nn Illhlm drew on lkm In lha unpnvtd Fave rand and the Million We didnt km ma mm mm than or any Idownlh ar um lllhll Ihn Inld polnllnl out Thurman hen wn turn community uklhou the modern hithIy which mm lhrau ad Mn then mm rand luIInblc or harm Ind buulu wu nl Ihn chic way mull lho llrvwv nullvo nl lelaflnruuzh Mu Cunnlnnhnm lived In Toronto or mu Clml lo lhll AMI when II that Mind em flora whirl the WINES1 lacnlrd In currnnlly being Ill llrxed ayvzy ROAD Tho other bulldlnu relaer wm manly mm wood ulnrel Ind wooden hamu blacklmllh Ihvp ll nun In hlonro and 11 mm opmled by Jim nnlmy who dm waldlnz um blncklmllh bullum Hobbl plm when lha pm 011ch ll You can Hobba general Mare which wan than hotel nld Mn Cunnlnnhnm nolnllng om places of lnlcmk nll lhe other bundlnzl mum Illa bllck unkh lhnï¬ nu some do mun unu v1 lull4 Mn Cunningham convener ho Nccdlmulr history at Thamlon Womenn bulimic THOILNIDN SM Groa thnngcl whlch have taken plane In his EunInnhfll border pul lce vulnzo in 55 yuan In re flected by lDloyhnlqgnEh Mun 1910 Picture Shows Changes In Thornton my ulwvlu munurfl In addiuan la the speclll vain Vnprn elector gr fleeting r3151 of much debate It lhll go councilmeallnxl vole he elector wan agreed to by migwppnrtm and opponenu an lullest way to um lhe building problem Plinl dlmn mï¬m cauncll called far to be cmlruoted an alle by the lmmlllp machlnery bulldlnz Ind Ram suggested at um um lgyhnll ahwuld be lncllldld hiiIIDHUIlSI sum Venna township vole whnare caaiinz ballot at poiling today an be ing asked to render decixion mun manual in proqud with kn to construct now mun cgal office building at Mldhum mniennial mien In lfldillnn la voting iheir choices cmglviu oflku or 1987 Vesprd Voters For Bailding ApprOle MIOWN 71 MI mu IM HAITI NEONva 041 ON TIN MN All mm lMWLH nlslil Reeve Joe Cochran En discuxm Man or the m7 lnlerxglynnal plolwlnl 51 gm mun DISCUSS PLANS ran PLOWING MATCH ILUI 575mm mm mm mm tan lammum sum 55M Belly Hm 0mm Hve WWW Ibo iour count mu noynlnn Fudcrlck 00ml Im Ur humid Lam 1mm Ind Wm Four In llw most um um uhool board mu ln mm ommrluo McOukun mngm mum BENTON SM Elmo of ï¬ll Soul Slmcoo vmuo In gain to flu 9011 led to doc move our and on And an Educ Indus lot the um Th chain or new by Wren humbenl End 11an 93°LLÂ¥W 11w EXAHWH WAM Mom 7mm There hm been gm mnny chnnm Ilnu ihen Ind one of tho realm hu been our Ichuol mum and Mn Cunnlnzlnm lb referred In th lma Ilulargd lchDOX Beeton To Pick Reeve Council Two Trustees Spanner who died law day ago In Nth yur pumhued lug IglaMvpmr wu plumber by lrndaï¬l am it mm Illa he choice or council Include Harry Adlmn and Alln John lan of Mlnellnl Gear Bulo Bullion and Vern of um Seven 1n newnem nr mm xchonl board mu Includa 1n ut Reeve Wellinxlon Dob run salt Ihe new rem succeeding Reeve Walter Forbes who retiring ram me munlclpnl ï¬eld vow are choosing bk tween twu the present enun clllm Carl Dunn of Mldhum and Ewell Hlflll Grcnlel or ï¬nal centennm year dep urx reeve three councillor from lam un didm chm trustee Iromuv on undlduu Ind nllo vain for deputy reave Ngw 1mm TODAY TUESDAY