Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1966, p. 4

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you Db wvv muw mlllllumfll IN mmmm Emmmm om egg3 127 2mumm1mnutmnyaawurmmmM hu lumd in Ivau witawn lnbdv hr your lul um IMIY mu m7 Th wunulndmrl prom an all H211 In 01 minke mid Mr me my my mm In or II ml W31 muu ul 11m hurlnul be ommllm on mn gumcr tr II and Wm Tho mam heard uummn 1M mm blunt Ior Nah load mlm minding Rim llm Ind to II mull ml no mo sign um Indor ln prim An ow commendation from WI mm In lho MuIIJh bu 5h wound In Inm lln cmlllnm um than mun my 11 to rm on uudlod by commlmo on my Wu chllrmlqu ol Olkaol Lly Dr Major aramerll and lm hum In Hm muu ul hurlm be mAWATM prim Ilhd Clmlm heiru crludzed In ma vropmllan cl uu duly mil mm mm ma MPI 0mm 11w thl lublrct law hmmn mkm by Mammary milieu the show School saiety en Banie streets on by poll Grunt Mayor elected Melyhorm Bmle by acclamation or 1947 are will he an electth ior all other seate After 50 year active Robert Coulsen received honbmryjmemiomhip by Grand ind loyal Orange Order Poetrnestea Thomson ur ed early mailing Christina evenlei Jennett oi ivy won second grin ior elds at intern tional Gnin how in Ciucago Rev Frank Humphrey commenced pastor ate at Ftni Baptist Church Bartlett and Robertmr duo pianists presented iint program of newly formed Barrie Communist Concert Association at Dolller 5t United Church auditorium Barrie Collegiate Band completed concert tour which took them as er east Cornwall also plum at Peterborough lindsey Orlllia the Fella and Horned owl got into small barn owned by Herbert Sparham on Dundomld 6t tmis began ce tor had long string suit are even wom Other Editors Views 0DD READING ABOUT FINANCE WindsorStar Well it the iedml emment iamov in into surplus iion it is doing so onihby extracting more andmore out at people But in tact Ottawa has deficits some huge Ontario on the other hand has had long string oi eurplum Andeomeoth er pmvlnces notabl British Columbia and Alberta which not oi being debt tree are iquite healthy financial there is mud more oi all this at an 0t tawe conference the people oi Cenada will ahudder at the prospect oi en iu ture one They would much pro or it the provincial premiers eta ed at home and desistod imm whining or momand more money Each level government is quite capable oi taxing the 51mph plenty When they get together re me This at coum was the ole vleus answer he had to make and fielded the question miter meatiy party leader can aspirant ior leadership hurdly Inn aay he expect hla party to lint than he amplified thi wluthuihe mat thha in on ma lnd it couldnt be Held whit would happen tn eomtna months in othenworda hewu In directly admittlnl that the partys PDlilan at present it not too nronl This he didnt hava to do And you liked him iar it Which to rebany the atronl ut thing Nixon has our to him lie in extremely like MAN NIEORHY Ona mm or thin likable nus ls hla ohvlous intently lie govdt5 put many ol even the most rudimenhrk comfona and commences olv 1110 their leaders hungry formapawqr am will twomcloeerxto anequauooflngwuh e1 enemies devotethelungrgle nnd thecounhys limltedresoumeo the davelopmgnl of unclean wen nu Tha yhlnéae have Already oded our atomic