Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1966, p. 6

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Build Library At Hay River wluu wmulvuwul yummy nflcmoon at ln the hendqunrrm at Hay River 11 la lunnod to place Telex lmlnl munfl the nyl Thm will be direct communi enrlnn with lhu NIUnnnl Library In mum and lhrvuzh In enla lozuu we Ml hm Mun lo mmunm In llbrnrlc through nul tho country Born In Ymklhlre Min Srnlth wan hud ha Em Koolemf IDLE brnnth library or yum hdaro Inmnu hcr prmnl narda guest who visited Mr and Mm Btll Law and um le Monlord lormer Elrrlo mldonu lncludod Mr and Mn WC Law Mn Ed unn Min Annette Sum and Hagan Srmwml Barrie On Sunday Mr and Mn Dom Rob lnsnn and Lori at Burch were mm Mr and Mn Law cumleNu Min Smlth dlrcclot pub no llbrary mvlcus ur the Nanhwust mummiesan area 3250900 gqunrc mlku Fer lhe Inst year she has nptrnlcd out temporary headquarter in Edmnnlqn But withln ho next slx clghl month the and her all will establish lhomuclvm In brand new conlennlnl library In my River on the south Ihore Ggqnl Slnvcanke MIL Smllh my will take 20 yam baron library urvlm In the tannary are lully db vowed At present lherc are 3000 banks manly In tho our main librnrins Ila Ivor lnuvlk For Smllh An mm mm Sh hope In double that My biolomugnqvlng nqnh Bui 1h M11 have mm mums Mr disposal whan tha lrflaJheanbulldifl vEDMOMDN CF oxher librarluna may deal with man cummm lhnn PallchI Smith buz raw command wider clh Ewan 1110 walcr used In chrlslcn Richard Gary llurlan oi Hend lord wan broughltrom the RIV er Janinn In the Holy Land 17 Rav Dr Blnnlnglon The baby the son ol Mr and Mr hn onlmmml hu Imn Announced Mln Mm LII arty dlulhm Mr lml Mn Jmeph Llheny II Im rli In Norman nun non of Mn and Mn Almnder Hm witnuwvuum m1 centre doeaumu our rled 11mm ho hum of lhe Christmas Tu PEN had by Oolllpr Upllcd Qhuwh Wo THIS CHRISYMAS leo Yoyr Ponnlt thlnl who llnu lo alrlumu Hun nudln porlnll mu ANA30mm Photograhhy by SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES T0 WED IN DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TEA PARTY the artist was honest nndchoso dark blua shirt mm with Home 01 qua and old lamu Mrl Inlet Grlwe Markham prodded at the tea table Dunn the After noon the gallery was Uled to capacity Guesl mm out We come upon organizer or flow hose scarm Jmolry etc The com If uhioncd of dowllo velour In zubrl flier and leopard print tho look or all the wofld like the ml lhlnz Thcy wondcriui or lean nscr help her be 11ch Ind nos wlIh locumlea VA good Eaton for the collm zr1 II pockcuul onLhMpM 1x15 In ban on the By ELEANOR 05 OM qulck Jack at tho calen dar and all wn hurth In our favorko Milan mom lamb of In ldm MIG making find or nem nm mup ol pnpler macho Rem mo rd Inm pinculhlon Iunds halupny covm my nick refill holders To mulch 1n coordinated calm In Him bow and small purlulxe mlr mu all dams In brim Mexican nun colon mm moldtd lnlo gun lhlnu 7r un fouls Baker Permian 5L RECEPTION Gary Burtgn oilgadlorglgnd Hod CARL DURAN an Emmy Ruvqlor I967 min of men yengjxpgfiom on Polllng Monday 03m 5110 mm 90 pint mmmmmfimm mine1m dun wu hulli lollawlhz mam WWW snow we Orlllln rmm Anlllun Church Harm wll lnrm flu IMlln lvr nu marlin on fl ul 430 an Gifts And Ideds Frbm ThegNofionSi The doomtluna worb nmsodd to gunk uttendlnz the loa Admldmiono 01 the Uhrlsunaa lm decoratlolBam mm the New In mended to com ll lenml mm llla 01 th clly Dlurlcl weddlnn ulvumrlu mm Ihonfl lhrlan puma comlu ul In pnfllll unveil ml vlr llm mall llaml nl Ipteml la mdcn olflhh pm Yamham In lupplylu am new ylll he really Immo llled leu phonon Burl Enmtner MW Ind III or Ellem Dixon or Andrew Coalon ll flu Womeno punmull Vupu Rmpnym Your voto Ind lnfluonco mpwtlully nudlod Famt Calla water com upeclllly bunlllul Illa Tunulllon In Iulumn In um Mud ha limou wal qu done with