Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1966, p. 4

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Im nd Douxallwrorotu llc Ullll eaCommlsslon Dr Robert Spmtt Jr Blair and Harry Ms were returned to Board of Education Ilong with Funk Dobson Nell Mao Donald Albert Bryson and Rev Dr Slnclnlr of Essa Road Presbyterian Chumh John Woods was Separate 18chool repmentauvo and Andrew Cum mlng up lntod Slmcoe County Coun 1cll 3pm en Morley former dln odor of arrlo Cllllens Band wroln lrom England where he wns wlth Royal Canadian Entlnem First Dlvlslon Amon those recently overseas Major omen of Royal Canndlan Medlcal Corps whose wile ls daughter 01 Mr Ind Mm Ton Matthews Holgnle St Par kor Mc llln has been Awarded wmmls alon as Pllot Olflcer ln llCAF Third 1Banlo Troop Boy Scouts Colllcr Street Unllcd Church has fine record of enlist mcnl ln Flghl for Freedom alnst llll lern Nazis Thls was armed In 1934 by Rav Ernest Dong wllh Wll llum Mnlcomson Scoulmasler the 20 orlglnals 11 are now ln Cflmdll WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner NW 27 1941Her her Robertson mayor of Barrio Ior past 51x years retired from office and lawyer Donald Macbmn was Acclaim ed chief magistmal offlce at town Harry Buchanan grocer was reclaim ed move and George Clark mllwa man became deputyr Aldermen or 19 will be Grant Mayor Wallor Halben Bob Mishrnan John Gr Charles Lmver Charles Christie am Sin £1915 come Jam 21 9mm WEE ii Herhéri Hugheed rigs goucher JohnE Cpgg ii Sohiafiéihieia There is real dangervslgnal showingl mm were hum ed by 11ch in the luxu financing mat ls being can Eymvgovemmem to spend mom fled out Roberts welgl on i0 Wbjbut none likes to admit fixan do It 1° PNYiKdWW mm Wxmme and it is not just at the lovincinl level It is in on at the ml municipal and iovoia of government We should he buildin reservas for when times are not so goo ldont mean things should not be done moanthaln lot hinder look should be made to iind ways of cut tinx the costsl in theiasl two or three em our revenue has been going up ul our deficits huvp been goinziup at much foster rate Even tho gh taxpayers must be aware thnt ay are paying more than the were five years ago It ls robable tha most would be surprised at ow fast state spending has been going up Over the East five years total ovemmem en lng has climbed from $1 $158 1lonagln9rease 9i 4Q peg gent BiliiflédaiilSfiidihgfiiéiuéive of hi Criticism 01 floVernment sganding coma es mm poll clan Kelso ohms who Mendy res adj Minister of Lands and Forests the Ontario government His decision to quit his cabinet post was the result of strong disagreement with thoOntario vomments policy of deficit financing fit is of borrowing unspent even though tax meipts are at an Iilw time high uup uuuu ma 114 II lawnv on Na ml Minluymmun 31 Yumamen no tho r1 look In um mm um mm mu guanoman mmuuumrwwfnt HEADSDISASTER INQUIRY QIN zwms if Manngln DOWN MEMORY LANE ley Mott of Ioronto Juvenile Court Wu eaker NewlyInstalled president Wll 1am Garner prvsldml chk Howey wp Llon Tamer and Art Pugh Icled Tall Mster Highllght of excellent musical rogram was baritone solo by View nox Lt Jack Clark transform from All training central Camp Bordon to North Bay as Infantry lnstructoru Slxl anhea ot snowfall ln Barrll Iron ycsm ay GeneralyE Sanoom ColoneYS in 1n mu the man dlmlrour Ilncd Gany Lee of Barrie was Idmlnlstrady officer