Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1966, p. 1

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Railway Mediator To Report To Nicholson 0n Progress The Iulo mlnuflclurm raw would by ulotyaxpcrll 1mm mound and the Unnad sum Advtled 0w commllloo would not wflcomo tho plumn Illndlrdumkln Moral In Ipecmn an that In ponlbflky campnnlu worldn In nlotyuoldn Incu wu unmwa and Hunt cm were not lhn alum um imm lhln My 1n lbm hour mhunga chnudny nllhl In vim Ccmmunl committal on Mile And mm mm um numhet of In lumnlonl pom dil courmd pallam nnl FIN be reputed the cone union 01 we days at hendnu hm um llornoon hr mm xlm unll mldnlm mm to wme noon on mum mm whkh Irlumm unlo ment Pullmm timed on is null workn nndln warh mm Mad who Illa WI MM mm mm nudlmn 3011mm mldnllm nu unbn ro km mu mum lh DIM MM an no Mlbmtrm nun Mn NM ll Th0 orlclnnl was Nov mva In Nov 3Q by Pmrmlw Cmvnllmu 81mm Comm 1m night mm Mdfllun at Ith nnnunl Junction in Bmla Above WINDSOR Dnl CPIcom pelllorl In tho mnrkMplncn they may be bu brimn morn m1lul probe on Iulo mow mman or lho mu Four biln mnnulaalurorl win unllod 1mm hurlnu In Univ Iky nl WIMIor mama 1n llrm rmnnwndnuon um Ca mdlan Auto mlnufuturm pro ducn their 10m 1qu recall HI um or Du om or F9 wmmllml Icrulny Ind It lha nrnu pm In In lhl v5 conulder mal Inl lhulr own llmru lot 10 In mm yam committee mun on the ummtndlllon Run only leoul mm Pir lnmgp lqrDurhun 3114 $01131 d1 Mum Io ehoci oi roggnl us run Auto Makers Unite At Safety Inquiry godmm um wflm SIMCOE CENTRE PCs NAME OFFICERS Will mun Iln manul no In My ham Ildu work mumM John Addlmn umm mem ber or Nanh Vork luuollod um lulu compmm cmlnt lhclr molten project Into Imo ulrly Ind suburb norwnflnn omnlnllonr Ho and eruh program pn 7qu Intel mnoodod WHIIm mu dkMor ol mo my Ivr flu Ford Mom Co In In 118 said ma PW ionmf an In dmlcult to conlldlr Ill wiur conmmorl In mlny uch In lmulaamllhn on wonXd duvucnu much at whnt Ah My bqlpgumanrchsdg ldlhu pro duml mm mm prode um unlud rm pmnm no mm mryonul look Lacy chm engineor n4 drum mm nlgr Clnldl 141 mead lulon culllnk or mh public uon sqqowg coMpmAAjlon RHODESIN INDEPENDENCE mm Em loam mk over rldlnl Iltuuon with any 9mm ql liarrlaliloflI um vmpmiamz and mi Wilson 11 than Munw IDI mm and lay lrym maul mar Ilv 06 dmt rm to nl nld tho Inn on My hMmmlIanm 1m bumm but short on wh Imam new Wu try In to Inwlum lind kmi lnla um or flu rm In mg Bonlnno Ind Maud wan Imon Ilvon man milled Tnol Iy when police mom In on mm on which had Irouud Iu Mom mldmtl In Monlml nurlh Ind 51 Donna Now York Clly in lo bu kicked out Cm Idl lndny hocluu don Im mlmllan darn1mm hurlnl mind hlm In In undulnblu vllllor who hu nrtmlnll rw ord In Unllod sum MONTREAL 0P Salva lon Donnnno in Ann of My Ihnt memblr of tho Amerlun Mam wu ordmd dvporled Wadnudny night Illar our bud dlnl wm minced in win mm in Jail hr Illa11y uulnl around landod nvalvm her with Ken Slonex Genml Melon Com unculle onfinnr may nmed also 1th ho dulm cm wu Mar lhnl avamllod er confldmflanl with Mr Scott dld Rnhnm chm production onu nm or Amnnlcul Molon Can Idg uq Bondnnos SCI To Be Departed don Emu 8mm Elmvnlt fright whilePrurflgr Mum 992 Mun HERES ONE pr they co lend