IIIOWN AT IM mulch lo In hold on hll Arm in Innhm with Medonln buy my Reeve Inmm Amnl cen tre Ind 59mm Hunhu ms Paon my not at mm Ind boa mm In much my uud lo bmuu of MI but dim mmlly uh muuud While name have mud pewpll halter In the oldtr em mm and olher nod wm chnper Mn Cunnlnlhlm dld no Iltmlhar Imp runu munn mm mm dil Imnco and comm Ally prow served nod me man unllorm Handnil Inn in lhn old day at ham prmmnx Cm Jinn lelumlon all hell An other Idvnncu hm chlnlld remurhbly II than In much wllhln lhc 11 law yam whlch mm hluhwnyl Ind Inter mvel Somallmes the uhooh had only loor mm pupill aha pulnled ou AWARE KELLY Mauwmnammmmmmmcm WHIIEUIEWMH mm mmmmm MW Mm pl Mld hum Geam Cantu Na 011 mara motel Cundlu North Dalton Wflzht No cum hall Mlnulnl Irvine Johnllon No 0mm mu Holman Na McNabb Na Eco lion Amen Mllll Scott No Howerl houle Famdlle Ben Hooper Thu locallonl Ind returning olllcm Na 0mm Thomplonl houu ramming €€ 92 367 6303 been Glrrlck mumncy Salter vgx PDLLINO Filling hamI arFIram In mm to pm with eight vounl beaun cumhenu flmler Rum Thom McKee an Oliqord inn1 wnrden who nthIn new nl wm Gwlulmhury ler 21 yam of council 1cm Eumlner Photo CKHVING LEGEND OF GHEATNESS tram the Blue Ridge to the Rio Brando fly Councfllor Jamel Wait and Mbuh out are the chain or dwuly rmo whllo Lho cauncfl cholcu Indudo Incumbent Sinn Iey mfloy ham Eldor nnd Calvin mind and newcomer quanco Anhur LIst sum With Reeve Van born munnod lor hh mm mm Tunronuo dado nlnl lo lho poll lodly lo Ick deputy rem thm munch on And VI trmleel Samo work In been don lha II which on Ibo arm at Rem Jmh Covhnne oi Inï¬ll Ind um will be flvon more manllon wi mun clpll elec Polling Todéy In Tossorontio Whllo mm meinbm hm beon 09mm with loan also tlan work Rem Moyd Prid hnm chairmln Ind her mem bm cl Shims County pm mulch commute pupmnz to proceed wllhumnuemenu Ind prommlon or the 1001 In mauonll match The ourday mm will be held in Innlllll next Onlnhpr 11 la 15 icatflerï¬en 11dh T1367 Aétivities menew ofï¬cers headed ll Dunun Cameron pmldcm ready 1ng ham Juli om Wlorm ym eron modede We Much hand of the dub comma an the axocullvu Include Gum Slmpsom vice prslldenl Maur CROWN HILL Film for urhh Ihuw All ulo aummer pfcMJ lprllil and barn me 111 or ll prom being made by Shauna Joney dub which hld In In italll meeting recently awn TWDKMIA 1516 dylhméibl Yoli 14 ny lfllmeba rem Sine all oth er civic mu were Died by neclnmaum Ihero an no whet contom Plow Match Plans Receive Attention Rmimmphpmon Ind tomi ourwrem Waller Knock ollor mm lhelmhoice hr Ill twofym arm mmnw gunman mm mécmnms Herbert Hugh Gllloni chairman luv and mull avenu hlllmlll Gm McCar mrdau did not mm or re mm Arnold Vanclu of Not tkuaaa vcechnrmln Mm Gems Davin EM chlltman munlyaxhlhlu Ind Deputy Ram Hurry km 01 193ch nth chIlnnnn rlclon no menu Ihnu who le back on Minty maul having been cloned year no or 010un term NEED FULL HELP Rem Pridhlm who wan ekcted reeva ol Sunnldlln emphulxcd Ihe commluu ll muons or 11 the My it can get and will welcome lu can llmlod anhlance at all whuher reelectod In home municipal demon or not