Douglas League of Canada ask Barrie Klwanla Club to sponsor squadron forBarrie Panlode dance sponsored BayVlmv Chapter or Easiern Star in 10 Fhmplo very successful Committee convened by Mm Jo and Mra Rogervlobeon Wlnnera of included Jack Garvin Jacqueline loneham Blll Bud Joan Partridge Mm Fred Elllou Helen Man chester Mayor Cave Mm Sadle Wood and Squadron Leader Child Mra Mlller was wlnnor of Ilghan ln raffle con ducted by Numea Alumnae of Royal Vla torla Hosgltal newng 1100 Dr Emu luurn ull mode draw at Roxy lhoalre All5m football team olfiaorglan doiAlrCadef llllmhfl muqu lUllAWArThln you ll allay 56mm World lVIr lha Canldlnn oconenw mm polnl vlaw ol roducuvlly gal prouzh labor dlgpum steam unldl havo Jun Ammblod shew um In the llrll ulzhl mnnllu ol lhll year no leu than lull were called 111m cluud he lou of ammo mandnya work In that porlod Thll comam wllll Imka collan mam minde 01 work lnglha whola of ma whlch wu Itllllllcally th wom yalr up lo now The pallérn ol Ilrlku lhll yur hu two dllllncl Icalum ln lhl nut plm 1th mm to have iii DEGM COSSK added Hi wrfim 12913341 fim 12m filmm wmm includan from Barrio C0110 late Junlom am Hnmlllon Mn Rich son Mac Mills um um Lowe seniors Tod Wallace and Ken Chm Barba flan Club celebntcd loth annlersarj with ban guetuatnmmy ParlahHnll udgoIHaw flamson Bill Braaiiay Gemsav Méfe fifil Hyath Canadas Fifth Mqun amy Itmay even be that the new policy will save the taxpayers few dollm hymn Mr Robert phrases 1t slowing down the luxury financing at the provincial level There must be room or economies if they havoeto be made And there must be many presume that can be deferred or spaced out leen choice the pub llc would prefer to welt for the duywhen present tax rates wlll pey or expanded state services rather than pay higher taxes later to cover interestohm on money borrowed ln perpetuity R5515 3H1 irrsonffilfiiiflchardsJn mm 5mm 11 Emma tergovemmenm transfers bu tncrmet thelenst 22 par cam forIOtuwa com mad per pent forth municipalm uesnnd7o pencem lhe pmvlflncgs lntha mmJgdomlproflndal fiscjar taIk Ottawa wns unchmcledsfloglly firm on one point It the mime mm to spendmoyehtbemus W5 m9 PM exi€im3e an simply as ttawap armed forces jut taxpayoni should notbe dmurb ed by Ottawas new policy It is ainzgly En affirmation hp pound principle the fiovernmentfilbh spenai themoxivoy shou raise the monoyw peasants Autharlud mam elm mull oma Dmflmom mm and lot Wm oi pm In em Duly 5mm and mummy mam mud wmm ram duty by unlu uo hotly um warm ml IM uy nullrnm um ynflyx Onudo yum mom Wolf nI MIR out 160 own nor Mn tidy Candc WI Alana Illunan UJ Ind mm yur Mom UMVHIW Town no Mm mo WM rm It Vnmuvnr mp Iml Exumlurr DE NamId Pfiblll Anadlolh lhl CM rm III Audit um WI 11m hnsradlcllbly cauled dmlnlnl 53 Ill mould bl outlawed bur Ilnlnl wupon lam 1n llldt when lhl rub lnloml um um CMWIHI lev ml Pumlar non Thatch in tin tint pim 1th mm in hlvajeen aimed Ipeciliuliy induiiriu when my would the mint biic incon um and ioni in Then incian Iiriku uunlial ubilc uiiiiti runway 11 Cliildl tho Llwranco Buwy ii droQuu bu tho Quebec Lupinll in Ontario ifmkinl induliry Ailo nlrlim hurliui io mum such laxg mm mu pukinl uninm An lilo limld lulimt importm lxporl induliriu Iuc lhll pulmt iniernliianni kick And VIII ulk Imnnl 1m will In your and um mu In my null Mm oun um Lord In promlud lo bl Mm In gm aru ll God be luv who can be unlnu dvmwAmonT=rrn