lhn cmnunlcnllon in Nut lhh women They were how In would use lmmgdl flloly lhcy aid 11 wild tho councll would recommend him or another mm Frldly mm In and mmnoul Assembly would an hlm Frldny Illr mop om News he mod to mend hb INYIIQJODwN and the Immbl Imlon Mlny Innlayifnlnmerg Amarlcam Ind Clnndhn we picked up Carlo Sluml 07 New Brunlwlck NJ Pale Jnuph Mlnldlnn so at Brooklyn and Pam Nomo BI and Patrick Down 27 Iln Bronx All 191de guilty Wadnudny In hm chum of pomulon dlnnmulwuponl Tth Innourmd EMUI In ha doom mu allel him all for amond jurm But be my flrq tlvolyeag ficrm rug UNITED NATIONS AP The UN Security Council Innodloruk Ulhlnt ma lodayIo lake mother laxm lecrmlryienem and mm member mauled would umto My on 19 Another give yam An mull um he continue In M6 wu bubrrpropuod It Imaulve lnlounul meeting Imum mum commlma Ind 9m 15 member of flu TODAY Ann Landaul City Nunz ClldllldN ll mksll Diurch Bum1 Editorth lurkl huml Wimnnnl IV mmu Wuhanll The Examiner duh mum KIM mall ha lovm um av clmd Mom munca me mm an umen mm mm munm3 rm mummhflv 13 553232 ii um 93333 5mm 01 nil av Mud mm loam Nov Wm hm mm mm on Mumroman Melt MM lhh II um lMormIl Ml nor llowmn and and Juv gummy Am mmnggmgn All lhn olocllan Klollmr mm In as chancellor by lhu Ipulur Emu Damon mam In of lho lvyunold nnloni 1m Chrlulln Dumberuno culls coalition lovernmanl Thu vol 11 HI Wmnmber Iawar ham Wm Our mun Parllnmom wu mm with blink billou lnfllv and Hm lam numb ct lhc Sodl Damomu cllllmparhlpl mny Mldvalod lulnu lha nitold uNul BONN ANThu flundulli lodly elmod Chfllfllfl Damn mt Kurt 0905 mm or Well parrplqyfg HI chi alornnd pmenler In lhepiane Al Ian Yoxnn 45 llln nrlou mm dlllon in Ottawa Clvlc Hasplm IIIII undorzolnnumry tor 1m lgmullnjurlu fiu lwo bwnm module goth lung lo mumer aw mtm m1 gmmr my championh Jo baheld Olllwn next Itch Mr Hon man lopnotch curler WM ch19 organqu or the ovunc Iha tnwer It Uplnnda airport heard ndlu dlmm call from Tiny ucondn helm lhencd dent Wlru Iarced lo lInd he alldMIyduy maydly mly ly Ray linker armor who llm non Ibo Icon of lhc cmh nid lho non of the Bach Bonanz Wlll bldly dam and but lha lull wan lnlacl MEKIALFE ON 10 my Htrmunn 60 burly lormer Mounua romHal llnx who beemu 1001an um in the may wu killed when duh enflne pllne unhed Wednendly In muddy Held non hm 91m mm from on anIl 1Mde qlrpurf In 1n the membly neutral demo mod hlm to um uni otherlarm Thu Security Caym dd 15mm Council mums laid The mi new meal and been under West German House Elects Kissinger Third Chancellor firmer Dies In Craéli Bclnralho Hundulu Wild looked though my SECRECYSHROUDED FLIGHT fllVI lIV will Klollnwl election wnl Il wrm durlnl lhu nllhl when the nundollu member ho lwn mlnr mm nod lo Inpporl mth ubnal handed by hInI la and Ndny amn munl mm Tenth lho two furth hold mu not Nun than or thl flrrlm WulBefllnn membarl out In vom ur Klulnur lhm mlml and three mm hallo But their Mu wm cwnlod upurnlely becluu membm lrom territory Ill under mulury occu nllon their vom on rubllnlv mmm WW oullulm Chancellor Ludwll Er hard and hi clblncl mm or mnlly dmhamd by Pmldenl Heinrich Whit trledto coma in or landlnl ll ton man an an In jun plnghgdrlnln ulna 5n hellAd Th Humor