will and Munm hm lurid 1m lhll mun umm MI Indan 15 010 in an NIH In that Emma 0mm Aura my Immu oyll out III UII lonl Mun tho lilch Hawh cll with In Cmdlm In Mont Xn gal fig fnmn lmuiiludm Mn mm flu ml um PM um In thdUGml malo ou 1m win mm Ind Whizrm hm en mun Whizum luv becn mun Ipq poring colhot II mm Wmmjmthgr It um mnklnl lhc mm 1mm Irv Un rmln drunk mm uer ud In In interview um flaht Geoer Chumo of Toronto knackad out Willie McGormldt Dlzby Ns and 5mm wm here no the third round of uhoduled wer nanHm In lhl leudor mlnl um by mr CANADIAN rnm Todethgxfhggs Pays Off For BldékflaWk Attack fly DICK COUCH Anodmd Pnu Spam wnm noned mm 1011 far the mm and Larry Jonu got Wm 51le Koala were 20de by George Ullulo Kellh Woml Ind Tar Oliver Jlm OBrien and Lord each noted twice Onkvillo with Ilnzlo m1 going Man Pryce Mk Prlco and Bob Dlno Lewd mm twice for WoodstockJul second was tho In other ha Geoff zllns Ian to on Human hold downvlhlrd pm m1 Guelph Royaludcmled Olk vlIe 0a 91 The Alhlntlc hold Bellovillo MmHWka to dnw In re ulnllon um Mlevfllo balm breaking tom of three ml In over lme to win vb cry lot Woodstock In mm polgu behind Coll By THE CANADIAN PRESS rwwdalock AWotlu applied ovmlma pressure to wln their gum In the Ontario Hockey In Emu Sénlor lulu Frldly Wm uia vlcea or be came Um flnllgrytnezumlddh welahtQmmnmn lo an the light heavyweight arm In weight kin fromNlufle prob dblywlllboeraturnbwtwlth Jose Torres the 80de New Yorker he dethroned Irl dnynlm unn unanimous 15 round deelllon Medlm Square Garden Overtirfie PresSurfleHGafins Win For Woodstock In OH mm NEW YORK AP mu Thur whn and all mind up Mum uododnlm to mm and or him light hemwalth chmlon of IJIelwnrld HM n3 pkn my chin my Tm Walnude vnu told LN moon and Ill IN Iowa marl mm In no wuh goal In mush ho nuhbmrauxrlnham wfih IMh who Ihm mond In MIMI Lem lhm Mr mum ha Candim um mu Hawk hm wan 31 Cmdlonl dawnod mu Int llml Ina two clubs In mmmL 11131 int Valuer nu Tod 11me and then Ah Mc Donnld clmill And finally Dan Mom lho armor Donun dunnctmln Wu plmd Mal 1M3 mm in Thvnflh had no Inch mnnco Armin mm of Jen victory we make sun dnyt DuvetButt um purely lemme IUlh JUM NEED TE Bmlonol1 mat Into dll limo hlvlnl drowbd 01 of III lutll mm El er vlclo or New York wu the Purim necdod 10v Ollmlnnla Bullnlo MWInd clinch Ihal llm gluten DMIIO nu um um In NFL 5mm Merv um olch rm Dflln log1 look lull um hula om El lnln an 911mm drlm ml Sunday when may meet New Yorkl delencolm mm In their rczquvuuon My Naflonnl Fooqu Loam deL on crwn wu aminz willy flake llml In 5L II mu tho Cudlnall bllllod Im lurvlval In Mt Clovellnd 8mm The mm htmvar had nome thlnm mm about nl BOINII Mm and Billl tun yeur Arm1cm Football League rum by Mnm mm It New York nmrdm the Card nwwnl outcome the Cowba lgnyw pm 111 will bg in Hardin wu named the 10 men of Ike your by the HI delphll Twmdavm club mn dy ain due9d Mou Efiiifiatllla Ima In Week 9991 duh ad won d1 Mom due mm unuv rnnuwrl lama minute of Montreal Moumu of Eulan Fmv bull Gonlmm wu aimed the mm Conch lhu Ycu In the Conantnu Football mm panel of Ipomwru Ind ondcmen Wma Hudln Philadol Bullde wu mond pm NEW YORK AP Perry you Orllndq 135nm In MI In do um ll lulu mg waxlimo clinch other wan to Art Sullivan Robbie Rcbln Ion md Pumamr Blllevllle zonh worn noted by RIM Guy Dunn and Mum Right Cm For Wlnm Wur Ind Tur ifilfifiifim gaggw IIAI PREDICIED WIN hrrqwha hid mamah would win warTyround and than km out Igor llIdXnI though wow nah om though Bld thug voypng tf Panther Is Named Coach Of The Year nu um mm mum flm um um thI ML to mnueyml fiefimIviF Tixmwai not Iuld Malawian bum Tutor Amorlcln bundle mfll amt Fltulmmgu did Am Dull mmbh will mlm John Mu nhw er nmr took hard um 1n Wodnudlya uml nu Mn Thu Mlpll Lulu will MM mum with nruoo II In Momml lonlll hu