Ponr mmun cmTom lsl outflltmwm told Wednes day thayshould workup perm udo hunters to Migrmm Al rlclqmnrls lo the pursuit of Labeln 0nlnrlo mom and Ir The advice wns ulven by James Anld Onlnrlq minister tourism and lnlormnuon In In Iddreu lune annual colv vendon of meman Onurlo Nurlsi outï¬tters Amelqlln OTTAWA CWThe annuafl mum at Um Eastern Ontario Develwmen Council EODC unanimously endorsed resolu ton summing he Mar de pmmcnl or transport plan to modomlu ghq Eldon Canal Mb Aulrl said nonresldem hunters outnumbered almost an to spent $730000 on hunt lnx In Ontario In 196 out of total hunter expenditure of an small Increase In the num ber non resident hunter would resultlgn much higher increase Xn the amwulio monvy spent by nonwhim as emulated torresldenu he said 1M $1500 the thmn humer can huy breweek mm Mflca but lnr about onehall this 05 he can also buy 15 or is daysin Ontario midshool mouse Vor hear he II Mr Auldjfld Europeanrhgmg eri barikulaflyGemnnsare lntemsled min to unlano The resalnLlon cm or tho roman of bottleneck at multl ï¬euh lock station and speed nz up trafï¬c by mplaclna band eraled lock gates with me gnicul dwgces The Annual meonnz nun nought continued cnnsulmuan between Ihe EODC Mher ad visory mnups like Iha mdeau Wmerway Conservation Corry mmeo and the federal upm mem transpprz PORT COIMRNE Onl CF harks Tuvvldun nilemled Anln Wednesday hl that In loam hlll mylrn mu or lhl vmm Ontm Liberal may kgllfllNp anm or lriileriurnlw mm bond Ind no mam mm lha 911W ln pm CHICAGO ANJIM lenlor clumplon female award for breedan shorthnm name was awarded at we International vestock summon and hurls Ihow Wednuday Io Lnundn Judy Clara uwncd by Lwada Mnnnl Fem ol Pclerbomugh 80 launda Manor Farm twy malel and 3Ioundl Manor Farm senior net sire Made Manor Farm Junior am bound Manor Flam but Among other Onmlo xhihl tors collecting honm chnw d1 yew ln an lnlmlcw Mon wank bu 1o 00 dclqmu to the In and Mo rnlly ol Nlnunm mu um Lion Clubl Mr Temple lon uld hh llllu In 0mm with numb of luknl blunt mlnhlm Iuwlny had dun Mian lo chnnln bl ulmdy glad wlllan on lhu lender ukueu vmflm nl 0mm 00 Imam lur lru mun Imrm and Mum bier nocutlvo vkwmldm ol lflrppofllln Turyll co Emma 34117 Tho maid humvm b0 mwm1m cluwa Limbo 1qu um Endorse Plan 10mm CV Humid dndnll nld WainInf mm at wulm Mum ml mm ml um my will bi mumnun mm Hum 019 900 mu ugqmwl rpm Ialfllflon nut wnl mum lot Can4 lhl Bud Mm htWSmoUNbflP Hold Hearing May Have Deï¬cit Wins Award No Aspirations Jr i9Â¥99r 41teSWd Td ComészOrth Ii CHARLIE TEMPLETON posal that would orb satellite abova Illa earth to reflect Ill nnlmhn would cover Cnnad WP 235 Mr Sable who opera CHCHTV In Hamlllnn sprang the suggestion lnsLmnnlh aha sgecia BBQ hggglng on Mugs iilocaliafa TV Ehannel in Canada Them was no advance noun the SablePower Curv pm ma the EEG sub aim dny and cqnnqulanuy no flunce torcum Interested me la In helrd Tho Mamh caring would allow such repw senlauon to be made MIR delegagea Wilson secretary nl thn Ontario Frulrand Vgxeubla Gmom Associflbn said