BIBLE THOUGHT By PATRICK NICHOLSON 4213 VStrikgesflCq131ed Since Start Of Year mo III VI from In unmmnt Mini Kmlnhopnllnr Qlll In un mm ml mm dun lndmd Mum Imm llnl jammy ul1clgloqld Prim third Mud Iwlul nu ndor of lml and or um um mam man mm diam ll ulurdmn hu uumwmvmrhr uum Mm kiloman ml man Mi mmlu no mom mom ml M1 mm vur and WM or 111m wu llnmlol mm In rud ln ml whoa ll Mum known calm1mm wu mm mm In lundn nu minim Imqqng In gall filly Ipilhlnl ulmu and um Would no lu no GM them no lmn Jog an out 10 Clnldlm no mpnlhy or union up munan mull nu In mm 30 ml Illlyt am mpl cow Mum 1430 mm ood ml mn whim um um In unlan mImborIlnd hill lhl rm an MIAHon m1 um wnyl 501i the mllnuon th unrultnia llkc ho hum mly nlr hull mcmm but any ll mu upon In rm commuanch In thou um warklrl wlvu who will Ihoruy Illor 1m hllhu prlcu nmmry to Ib Iorh thou wm lnmml lawnny Vin on 1hr climm collmlvo bmualnl mou tho can But WM bllmo mull Illlch the Pemon ovornmnt or nbllnhlnl runt gum Ina Ior wm lllmOMl lhm lwo ovamldlnl Iclnu now balnl dobmd Dno examglmod by th lnl 11m out 01 III mnu mpmad 11 um In arlln 1nd llbor Dr mm Fm um than my mm demlwd or mlchhlm lo pro vcnt IllLka rim lo ruhm mumt whan hld mind 00 muon lhll formlnnnl compu my Irbllrl Inn mail ol qunlJndlclnl mm to hm Mmlhlu uh thlllnmind mm pun on men In null mew of ch Economic Council Cum polnu oul wua demlndl havn bun un tunHy high an nn wk nu of mu ham luv yuu WI mm tn thu min of lhll 0c nomlc councll crlllciul llm hll wbliclld nnlmunll Io Whig Imp In plruu CANADAS STORY Officials Did Not Show Up For Jobs fly non BOWMAN lrlnrll nation way 0mm liq m1 lemma mar CI but dld not com In Cam umll 1m Illhoulh ha am his ulna Gun Mum unly who mum Cum Illor Wnlll oak mum rolunml In flrll lln IInlm but continued In broth ol llr Gu Cnmlon Ilmrd Dmhmn mu llamaMaxch ol NW BranwHK um bul MI me In mm In In Chllfll mlmm um um llmu mum um Iva ml mu Mr mm from In on den pfabthly or an ncancllod mom Juu 1m HI Ihnuld ovamum bu 0nlrlo AMI loflowlnzg in Wutgm now bu WI than for mor nul Mum In Immcdm mam ram Mung leml Ind Robert Mm Mm pra 3PW WIP°E Quebec with mg ll um nm In Alum no IN All other mm Mn ll mu my mar Inmr Gm on WWII admlnii ngmfih Mmfimmli Ildur that unlonl dmwy Indi vldull lulu11v and nightly Illu group blame the luv unmlnt or hum to hoxd lhl conprice llne mum unlan dlmlndl to curb lnllmon Thm Illrlm 1h pen um It or united mm In no megnod wth 1th Audi Irllllclllly mvlng job mud rodundunl by luw nulion Man loal hit him ludm nm on we wlth And can uolM lhnlr nnk Ind Ill which Mrhlpl 11an by tho PallIon palmn have become millllnldwhlcfi mum urlkl hl In demand or unrul hlc wm lncmm unrelllad to productivity Incrum QUEENS PARK in 1515an If Liberals Criticize Size 0f Cabinet DON OIIEMIN hulk mmirww mlm an hIfnullnwfithuclld Ma and mmm Iobuma mlyll Vudindtm nu nunme M1141 thinJun Lynwill hm Mimi mmd llnn whkhdeu Lynn to mm domoormmmloulwllnm mm mm 3m 5th bu 33mqu in 1y Iboan fmdom of all lndlyldgdfm gmfltbflirflfiqmr wfmymgm Ammonwo the umotdtwo your raw mm 3r or mm wmgflém Iouldanliu and down lava Indnmm Ind W°mgm°m minthomily New wmgngafiuf my MJWMWH Wm Ivorol timid ll 19 docldu whom rm HINIHI um um on mud budomd mm mflgu WW elldumljroqnnl Emlnmr ochmozmlnull uumxuam In um mauaaémn 35 both IIdI din um Mum My my mg mm children purpm 1110 Iron alou mrfigtmwaglmnng luGfF wm nu mm mm mm mun cholc Immeqc than is BM