Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1966, p. 9

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xiiih vi qu ti and Mel Farr mm on mum wu had on mwhuom ol the AP tool Hun bond mom milzu and mucaflm who also voted new on On top Inn turns lbrlunp orbgm mar It Shh NEW YORK MP NWO mm nulonl chm Ind Mlehlnn Stale 1M runmh up am placed lhm on In Amclmd Pm AllAmen lootbnfltum bummed to howmmp nymanMaver VPdnAm Volunteer Chairman Confident Of Readiness oussis Wow my 1m Rena ol hmm ud NM Eddy ol vn Ind Jim Edd mm mm and Jim Lync 11mm mm Noun Dam and CUM JoneI 1mm buck munm delemlvo end OwnAmman BuMgk mu Mlchl an erklm LXIlam PM IXPIIY lfllll ll DU mgbfinnfi 0U mu Notre Dame Mich State Place Three Men 0n AllStar Team WINNIPEO CF Don GM 1n chlril of tho umnIm volunlm mun Idnm Hon for 1561 Ian Gama Thu seller paddhr Mar minulmunrs lulu mam muwmm PBEPEBS CONVENTIONAL rum 0mm MIMI Inn New In Ntbflsh Unehnclm Flu NIumofl hunnm Jim Lynch Nam gull ud Bob Mathew MEI Goan Wow menu sum Tum Baler od Punk lull htklu Cod Dowdy All bum and Guy Bumbag amen cum1m Rum Nolrl Bum Ind Iva Allan mum lamkn Emmi Mall Qummek Hm SpunR Haida met Mar Fur UCLA NM Eddy Nom Dame um Jones mum sun nxrnNcu EndsBL Smhh Mlthlnn sub and Imam Wuh 1101431 ll nullII 11 bud tho PM Amsrlcu Dunn Socmrs ur mum band now In It you at operation lnwlm tverylhln from mm an autumn of 3500 Wow an Runnphm alhldu to rm out WHO an In mu mw mmmm mm Righlifin For Wlnm Wm hand Your gqu mm Ah Fallon flu In now Wm Exfl 5W oln nu In We DMLIon and mum MIAMI Pm ut NqunMAum £1 McnuDWHm pllyatfl xqup um um xmk xhodulo 0min Sam Hexmm uld CBS mum loi Mu IM ol lb moi nth Bunduy Milan and nu Um phydh mid lalo vllcd mlhmuy In US onto will open mud mdflu lot d1 duh April 16 lemlnll bolt louuo madam sun Dleuu Ind Hmlord wm dropped bmuu tho wan un nm mm In Wpl mm mInInUoml nhudulm CIHOAGO AF Thl MM Nationl Prohuloml Soc bum Wednndu cm called proposed it It San Dlexojnd 3111M 00m and Announceth Mmdnlna ham 17° Soccer League Cancéls Entries Allin ml and luluIn chmmun In NI IMO Fum ulmdy hlvo complmd eo nhen Ilvn mve of halal In mom mm In awn ndlun Mimi peoplo um do all the work In mm commluut awn Accommth onion uwsnn Abbot mJohn Mt Wlflilml Worklnz wllh them In mm ehllmn W11 mm Younmhxla chk Pm mn in cm of armed um Ieu luau Wm who look liner puhllo relations leul reprosenuu Gardner Ind member at hm Fry McGanngn 111m no mum in my mhdlhl Wt will Abno MOV mdy won an Um coma Gnu uld In In hr Maw Wcvo lot at Fimfdfifl mm dam mu whom mmTquF1E of the public tor thu July Au mm mu Mlklul Mud IMP alanndd IN lathe no drama AP For hlcndly compat lm urvlu and 10 Ivy bnnd Mm prod uen call In now Barium 8m 10 ON CASH AND CARRY BLADE wlonML Tho bolnl provided by In donmam 1an And In which ll Ihulnl GI com with In MInJlobl uv mum and flu rlly In nlm Th0 am undu mu command nl um John do Domnnleo hum comm dulmun 8mm OBrien Invel mat hu to mm rum IthMu IrflVlM mum hon My nu Im 11 vlcuhnlrmen on aubcom mlllm concerned wilh lam mammalian or athlete Ind Vomcluh Julflg In erdnl 1h do In wurk lhu nrunll IEIIMDMN hi bud ol Publuhu Chlrlu Domk hand lho deconllom car mgnl lnd mulio commllm ulnar number llu NIUonal Conn 11 on mum and Ammun Sport hu about we doctor and to mun civilian Ina mllfllry mm thulrskllla 51 mm mm Ind lhpub Murdundllln mcullvn Don Onnl ha pomml unearned with rm In armament In lnnulm and month lhl ullllunl neod ol thu llhlulll Conimuniuuou chillmun mnmnbu two vim mlnnum Jo VIM ol un mlllu mambm ln mn nut 1h problem which wllh pmvldlnx wmmunlcll or 700 mu ndlo Ind lolelelon reporter local communlu dun bdwun colnpdlllon mu Ind Gunu hudqunb Ion the mm In not vgnmgum NEEDED Influl Im CHIVROLIT nlmynu Sudan WI on with ndlo ThII vohlclo 00 now only or 0mm wlnnlm mm mm wflllarmblhh II 111qu muny mm vu honm needed In Mn th my ovalflow visualI Eggerfleld Motors No will CBSproparl to dub Nulonulm mm mm In nu 1me II Vgfiy on new bush fly ion muth man on dgvlm to want Damon Menu and muA dlmhn whoalht an Wlmgr uuanmdgh hull yMoommmm M0 when wu 3w whtn Itlhwnd mm phyou umu mum on It me 311 arm muemxor cfib itlurprlslnn 