There are some ifs already Tho 100000 figuremay not be reached and now Mr Genge and his Elmvale Expedi tions Ltd the promoters are talking about minimum camp of 30000 stu dents Then there is the question of costs At the moment he and his as sociates have worked out figure of $34 which mightgo to $41 exclusive of train iare The total would be comparative ly modest sum and well within the limits or student pocketbooks and ability or the young to earn their keep Most serlous from the standpoint of the safari are objections from such men as Ramsay superintendent of sec ondary schools Mr Ramsay maintains that he wants no part of the plan de spite the plans considered for police pro yecuon feels that project of 5le magnitude is just not feasible when applied to such mass of students mien Rev resignea Allandalo charge oi Presbyterian Church and accepted call to Picton Farm buildings at County House or Rclu Beeion desiroyerl by fire along ih Seasons crop and Implements Miss Ma Morton pupil at Barrie Collegiate In lute won lrrst Carier Scholarship Simeoe County Bolinn ni ally injured when cur siruck by train at level crossing souih of Aurora Thomas hchnighi Cookstown appointed inspec ior or llouse oi Refuge Business brisk at Barrie innncry and some over limo has been necessary l77ih Bai inllon seems Io have material iar excel lent hockey learn in provincial league Several leliers at pmduiion have man mccivcd from ihu min from in France by Mr and Mrs Edwin bongmnn regard ing csicem In which laie Li John Longman oi Barrie was held llo WAR DAYS 50 YEARS A66 Barrie Examiner Nov 30 1016 Ile cruiting in Simcoe County practically at standstill tor soveralmonths will receive new impetus as result of meet ing in Barrie with Warden Martin pre siding Attending were county council lors and oiticials officers of 17th Bat talion Simeoe County Recruiting Lea gue was reorganized with His Worshi as president and Howard lover of Col water secretary Battalion needs 550 men to get fighting quota Delegates igrecd it would be no easy matter to get these men and there was talk of need or conscription if Canada could not meet requirements to help Britain and France in their desperate plight Simcoo County Council voted $130000 for war ses Warden Martin was pre sen ed with watch and chain at eiosin Brown resign mhlrumyu ALMAL GeorgeCopeland 24 son of Mr and Mrs William Copeland Cookstown killedin action He went overseas with 78th Bat talion was drafted to another unit and went to the front in June Lt Ganiey took over quartermasier duties with i77th En Cable received in Bar rie that 200 soldiers whowent overseas with 157th But would go to France with in six weeks of leaving Camp Borden Gus McGuire son of Mr and him John McGuire Thomson St arrived home on Monday from overseas where he had been for more than year with Red Cross Ambulance Corps inspector Justice presented first annual report to Childrens Aid Society 801 has aver age attendance of 230 and organized lit era sodety Gordon and liar Mee Barrics pro hockey stars wil lay th season with team of 228th attaiion Toronto in which they enlist Barrie Examiner Nov 30 1916 Ile cruiting in Simcoe County practically at standstill tor severalmonths will receive new impetus as result of meet ing in Barrie