Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1966, p. 10

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mw rf1nh Nu LAIsiliIln tee NIl ll not eel zfiihin er Iauruon tteaei char peevefllal aex ureter uxllrlimn LIT Numbara HI IIM int are Ollcllllll Box Number eberaed eenta caNcaeeanoNe 10 ear to IJIL or eaneeiiauo be peril é=L ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS HUNTING llntl ll be written wit firm your Daily Newe flak Evenll It and WIDDIN or thee evenu Erin them Counter or tell he Examiner met BLDDOthuion and em noe thter are pieled to neume tn run or ill on may last at llendrnon lie on ENGAGEMENTS Ine Barrie Ann lllr GEM Coulen ll of Mn and am Georll Coaien at am rot liaille Ooth Neva Beetle 3in maglmbwlll talker ram in Trinity Arr lcnuren ellm MARINAGES MlflABTNKVMITCII Th mulm at Mr rm mom my eon Mr and II ll Mc car DI MIGMHM to Arm LII Mitchel deuehter oi Mn and Mn louthvtew RUM MIMI Point took place on peovernber II 1006 it St GNKIII Annieat church Barrie DEATHS th end Dlnlll Vounl Burial In in rmlon run on my Mn um born an educated in nl II d1I rill til rm In tn ey 01 mm emu an in lunou almnen and mu dole mun to ouen in ms nu am vived by it limom ivredeceaald by nor rim awn armln Dear mot mum mum nun letebor lurqu omen 5g alumna arm 94 Ill NW Patrtrlat and Ilanley rrle malaria and Jul DH Burke Merv Menttob mum we ater and Gordon Meelnrm filial Edmund me no and OALDWILL Dill MAt tho Halli Victoria llolpital llatrlt all Men Noer lm Violet beloved wile DI Mull in her Nth year tmnlmr at William and MA at Lind DIM No be 10 one int mm Beret Urv HillelM roman re enber lul ewmernolrlhe let liar Nanna ed ammo end Annie eli flee In Mr Ah NIIIIM the Illttltl antli ml 121 Ill lid meet DIR re ill herb on November et to rlll rment herrte union CHRISTMAS BAZAAR BAKE SALE AND TEA Wellnordlly Nov 30 130pm to lam 51 JOHN CIIilil BASE NENT Creletlurlt Allmiuioo ate Allepiru WA Wedneedey pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlo St West nmu loN toe $300 JACKPOT Iuwod ol the lterrte itrandl Navy iueua at Conerle NO MIMI ll LUNCH more It Nevin tr no bruins the tov hole Marmot elee miner All the In WWI Sotiili nth Minnelli Va awn v0 wmeva fie our were ventur rnereien Al all at re yr after nretLaa rtiea In order In error or miuierla ala be rt mull no the aubllaatlarll eralnr II on out an lnoame uanor REALESIATE PROPERTY ron sare iEnorvMiIIerf REALESTATE lWADDlIESS 67 Dunlopfil Open Eveninga Until cg 7261881 FIVEIIOOM BUNGALOII This nice iremeherneie loo ted close to Idlooieand to bus eer ivecmrsrorrr 74 £00 with living quartare over etore Cioae to Barrie on high weyideai turfantlnue unused furniture or any other burineu Cali Harvey Weber luoelr ANOUS SPECIAE Largeilving room kitchen din ing roan bedrooms and blur utility room with an extra room tor oliieo Forced air ganlurn ace Only 39500 ALSO Two tbedroorn brick burlga iowe loroerijair no heat large lot close to schoolsand church on $8 low down payment balance like rent Cali Kari Mareilell 72809 COMMERCIAL WALTON With plenty ot parking epuce good building railway aiding available lh property hurric ed to tell Terrm it req rod See Gord Spencer tor particu iere meets ALLANDALE $6500 Older bedroom two etorey home in good repair will Ioce 500 down lrom oueliiled yer road buyi See it with Emerson