chlnm in an county plowing commmmr Thll meet ex pooled to he discussed It In fly mum 11¢qu Ema Gudon Webb wlll but and tha¢mnnclllon ralurncd Include Mk Crookn John Ind Tom Robhlsou mréun mum Ml Ind and mHumdnwn dlr marl William ml ha been nanmgd lb tn Ontario Mr GM announced the On 110 club annual meeting win be bold York County In nnunry llld uked Sham VOounly mamlion dloy lollvor mretlry mnnmr Rn Onhda Jemy rm dhcuued lhn milk Illu nllon 0nd mu export maxkc manly ï¬céï¬fi gum wl uwullwl School lrMmmmurrgdulï¬r wo can Frodylhnnnw Mummou Mlller Frank Arbour was re electedlo Wlflzmuhene pub um ulon for Inothcr W0 mu This Christmas give them Growth Savings Certiï¬cate it will grow withthem Doom now lo nIvo Hum am wlm tumm 010th BIVIMI Coruncaln In oyurMMyll mom 31000 In mry £750 ypu Invulol iblrd Inmm Chmtmu armhï¬avlnol adulqu mbe Ivnllnbll Indommlndlonlqmom WIMOW lb aunyllmoAIkaouthmmnyMMIu almmmmmnrmium Mgmuam Ever noticed how quickly they grow hima Chalrmln In chum trafï¬c nnd um neevo Alex Helm uy ol Elmvlle in back havlnl been returned by mlnmullon Depuly Rm Eunm Smllh Eul II In lnr another erm Ha hn bean In chum M31Y nullAlan And Imam or the mulch Illa Ganem member Nu com mmee not Invode in municipal electiqu included Sam French of Cwblown Don Bell of Eady Rumll MM Mlnulng Delna Jamey of Barrio Wilma W9 chm Gian Huron Keith Mc nuer at mm Page at BunIa neuron of Bar rlc Colman cunnly mu urcr and Fred Hunter cwmy deft who in lecreury Wu cam vmxéWxéiri MLCa ue lulled lo Alum Ichoo board GENERAL MEMBERS elecllan or county council orb lm In their home mulch tlu Mr Hughes withdrew afler amigo my 94AM mewum he lnnbfll ifiyeureallon Oommlllea drew nunmm mu all and II huh survey whluh mm in be caning some May The 2pr has spent animus mm In build lnllfllmldnndllmflboml mama to be nhlbmad lo tom own cost mr IlideWO flu ulhsldy flowed mrmd whldlnms mm mm the river lo Innhfll boundary will be netted with Innhfln no alderwd um mile 12 main Ind maltteam the la In the MM oIway plan under the with er work prpzram Mien wru plelod this would ulvnn through mad mun city Barrie from tha with 340me Gwlllknw bury Perhaps mm pmvlnclfl election pending mlaMhaypen um coma deyelownenl road money mlgm be allowed our local MP Ian ervan property inrfllltoxdpollm nub million will have voko In West Mllimwlhb or mm bars 01 that puhlllc hoot board In aplla oi the that am John notion L9 dissolved Jammy rmd mum to lonlull 11m wm Gwllllmbury ofï¬cials have Jukede have 1b of mm puera Ind place them on the voters 1m Deputy mm mm Sawyer uya ha will so ouHo out My last vou In that towtuhlp unleuhe nlerbeeomesl PN perty owner than Io ammo In West ILI and jï¬lflï¬Il NOTES cANAnmnmvaL 11ANKQF¢°MW lormer Elmvlle publlc Ichaol principll And All ll Bun Burden lchonl Mr French wlll enter 30011ch udme when Ichaal problem no hem Riven Attention and hi experlenco The only dun on he councfl ha Corn Frent retired Ichool Elma Raking tho vim Pale ell who decld ad withdraw or he lime be lnz ll lent Dr Puchell was shin edit Iglr wagby neynge The council wu elecled for lu in Maya term Ind