on CHRISTMAS rim trcein the backgro icrtlve touch to the ringV or at the annual Iatmar riy tor the Canadian National ltute oi the Blind held Sat CROSSconned server illiteracy rflllquEANQIIARP Canirlian Preaa Wok ar Editor Centennial projectr epoarored by national womene Iorganiza tions atom distinct literary tn cl atlon lit Ioaat tour are hr ging out book to celdtrate Cnnadar 100th birthday in rear luo haveaet up libraries oat oi titre protects alerted exlar back or i905 are reported on achodule CroneCanada strrey by The Canadian Press rlwwa Inn at the books are cook births The Laura Socord Cano di Cook Vilaolr war arrembled edited by member at the nudlan liome Economlca Aa lotion Some ot the proceeds go to lie echoidrahlp iund New Demoeratlc Party wbmtn have collected 700 to 300 recipes from party memberr ior aCenadion coolr book itery Quayle lnnir oi Too to her edited The Clear Spirit biographior at to prominent Ca nadian women of the part sponsored the Canadian Feti emlion oi ntverrlty Womena clubs the book Ir put together rpm contributionr by it current wrltorr Committee oi the Federated Wmena Institutes oi Canada havo produced The Canadian Monte hirtory oi crailr in eaeh province BET UP LIBRARIES be Progrenive Conservative ermenr Iirrociailon her or taiatd lhn lilacdonoldeorlicr Inbury ior Political Ilereorch li ill have bookr on every type it lItIcal ayriem and aocilon bird to Conacrvaiive arty Mama and ponera The ll rrr willbe boured at etional hfllnuartcra In 0t wa ha National Council oi men denrlod 000 and 1000 In by and about women to tireUnlvorrliy oi Waterloo io inï¬ll the nuclear oi library on women no collection lr ale rcotly being and allhauah tt wbnt be oiiiclaliy prorenled ilJune i007 or Canrdirn Nuraer Aunti aitun haa put ilr hlrtnrf on ilim minute color move in En ilr and French har been ma on uraln in Canada ldltim tlo theirhlrooit or no no or Elllllf7m urday evening at Corrimunity llouse Barrie Blending their volcoe the group above inc cludca rented leliio rizht Mira Jonphine Green Mrs Don Ferguson hire Harold Webb Proiects Centennial Celebrations ya in St George oat Wt it 70 in 1061 Theyhave also been working on malreCanadeiovclior cam palgn which he reached ior ea nrlrtoyelriulr NWT where members will participate by cleaning up roperty and plant inn window xer The Womene Liberal Federa lion oi Canada has decided to honor Canadar tirat woman aonotor the late Cairine Wiiaon with memorial in the centre ior tho periormlng art now being built in Ottawa 10 FRESENT MEDALS Tho NationalCouncil oi Iew Iah Women has arltcd anel oi history oroieeaorr to nore ll oniatandlng Canadian women oi the centuryliving or dead The council will honor them with bronze model given to the women or repreaentatlver oi their lamlller during National Jewlrh Women Day at Expo er Some groupr are inviting poo plo to come to Canada tor the celebration The Voice oi Women plana to hold it recond international conierenoe at lhe Unlvcreliy ol Montreal to dlrcnrr how women can work toward peace and dirarmament The Canadian Womenr Prerr Club ir inviting women lournai lria tram abroad to remlaar to he held at the Unlvcrrity oi Toronto Money ralriog prolecta are going iairiy well The tow bar almnrt reached lla 330000 goal ior tunda to be given to provincial ohapterr ior educational roi ccir rpakerman raid DE hoper to overrubrcrlbe ha Burlnerr and Proter ional Womena Clubr have ralrod all but about 000 oi the 5000 they aim ior They will invert the money and me the roceedr on pro to beth working wome The Catholic Womene League rat £100000 an ill goal tor iund to be given to the Vanler lnrtitute oi lhe Family it her ao lar collected whom The YWCA Ir encouraging ltr brancher to hold Operation Open lioura it would involve retiing up committeea to pro vlda lniormetion on local air We