Swain mews PETER and WILES LTD GOOD Ni AORE FARM with building and etreamf elore to Barrie teoutil Don Wallace mule limt lyndeie REer Realtor Limited HWY NO 00 ANGUS roorn houu Janelled living room yo be oil iurnece on paved rolld edlooi blle at door minute to ing pia za milee north oi den Aluminum eiorrn and acreene Coated Dave Guergie Arlgue Mm 181 Bgllnion Ave But Toronto 11 OSCAR BATES Iteai Euale mim THORNTON HWY 11 Telephone ivy mill GARVEY iteai Eateio Broker till Barrie iiwy ii loath Day or night min 7111951 Klzml MARSHALL ML nealior toeuram Orchard Drive mam liooe leoptn mm RAWN noel Eatele mailer we ileyiirid It 3901i re rial rl ltural Propertire Evenlrtre cell Tmm Mil arm in Levaneulhmim BEDROOMS NHA Mortgage letlrlrttrrl deal ed homte lit by remit be near tom llniehed on ll oi eonebte down payment file when new omrwo ill 34 fiéfixfibir ear Im 10 ling in it iev if ONIOESPACE RIRENII eq Heatedelneeilentiooatlon leerional coil Jeolt Mao ROGERS more Good quality btmgalow modern forced eir oiiiumtce ern kitchen in new condition Would ideally elusive listlu DS PHOTO MLS or rllolr or Located on etalrals rented Willi the owner roll loo Adm steel and box rtelie Nice brick Charlie itead Teen17 Smith Campbell mam Don Campbell earm Dove oamlzbel oe Hayfield Street Mortgagede Availetoie 0551 While brittl colonial rtle horw attached dolmio garage large diviflled tritdllen wu Alewe oarpetng two bathe tour bedrooma recreation room large welltreed lot ihie borne has many more and Cell Wilma Bidweti CUItLYmMOlmNAN mun MARGARET NOON 1151171 OWRIA KOSIATZ HI WILMA BIDWILL hum Mil0ND NOON Tull FRANK Photo II Ll 7B BAYFIELDL MEET ly Irrlnodiate messiah FOIL ONLY OIN DOWN you can NICEIL lilAN AVERAGE or decorated inaide and ANK Name IKI NADUI Photo hILl Realtor ROSE APPRAISAL iiiOltTOAGBG RENTALS ll OWEN 81 11547 lluuoil Smith lira mom liary Vair ltee mom it Dick lIertiey MM All More MI TilGill ilili lierilrleu ltee norm KELLOUGH DEWSNAP net It uurtore TlllIN mm 72M STARR We Sell liural Ontario CALL BRUCE hchEAN Coohtowa MOI CORBY REM lBiltiE limiter litotll mom Dunlap let and IM In In monthly pennrn buy your pmm let end III lorteleee LAUIANI rmra Atllom tierm tum Naurler gene em courrs AND 00 vasomotor AVAILABII Mariam1m roped harm the largelilvine roan adds Emil 72ml ARE YOU woluNG FOR AN lNCOhlE ROME paved highway north at Barrie we have an older home which her been HAROLD FORSTER CO llIUlO M145 REALTORS EVENINGS CALL FOR RENT Cory Medroom bungalow with garage we month tetered 10mm iota Pull price only eeoo eaeh out Large lnrage Full price only gloom EVENINGB CALL 1ka II CIIUCKI COHAN lion IAUNDITI Daniel Nu extra eleeant loom entree reorhenrlolt mortge Cell nu nuke 300 an it Verylelaiiable in arm on rosmve YQU 5m ACO NELL Photo ILLS haeitore LDUNLOP MEET EAFI oN mam ll Mules FROM alum Wale dry brlaht tin11m vine room lovely ml bedroom and bathroom With illndsaopulgarden iottll1a wlroie property OXLIG eiait retired people CAMPBELL REALTOR lIMLmM duplex redearreted Alpresebt the up oooupyirrg the downstairs illere IMJWVWIMJWMWnWWWMlMMNI Nome This on one acre oi land with garage and good gardenj loom Iann wlul large hipmoied ulmrullveoulppeowlul house with bathroom ml an ex eelient well Priced at only 512500 Must be solo Hun Plowman mom Ed Gavin +6607 RoamW ARTM23 7266453 Free Customer