Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1966, p. 2

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£2 Rotdrv Radib Auction Most Successful Ever 51$ The Ramy Club of Emit lul mid clan lo 6001an led 000 or community allemu In its Annual ndlo Inc on Eighty nmmm luck ulc Khonu Md or Ind onehull mm at huym lrom throwb nul the counly purchaled ev vlrylhln mm aumed molm to chic an dlnnor Man old nnrh wornn Mm Mailman Kandy ammo go lqloxk 04811 MIC Cum yu wn old to lobe no bolm when hor am will be hurd Charm WM mu undu In Olin Thomas 01 mph Aw Mm muln bloom mm 12 WW my MW Auction chlirmln Brown Hod tho mu mu nuc cmlul var All but lhm Inml mailman we on th llll we on Fund Him through Romy ndla lucllflnl In 010 pm hm halpod bulld dlnlnr Ihllm It at Vlncenl Flrk lht lumtl coum ll Bhur Pu Ind lln II UNIW Mlvllflll HIM mind hm you burn drlnlu Inn Mu nomu mm the hid no Ind nmll In rm ymgrdny abuln mm or 1m Ild ounul In In Inurlm to man IhO rand llw can Mom WY whun mt word to from Jumda Mb mumn Md mm VuJullly lho 91er Ih lull In nund Ilulumoxomdy Woman Told To Sober Up bid duhLu ujcuo mugw nnduy night Above M110 3th an mmmmhu 1min Ami Igloq Flaunt nomile in word oh Wall Anythlng For Tudrlm 0N USED CARS brimltd VI LOCAL GENERAL Munr undemlun mu uoltlnl lounllln lo bu mud 0lhl hm olflenlanylll Park mm mm olhur cammnnlly dayglgpmmy Th ucllon In nlnm lowed III 1965 high In tundl nned Um The bhnnu mme flopped rlnxlnl from gm until 1130 11 1h mornLnl ARENA HEATING lulurad Ill hullng wu In IH lhl Th hutlnz will bu nhed on or Ipmllor Ian th mnl Thu ed ml will mmndm 1000 MI DRIVERS COUMl drlvcr lmpmvumenl caum will In conduclod ll lhn mm Polm Suflon Doe Burl Mlyar Cock In nauncod lb coum Ivamnnd by lha Tun orllllon Barely Am Million midi lhll morn Ill lllllWOflKl Ill And diuhlm ai iinworkl will be parmillud ior Dominion Dly in MouldI yur on ihl nmo bill my hm bow on Viciorln Dny prmmly 10 WUNT 1AM Oaunclll diy dmlopmcni cummiliu mm In know how many mm than wllhin ciiy llmill and how much mu lhl minim Tho Imu moni dwlrimlni IIu hm rd in proth iho inimmliion 10 IILL PROPERTY Tho cloud porllan Adlm Blml la la bl Inld In nbulln Eopuly nwnm or tom 000 111i hm plmh lam mu um City council Mt an In men mllu lhln lflh mmwhcgugu comm But bid um lnIven mm npidly II hold IIICHBMEI Bob Anulofl hrondcm film or ma outbalrd mnlor mu on elm pl lhu aygnl All 1mm n14 Km donated by Burris Ind dlmlcl march ant and manner Mr Brown up led 5mm IIllon on bohlll of Rolnry lo don or II wall In nu Doll Tch ham Ca who pravldnd mu Iu Ind lhu Royll Elma whu provided mnnmphlc halp mm Ilmd In Thu Bummer who um wank wm Innouno ed om cKnn ndlo lhrounhou flu lvcnlnl Ilonl with their to ml ulna and Dunn Invllod lo phono ln bldl Th0 Romy Auction cammlb lncludnd Mr Brown My Onylchuk Al Mlcmlllnn Ind Len Human hul llmon In member Ind mlny woman at tho Inns Wheel plrllclpllod Execullvu of nu BumBor don Conlumm Prom Am clnllun whl Jlrllclplll In mullnl call In mmlllon um am by lh Hamilton Ind DI trlcl onmmm Prom Allocio up nw nunn ll wu lumd will Mn John mum lldly npmnnullva or II local Irons uld 1h punpm of lhl II lo Iumulm mu ca lry ncllan In mun cod vrlcu BM uld um rem lhll mmlnl mum dlll would or dolmllan 