the boycotts on pressuran their buyer in get 11mm lower VINELAND om CHFood mic puycolgsby hugsmu In the annual meetinz the Nlngm Peninsula Frqu and Vegetable Grown Axsoclallnn mWednesday You flowers will heon the bollom run of the udder Mr Wilson said He urged 1h firmmlo all lhe public of producLIonmslsl not the food sewer he nrmen mm mm are garc price up he nld WAWA CPL1h city wrinusly considering laying charges ioilnwing an inquest nio lhe Heron Rand hrldgu coi apae city solicllbr Donald iiamhlinz uld Vedncsdny The Inquest Tuesday tnund the Gnflney Co Sim lold and Dillon maul lng engineers ï¬rm London om rcspunsibla or lhe Ill 01 nlscwnrk Aux lo whch caused the dcnlh n1 nlnoworker and lrxlqreduso 31pm Mr lnmhllnz sald lho luryl clear mum seemed to war rnnt charges but most lluga on would be clvll 10mm CPDDr Slrul 1m Slrulovid 56 cl monlo Hurt Famers Found Guilty Corisjder Charges wig 1nd turmoi lAY IT AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS avanv TRIPWILESQMES npuou may vouown nus NEW 00 My JAME AU Ionic In Wednesdayw round gull alienating mpmmm an Stop noun myearold zlfl In July ml yga Dr Suulovlcl urller ad milled to yJudgLhn MICDHM ndljand luryo1o menand two worhen he peflgrmed dl mm andcmeua¢e operation 911 the gm clean her uterus 115 mid the mgann hld been necessary because her In was Himmler When the girl came Lohls ofï¬ce she already hag 9n lnuxnfllelemportlon he meumtefmeauzailon commis sion mufled mum can up lnmglop New liquor aka othvywwlddoltu NIAGARA FAILS NYNP wgny4gnme Newpo llwnen rlided threé hushits mwflzmenu hm Wednesday qnd arrested live pemm on charge ranged mmpu sesslon of bookmnkim mania In fraudulently obtalnkm 121 phpng 5mm Ind mauclws 10mm on christian churches should conduct may to determine the cnmes of mm unrest In Clnndn the Anglican Ch newspan Clnadlnn Ohmhman says In In edlwrlal The waver calls upon the An glican Chumh to invite lha Ro mnn Gotham Church Ind they United Church Canada to sponsor study joinLLy would conducted In lndepean ant prounlonn 31 ch agency WOOWNCK OWAW 0n larln Munklpnl apard hearlnz In delmnhm the purchase rice or so am exproprmd lamland was adjourned Indef lnllely Wednuday Raid Businéééiés One the lawyers John Pa 1et of 1302 NM M191 Mr and Mrs 0110 Smith or mer jolnl owneu ol the prep ertyl required he be It Si preme Court IIde today Arrell board chairman ma another two days mm required In complete he hear nddlllonnl witnesses an expeclod la be called by lhl expmpflnllnl body an Upper Thnmca River Conservnlm Au thomy PARIS Roulunb The Franck xnvernmcnIhu Agreed lo cooperalo with Cnnadlm drive or more Frenchspenklnz lmmignnll Cnnadlln Immln mllon Mlnlucr Marchnhd Inld Wednesda It new confer encu II end tautday vim hate Marchlnd on French mJnlslerl weed my Ihuuld uncnurano emlmunn ijdumIHearing LSefélés Study To Cooperaie 751 nldg wet the ï¬rst dnpo 1mm DHAWAW oSw relary LIMmhxwu ulmnst drowned out by Ihouls Jud mun Wodneuiny the ab tampled to delend CBC promm freedom In the lace ot Illparty dlnpproVIl of contmvuIlll 