Imam am Monday with club doe lar or on ulmlmllon Nu mun cmflm lur in nu mm in Ha mtmd an Injury alum 1mm 10 am no mull auxHo llodu will mm In um um wflh Gary naunun he minds mom cm Kunm rmenl cl land and mm Eyeqnfl Iqld man putmcm hnd rmmd ill du clalon lo chum thu nnlnl dm th pkkml lahlnl In par of NoruIIrn 0n Ind an 1967 nupn will om May xLZpr6yimuy bow rcldcd maria Hodon the my 30 23E Am rhukout Armuronll goal 5m him mm man In lhe mm pll in 35111110 annular Armllranu connected twice or 20 lead Getty Ehmm Mlkl Wmon Ind Bronco Harvlul copiohdhlhurout Ico lwo ml And abyurold Pmelull pomd th mend nn rhulou mark mm dam Frldly mm 1m vIcInr noryuan Into Magnum with Pillbur Hugh Infih Wut un Dlv mm mm led by Doug Rubinom Qwo ml downed ammo 31 In tho an 05 max Lands End Forests Dept Reverse Decision 0n Pickerel Rod Amman hnl rodon ered Ml Icanl touch Bobby Penmun working mule In the cm and Roamm Amuh can no rolling min In an Amerlcln Hookoy leol aneng Dlvhlon me 11qu Body Shop By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS liter doml nMed the am md mu sham rlon grow mm Ind mm mm In cmwd 136 mm hld chmad mm In mrl round for Tiger to keep ohuzu ll Will It Ml P1 117 DOII In coup my Imam hing in in Ho are yum fend In laut the edn In the nm fimerks Whip Providence In AHL Game five round Ibrm mened lha mm Tinr with Mn whacked Mm with left hook and to who held and body int the leth Tlger bun to scare lmldo with both hand 0010 hold my no afloat In pom Mod mu wlnnu at We dame IININ In an yalrfiflm Mk boxlnc lama mm mm fender 1n mum llvo mndr and man um onlkc wm Mum anyva bid In roundl Dunk Pom lMllnd may immune MI in mudd Pm tllo Ind flw lhowln nerd ml mm Compklc Dolllalou 3m 1m 04 aura mlbhlh wand nplln lo Ill mm ol cm um nuntn our Mu My llmln mux mm 73 anli milk we limit norm hurt him 1mm mm 301un than mmm nnmue drum Qottqlfrmu Int BONS IT lh own II can In loo nfly Ml will no In an blnn thu film slonxl Im Nplnlu In oponlnl mm mm In at ol ammo hm no in bun announcod rfio my no op 11 lupporlodhy mnnmuon mum In lho North 1m um ch In mumn hidy limd ht so pmonl hi can urvmanmlafluld lint urlm up mu mum Ifllw RIO owning In caulan 1M noun7 ll hr lam lo onbu my m1 acme owning am or In rmvyooryow pm in than mu normaln Ind wtmrn 0mm by 11 or with Th docluon wu mm by Reno Dnmom IIMI Ind lar uu mlnllm In cumulmlon with hi dmrumnl onlclnll um wrounllllonl tom out mlm In tho ml coxaccrued Mr Bnmdlo uh In mlr Ith man proluu tom toutll mun In Normal Su bury am who had nlm bo ng our wbhclly wm mlklnl merv on bmd on ml ym mu opanlnl Ivor Wynne MommaUnl vmuy 1n Hamilton ymldenl of he Canadian Inlercnllefiate 113nm Union uld Frldly he hudlnl commluee mm will nudyrlho adoption Id Iou la Only unlvorllly In Cun Idl 51mm PM Vam vnr ptrmlu nullem lo mm lininch holp Duh term bumflol Ind hourMp hm al their abilitch In mm moment pron conlarenco marking lhe conclusion threodny mm IM he CIAU H0 Iald the comma plum to hm ommendnuon reldy for thu CIAU It Innual mealn neleune In Menugal mu mum TORONTO CF Athlallc Icholmhlpg my bf mmy Canaan unlvenmu by next EVEN EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER 17 Ndll Wflfiumfi Nnmu Addin Athletic Ufiion Studies Giant mcx mm ion duck Jon Tom unluuhes right In qu lourth round their CONTEST NAMI THI DRIVI You cm wm moo cuh IN RIITAURANT NIUonu nvv up WM boy had wntm Imulon Won In the only cum mu am Nlmuhlla 0n lot lwa 1mm took mm If to pal lmnlo Mm borno In Kltchanlr Barnum cm mm on Ind all up our oUwr In pldnl the mam Junior Canadian um Ind London NI Luna Ir Wings Move Into First Place Ill ANADIAN PB xifnody un Unlvmky at Munich In Wln nlpeu Ind pmde the Wulern Intercollemu moch uon uld dlmlorl ol lho WIM hm Iubmlllcd brief on lotle mmth lo pmldum unlvmlllu Ind callml In Woucrn Cnmdn mount this waehnd in