1n mm wllh nu Mm 1mm mgpt MAO Mr fllltllfl waned lhm wu no bayan Mlnl gyl Imlln Mu Ind DmaMIr Lu hund le Wephom bldl Thlqut wu deurlbod at tho mm mum full am Exminerth Profest Assoc To Attend Meeting uvlhoxi Shin ay am yellerdly mung In In unwed 01600 dunno Minimum rt olv web Wllfllm DIVII WRfi II wu ravalunx Shan if Bridaebw In tho other auto wan mm lonlmn from drive to nu on the mudLCun In 3ch lfiluéami coflhlofi in 13 ml ad on Illahwly 37 It nu rune blahWIy Iccldm July 28 In which Enrrln llfldled mun Rd in Inc at $2 Ind com or molmyde drivar who pared in Orlflll MI lllrnlu Cour hmdly on Al Irn nl cmlu rlvlnz Stofhen Pumplu sum who on hll right lootnl ro lull the mldam wax lined Iliu In mid the court um norm unexplllned um knocked the molnrcycle ho wu drlvinl Into the rm 1er the tractortull er truck on mmwny nur For ell Homo Bail Dale Wdlb 10 Bir th manner on tho motor bike ded In holyltll Iollowlnl nu accident Alter mlkxna the Iruck on cylinder wax lorn Mrl Juno Melerbmer or unmcholr dlmtor Cent Mud Chumhwlu conduct Annual Ecumenlcfl 0m Service at tbs mm Canadian Cullen Mum Bum Centroflnnda INLAndmII Pndmmm unh Paladin the 330 pm Mr vkc In mm room will ha 5qu by Lloyd Nfa mum oth 150 church will mum warm Bull Hlndd modern Ind tradluond cmh while an all mile them win alnl lhc No Ipiriunl Ga Ten It On The Accomplnhl or he Inlheml Ind congrmtlcmul singing will Cm Vln Hanan of st Andmrt Mn Elizabeth Fur glory cpolr Andrm wlflfiénndug Mun In who nwnll In nlzhflocownnled Icy md land mu lo sm Driving Wetk whlch bolnn mldnllhl wAI lodly reported by Burl 0M Pollen No motor which minim Any ducnxlon hlvo occumd ma clly ovgr lha lml fora will bl mm thin lugs ll Int you local WI DIWM wm mum dwllcm cl Bah Drlvtnl Wink oldut figanus to uan mmly lo Mm dmh Ind up Jury on man and mm or IMO wok 1h 0mm mm Imam Council pom nut ll mmd mi MIN during Mind wlod an b0 pm to uu lhrouth you lo ma llm Ind prmnl lul condition Pom6091mm oukllh Ind gum or tho Department Milk WM whu bid hole undu om July today DIM W1 lama 71n1r3a1casnsL MotorbikéDriverFinedFSZk Carol Service Set Eof Sunday SafeDriving Wgek Off To Good Start Police Report qulc mad mm gm mu 1qu no duty when can drlvunb Inn nu Kali RR an IndW Ham curd apt Landon 0n wan In In mid chn Johmon WWII Vullmed It 7M5Im am mmddnmlze ammo lrom the bike and was um cu eenlnx tram mu anughbmmd Inna tn the oppolno Ildu 01 Ht high way what muck th who Mk II he saw one motor cycle driven Pumplal Mend wuuammm at sunburn pm hlm He paid ho Illo noucv ed the mom momch pullinl out In pm but lmtud fell munnun it Itruck bl let my bha the wan 5H nhllun her weight on the va hide Ind wu blacked ofl balance Sudhury Inwyer Llayd Vllul deluded the youth walk acgmun lleug um WW8 one Van nfimm fmmaszmaw Omnbu who member ornotu bellm church mm Inclliyby Jlmn Belch was And muu ll borhlm ol hlnuy Madl cIn murch Mn Melenhachor ll mmolflenl Ind Mn Ell abeLh Fmar legroury4reuur St Geomel nav Weumlnmr luv Mb Knnxlr 8L Amkul fluv Adl Dollie Unllod Proctor Cemm United av It My Burton An nov Pardon arm UnIlod Rev Cook 000mm Rov E1 Mikey Ind Fir1131mm Rov EAlhrbv or Churchu whod chain Ind clorfl no pafllclpulnl lmluda fin In Veg uyl Brillh Columbln Llnm ol flu Candun