feature Acoutron the most and Mr Webbe iridin ate Gary Bradley tell and Don Frmuangloilowing entertain ment Seotavuntu Arrival oame toot moment too mo Ex aminer Photo making visitorr leel welcome and helping them roe rome part oi Canada in way the couldnt manage without new edgabio help Hints From Experte For Homemakers With mrlatmoa coming aoon make Chrtaimaa bread that la Indlvlrlrolly yours recommend lood specialist rt Maedonrld ln atltute Univeraiiy oi Guelph Simply use braid rweetwii recipe and vary it with your choice oi nqu candied or dried mil flatorings and abepe Family home early and dearert not made Then ioliow thir tlp ior quick and deilciotrr durum Simmer ripple ellcee in rklllet or aoocepan with auger and little water but until tender Serve warm with cream Tired oi plain hamburger pal llca Then create lood gema by making iiilod patiica oi ground beci Seal cooked rice grated cheese eouteed nurhroomr or thlctr barbecue niece between the very thin patllu Cook ra moi it your oalie has dry peaka or iunnotr you may have iued In much flour mixed too long or bolted the erke at too high ierrrooroture WALL TAKES TOLL At leert lit roiugcea have ben killed trying to more irom Earl into West Germany in the tart three yeara iAWhera Style Meelr The Man at at bollday glitztlme the Math longbut heaving gut in rhorlt uw oot tor and cent of litlle mom on which the inmm oi aowlnnglilty ur duh oi imagination to unirp eaeniable little lterrir ry ider nativegltt that ltourh oitthe donor rorn thing which no porchred or out bertow Perltapa you dont corridor youraeti adroit gifted enoo to malt rornething accept mpio trom rorateb ilta true that many women dont have frat oartioulartaleot But turn it into protter By the browaed pery depart ment trimming countarliatel linot out be amazed at array unueualanddecoratlve irlrnrningr all warhable that are HolidayCustemsLIn Lands MarltChristnIas Party Helld iradltlonr in countria around world highlighted th program at the Chrlatmaa din ner arty heidb memberr oi the ill Circe oi theWo at St Andrewa The eurtome were outlined by membera oi the WAldrrrred in cortumea oi the count reaeMod The Scandinavian countrler dry Mrr ltred Sm have reading on Chrlrtmrr to entice hire Swana to lo included Yugorlavia Creehorovrliia and Poland Germany we the rub Ject choaen by Mrr Hooper NATIVE CUITDMI Mrr Swan had an her guert Mrr Evenh Barrie who born and ed ted in Hot land Mrr rpolre with euthorlty oi the Chflrtmaa eira tomr oi her native land The Chrlrtmar program over under the conveaerrhtp oi Mra McCaw Jr Mrr ll Magulre oi Mina ring catered tor the chnaer Burlnerr oil enlng In cluded ilnal arrangententr ior so nanny MENS snow ironing mdiil hlrnwiih colleeiioo rt reaoiryterterp Morten to roe in all the irmoite brand new Mom me tarot ii Neotta anrleeib Cardigrna in tine traini therein um we ma good looh II mater From Cord horde Melll are it by tddinr WITH FLOWERS time lartlng flowering pirate Freah out ilwrr bouqueia Artirtlc Girlrtmrr arraagementr ortorzit NOW ior airlritnrr delivery rnywtrere in the world through ETD UIC llllltlllS riowrns 99 Duntop In rollcl lerrycloth hand towels rrent much to look at an oertrinly not to live But hoycan ba tranrtormed into egantluettr towoia Greek ke amigo Oripemrpa you won pr or iorew multloolor taml triage lion each and dirt to on border oi only around alormab rdl nrtedn or are my to trim l3 awinZJuatJ rghtangie matching trim onene corner Age nI youwill adileve the un he cart the ordi Ona caution tho til rare to ho only eolodrat trim minruot tyourglt will too it throwermany man that lhelrboid otor wont run when they meet Illdl warn and rio poiot in wrappln Iip obtemr wli any item that hurto be male now ta there the mar Sunday School rht lng party which will be held on Dec it Convener oi the Ir War Gliiilllll Member