mm 17 No MRI hot my quality Umnamrm dlmrnuo tn um than Wm Mn play Tho thch um exhlbluvn ll Tm Ind Po In palm bah wllh null nanny Ind nklll Mnny of MI Mclum hm hem 931mm kg 11min Im Thu lncludc om wnlur lcolnn IcnIIu Ind mixed mad nnlfloi um ohmTi will my In In um mm opinion on um uu mum mu it mun Md wall or my reach Pins thread netdice mltr And manure Ifirnctlv moumad an frinxredaed rip hapwddnx ncccnud by floral ell mam By HAZEL BARKER Arnold odka hold No vlmbar Show hla nullon In We Mr notsz well knownlo Blrrlq mu hlvlnl It vanIan llmu hcid cram In Barrio touching porlrnllun and Indium Ha hu AIM been cum laminar at mo Barrio Chi ORIENT CASTLE Premier Inn John Mum MP Holmime MP Elqud Madllland MPP Ruv WHA Downer Relatives and friend Illended rum Alllxton Burling tun Cooks Duwnlvlaw Crumb Ilnlerlvlfle Hamilton MIdlnn Orulll Furry Smmd Toronto Em and minan the lurrnundlnu area An informal open hnuu racer Hon marked tho Nth birthday M11 Fan Truax the ham or tonInlnw and dauuhler ML and Mn Ros Brownhy of RR Angus Ten 35mg wars Among In many um melved by an celebram was lam basket run relented by lha Walmnu Mu laxy St Georgel Anglican Church Uto pla Conmtuluory memm wano receive from Hull din Dlderbaku Ontario For alooldnfltuflm mo mien naval key chum Ill now with lyniheuc mm into xaldqialed link and gdcd hymn Ilm Nth BIRTHDAY myrrsns 0mm lawn werejrom 011an Pm Crgdn ewmagkgh tnulvnle 5m mmben at the Barrie Art Art Lovers Travel To Iiéaskdale To View Exhibition 0i Paintings left Mn Gums Maxim mam MmG Gnurum vener andMn in mnvener bummer Pho 1me whme minttar lIIh ism dc 75 In mnvud by Iva Irdl pIInh lnl llmmlth and Hum egn hwmmwmm villa tan EHO Mb Tnmnlo Mr Phllllm hld pr vm mm with No mom mIu Bllvntm Dull Ind Ann WJ WEN mum thou In mm and uplmlnl II the lac that hb nan ll amen dnvoun tmc lo clum with In fllhur Ind work ll lhe Antw Work cu 0111 ho MI Ill Won whunm 16 min mo Moore rotary Mu chalmm Kitchenen Convener Mm llockley median Help or Mn ma Mn McGouIck Ind Mm nchlrhm vaiunmted lu vim tho nick Ind 11mm or me month December Malian wu chided am so be donated mugmm can pa fund December mmhw will lndudl decorating the church Christ mu tree 7M me nupry mgeilnl wo Almouxh urnInl nnol llvlnl unmoubmlanhtkudm Hum hunimu II II ward in on On Ihn wnll Inn ccrllflcm of Ilanmbl on llan whlch reculvcd ram Park ram rotLs Corrupondence wninld mm Menu Reflux Auochdon requestn¢wfiww Ween members auended um Nov 17 meaning Man Marth Socialy at tho hithern Chunk lbs Good Showgrd Ind warn welcomed by Fresh dent Mn Boehrner Pastor Mom led Eku devnuon titled When In WM member reading dammed Blue mm Sub headings or lhk topic In cluded What Med you Who am 11 your ro lnuonshlp to Chrlnz your tab Uonahlpjocfmdl emuugly needs What can do wothip Mains evangelism 1mm Mn Chime new Ind Mn Mega magnet we re requesting wmunu nu or potion yur NOMINEES bump sum Famine or alevctlbn1 gt thepecgnpermmju m3 pllnllnl younl mum wu much ndmlm Dan in lha cllv lie Ilyln it In mimic Ind full uljeellnl Hey Cm contlnued bl and damnnfimlqnpnffnyo InapLenIher mmborl prudth the lochnlque dam onalrued bx Cook on map of Ieafihgr carved llenther samples Mflthlwll gal from N1 rksh mum upremd the flmraclluon oltho BaxNe 0501 momben In vote at dunk to My Coo Lunchwis served by Mn IIn many and Mn 30¢ The Jammy medial lwo Hum will be thn Amndm 1min Dream The huslneu ducted by Preside Anderson Mrs Kan Cavpnuh me report on the man Ciulumu me landward qu hgld Anti Cnnldlqgl mlndl Wark OccuPAtional centre Reported T6 Lutheran Society Marmot Arnold llodilnl hug III hlgn 9219 up 01 mass 91ng came mmwm Jo Ibo holiday mun womm Dick Smlo Son Private Stock is the 29whisky whisky guraucgnlndlr What ll vwoc nl My Mum JIM innaran wuh ride um In pregnant Ind mun marriedum mouth 5M mail ma man with ma hnldl and whenand her uh antumyuoim mm 