Perkin DRIVE must be seen to be appreciated in roll mm more 051nm RI Lou oomzuonrrr mun NELLES Realtor new more Ill41M own yieoe at Canada lieg éy home in the Met erulNouIy 111 DTCARSON PHUIO ML8 REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST PHONE 7290431 000 DOWN DUNGAIDW We have been authorized by the owner to eell hil home et thie low down payment to quali tied buyer with reformer tie ie my modem ittlle bung low on large well treed lot in itarrie Cell iliii Hamilton INCOME PROPERTY bedroom bridr whl ran be eerily lend ally Inta ltd tl audition Cell lliil liaeniiion it DUNTilth I7l liere ie en excellent horn of the working man Only tum ieeturing lvtne room dining mom illidlen and Hueilmt tenement with em recreation room and her Good tmna0eliltuuelitianon iii Ilatltlltlm Il CIMN mm to anoiru outta Benleiltxernluer em Barrie we litm examiner Elite milked rroom or con 531 if lifiufimfli In mum um Romano eoaen Armed ervrc Di isiopl Peraonoiiltie Annuity Plane Penaion Piani Ernie Bite flaw Bullock ay ljor any mortgage humane mom or tamer In Mcrzrcaolss WANTED on accoMarnuAnoN name Member 15 earolrrll one or two bedroom or apartment rIuon rlt Lumen 151 nlorrlellrre Park Drive Mortgage urns ywilere ONALL norm mun AND couunerar PROPERhu 90 OF VALUATIONS If You Need Money lo eemuem flehLa Tomato memes STORES ANGUS PLAZA I00 lulu Ideal or office or Ila nt 30 wewhydmualh orIur telephone ml lulumllul we GARAQES WANTED cmvm male to flat to Itorl ear lor winter e1 one ueeen amp Home First or Second at low elmoli ARTICLES FOR SALE interest upte 30950 your prop arty value lbw monthly pey menu up to lilltefl yeanto re Fob liea Ee Ian rm wtu Pile mosel lIortgagafilgunrlilrg Sim sonSartre uiinwr Member Ontario nurture amere Mutation ema lee CORE iateDt Dunlop 5t Neau Monomer lie emu malrreal ee Comrill yr ream MCCULLQCH mm CHAIN SAWS Mac 15 NOW oNv $12495 Mac 110 Mac 250 McCULLoCHL PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE ovulation RR BARRIE Ontario mule It only decanted rm lballroom older barn norm in co or unurue The More at line broadoom DOMESTIC AND iMlOllTED BROADIMM itemMe all nine enll orieee ea Collier 5L Phone 7mm CLEARANCE VIII WAllIlNO IACIIINH Oil AND NcFADDEN FURNITURE ArrunNcemmr rumy I1 North End WinterDrynoss Inetali power HUMIDiFiER Save up to 15 of your luei bill are to pay on won RENTALS meson FOR SALE realism NI ALIDI m1 PrldtltIll new loll bedroom Milllbw TllIv Shumliamia 793R Dr tallM HOUSES TO RENT all 00 Non in 00 ltltifln In Telephone 05M NMill he harema beau tor hut and hydro upplltd Moll rol tinher pum ur phone owl vlWO nnrhoo towel helm tor mu llenvtood rm aim in ltlll ntel bmni Tele DAUM Iv two Inqu time at rent lnflmlon Ila downtown Odltl so LAW llMlDllfllH Gilli of rent all Mrlm AM mm more and baih Availbl mmni new In wertolmt the not betarerau Ertveta 7W LAIOI Moll am ball ll tor and fumltlare ei or room mom Ft fillf marred mud mu floor en Steelvirtntt it ill Wetllncfll mum mnur rm memo lumt lured 1ka no rwo IIDIUOM intent lih lvn reern Inlet mm on wmne rutllu no we HIM tutre are mere lune Htfllllh than lluwom vutChoikan Co Limited TllANBFEII IIIOIILEMBI lie our unrented purrheu tartllllu one the autumn at Ie irelnell pummel to help you locate ilatler Bundl Menarr Oakley lerl square llarrte Mttlt it Photo M13 heeltor White 109 