bombs the lasijd med kel 113M tllxeylm yorldnglfay gh 55 Dec 19 impressive ceremony regimental colors of Grey and Simcoe Forester were deposited in Si Thomae Church Shanty Ba Having been con verted to 4511 An 4an Regimen irom Infantry Foresters are now part Eoynl Canadian Artillery M0001 Ken nedy DSO ED Commendin Oillcer handed overcolom in Rev mgeW Lark rector of church Simeon Coun ty Winter Fair openedjor two days BarrieArmoury Warden Ernest Miller and Ma Peter Sinclair presided ni ccremo as Featured speaker openini night we Mm Kate Aiiken formerly Beeton womonI editor and radio com mentator William Meloomron grad dent Barrie Agriwliural Society ends the shew thool safety primelug OTTAWA REPORT Shop Around More Consumer Advisedv 20311qu Agom rowu Gnuml We acflonsnflfifls midM sh98 16 on the grounds that war with the n1 ed States In lnevflable Acceptance by the There are many reasons for the Chinj ese preoccu Llon with the took of war Chinese lea era are determian to me that what the Russians and the Ameri cans can do they can do also 11 51 mm The 991 min Expengjredlvided on the robabl shape loe filth test It ooul be Mid other cm at arocketdelivegy mm especially lightening because e1 de strucuve potenflnlrbeyond Chinel bardl era or an attempt tom hydrogen bembheven more figmemgp ii Bihuriiéi Midi be pcéeiflad out qugatlon II PATRICK NICHOMON um um mm 33 nu mm mu Mm uu my amm weduruon at Wall Io Iona tornnow MM Im wdlhwn ma mum apd DOWN MEMORYILANE Mr 14 um our Mdlm ofln mm Mm 33 mm mu mm cut my Mam weduruon Will Io Iona ant mmln Dr Hqu culled vim unor cMI Im an rmumunl um do wnmonu ol mammalM 2101211 menu 32d ultra pun an mmFddmo production ml II imambow Ind on Ibo com mhlu rm Inlrlumd Io mm lha moran buy druu mm chum nun flu but Ill In dad In pm by um uh eh mm an IV nu my bag pm pm ml chm lhln the drawn my putu In Iho FJVEA at mnumulun by of roman1H Innrnnllonnl r9 umMmM Ma and mule dehch on mild lul oqnlvlkm or vaunted dml Ind my producl lmwmd my 59 produél flirtfilm mm Hm Kan or lllly learned mo frequent prlu Morqu beth brl at corner Theresa and killed 33 prizeBar red Rock hens and mm below bein shot by Bayard Spanham 14 How Napthali superintendent Childrens Aid Society for Simeon County addressed Lions Club e1 Barrie New members in dupted were Stan Aikens Derry OSulii vanArl Webfier and Lyn Boswefihin nmctpr at Bertie Flyin gluh Dedi cation memorial win ow was made SL Georgea Anglican Chumh by Vaner able AJ VEInmeit Ardndeaoonr at Sim2 coe Rev NewtonSmith was in gharggpf 5W0 whifchiwas aiiended charge of mwice which was am dad by Ia or Footo VC now nut in he carries out dmplalndu hi Banlo heréarflers ofitéiixiplalndu Hes Camp Bordon SuIol then there it every good real won ng China out other incredlbl dnngemu isolation when being leftjn points stunfight to the hell of nuclear war 1m handu oivthose who am digpmdt Jgremdththém that war Lurln fact in viable And itdoeslibtle toeaseLten 510m to pointimit thaPentaxon does ihttIChinn is siill sevemlyemirom velopmant of myengan ade unto delivery nystgm pgrhaps 511 at away Many things can hnp an in made to change the politicgl mate Butgiven similar circumstances to thoge prevailing Wday at the end oi that mlativelyahon Farina not time and taking