Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1966, p. 4

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MKTWM Irnrlmtrc Zirdonty Leigh centre who livu on the Ore tide of Eight Mile Pointroed which bordere with with anrhtp ehown Keep spending with lion vlllietn Stewert tlcltlrnlnlrier ct oerlculture end load and llumphr reyI mepte yrup extenelon MKILIV muwwvw wwmpn3wnrm coated ion or licence end it it cud tblt It OX el figment nu Lean her been producer maple product or you it Council Is Warnedl oy at lonlsttl Council held in new tor meetlnz MondIy to wealth leer long endI Ind herr ev erei deiege on which took their lgnminutee Ind more ot Illotted Treuurer nicherd Groh wern vie rcmertt mode when Witter Georde Burton Isked moment tn ml to toooo yard at till len elli PIrI thle tell it the weether holde lie teltthll would bring ht pm posel up to point where uee could be nude the work done thlr all or next ycer in thin my the portdne me which is hated behind tool lbw come he prying lnvertment pic nlcirer on rurh weekende would not have to park on the phyla Holds road could be lit more the welt eide oi the north chore eo thIt me could be mlde ot thin eriy tor the tint me toloene the piecinl at ulllclent till to brine thet beIch Into ure liewever Council limited cx pendlture to hell the Inwunt required Ind will cti tor ten der for the tilt to be loeded delivered Ind Iprerd where eeded While there the pol lblllty et not beinI it Ibie to cover but the expenre ot revemplne thie perk it we hit mmdl mid not mat ite chlclrene Plenner Gery Alex dllcuned gropeeed ptIn which tlret mutt Iv oi the mum at the province be ornate Ire Indeed Plane lube taken todtbrmrtoner open Ire re ercon Itderezlon there nicotine will be not up between the Camem Lon Authority Ind the elIi Peril impelether hoerd ill at 101000 11 trim may be Ivollbble only it re twmtrlp expend In enuII Imount With out doubt the rovemenu on our LIiteeide pI Ire aids to mm It one ot the to In perked the em but the plIn three on one end the re open or yelterdey were to minute at tht he Ilreedy en done nrmr aAnAon Councillor WlliiIm Olbbine chIlrenIn oi the tlrecomenlttee received rovel to rent It Ire in my true enoth to hold two piecee at tire equip ment urine the time the new it under oonItructlon to be heeled end liebte math to thee the howetetlan can be put into mmedlheflretdbheln yrttn Dexter deputy It olthe volunteer brlude ectlan in which over mud to becem with lnntItil all In cherle The new truck le ecte to be detiverx Oil More at Decenben weter tent truck in now me amen potent wee lven the reed vieor to to the ill flyl DepIrttnent toeutnldre purchm at new eoId ereder to replth In old matinee to crvlce tor elIht this mechlne etll in utenbte condition Mr Green Idvieed that or overheul would be needcd it we to be used tor mow plowin thtr wlnierlhe urchue wi be mute on to chIrnrdta next yeIrI hud Iet However by netting oltlclel epprovel mitt could meen thIt thl will menu the tint ot next year expenditures Mr cowen iIted that the old mI chlne hId performed 10000 hour at Icrvice Ind otter follow Ibie ennlna lob would Itlll the tot ot ure leit but Illa it we Itlil worth need drol ll Iturm tn proposition DMliDAIED There Ire some bulldlnu in Bell Ewert that Ire in Iuch Ihape they Ire unlit to ure ar rebuild Ind ehould be demolleh ed Thl hoe been dlcuered with the ownere and my thI been lyen limited time decide hthey with to have tilted dee viewed or roclllm Ielveee the decision on title end the old Siroud rinlr ere pendlnl end will be mIdeIhortly MT WARDEN 01 one at the tenant why lnnte tit teele it entitled to the htlDllUItSTtStIlti Alter ome to you at twice Welter Forbee our VerprI council th eIr lie did not ltr the recent vat VeeprI deputy roe lotion Down will uoceed Reeve Forbel who new live on Mepte Itreet in Bertie the Id at council luv leer Mr on won the honor by IcclI antlon rec tlywhen hir Forhee wtthrlre Itter nnrnlhItlan been lhlnlrlnl Ibout withdrIwnI tor me time