Beyiield lit 7281011 Appealale uetian invited till Mme TRY BXAIIIM WANT AN rmrelnra Millie only Aral 05 member Telephone RN 101 CONIOIIT lLAN For tntormetlon with no obligation phone WALLWIN BURNER SERVICE 1201050 Space Hoelor Usere $50 minimum Allowance on any you heater ellerl you buy an are forced air lumen N0 DOWN PAYMENT 10 YEARS TO MY MN on Team INovnliiorne mu an Int vttitotlt tum neTl NMWW WALLWIN BURNER SERVICE wrote IIOIOOM artmeM tell ll Mvt need pm tram Vere water and to one am he eeupte neln rum in euiiillii mainly Amum rm am he arming balloon lo if 111er Mil Ilneotm unman name Mlle mt tuner Ie mm at prlentlm lble ifi CLOCK REPAIRING thigh WES RARE Hi9 Wfimrtvoflww onwmrrnuarx herunannoun Hvrryl We have made anoth er volume purchase and Can give you FORCEDLAIR OIL FIRED FURNACE 129000 BTU plus200 gals of oil for $325 Nothing Down IO ears lorpay on it with BA oil BRISTOW VPLUMBING AND HEATING Dunlap st masts Eveninea M10 nan 0L1 lumlnl hot water ul hnt ll Inltlllld In maulum lithier Ellme GUITAI and Amplifier lie Male In After phone new time YOU CAN mu but the meal ryvfiawoemfimwm etc Terr An Cameo and may run Inr tale Dullm moon lor both Phone norm an is re 12 aunt of my white meeemr rm rol Mat lloue In sum etc To Barrie menu CAI WIIBlll MI MIL old Cull some rem menu lull with line Valued It It new will nun any reaeon Ibl oillr lllophalll Lilml bf tween rem SERVICE REPA WWWWF paw fimrrrmryrpmmlwwre$1VKWWWMWIHWWWWMWWM$57177xwpgqjmul In liec9113 thheL whole Om emua em alum genie nun son lee Dflaul ri um meter on wiatle Lem or em LE 212 to own Vilnh to Mei Nihiluiltlll film mule omen We 3y neon mm film timer5pm allure 1mm and Tea mute eon elelau new ml Um nr rum luau rutmoo moor DIRMAN LINE lo an Winner 30 ulthn crlnea luNlr mm or flierTurn in lumen Iuthgr detllb if cannula Tn Ivar llll about moo enter me mi LLillillll lfilfllh ill mueoanulhom HID05m we In Tear em on aid hm noun and Ice all roolluweerow no 1641 ee oatLore flat water Tanl rmmzi II urn at emu Telephone am ualn mama equ ent Urea ru lumue rm med air all luruaea nmrry In need elm 10 us ktqu Pliman and 51 weev GUIDE These Skilled Tradesman era iteady On Your Job immediately ALUMINUM WINDOWS um Wlml Ind Dema Alllelatellefimt1all Bob mum Illl Ill unite ALTERATIONS RBI in altered and em mle tor Wetmu CARPENTERS mountan Kltohm Mm ll room addition ete Moo OFnW Burton All ELECTRIC MOTORS 10 IlOIlaflnwmnMrM one Loot WERE lienu DRIVING SCHOOL DRIVING ICIOOL Litlnud or 1th Inn none noel mm rrre win Drlvtru Ioneol our th billed mall runllntl for totemlion all MOI All II It mm er mam FLOOR TIL wouINCDIN vial1m Lula itmainde fmnta er melee mam senvrca DryMar Diaper and Linen Service Sheet male our Do meetr aheota nailed no will Dlwere l1 weekly Dry well to per iii lirtuel end Delivery Telephone 7288103 ior prompt 14 hour aervice TRY EXAMINER to Work CLEANINO THRIFTY CLEANERS Cash and Carry mm lm MPerlte reg Shiite one am um um em up sum we 40 MAPLE AVE PHOTO COPY IICIITAIIAL Bureau in Jena RI it RUO CLEANERS iNTRODUCTORY OFFER Good for week only 12 rug cleaned ONLY $540 Picked up and delivered Out the Hunt molten meter WNW CALL 7200qu TODAY FK RUG AND UPHOLSIERY CLEANERS illtltlliit mo lva tum whither nu iNSULATlON fimfl tlwlaltet title when name he NM or will

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