Foothill Loam my in nuatllln Ind qulrlorbm an Ind Kuhn oflho Illnuumm Vlklnn my nld th Llonl flul to ride dmmlvo and DI mm and dlllmm buck um Symon Io Totem Ar ion or flu vllhll la Yum oxInt Ind propmy kn lhl council mm ma Wodnudly ll Hans lnlnmlod In don whlnh wnuld und hillbch Wlllll min In ma Nationl Yout bnu Lulu urn in nlurn lot Inlnmk Jlm Young VI der Kuhn hm of Wlmmlnl lonlnl man In lhn no Ran Bowl BC Lions Mhy Pursue QB vmcouvzn cry Sui mini mm Manzié ciwioan wudé at an LamHa ml mm Amy mm km sum lrlduflna in Ll wide that thc 19M BIrdrUfltedeeal me men It $95960 ohlwuve awed weéfseron Tm coma uuwieqnmned by MW mm IMma méixE viii 50m nuke wfll now may pledge alga Mlgtefideflnitg al vhrluisfamxdu serve cars canpain My L1 the HM your the Bar rie Unltqgl Amen hu failed to surpass In last count $77m had been collocied cumuhlcd uku An men5ed mu week While several mm do nndm expected mm that 10 would take Ivmlrlcla Icqum the W811 mu drewl 1nd Eml Scout Ter qunlllled or lhclr Firemlnl proficiency bad by complaunu pnuno II Burl EBJIIIL Thu mun were Ema John Bell Chlrlu Emmi John Geldlrd Larry Henley George Muller Tom Ollnn Al bert Pa Seal Sadum Bruéa rnbull Brien lelnr RonId WAlkar Robert Win Ind Pnul Way Latestitxcdiiritx Sfi9wsii$g87Jflfii 159 Appeal Thu canm wu conducted by meIn Dan Oman and flu dupmmcnt mu mined Icaulm Emu Barker And an llogkley mmd Nov with gm Wm rugn guy Scofits Cqmplete Firemans Course or tramon In MI Anni 11m wn allowed by 1mm and muucuon In In momma llu lllhlln mulled and Nullli onlnlqwln kl llnm Idle II om ol the Quay ngul gu Mun bad MONTflML CF Alrlwl hm dwmmcnl quouflomx Avmn wnlehlcd wh mic lo null In on mn urtom ulnvlnru Aluu modtum AdmI ILI WINNIPEO CPIEvldlnfl ovmlu mullod In Mr opening no my in md on an Winnipeg min cthlo lodly nod Io lowlr St nod lo hllhar Jun out my chlnud Doc blrlry un dunud In lower Du 131 to VAMlh Doc 119 an Bib 3Nor but MorgnumyllgCInudhn and In Inlanded In mm lean or public lurvlu In In olecllou maul nd unlim In cm In emcmncy would WWrfiomsgm FARM PRICES IHdmperjsfl30ifif 901d glnlnJohn Wflderol the SIlVlj dun Arm It um Citadel oq Co Her st yesterday man to lrlbule the unmet0111mm who want or need Chm hum eri thin year nlmu will beinvuilmod byuu clubs to ii the need is ibm or ii mm aid is quimt Anni meeting in druw iflupoumuurlinwiliba Den 14 to maka lure there hubeen no duplication oi ef iort and in mun Lint on ciao is in need bu been mis capL Wilder ald there ware more than Mlamulep In Ear flu and nelghboflnl conunupl lie who received hamper IAII year Ind he Mend lqu chanzs ml ylar Thuse mum puudpnunl in helmAI Chrmmu bumper dummm Ire Knlzhu Col umbusBurda Lions Club Rob try Barrie CMtan Cluh Blrflq Pallce Aumlaubn Klmmen Burris Ind Kempem all Kiwanlx clnbsRwynl Cann dlan Legion Burris Angus Lo lnn Branch Angus uom Club KINSMEN BINGO WRIGHT LEGION HALL nu unit In uflvyl by plnu plum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVENOURELE CARSAND TRUCKS And Copy In muvmd In You llama by pm CARRIER MISS YOU 72822433 Bunla Wéma and $0511 uan Anny mum PASTRY 5be mpg sAT pNLY been 1causnr nous Chrlslmu cwe ml anunhle 5rott3 Roy 39 dot 29 run 861 TIN

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