dupllo um um um hum IWMM oulho pramm dad at Almm mime tht hum of the ponibliity pooplé balm um Ma lhl mumu who do wm not medicalden or holr children but nd new hu been 111 mm 2W to them gnu lam la be dulded no not 13 Min WIHM muIL be whether ppm world In our medictake fluoride which alto Iupplylgor no IOIIII ll MI mmHum mamINHMu ll uh Mk mumuon um am And Mn aux mu nan AMJAII IM cm durum mm lfl mmmérm WW£i aim MFA whim It to Noam mum mumm an be mm amnHu uMnol can mun bum mo PWN Moot wacqu am It will hrd or mm awmeh fnd will cut dw on ovu IWIHI ml oonlu on In we am cl trembli 117 or Mum It on be 4011an mm should In mm IV to the lomlllun with humMn ol ovary bunch ol munmm in mlnuu mun and the My to MI And on WW pa 1cm And man an compiouly public Admlnlnmlon many mm an bu mm um ufll mu gablMAgv mth II II bublnm mum to var ml cu ndm nmrnlcr Mr not null all mlnlum ltnomuihi mum mm mm Alto pqlnlfld nynvcz co no mo km of which ll Im am religion rim um no mammal or group mi mid hm the uuflwrlly to de my ynlmflly of Why mm II arbitrary Much on which you can any what the Inc at lovammcn nhouldbl flu 1mm sum run by 1me hlnclul men Mn cabint lava Whllo th nay Unued Kludom hi hu Jnamm to am mi lm Ind ununkj or mum Amman beware um own madam want than In Emu null And um mma Junptwdlaboullod mom on 14 Intulwfldanonill bouqu comma know that mum Impsmo MIMI mam tw um mm NEW inplicll in thin Jqu klmm 01 MM flit would we lam Childn Scientist or Jehovahl Wlinm Io conlumo drug mind the atom of MI conulcmof ll wo Idem fluofldltlon In mil ell it will mun thu we hm VIII an mun mont rum to motion with the unmlanlni Ind dnveiopmm poop bodie wmm yum mm 01 Mr wnm 00 um Ivo wo tho publlc lulh wind ourcwnqll womanh um Io mm potion1 declalm or us What drink on Ind wear whit arm mod cnUmu mm Hall worthlp Ind no on IN pamnal docim am no out lndeuAl mm to mm To Iy or IIuorldulan wa will not mnnddr in do in mm but we um um under our rlnhl to think or outlolvu and mm d1 me conldmm Tom no knowing when bl will ltld Once In lndlvldull hu lur nndorod Io olhm bl fawn nu mum my mum of we lam lrcllrhflln or Jehovahl Wlinm um drug mind the of MI conulcncof Idem fluofldltlon In In it will mun thu we VIII mu locnl mam rum to MIMI with mlnnlm Ind dlvdmnnt wm 5m wwwmhwmhafi on In on has mwmmaxfmmgmnfl Dorhn Park who bu had the Mntomunn owould in forced to lun er mud mmlhan Mm W0 and mm pdle It ail level at lovarnmenl who no lulu Jo Itth put 44 1n aumcfiimmmfith on MUN whit Mn Canadian munha mo uo Mn harm in morn villi ant II Lola botwm modem and tom Which do you ml op mflumlde mm 23 Mem mem maru um mil Ibla to Hum buy othbr drug and thou who can NONI Ihould or Humblqu at 1pm Xwunl dddm to hm mud mm am Ilsa win on pmrnnlh magiMduy In mm mm we have told mlny pemnll delta lo ovornmontbolh prom Ind moral W0 have IWIyI been Ivan tho oouuln Ix dollr Ind hmvbeen pruentod with An attractive madly pickm But My very odd youth hu dmd topmom cm um loamy the 0an am cm blclkuflued in Mm or com And now find our mu momma wnvlnu Within hm More the Mm mu public health mauurtlun 51mm low In Mixmm wm lduwum mi thnhowhhqfid 1h 11 on nu ma um um balm named at dl mm gvnNm formula dmmatlnoel unt Ifloni It than by mm uptlltomnntuthofi antwwfiddmtmt MIM umnm whoth mwmum F53 mm Milo It In null WW ml mlnl In IMM mum Your min demi Jamilm shaman 54 Bum mfim fimi

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