Reeve McAuley who camplellnx hll louxlh year as hand of the coun cll conlldm the acclimation In indication um lawyer xvnernlly Approval Ihn exten Ilon The latler came lnlo lam result of bylaw pulled by council provided or In der Munlclpll Ac rexulnllnnx ELMVALE Slam Wllh 1m one change on the council An added echuol trustee re sult of men mamatlon lReeve Mg McAuIey gami mues ve begun nu lhel Iltenflon be vmm doveme duranx m7 and pFam mos Canaan Banla dish1M wm be able to thla show curly In May and will be well worth seeing nan arc many other events for 1951 Ind Imam um 6119 or these In tho presentation of Cunennhl med um um Canada um spring with full display of Cauldlan material and other data den wfll be fgm 1c vlcw hamm um um entitled lilo mull wowed or equipment Ind help paid to hand an Jot pmnm In men telecast ol the Grey hp pared from Vancouver viewers were shown Ibo lemm nial Oamvan With will ems Le Smurthwano Mn matter he Rinkamrd ahonn he Recmllon Oprmmtu nnd the hookay will buunfler the JWCMM Wiles which mu be aulhnrlmd by that oommllleo bvped that lhl new win mm mm nutuvunï¬ll ch nmyye Elinvalé CouncilptImstées Ponder Development Plans fair huendance on mundu alum whea about 1511mm came out dqmlhn 1mm smmnink committal Isde that the Reaga ynn Uomgnklee tnke ovlr man 32mm of Junior hockey 1mm committee may wonid rm mend This would enlMo Jhe comma ln panLake at the ammuï¬llowed for inch worknnd wouldlako nu mmlemnlzot thls sport of thahunï¬ol the Rink Board Mum has enouzhln 100k arm Mthmndefllul with lhflporfltjï¬g gyro PM there Recently elected bhool trua lm John Vhllfleld McIvllla Rm wit Ind Mn Wendy unexcu zie Illa will be making the mun declmuonx other members nl lhe councll or 196769 Alex Cunle Ken neth Knox and Norman Cnne Also will berequlred to be IWOIII or their new lerm olllcc pmvldtd by mu Ennsiogll will In dananheloga nauzura ms Hmld Nuh clerk 1hon ha of much nine in um reggxd ecove 1mm Innlslill tomwr wmme Bob Thompson flow on the Barrie lam who hoildaylng 1n Florlda duqu thelr Mp mm my mamma damn time Oilan the driving tlrm In 1mm ovet two dayl However when they took um rnrkway south from Central Flor da they ran out an an lwohwr wan unm highway 1mm helped them Bob will be backm the Job soon Himhrl Orzhum PAV to who ohlldren which ml be mad lor about 1113 name ulna the rrlvnl the camu ln our Im was mawxwall lake unualm om lhawnl mule louowcd Wm ether early explorer Indlmv edullleupam oflonmlo AF no In Cemcnnlll yur wlllhupe clul avenh In lnqlqde senlumll Izomaml 111mm wlllr mm day mmillon or pmealadm Comannlnl plaques unllloales or maneutoe to planner nun llv In and in mlaLclIlmnslor nonlrlbullnm in mm durlni the past 100 years Clllxea maMomh nnooznlflon or public nervlce ln Ihaenmmlmlly or Centennhl mat Conch Ind mommy In all comm should be davelopqd for lmpomnl mï¬m wimra Gmlannlal emu lmlslll hm planned um aha bmhdny om natlon will be lho When ule Centennial Plrk will be oulclllly opened Ilsa pllnned mat Mk lnnlalll will Inmlu her llm Ml Ip peargm on thh occasion WWW ovr ï¬r mi THE Bob mauve wa mm Orlllln miiais WW $15k