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And VNw Yuk Kmhrbockm 0d 0d Dmll Plum 11H Odom Hal 0er more palm In mum to entryth 10m lo vklnry Phllldolphlun W11 chambth mnpnuc tho 000 mm in bound by remole no la mm loul No me comMud Jlm WAAhlnnon firm CANADIAN mi Jury Won Huh um Jump mt wllh mom nmnlnlnx In overle £0 Ive 1M Annelu 11km 1mm my ovqrst haul hr o1 Joya mum Thu Mendowbmk Gel and Count Club mm mm vnian ville hu uul than or In our link byhlnd thc HAMILTON Bermndl CF nm Unked sum team wm Hod or lb load Wednu day met We mud or lhu butbull toll loummun hm but Canadian ommm ll etaulna hard lhllr hull mm mm mummymum DISan notn Cdnfididns Mcve Fourth Pldce ml delay Mlmn an amide whim and 11m mly In II to amend hm whm ho nu hll Ilmi lhl em expected lomll uuvlv mu duh WI lbw Ill unlllul lun VINO udlo and plch up II nm from de dlnclurr mm ofllchl know Elmo0M denim ll lhu am CBS has rlch mama to put an NHL on enumrydvldc TV lnr lhmul mm yum plum to carry mnIulmllvq wmm manly In Yurk and much wan do vlcu um nlp out xi am luck 3429mm wu 1750 nick 8149 Ml Quick dryln Brilliant Mlh glou Interior mm Io dowu 32m Dunbll Ankh nomifioms ll bulb ILLif Fridny woman wm bu reduced to mm 1an fix nlmku lb Iudm or Salurdlyl Hull 1h cnunlry Itmoun Montreal him uni Toronto York Dow 12 nichollou 0190 Knnlwm Ind Toronto 130 London nwrnhlll Summit Pom borough Klwulhl Ind WIIton nrllnmn Tyindm ll Aurorl Highllndl And Roy Quebec 134 Ron Monlml And In In 0mm Burnn on Id wyldo Sudbury and Colhlrnu 1Inmhlon PLAN ron JD Pnhlmn In compmnl nu llonnl mm ol all quallflld Md cmploym In ROBINSONTS In so holu nd 00rd Dol unll Ionmmc 1mm Wulan Olnl with Ill Illar Wednudlyl Behind Unlolivllli Inomr 1h Clnldlnn mixm In lhu lo mm Playan 1h CIMIO ler wum dnudny Unlom vllle turn or pnlmloml Mil lnfiflnr Ind Immuu Mn wnu VIM Ind Mac Form carded INII palm I1 mm on thu Mlq 0cm mum my Itlll hm lo plly thu Belmont or coum could ered In an cl tho mm In tournament miss my tom Thu am an uch mm loxllyoll or Ilthlmlnl whllu the prolmlonnll plly in upodnl tournament lb Mid Ocppn Club Olympic Club mm Fun cluo Wu Burn Con necqu and lhe St Louis Coun ry Olub Mendowbrook wu llad or lho lend anu naudayl lint round Alla xLlfl lo play Belmont MI ELaux floronlo mil othgr 80mm or firm gunman ul Am cummd lo thInnlholr on umlnmunt an mrluur Infl rolauvoly unnlerruplod mcl lgndm W33a1 um mu no loo vpuwllh mm but Man In not lhclrchom lo mm Thy network Mlle olhorwny In ulunflllln quoho 1mm nuchu In Cnnldlnn 1001an um IIdIHMI put on when mo cummmm $32 mu It mm hi elm vlu work It will In ndlpud gem mam Glldden spnAv ENAMEL handlm way km palntl mum nl into Ihc In povlod Ihn nlllod to wllhln out hi 0mm nu whln lolllond Imdn GUI on lhI nm In In km ho rally fol Hum pm nu llml on Ah ManonId IMHd luv Hillburm null whllq Gary Jarrut Em thlog Ind Don mu mud IIth urnlm Wu tor ihu llomfll mom them out of In wlth lhl d1 Rochum Amaflolm mmnluncrbwghnl me on Wm Undue wanuday Mlhl Piuoburn Homu downed llmhoy Bun And moved me Hm we Ln Amman mm wu Irn DMIlan 0mm llluru Wadde Jo Cronin American Lbzuu Idem dlIeloIod that flu or on mddmnlvwrm 593 mm mum mnbmu cum Anni wm wily IM 0H0 mad nu mm Hme thln DOM And ll mr than MIMI Tho Am all Iéd 1n dough plm with ma 5mm anthemm Bears Beaten By Empty Net mmind World 01 mm Philljiésfs SW9 Pitéhérs MN MP wm 0mm hid Mm ml Nun ml are hlnklndgpolohflmm whammym unmet It hk ml ll quzhwgon huclhl In rm Chicago Cub In lldelphll hllflu bumll Mogul um mm mded Ith on 539 MM cnllf Fhfli Wodnmlly rim MM Orioles Heady Fielding Avgs In MIo bum hulllom in all Ham chum hum 0M tow Tum Imam Ind mm ms Mn godmguu 003M ml mzzfiummw mew MIN mdolmchom tram lam oxclulm mum Mum Gunmanmm HF mom loaluln nouml cum ummn uh Impa HIM with amazln orqua sans drive 5mm Gil56 for 67 ARE HERE nah mm 3351p mun Im mangrhuawom Iastesasgnndas gundflumshnuld tastes as gund as good Hum should my Np and Lmbuanllul film cuh In um to onuwllh lha Cubl Ellmorlh wulcuen lrll dmllnx bunun mm at ahnbhy will Usmord wu mm the bu point bum 1mg he lnlml man on and Md wlnnlnn mm In mh ghhll our cannoun Mm HI MY GULF

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