Ild htr Forbee he termed lo meet at hi til movinl to Irrle iaiiowinl men Mr Forhe atd leyrd eervice on cwnell nd gorecleted Iupport elven hlm VeeprI triand throueh the iuthrNo nzezcrtzu Council voted to Irlier th yerr In over oi bulldtnl to cleo otilce bulidln hoI nnhtldhu ed recelv IwroVIl tor enniel rent Oppoeltion dey oped In the pro ect do IyId Ilty the ier eubmitleel to vote In the to oi nu onnIir end it went down to to Ind thle II ely telun to teen thel the poll ot centinulnl to rent rlvlo oi to In herrie Itltbe continued Councillor Cert Dom the oth er council panent to the re poeed new vlo ottch bu will move up to deputy lecture at Ore vvleh toolter euvllienlteloryour con tidence In electing your councillore eler 1967 etintmrai Campbell Kenneth rAtton Mc we em In anwm Glichrlst Lean eure while werdeoehlp of the county in root is thIt it will he loo year Ilnce the tint wrden we elected trom lnntetil Ind elnce out time only three other the been reeldent oi thlr townrhl Next eIr with the Mundane PM no hutch tn tnnlrtlt end on the term ot our rceve mmy here net that ent count member owe it to our town to elect our reeve under in the January election Aeted it he ever reIdyto lere hie term menerement to other Ind Ilve thmwerdenehlo full time erviee wn chann Reeve loe Oodrrene etoted out he tell thlI wu theenly wey the lab cowd be hIndled N0 MRI CALU November we quiet month er tire cIii were con cerned Theonty run the tire equipment hId we when they Ianered the cell tor help tram andtard end the truck ent dIy an IrdIt the pence umber gnfieny tn thet town Lettutwpe It December with it Chrletme eeldhretlen will rove It Quiet withho tlree itlt twa ItItlene toIoewer cell in iontettl reeidente will be daublynproteoled butChrletmIr cIn meet better In without tire in the home innthe nWI council Ind become eecond count council tiv Council or Daren hi and up port winch er him too vote to err tor Woe lulleli ltIr rie The inter now tepI out tor the time beioI NEW COUNCILLOR th by Allen Jo neten ot Mlnertnl one ot three councillor who will to oilth out ye ed at tor other two on title ltuie et Deleton Ind ry It Im at Min Emerinl to ule tor ion time It ton merchent until eilinI out recently in Vern Wait at CundleI only mined election by live vote in the recent pollin end tere have he will try Inn in the future Fred lilien will Mk chenre on the choel beerd re plecln Thom McKee tunter um Ind utttord llrrle will be Iteran new term in den uIry lvvvd both hem it no tit1h Boud de reelden In lsr who Ive lived tnkt muna threententbt nor Ind dlhlnz ver the teree new clrcuiIr mot eurent Ind night club ned tether NoltIvimne rk development am to Oompe wounded in my no in the township eeet mumm eeth recelvodttl nnme Iiterthe lndten chtct who helped the Britlehfln the Wire ion1 lhc township hoe ltleet Gwliliml burvon the east Adloln onlthe went end Eric on the north withhertt County to the Iouth ineev WilllIm Mllitron held preren populetion ot the out Ittentloo by line It go council which min will heeded byunecve Eertdirovm tor um Since the weter ehorture whi rertflcted town hoeinn durtnz the lone dry ell tut eununer the neetonm er IltuItton hec been the Iubi oi lecunton Drtltte were mode and uwere taundnelptl Meet The wee In eh mentored created problem OunKtltor 1W liewton one ot the reelected memberr told cpIyere the mute WI ter Resource Conurdnton ie ow to the metter ettention rte rec ormneodetlon waited Councillor Peter UrbIneld Inid ere Ihould mulled ttret betore roceedlo wlth pten tor min not pI on in order to mid the breelrlnn up at the pov In lIter West at heeton the eountv hu done reconetructtnn work The eeet entrance irom higthy he been Iced councillor Boynton heed edthe renI heard no improve Ccokhtown Club Gus com trth OOOKSIUWN Slot ceolre town Corn Gila hulmelved the Lyonl tor the hi eet point in ltrtoven dietr ct durlru 1m Lloyd Welt who won the South dtmoIMYorhhlrecgreIedere tr run to won the Ben Steer Ipeclel Ilre thI been honored by the