Rulnn Wynnonuld than hn bun cum on Lha CMU In Rudy rm he CIAU deddu ln flvar ol athletic ldmllnhlfil in June Wynne nld aha doc Ion wwltl probably b9 lubmilled to the Imodallon ol Unlvenluu and Conant 1n Clnldl for Ip mvnl ACCEPT DECISION rWynm Wu nu mull Mu mo on Incl man would let mm tha AUOC but nldlt wu poulbla unlvmlllu muld veto the ldel collectively or In dlyldunlly Wynne uld he will mm with ropmentntfiu thaAlllve MIDI the Muriumu lnlemlloliato Athletic Almhllon tha 01 lawnSI Lawnnce Intercolle Alhleuc Angqguog hp finial1001A od Illon the 0mm lnlmoll Ito Athletic Auodlflon Ind Wulun Imucollullm Alh leucuAmg Simon Fuse not member olugho my qaneéxou mwid ban In nlihl It NowYorka Midlton Squm Gnrdenflur won um feefi VANOOUVBR OP Rev Hurtley Dent who mlmd rector cl hLI Audien church to run mini AimMy 02mm Mun Bonn In the Culbeo byuecuon Nov and Mind Elna mums rm Mn Dom who puns lo lmh It 100 Mile Houu mummy 1n the Curlboo In Jlnuury nld be my reium to lhemlnlxlry but notbolero hh Quuhingcvmmn monk runs out Jum FROM PULP WIRE WI 1m In In mu mud yaw2 uh Away from my AP Wkgphotv uuhT n74 mumm unvlcn PllllRlA ITALIA Ostump Rumovlng RR Blrm 71H llul Dm Allll mum SPORTS CALENDAR APybllc Sorvlgo Contrlbutod by Ohm Thoughilul Buflnm Firm mum smgonlol lAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS Plfltl Ilunom Ilnlll mum nmuu nrmlu PEIqua Dmpbur ll Kln no Au mm mm 500 pm llnrlc Arm mama Dmmhu ll allukuhall Cenml Colluhlo Voodbrxdn Banla nlnum 700 Drflpflyr Ill mm hmlm December to BAMIE FLYEHS It Drfllll MM Decombu 11 lull Bud Novmmo We any chgmllu ll in 011m Ell comm Emma mm CNE Heads Approve New Rubber Track than Simon Fmer Univ city In North Burn 30 IndI Expo WSlldlum Manl 1h truck will bu Inch hick but we hmnl yet da mined hw mlnyllnea we Ihcud module IN ONE mm munlw Bert Pwvll IM rid wfll be mflnble or 5n Inlamlllonll tuck meet In June NEON CPlDlrutorl of the Cmdlnn NIUMII Exhibi tion Frlday Innoumd lhey wll build nubberlud quartetMl ml luck In helr stadium and firm mm museum 43m to uh Woodhrldro Bur13x Dam replicas Eydmy Halter Windsor unmmlulonu Janhl odd In In Inter view with Davaydeducas that flu commission malod will luv no none Vunlurnad lnhl bld to male Ioolblll with tverylhlnz mm Mm stud umslo muyglrls The story quota Dmyx tint hive Ioamc one Imua Ive to lo Implement V3 wrnp up with mmme om ellll monmonuy mun loam hvlp mu hivenon givlu tug urn bucktovlhe km CA1 Mldnuuvcnuu 0cm Nfiomo ch mud Keith DIV 9mm and of hmdtlfinn mmg Law Mme tho mm by WW5 nu ma Boddw munixn m5 Globe Mugulm Mend Wuhan otm Globe Ind IMMva In Mu mm um IM SANDY CDVI MARINE rail 1mm my Ill ridiculofl lhat there were 0000 amply mu lor the Grey Cup Iln Ibo dlmncul In that In player times hm In the Em and thumb We weren oven chm untangle Rs no hamhw seem My our Iltandance on Wore by Lhu Ivlflnhnlly the us product on Canadian lellvmon 5y lo on lho 080 mu TRY EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 1mm Pf wrunficn clubs in common mu 1m whim bu Mod to urn on 110 nonhumth mu Nlewmmaon Ind Ilium vision menus Xn unnuon rm luvu to the hivemafia are huvlnx trouble you Tm Amount sinu ghc can undanllnrl the n1uc unto or thrmmn clubs 40 gm up mnney Iltyn Ill privately pwnud Ind mulrlbu than bound to belt 0qu In the private will west when the club but was chm no community owned comm ullans come from the commu nl pm with no one Individual UEW Hut the cm will romun ballmnlxnd unUJ the amern cities with lhelrbzgu rov enuu mllxe they mum iii mm runny runm my mm 1mm IColaur muvlllon Had Ind ma 05mm ENDJET BKLDOO Tomato only SNOWMOBILE Hond Sum YumIn Trlnmph MOTORCYCLES Planner mm In snln 5mm Dnnlop mm laxmu DAlES TV MLES llflVlCl Your fillth ADMIRALI CYCLE SPORT ANDION VIVIAch ll WALD Am

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