with Warden Martin pre siding Attending were county council lors and officials officers of 17th Bat talion Simeoe County Recruiting Lea gue was reorganized with His Worshi as president and Howard lover of Col water secretary Battalion needs 550 rpen to get fighting quote Delegates agreed it would be no easy matter to get these men and there was talk of need or conscription if Canada could not meet requirements to help Britain and France in their desperate plight Simcoo County Counetinyoted 190090 for war Ed GengeLEImvnle high school each éi is man with Ideas enthusiasm and detemï¬nauon Hehas exemplified these traits by pmdudng Ianw Lakedoor 000 students to Expo hopes to house them at huge cample atmlled by spedal police and supervis by teacher volunteeï¬ Since he announced his plan sqme weekg ago he has recclved gnthusiasflc response from fludents teachers and prmclpals vor schools 111 many parts for Canada Tomnto students have taken up tthdcawmnglyand Jhey hope lor have largegroup at young people joln 1n thetrlp 1f nnd when It is held limuwxmmmmmnwm mm Studéflfé lmlry hlnm ammo malnch ulm dull mnmm Iuch llm Md gum lovmrmw um um In thcrlllml up lnlrl lthpIch Ind Ilorllnr lllver mm lhll Nnrmonl plllu In our Mllfllh 5w In wlmnolom mm Imub um ulrcull lnr Punch mile and nIJnmlm an mnldm om lnnlmnl our Slupul Inmqu ha ull Ihï¬lr unï¬nilwlhlupkl ny my Hymnulna reml pm ll clnm Hm dont In vldum Movlu In bhlrh Iho hem II flux Idle Ind Ihn hnalmn nggl yiobjelmlllhu Ml linvm mew Yomc Am1mm Inuld du wllhoul plow 6m clnm nm Pmlt who mm mm up ylnum dnllm In hm hm mrlllu anly brlnl lmNe Mqu In bhlrh nu hem II hmtown ellln nlllhy An Ihlny nu mm mm at tiun ml Ind Ihn hnalmn runny mix In machlnu our Mm Iltudy nnl dun II Hui Iho my aim lilo About Wu ull at old IN Ihmu made lad mutant mm ardent work ll II plnllc donth m1 mumnrmmlrn wimwm vr duvuln down mum on can In mm mm Wm nudl tm1 Nobody but Ibmllnn but mm In mm to nobody THE LIGHT TOUCH Mr Ramsay is man wide exper Lists Things We Could Do Without Puhngï¬er DOWN MEMORY LANE hrfl uï¬h with lid In 571ml laugh mm mlktun um min 54 kit llh mm mm In wn nmuum IMTH LON NAILS Marin npheri In Mill lwn Inr lnnnrr Hm one of Dr Fu Manchu All lllndxm NliIH who Armml In Inulhl nn 111mm an Mgln My wllu In dumb 1114 um um Iiu 5m PHeIIIunIl uh HIM nn yau Mml nno am ï¬rm Inï¬ll remembering Any mule enmlnlnar Mm IIM luA an Inn made limb1h Inn multh thgmxobobhl for women Iencein deaflng with students and school organization Asanexpm In hisfleld his vlewsumust he weighed carefully Howsyer the ad that he totallyoy osed to the project does not mean that M11 not meet with the success envls lonedlby Mr Genga and his sumï¬rtexs After all this is not one of those oflda beach gatherings to which collegevstuyg dents fmmrthe us are drnwn wjthout supervisors The American college youths are out Iona good time and thug have ln théh own unplanned Impuli slve ways But safari arranged by Mr enge would be an entirely different proposl tion The students would begolng to Montreal to the the big fall and the otth dazzlln sights Montreél will have to offer It conceivable that some of them might et out of hand but should the shortcom gs of few 510 the vast majority from enjoying oroughly novel and educational experlence