Coola van Aertteelturel Society PtIn tor the tool ccntenntet tell tIlr will be dlecueted oon It the comldl winter meetlux at the Coohtmm tetr emote on Hleh yield competlilanr were conducted in South Simeoe tor and corn crop end ilruree beprerentrde rtly 19 Years 011 COuncil Vesprct Reeve Retires The mum at deciding on tht to do with the centennial Igorgent oi Iodide 90 which hat Ipprov proper Midterm attic bulidlru will thI to be elven IIrly attention by council Ilnce the letter protect wII relected by the voter EIri ltl rdeon cleric am he be lie ed the not could be plied toInother protect bu he empheelred thl we lame to or the council to decide mm ro molt Yuroelevi export we ton of tohloco RIIIRVI NOW THE srnsruts uonsrsuor mm ext eesoerl Linn renewrooterg In oi the kitchen newerhroom tinneced byethenotery club tur nIce convertlon to all and new ice core er ShertdenlMctlluiyIlIo he oi hydro eervlccr We have edd out new trnnrlormere role cIted eome othcrl added teed er line and cleared wire may from the rtreet to melee wy tar fvipnby the enunt uteltt ladder truckwe equtpm my xnrtmcnwhur nos ruorue mom CttMlll ll WIHI thMVIItlltti lfllt IIAliNG All lltli in revq zeeinnnm niemen The hcr councillor reelectr hId busy year no chIirmen Vt up Beeton end not hence rIt coe county clerk wureeve tlctlrnleth ln 1m end into Attention in not hot eperetlonen tor the uor voteppromoted to enceureze tourlet tre heeten he Ircecitteii bar ilcenerd hover com Totltlonhlrn IiIo II hotel liquor thereere no hotel liquor ctltttee It Aillrton but theret vernmentetore end brew reteilvetnrether unnevrncrtrrmr The community at tearctto ceied in Action ehort dirtInc weetot Teetermeth hre hotel ieeliltterInd In the noon woman not the town ltow Sign Made for Cemetery lltThexnlon ruonrmu sum new be inetelted It nornten Union CemeteryII7IcontentIt pro tect The Ittreettve Ilill ex ted to be ready ehortiy tmn Irrle where it to teeth mIde at Gcorco Reld utidlno more The aim will beer the tourin tlon Thornton Union Cemetery Cent reunion The cemr tcry to the buryinl piece or numerous pioneerI at theem OVEN hire with Ordine llectvle Lllht lulhll out been tuued ornamentel entrencenlzn in to end fALLisToN tstIit Anew ltcevoWllltIm Mthlienwho no toot ion our teet wide bridae whi extcnd lrorn the Notteweeen Riverbank tn the Flore Sod Componyrdevelop ment to Rolnbcw lsiInd he been receivtnl Ittentlon Anchored by two concrete pierthe bridge provider loot pIih to picturesque property which will mode In telend nah made next Y0 The nevi brldrele intert improvement in Idem recreIe tlonIl perk vInd entertelnment development planned by the in Iddlilon ctrcultr motel hieh bu din per couretennt courtI not mine Ireet Ire ironed alone with the inland eveloprnent VA nlxht club entertIlnrncnt him dinim room are in eluded in the plenr it lIvor Ibie vote it returned by Tecumu eth voter on Jan 25 on cocke tIil lounxe Ind dining room license AEntreneeJo the pnrlr which letle Ibout it here and in clude pertiehd onbeth rtdee ot the rtvertr lrorn hlehwly to Ibeut three miles out at thlr trade at the alt eltlctalty opened thenew bridee recentlyieit the development would be importInt to tourtxt £5th DnK lihrv clerk dormer my warden stndltee hi you It the ceremony twee fitfin wwnwrmayrdemrne lFMtl mpmwifiwwmqvmsmwm mmflyflww other memberevot the council Deput Reeve Kerry Cree Ind Counc or Allen Gilretorrl lteI tord Lon Ind Welloee Herbert nlIo coopcrlted in etlortr to up port thenew development Michael bomberdl prerldent Ind Lulet Elite treuurer been pleIIed with the consider able lntcreet thewn leuuele¢ grolvs Reguler 5100 FUNl hire deltoloul ceiree hrownlupleepretuteptrne with 12 wieldteeter mixer lielrlnl time to re mlnutee EASYlwhtte one pen beltee nnnther coolI Everythinr you need included lr neceon em out LMendey Wedneedey no Thundey leldeygllo 78 $1898 573 LINKYS RegulIr eneo anrru auasr cnnrsruns STOCKINGS poet let 99 one 530 hm 0mm pen

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