voted to rivea do nation to the Canadian Sava The Children hrnd Barrie Branch Chrirtmar cheer boxer will be made ior rhutin memberr No nagging backache He not to be killed by turm and tired lreltag we turn lull mirrii rl hell irei uni bard by Pilla IL and on II Ionu CHRISTMAS itt 716M0l moonstone iTord Mum am to pin rilyenoegh dart add two row braid in the elarslc Dobe Who or Mr and Mn John Mayne rlgn the reglrterioI won their wedding in St IMaryr Roman Catholic Church with Rev hour oitieletlng The bride the iormer Dianne Delgh Centennial Design Released WIAWA WtThe dorign on the tint itveceoi Commune tive centennial atam wra re leaned by the port depart One oi reveraI tel riompa cc to be towed inlaid it remain asiamp ant error oolon rtiee daughter oiMr and Mn Leonard Delghan at Mill nogur The bridegroom la the roa oi Mr and Mn Augult DeKleyne oi tilt Anton Mlllr The newlywed will re aide in Kitehonor tLer Cow per studio mamcommide Colored red and triue the le vertieri moerurlog ti ohm ltr inobel rod Maple teal an in the ripper halt end blur centennial aymbol in the lower right cornervara airpor lmporod on global view oi North America with Canada empharlrrd in blue It war ilrrtnmineds The new will be lrrued laa onaaleall year some MM ii roar WIN FREE lr oran emiloned celery pinch crane Le drained Season porkloln with ya and pepper and place in roartlngpan with let ride tip Add onlon eel ery orrnge reetionr oregano orarge tutor and in rnoderoteeven bake allowing to to re minute per pound liarlo roalt frequent pan iuiccr uotitmeri well done Place pear halvea aroun pork durinlt lart iomlmdea blkilll Serve rlr on her platter with peapro mm anlo root til we thll grov or lieu out enediby adding one iebi ilour mixedwilh water serve with baked telool or rice Place with rnNNy non Mernonv The mineral co erlr named tor the lriand oi prur where hit us aligning loekr Sunilowar See Weediree Mixed Bird Seed dhi BEZZANTS Nunsanv creamer Iedobarea Jim mom on on Allandale Taxi Co at lllt eanvtce Clan ro corn in ammo rteend euovs aeaurv SALON It Illinulilll ermaaeaia Tlillllg one hallr Iitll tIltu It Yll open to Trat in out PAULS SERVICE STATION Clan illrchaaie Tirea Ilaiierler Lubrication 011 II III IL It BlRITI DRUG Lido lanr Yea lilr it III In larrla mom antler toraura we mm nrrrnpilrar our Imlaltg Alt bay Ivept Drltmy It For Aim lndualrlal PINO HIATING no litllllllttltili QLUMIINO HgATINO LTD Fendieyye Flower inerlna Ytawrrr hr moi ltiNl IIHNI Ti lilll IL Illilfl naiveIN sanvrce in by litOnt by Icurtorn Iarri Irmea an Ilrpalta Ill lami Inï¬ll lltu rae Iron Mel ior II we lta you or will Mini on lhe nlll tilt at confinedMl MI urtitl li MI More on thta advrite rnont All you on re to do ta read throttle unit mine rnenr rarelully To tell appear in number area week or name ng biralnr Ill bualn your annrr Em own Conteei Idler all Iarria laminar Tha mu correct Inner drown Iron wrelt will win Inn on the Town Britten mun received no later than may noon oi eaeh weal inia Yiouwm Alumna the lady at ltu 7dlayiralgmy In Ill me Ill dry runre li liy rann Irrnrwrtrilon to in earning the Iiiirrraala lab nner iorlwa at out into erreer in two to re to In one lie aailnenlal Inn Irrrie Anrwerlng teevlee with on oucart rnwttrlt remote smite exrrrr 1W Renews lwasrrenv II Nelllult in HM MIoDEts ouro ooov at ru Collalbn Replairlal Repalaling or Illall we All nr Im Illillu Hui ur la Conlinental inn rurau Ilrtrarberd Ieaiatir norrl calla MAaran cur lalt re at rm or North York Motorryelu reaturiag YAMAIIA MATCIILII IlA Ah Mater TICml mirror the outdated bal ance wheel lnrte torrent to all Vllkti Iran by or we centeil voe mm Ilrning with the right time oi day Aeration by Move From emu rUNiViRSAt rue co or errata Sputalilu material IMPOITIDMIATI 100 CAND elm or on Webbs Jewellery II nearer x235ullxzzlltvr