satisfactlon of Everyone mncmed be fore Mr Genge gives the goahead signal Mr Genge ls not out of the woods en tirely so far asdfls project ls concern ed Many details have be worked out Including 60513 One of the most Import ant would be supervisian perhaps he pmence of number of responsible adult would be all that would be re qulrcd Parénts wouldbe most Interested in the type of people selected for these superv150 posts Also they would want to know out such facilities as caterlng and the standard of llvlng utters These matters should be settl to the WHY UNEMPLOYMENT Saskatoon Star Phoenix New anland has held an unbroken mom bdn without unemplo mom for more than years Latest gum show that the uncmplo mom ï¬gures or New anhmd stood at lldescribed as negligiqu ï¬guro year ago 1111 total has fallen ovon further to 305 reg lslcrcd uncmplo cd or the entire coun try Yet New oalands oconom Is on comparallvon sound basis havo deteriorated Into an unhappy position 1L vo hnvo to take away mans right to work In order to have financially stable sodoty Other Editors Views Friendly Ihce Inn lhl In 1ch Mvwn an and pluhwklllqnlh wlm who In llll nn turlm Irv In Ihtlr hm bqrprll Inf ut evm mm worlhy cnnn yougo ollullnl on Anylhlnl Hut mm In mm no llshlly mind you ms lo oven ll with Willi llivcr nollca lhnl lhu hndrr ll In In open modem plrkuu lhe lul wnrlhwhlln Ill mnlmll m1 Fohï¬n umhvnllu Ill mm lmwwll nmr unlold onto ll mm lnnin friendly Ihcelylnu lhI In 1ch Muwu ml Amherlud mm elm MIII 0m Dwflm mum and paymmt of Man In cash Duly Hundm and Smulory llolldm umw Submipflm his M11 171 urrlu we new 40 yearly BIA lo and me ny mnu nan $1140 yearly Onllrh yum molm 1hde MAI JIM 00le You OdlV 10 Canada fluh plum tll U3 Ind mun mr Hun who try to md ywr nwvnper am your Mulder on bunInd nl mm It ynu don mm pun qulrlly ongum Mme TORONTO01m or lho zmt moblmu ol xovunmenl today 1nd problem that can he bo wndafln to the puhllc lho ovenlamina and Interwenvlnx nl jurisdictlnn which nnen mean um Jon slow alnw 410w It wan cl Ollawn mlgh do Mn 50 the local lcdml mem hcï¬ appealed In tho department at rampart which Is rexpon Ilea Inaylubla whte But lhll depmmem Inld no lho river wnln clnmd at uni lublu Though II one Imo in ML 00 wall Th Irlment publlc warkl ch cnnulhutu In con mvnuun reprmnled nnolhcr poulbllily Aho amlry Ind rural davel mm which hundla ricullun Rural Dnvelopment mlnmmlon vln Onlnrlo lhr lalkll de mcnl would be may an up wuml which rewnmibln In copuqrvnllm lulhurllleg Tho dopulmlnl cl 1mm and mm Ind lha department public worn Illa mum be ex led to In lnlemt nwy It Involvtd wllh duml Thu munu depnlmml gaughm In marmlglan hu tmhlrkad an Nderllmovfllj tlll Iurvey ol Ihn nldenu um Trenl Iyllmm Ind perhlpl ll There an mmizla at Ma to day In tho area the lower Grand Rlvcr Man the Grand hum Baum and Lake Erie lino lot um mad poulhle by dam at Caledonia which hold back thu wnler level Ind my 620 mm My The dam boweiewr not lng Inllnlnlq WHO WILL D0 So Mn um It over and Win 15 But It dount Inlu rolulm only Ipprnm mm In my Ihgn the call regalight it was orlzmafly bum by milling company and has nnl beg madqu ln nil you mun um 12 cauld out It any llma dl In mu rum ma lo or modded madam an mam mu publhbed Mn QUEENS PARK Mamba ll Cuudun Daily Newpom