into account he heat that wouldlbe generated lromi 19 lotiwmpuldezins emery oihai9 and the lohgamauldedng embers of hate and Mplclom It would take onl the mum hrmlhnl an inMdnnrinn flerRMa Mplclpm would take em me umea breath of an inddention therslde t9 an the embers into whltwhopflame Other Editoré Viewé wllhom tho but lulmlev 0r mm mmmoMcd ch lurvm warmly Hut cm which we hm purchased do nol coma no lo Band vim bu mind In um Mollla DWI ind modch mku dont Ml mulled Rynld MP who Id Dorm uv hbmaucruk com Wm our own ma muting love bk Money think II Illul mu MM min new Ihc mule my Mum nu mammal 30m hm on dlunmmlon Hmlé mm mlrwn perm Mu m1 my So at you my nut whll hawrncln lhl dud Ioldlm enqulrod Dry Mam MP vlmlmlu II on dlulnrfl edryq covpnuun mm 5an mm mm wwwmw mm DIWth 611 iatrlr Enuka Hm KILL TRIBEIMIN KAMPALA Unndn MP mum lrnmmon from Budn wm killed In uxchlnm wnn pollen And 11m In ullln rlldm In mm Uundl 9011 reported Mon day Two Ihnuund hud of rmvurod One rulnn ur um Ilkubloo nm II III obvloun madly in mm who lerenfly 1m cant In Inylhlnl but com pletely honed 11m when in In um r0 lunflnlly lmblmulu quulon Nd llu lbw About party hl cant duck my aim men would Asked it he expected bu puny to win In the next election he nld lhlnk evny put laud exam hh party mg of come Wu In at vlom nmwer ha had to mks and fielded the question num meafly party ludtr GJfl uglnnt for ludmhlp hlrdly Inn uy he uxpecu bl plny ta mc mmhwm Mam no mo Wu lqucr Vlmnt no But than he Imflifled lb on mo lnd It cauldnt bl Mid whit would human In cumin mounts ln plurgworda hawu In film liIIOc By Your MI Dry mm new Mm ma Pout owe DWI mm IM for Wm Man In DIM luodmmd smfigm new uronomor WhanRobri Nixon Announced hi candidlcy im ibo Liberal leudmhin iu wu rdmhingly mink Ho km MIME QUEENSPARK Leadershipj1¥spir¢¥iifi BefreShifiwY Frank Vyrwrlety llmu hlm iHE mum MODEf Rxbkérfkw Mm And deI Enul who mm mhmd Communllm Mo tho world TLUORIDAHON Dan 51 Recently Mr Ed leunlnu In Heller to our maxnu on od tho ethca Ind morality of Humlawn munld LI War In mm with or out pubic remMum whan no mun within ludlufiufddluon 51 puma mpravvme of con1n percent of chil drcnl tum Not children I111 bonaflz mu Nnmam bend tooth dmy Will lull 51DLCWM mm 1mm cauld palm nut mlnfld at Ma comd If finl look min ll Mm mll uyu Wu an mmhcd ll Mmumumm nonnm REPORT Mordm Cammklu It may mum dour mple pay undmund mm undmund whylhoon ma ll 5n NIct bum mu Mr Jennlnln latter howmr mman llu oblocflon to fluor ldnuon that lhl Murdan Cum mll¢aonfluor1dnllm mind In braér lo Mm In um mm um um err mum wu lhm mould In no qum but ihnl than ihauld bul mu on by 31mm thay um um Im very lfgo lhn primal pulm bend tooth dmyVfll iwl mmfiu downotm mah 1mm la ol chfldron duvm lhnmulvu 1km how muc mm Im baby 117 go gconfflmuhdo Nice guy umilly donL mm Ah but pollllcnl IndexI Lud mhluuoflm pllhjloflhardg munbe Mum And mm to mack llnnly to lutomaucally the wuhunu in the amnth Ind to firm bud lunch at them In is cm at tho head gavelmam mm mm In limo there no man um hnvu to In drwped mu nkod mu mun lgelumed downlnd Hm flue dnwg on mum And Anmmmssvom hm hmlfijfljy mm by in mm n1 NB éiinnél Rum mwcl AuAonumiaufimmum lhtmtlonllbrllm VALLEY TAXI pllVMOUIOflI mum mm LETTERSiTOEEDIVITOR minl 7282433 