dopulmeM an an lnvulmuun checklnz Fem um lha planel engine led Br Imhur Goldbemml coun pluldenl or flatemu martian Eva IuMooriManday of mi and Ithamthu maul 91m nannww 1n mind umm mwgmmm Miro uumd mm the nut mo mmu Rum day 1p Invalid Illilmdd led lllddil with 140001 on MY MINT LOW en mm mm over It MM mu flrlu Ill Th0 low Wednudly mm in Tlmmlm blmluled under inchu nl snow wu ll below IIIOv Tempmlum plnnnd In Nonbtm Oulnlo mar lha norm IndW¢dnudny nlnhl Sndbnry ruporlod lodum drap in Ian Hun our hours ho hllh or Sudbury wn lo be Seek Space Rescfie Siteih The cold front lnllown Tuu day norm um sink rambler an Luke lluron dumped mm lnchel new on Narlharn 0n lnrlo communluu Ind broulh high wind Ind Inuw Null In mglhern yplnu Culd mu Alr unread uvnr most Cmdn lodny Ind the Iowa tempmlurel the cxpcclad In lame ro It culler over Hudlon Bay In mlnl mllc IIIJIVGI Prnlrlel Onllrln And pull oQnobg um area In lurchlng the normlama In of Lake Huron wherethe lake thp Daniel JMorrell Innk hleldaufwlth hand to an 1m Andme one gunker an wont Gmc Ink duster Jp3flllyem member Iurvived by lwxichlnl llilwoallfllnd ridingMAM ev nI Itmwa by me Tun day min 1nd nnk In 145 teem wmr an mllu norlhmt Harbor Belch about 75 mile nofih Panflmn Inundnd bzlm the 1M9 Huh deck awmhnnn Denali 01 awn Iurvivor lehd from Illa ran by hdlcopm Hula wu did in undmhortl Keven We were mgmnd Wedneldny nle US Cunt um spoiled mh body out Irrempty We ran but laid 5310 lam winds Ind huge gmnixed recovery Mord thin two dlyl mm mall endJuNmunu um £3er cut um nu lkwderq rllogrew excl reptmnmlva at Mali wlglldu Md lensCd Airline Staff Suapehded Wsifile Main Rocket TenIs Sudcosaful By THE CANADIAN PRESS LATE NEWS lrfifmllllwnul yWWTfimmmmm mmewuwnnMflmfl Arcticyfii Crosaes Ontario Temperatnresu Take Plunge bani uni mun on ha Ilnrm bruughl Mll wlndl Ind mow flurrlu Iaumcrn Onllrlo polnll MldlL Inning um mturu mow IQUIHI woud continua today Power and lrlrphnm Mn wm knocked on In mlny Nntlhm Ontario taxman Tuudly Elliot Lake Iboul Io mil Sum 5m MIHI Wu wllhoul elutrldly all day 5mm hid been mlared l1 hman Area by Wodneldly am Hm 0d 11 mum1 mfchfiy lhm mu guard Mien ovenljooaqunmlulo ml ol Lain Huron The Mom lrounded com minimn during most ma hunt Halo MAnhluhull Ohio was repurth lnlood condition nt mph Sum Sta Huh reported In Inches mow Wednexdny mm and mm wan cxpocled lodly Twcnllz Hvu loot mm In mm mm Imllhod lhn Irelzhler Dnnlel Mortal MoWodmdAy only on um vvor ol lhuumombor crew hm been lound Tmlva bodlu hm been recoveredlnd wen Med mining rowan KNOCK am 9me on In mowcov ugd more at thunorthern up of th Thumb dlmlct Th9 wreduewufoupd by man tench puny unnamed ya anorellne hmy Not slnee 1M urrIer Carl Brute Innkva10 1068 than many mun old minimfiled lheGml mu fin Brad 1011 of MI Scmvwhmr plunged to the bmlom of LakethhlzIn durln¢n Ilmllur storm he werdlhln¢ nboulthl 12500401 Mom nid nconll guard tpokennlnr WI lhal mare wu no dlmeu IIInIL ijnmnfl Jacket when ound lying bonealh lha bodies at threeflcmnnnleg who QM me An 91 waft bobbed on thgrspor 13 ll Wind up to wmllel lll hour Ind wave mt blah lashed lha Marni And me mmmly an without radium In

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