ruber Anaemia HII Clmdlm Im an Mull nunu ol umgmm cluiihly mum la WWfl Olllm HI Unhmny Mm Tomlin M0 when Maximal 501 mu WM PM BL Vnnmm mu mcwm Jugisdiction Can Be Béwfldering By DON outsz 77435 LOOKS GOOD UNVTHE SHELF Th0 mm mumbll 45060 11va la Hut mm mr old Wmmrd Ind 17 Hr that Dunn who hm rm amule W43 In mm mmr rm alder lamfly Wad who in givlru lhnn ban Mo wm WNW lnw lhl now then In rmmmmurmm mmmmm In 1001 M14 Annh mlor Mhool lonelm wn tho Um on no lo mover lb Fill In punch 1g Mung Mn har DAREDEVIL 0F NIAGARA Dy ANDY OBRIEN hymen Pm Malar NJI Whrldl moat Ilmoul nllml and ex am my ulrldlnn on V9 11m mud in mm poop lhll nlpuuon hmomo ovgrwh llvu In delylru lb Gnu modem It ll on In pall 1wa Manama uploun made by vkllm wnlrd aurncflon dlnm Inn And lhr onrlm bugd 21 51 book Birdth diam author mum Mon rcnl womrker and nulhor ol lhu baokl Hudllno Hockey and Roche Richard um hi can clu and lively IMO lull ad vnnuu 1n wrltln nu mount Mum hm dlvm um mpo walkerm rlvorbonm Mmmm tho dl ml denlal vlcllmn Ind Mu other mm sum lo lowbout 0mm died har nbly Only RM mu Jr Maw ed mm llllM Ind won an hum Mum nu Unlonllnlmy hi and I0 Mm In 9an fled mu tau aï¬r Th tumor uu under In in boa lllomflnt MIDI who Md yln mo ol mm on uk won the mm cauldron of mm water Mano111w rid my men am an mm Mm Blon um let down and lo uu Mild nu Mlu d1 boil ol chumnu to M0 Indu lilo lnl 11M mg Ilrlrytï¬llmjml inpr dunk II and pm could he Interested 1mm xegllpngl vlewyolnt Bu tho Also arent dlractly ingrelflpd iy at mm imi invai there in the Grand River Conservnlion Auihorily chlrled with responsibility or load mini and cunlervnlinn waxi in tho Grand wnieuiled Th1 lhq body which prob ably mould Inlllnla lhu work Pcrhnpa lhu only one with any real nulhnrlly In undemko ll But may well pm the bunk And lhcn tho buck wfll probably be passed luck to II Pmbnblyavonmsmmbm 01th nulharlly luau dont name lhey have Ihu dllllncl remnslbnny to den with lhll ll anyone hu hen um and ma lulu Jhm 1mm cnnlflbuuoi lbs am ourselvel In the nu vlca ol the Lord Int bin Job in walling to be ï¬lled by dodlcned Hull pooplu The tlmle Nun mm rumw AT BARRIE LIBRARY Author Recalls Daredevil Stunts At Niagara Falls BUT flsï¬ltw GET ITHoME etcmum but ddlly complru their mlvu or wnnunl teddy Mum Min Akin lo lhau cl Wm Ihoc momm or plonuu 11h und Llnd burgh who VII In fly Allmlc 0cm Rudm will In hl bmndmlndcd Ippmuh lo Mm And vth Hwy docldln Imdo In Him my wcl so out um mm And then will be rlnt Around the ml whilc doclllon made why would build new wn pllinlnllbwl lhc dhnrdur In mornmanl May thll ll Iho auto lhlnl may at Inlklnu the brink cl Falll whcn herd No5 mfmm an and mm ml wept om lhe Nb waning only 1110 Jacket Indln mlmaere chum beam hay llm mm over mu llvc thmhthulo 0H1 rwm¢ an Raoul and look bl boll thrown lo Gunman mh ll than book om that wUl mp mdm no mun may 06 ol lhyir in on ha Iolwlhflr Alrl lo high mum BIBLE THOUGHT Imo lha llm non mu Fall ll BRIAN IMKER Thu Romy Club of Barrla would Ilka to thank allthom donors of cash and marchandlm which mined the wccou of In nighln ra dlo aucvlon Grateful thankl are alto oxtonclod Io tho many puoplo who partlclpbtod jéané you CANADAS STORY ROMRY CLUB OF BARN mm mm II on Pingv emu 33 pub Wu In In ubIlo bum wuln 1w hr min when Jlmu Patrick