1135 hm Knurdlymor Inld mafia liardfid brad bou tom iummol whm Morita been her dream aver Hm the Who who uhowlll novu llv $40mfld Ann outMn 0M mp welcomed cum SPEAKER swim Nu ridding ha Adm mum12mm at Edgar outlined tho pnml pronunqu the mm and vul ouu my In which th OpelMn Club undmo May Mirth So ciety amid bola enrich un panama ma Inner MIME menu Ind Mlwvhlphm followed eonnnqd by Mfl Sun Mr Prpw 0mm donduh mm In to Mm wowMp 5mm and Hm 1b 33 aivmflafuififilr Rina mu Manama ninth un mg yumInn kNfiliiimEfisédnfiiiszs mincl hp of Adam Priva tock great aged Whiskies are gently blended into every drop Dont spill dr0p ADM 91mm MON Ion van 32 nurv 11 your dm will ho during1 lhl llntweeka Much satin orig Anne roawoMonnow MumIn lllflc dwmoa nmh Ilutudc on Fr Iy Somn Idvem Inehry mock Sud uuj 1y and financial mu Irwluns ovum plus ILWMI babutyto Mick muno awnAlly Ava manna Vhuty dodalou loo or ycu my hlvc la ravens youmllmgr ll taer In your Mfth your human 0mm no you Butlhou Ind at cm mum with which you no pm onlly occnplod nhould Mnn th upnlvldnl nevi then you find he eye mum ue hiflkmeul month Ind lhh om will mu 21 Nm lood petlad moment lion mm mm lhu um thm wash Much the In melt smlemher hn um hm week at dl of Novamher Thou can in 11ng ehurprhelwm be 6153 um um you do not ante nymhuvu venlm ln ml Janulry Alonx mom Hnu than wlll In mil unpluh on unu menld Illlln during lhll new your In your 111 Ind thou MW 1de my mm ulddun nunhm between now Ind Much LJn Jun or Octobar Dont uh my June or Soplumber mmml loo mloully howmr But period 51 ed Inii mama Mon ldoifi or llnlndll mm two Ind by EM gymI Eonu 6am mi 91 lhm of warnyoung saumm mm mfo ll their dont do enungfimi wu In ulden mm IV II body awn my Hfl cm on um burnt Noumea and lrundymlmum fly number at chlldren danlally mnioguwh mu mdo be or on number an molly my Dr Mend adviser 1o tho Food and Drug DIIDCKOF Ila on law lo control hlnrdon lubluncu In houlehold chemi cal Dr Mom write In tho eurrant inns of The Cenndlln Oamumer tho 50 children under the on four wok hm humm Vlod xwllluwod newton mdm 19M wag romynuficuva dufloccumd to me um girl yiho how 1ij lnoleeqrg qu Who mom KNEE bifi than gm ram15mm ow mm mm It pm iér aim thi naxttwo month mm mm mm Mu gm Sepgambcr Ind Novem W1 umwh WM they on do up mung DRUGS POISON CHILDREPII Ipecleltyet EVANGELINEI Youmeevhv EVANGELINE Shopllehowlnga bouml tul may at eppml aim forlavouvlll gel teenmm to gvendmolherel Wouldnt any women welcome Chrlnmel box of flne Evennellne hoelery or ultra lemlnlne llngerlo perlenllymelched ewoatev end eklrt In her men becomlnu colour Elegant glove prelly blouse or houneooel For olfle lhet acknowledgehollovelorololhoe Ihop Evangeline Fm giltwrapplno lor men ehopporel Feminine Gifts this Christmas In In Mg mm mo plm IDA 10 PM nbmxop Moml umuoba um with their col 1m nud plum with them zenenlly But this thin nbbul um lhhbolhtu mt WhIL ll vyour opiumWilt Couthlfihlll DurMolhuwSo ML then lllllln the world mm film will olll boyl boyt mohgr hwover can make 1mun mm cord gluinxln flung lawful Linux Md my Mpg Mgr Md bi 6m to call back filer or the My mom all the IN Men the my ammobu Hm lhe my out In the Hm plm mm TMVELuNa my Den Ann Sun md thO letter mm the mum Who won about her hmlllnto ulelmlu hunrwho never home In IHMI Wu cr hg Mother rlned hit you In the person who mom lettu tumd the father who $1de to be told if My dad kind of man cank rive Ills family my more lime Khan IhlL In thudng married Whit do have to my nw Am An mfPenelm Den Pen your father hadn decided to minlod my mid um Mu mt umlfin nu His chosen mu means unan Mu And NI mm should accept hln hse without nominal IierVIBdImlhlnkfier mom to defend ludun Incon mm perm hAve aongvlmuhlellfeym ll den no um 11 nun has chosen mg Mt wmfld um mm 7v be we my mum

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