559 swim mu um um Dnvle Fulton POKgnflo°ps uked how long Pgrllnmenl Md have put up will the comm odllnrlgl lreedom pl tthCBC rred luthl CBC pm mm cllledj Sunday and Its howlna of ï¬lm cup In which lesblnnhm Ind homosexuality were centrll lhemqs TM kind ï¬esmale could not be toler MIx LIMrlh nld xha could not mea wllh th member Immune Snch mm In Ivolved person quadgn on Mush 0mm Pom Papa égimugl We In OWN dwflon mm lebon Van couver mm calmnun pend in settlemem of the West Coast lunashoremens dlwulg Tho plant was believed to be an industrm cunglty In the the Immuooal Imam nenu gnq WW1 Vn smdstil along he Wednesday An Mi Cnnndaspokesman said In Montreal Wantde the be 1009pcm¢ weam MW Mum mmrmw n1 my had been on we 12 Mover nw M75 via 5am bur lawn trike um full emu he thuldown wu asumnted to an Manns 3743110013 to Huber 4W wichv ex gnxuudrcph at 65500040 net Income $656000 In Oclober 1006 the operating menus wu 009500 000 and axpensm uxu Ind renh warn $0500000 or net income 32998000 BUSINESS BRIEFS on ma INCOME DOWN Canadhp Eatpnqv hallway MONTREAL CHThe oltl clul closing of ha Lawrence 55wa mm Montreal to Like Onurlo ha been let for suur day by he St Lawrence Su way Authority and the SL Law mm Seaway Davelopmcnt Car lh 911 humble andthnl announc menu concernln ommlonl wlll In mid one day 5hlppln cnmpankx have hem ad ad by lha nulhorluel lhal bqundï¬agurdly the wn wlli he opul oh dly Jayubasll weather Séaviay Closes 0nSaturdaY nEbKoN An Mr mo mom will mm CWQMIL whhther lh Varatln mun av hill lule Sheï¬lnld number luluI he had kacelveq onlhc mm $undny mum were be non lo ax CBC Show ul re quiring Ihe migration CBC oltlcluu lhe only lmmedllla chum that couldbejrquzhl In zrnmmllï¬ would bu mud the in MY parlIImen cunnito Vlrlou Bhom Nlon asked whether 080 management shouldnl ï¬ve 1cuntml over this 131 or Jim DIMmhuldlha can nllon manmmenl doelhava control over ltom control Parunmem llxell huda yery Ilronu moral conlral our pm mmndnm Howevu gould not um that Individual mnm berg should huvo ma pro naming dmllnr crmdsm the Sunday program In UzuSen Ale and 310 CoznmlllnalriI amnion nun=e CBC wouldha madeawm of motlun In such momma Elma willI If pm no men nqu the broadcasting cammllleebut CBCPmIdan¢ Alphonse Oulmeg wasacheduld to npponr helm the committee Thutpdpy LVTHIST YARD NOW OPEN FRIDAYS pm WWW PAN JnntcuiznsijimLimmaï¬ Wllh Men In mm her hold ME umrsproadm mzmmmm helm Tenn 11 ï¬nd by Nah mam aha mm on mks 5m mid Hum hmbor Man IACN IN CMTIS UNGROOVED MM ROTARY CUT LOPEN FRIDAY TILL PM IAHOMIY DOORS 10 66 $419 16 66 477 20 66 534 22 66 554 24 66 518 26 66 591 posr roman WC N91 153 SERVING THE BARRI AREA mm noun um um mm mm mm mm Al ummou or munw mm am No II AN mauwn mm up may guy mm Irbyrlr THE SSMAYASAN JUST ARRIVED QB mull MMDA will FROM THE MARU THE LAST 119342fivfldï¬Ã©mm PM mama washmnkhl up will mmr be moved mm her puvh on bhe mumm nametm the Tel zeana crew number wen FROM iiioiéd in FAR EAST ht Ccmlvul Chcruni llull MIMI VIN MIIITOI IACH IN CIA Prlvatimmvidu own aaqsumram lI6l AT mu lw