Whfllfld murdcylnl Mun whwnaxwura com mon munmm IMouuhmo In on in Tomb wu In 1m lmr lq nu ma mull plm summmem wu the WM ml On Dec mm Yorkauam It Wed Wllllpm Ind Jonah Mchxuw wu and in tho hand mm mm Analoan WW my 01 max mu HM In public In 1m Elm human York Vllllltn mend to I11 month In prlnn tor balm public nuisance Durlnlhur lemmeuho was um lo Market Squlm on two occulons and mada to mm In the pillow or two how he Guam Indpncla re Nod ha bchavlor of on no prim luh wnI wkkled by nutlvefAnlcln wha WI loner drummer In tbmrmy Whllolhrherul The oxMnunue and amp uln In lha Clnldlan Amy who Illnad law dezm through 1pm tlma Iludy Icon normed Ihruuxh lhe Communl Ill lulu IlormIbrnulhl uv by ownnunlx during lho ludmhlp um um hm Irmn in Now nu PREDERICTON CHChur Ilo Van Horn hu returned lhs lull roclulmed uvlur ol Toryllm New Brunlwlck but Iomeflflhln the puny cnll hl Judu Roger Plchelle wmldenl of Campbelltnn whn draw only mailed nine vote In the lender lp bullet dumbed him In in interviaw Belladch Amold Born In Quentin NB of Dulch lame And Funch moth Mr Van Home earned me Mlle mlvulck um eluc llon in ma MP or Reill ouchrMIdnwnn won roolectlvn In m1 Ind me deciding lo cull Arm brldu wu bull In mo buween gnmpbellton and Cm Polnl He 55m lhn ml Iva yurl In ml mm In Culllnrnll In mo when hull nobl chnudl leanll ovarlhnw anlar Hugh John flam mlnal Communal Mn Van Hem dumbed the kar humï¬lcenl In durum to Mr Midywi Id lller lhl ubml plut orm lndudod mm bl own mommendnuom Ind harden fluemd hla lumrl In In olocllun lhc lovnrnmmll mnnlclpnl mum vrolnm cllccUV ml Mr Vln Hum warold widen Clmpbollwn NB LI renowned or within at mh on both um Conlarvulvu and bull One puly ofllclll who nkod lo ramlln Inonymnul uld SA urday IHEI Mr Vin llomel ovarwhelmlnl lender ol the provincel Cnn urvulvu There are we lroupl who wlll remlln with the pmy utm today than who kn Van Horn and thou who want to get rid him Roger Plchelle VI mmldeul ogn conmqwg DENDUNCZI PHOOHMI dd mm wnnlcd lo do Icmflnlnmt Thlll Ill lherI lno MANINTHENEWS Ptiblic Sï¬ectgc1es Toiy Leader In New BrtuiSwick Often Described As Maverick told mum yam Mk1 unhhod It mm 11m it No my tho example dHha 0er mun but chilled Ms lune In told quu mm in mm cum all em wumlï¬er lorm ol nunhkunem 111m wan ï¬lmummlu lnme sum in 0mm pic nvaï¬m lawn bin Come up pound clan to wound wn vmm qpmm rmswnemm Gin Memo lamay JolnedBnnodcl Arnold otlrfluï¬cc wag attend uh mud or nu Cumin Spdllnz Bock 1m ofï¬ce mud mummy xmuudun Bly Com ny lcrrltory wu Arlmlerro to Calming lmVklorlu nrld Mom ml wu remodelled or pedu lrbnnl INSCentral building the Unlmmy of Ottawa wu de droyed by ï¬re and ullcd Premier Robl chnnd dlclajor mother lunclm he nld lhu provinclnl Conumllvnw crumant wu the but ml able but no flu but pnulb duflnl Ill 1ng mp in Hue llun oppollllon to hit behlvlcr tom tom party whim Mr Vln Hurna wu by the popular chain In th Iendmhlp clmpllan through nu Brumwlck lhll min In live without brgln nld he oelved Asa ollha um van in comm lo or Richard Ha llnld Ihe other candidate and mcmber thn lellIlItun or nglulqn both nrllu Call mlverlck ulcer that mm anW lhI herd he llld ll lighting ln help ynur rrnvlncn 11 mavmck we hnln Whl belle In hlmul un Ihnkublo and hi openly de lendl hh actions in nhuklnu boghupnrllu