b2 b0 3011110 com Four do yogi van 11o nyllhm duel paler Imonnlly from um hm Imrd Ind rind lbw ha hlw lulu Intel Maidflan Im on balm unlnu It llmply buluu gnu mop mm plex or Wound in than quu Im unn rIllnnnl vour could mt be Informed About AM he am In undmund Then an been In of tram qoggm Aanq fluorl 1c nlflum numdnlhn bum Hun Ilyman but than gm lo jam um Vlhllf fnlon ml Mlllfuffl Iuppm coma intmm pimam wlm tho war mad led vom Inn to dncldu Mu ovum Mr KInlI con mfidhn It um All cap of dnmomcy Hm HM mm an dqdlg Nqbol Prho wlnnlnl ou wax mm mph who won know unouxh about It to com lo correct um wflh an Monica Com J¥Wm hum hi party oxpoclod to only Hm will Ml Kawevu ha uld Ind qulu Indy In 1201ch you never an all whu quid turn at emumu lake Il hklnu over In ludmhlp way In wow 11 mm prov unhunbh Far don with Jill tEmmi pmon Mn Wm 6m adultJ the wand lorvlnm And 1th W495 clukflren HIM code unlbu or lo lied and km And to damn am can ml the num hm Illa Inc an tho hum am It mm nbundlnlly Joglg loylo um book ma wnxmti mud mm fatiguing 11 mung mu mwu Idmod ammo mamv1 fiflbfih mm mm lunu Into buy Iorfya Iman On Math wlldlllo thumb II muhl up mun Mk mm IMDMM Schwinn Rup Hnam FrommJumbo In Mind pemml hauler tonm mum mm tho Ildu ntmflhe buck mm now map by Jon crux4 Aluminum mu wfio mfifingmhmfi mm twang comm nrockolJnlytobc and mutton byMuun Wood in ind may commo analAle lhllflbgl Fortmums Ill WINNIE OFKARREQ by Hasdu umurblnl la Iota thlzfub 713 Michel Mm hIpm mi clelmlehmrmlndm DM mummn um um 1N houu Fun Ieulbla which Mum mw mo Mn Only mi diving on bu lho ml doflnlllon of 1m Ind ml Mag Illfbifllq glam In an Ami mnmn Bum Human It Geared to Mon mung Ill Hindu now MM wow by my 3mm dumlnuy Mmedo M9 wbtth Amm In ant In neaNAkel mum AND 113 wu noun Well men my uryglor Idultlf mmn 91 um um numwAzmrrm book axiom the hhlorlul ru or Wit It mnquencel and UN mum 1mm young yentlon 0m or those molt nomad mamo lem tnd mm mm WHEN EIGHT BELLS TOLL by Mimi MlflAlfi Smilin ed dunner 1n new adventm in 59 met 11m EMILE AND HIS E00 by Muk Rue Huh clum Mcsm mommymum dwfimh mammw imansdvazmgnr um mo dint AND THE J91 amen Mfdder Myll WM NONE Well Imen MAM um vmr Wat RQECWJMM DROP IN TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER AND ORDER ANv NUMBER PRINTS $125 lo $150 Provlndalmd Mm Silo Tux Burn BIBLE THOUGHT 336 Blake Make Your flosorvulioq Now Eor NEW YEARS EVE SAT DEC dancHo BOB ARBUCKLI HIS CANADAIR ORCHESTRA EMBASSY HALL PHOTOGRAPHS AVAILABlE mm wn cmm ACCEPT mvnonn omnms nAnms EXAMINER REPRINTS 0F EXAMINER 48 HOUR SERVICE l6 IAVFIILD IT Mn Mm mngmi chrlmnu EmeElmmd ofIt um com um gnmdxed book fildcfiwutml hetplh ullnlng mom mun dw walll known brroodl 101 ouu byMCanm odl tor mum on WINK clothe emuI ma loch mm pmlu ml and nlnunm pl mlka an my mom to man PICTURE GUIDE lo BEGIN NEM by mm vialrid book dc or chlldrm but omflm or myv cm In Mama to hm In new gum nnws mm GARDEN AND now Amer mm Munro Mcxmny lent Miler olqor boy Ind fix who bwlwwasm mm your pv may mum lo mIMML wmflmm Mummy MWme ummmmm boyuwo oxmun NM We co nu mm Michalth ylhrmm at m1lorloqulqlb°¥l mm mmu briman 54W flrbpl 13 53¢ wWJm mm Muhammlm hIpm clgotemmcndm Math wp mg 60 3mm Lugs KNEW by lorrlo OM

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