Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1966, p. 4

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douht mu tom pendlnl in County In utup and lb my cum tom rovin volun umey men who run my dam mm with mu on lot ullnulvu INVITATION OUT Th bu Innull mploym any lhln ll loin um and lllrlhl vlmlm coup ll Embuly in an Doc Tlmo Iar onlerwmmnl and nrmullllu Inn bun In Ind 0mm ha hour pm In lhu In rd lunch 31 MI you an man you duln About 11 um 1m to 1mm in who wm look Ifltr lbyumlymtqt ply ms Ikpcflenced In Counw Council mum mud madma um would adopt mlond gov hygrguplnz lha mun promoud by an eduuuonn cnmullluva commlllu Tholr Nflllllnn or llmndnl oduu Quon would to hm In par qnl coma mm um In by provlmld mammanl Ind an per cent 10le by lhc counly onnlndutlrlnl mgnu nn MI um um Clly 5m Ind lrumll Flinn 1mm lahuI Board Cwmf labia Ill new ldmoll mllhl In Innunmd bu Innmum or by mumL Wu nailmllnp Wm mwl tip null Innlull lull plm In whkh to llvo ldeIIUu Inlu In er arm The manteen um In the upon elch Ind poInII which chnIully mny hecomu pm ol our ovarnmeul In Mun In an In expected that HI pw lent mum duh bid ovar I100 yam doe need nvnmplnx Anynno who his Ivan County CounclI my manlqu can relllu Ih ny of III Auendln do no lull becaqu may no out dad lo do In and canuIbula very IIIIIo lo Ibo betterment ul munldpalluu 0M mm muted wu rc llonnl county munKer who would lupurvm III ulmanll alto Ila Innll Boar of Edn rhclh nImgy yelng Truuu Don Bully cl lhu In nlllll School curd WI lofurd lulhnllon whlth In Adopud wogld ml qr lur nyromgnmn Thou who Md bun lnle lo llllM mmlllu mum nml am not turn up or am not It into Du dyfinlulhl Mum Reception Is Cool VTo RegiOnal Report Mm NOTES Th to on reilonll overn man ed mu of County Council not can to ocapllun when member want In to commlltwollhewhnla lo d1 cm in pm Ind can re duclnl Councll membenMp Iron 56 to wanted 22 wnnlx with In elected represenullu hr each 1y why guyqu 1n as amide under Iii gummqu Coupculor Egg Infl mm QTM or nvc Huh the Ihlp was pg um nude III Address and was Maxim ur Paloma PM Wuhan ob flcllllyddslmed the bulk Inhaler Muhdoc It 91mm 533191511 Mm BULK mamx 3mm 31 cattifiGWdob Egfll lruumla II in t1 gun vmdd Chrmmu En lllunlly Mm drum In In HI bun Ind club In normally pm But mm hum $54 mom OW1h will Ill um lull hour In drinllnullmoannllrlo on Yo En hlurdll IMA Iva 11w Bchodnurd hlvn coma in In Irrnn mm with Mn Bawmln of mud la mu um um mum ll 01km hool whlch b¢lnl ugodjo 41 Inm nvuflow mm flu lawnship Ind Forem Depan men In requuled um In 0011 ha properly hu been Ir nnm or flu It be Allowed In nuh ID lull to decldu lha mm in reel pint Thu III dune by mu rvlllnn Ihll deput mum Olbblnl mambcr the commllm In mm oqunInl It had old uu School Bond um LI my MW In not 10 cm hnd for and In mm mnu had buck lur bundlnl 10 CflA0YALl Extended Hours New Years Eve Thu anxhlp II looklnt or Iunnbh Ind for punt lo uh Cgmlnnlnl mm whlch to be Irnnled Iha School Bond whereby out zoo mullwlfl pllnl Hm In m1 mm memorial plumuan um my avanlunlly becoma In olljer plrl or flu Wmhin Mr Bang Ilelk1n1llluihl meean lo be Imam con tend um ho pllnnhu should namelth lhll both municl ralluel thou be uwm Ind lureamenl on Him do vel menu 11 And when lar ger duclllnn Board lnluxur Iled Ind buudlnl of Ichooh would pllnned lccordlnlli mn mama Wilom mm THI mom Ill Mm Wu Mom rim 315 mu Ilka to know If my pm In In Lb own to uh ova11th hy nnnaxnuon fll olhlrwlla flu Idlacenl diurch In th lavm my which would In dun to me naw nchool An their plm web that they could bind pg now attending the mill 0011 In lhe north pm he lvwnsth which In not now In Iccurdnnca with lhu mum menu Mia Provinan Deputi mnl Edumlan butwfll mu In asked when an Iwo nix mm Itlannlonn added to 1mm hurll II 0111 Mm Icon Ian Incmm arm mava not 03Gb duhed the comma at We Mn bun Scum Mar the Woo femur flld down aha lunch winged th WI convicted HJW fluii mm In In Accrued lrny why from Guillermo Mb rm ol Mono Mm Amn lhu II the mm mm In Toronto manly Mud lrlln mam mm 91mm rm It AllmonIA Rem Hub Hugh 1m 10 mind hll wile thl huwfll top out or local pollllu and nut run III In Imihl om In Um HI wfll aw ma bell in bane and from flu pld suoud 14 hi been and II necuury Hm Lhn vehl b0 mlmred public vlca vehicle and that tho inur Ince cmlad by an board will then cover the muplnu Thll Additionl can II to be born tho Bond pm $15 month for In service WHO 15 THE HOS hr lb bulk or Puemn Ind 50m Limited Fort W11 llun mi will nm on the Upper arm Like In Mr and carrier Conuroctlm WWW Sinkm mm an WIMY thy $315 at TWO WEEKSI NOV 20 TO DEC 10 MICHAEL FLANDERS MICHAEL DONALD FLANDERS 5wm Arm DROP or ANOTHER HAT ALLISTON cow mom WINNER ranmummy wn won by North Ind Cl mm am of cm mm olhor la th WI Mlmun Joan her min Unmoan old Illeth Mm Jquyvulo II icomm lb tirhuwn er mu slam PM alltr Ieml luck WII unloved than the meet lng wu 111 Early Indlm and MumLo th Narumll nontpr Indlln plum wan made Min 510m led tha nudy on Butler ol God th umy an ufly minim is In an MmJ MW Rom dementer mnldnz homuul bod Ind an dam of Hm or bed GIBIJ AUXILIARY Elam newborn at tho 9A me at thnImmo of hair lud lu munqu all an county QIillnl commence 0mm ehllllrm1utweek Smut an indie ouran In an morninafium 980 ca um puaut armor not Meir reprmntln but WWW WWW er mam mmn Town arr WWW lea VI Emlfiwm cbflmun cl lnnlnlll ICth bond dill mlngm Ilona wth lec and prlu winner nonum ol Alton Belch and Kathy Lan Kdlo MSuullmybm Schmfl 111390de ll Alexlnder Dunn School Base Borden Nov 10 mm not pdu wlnum thou Ihoy mid had Mn Ind In all Vba mid of themx 0341 mum mu of man School enlurlllnfienl Mr m1 Sim snnd Nov 10 vgu Emmm incl Go day in tho UniM Church Bill MILO oi HImiilon Itudont 1b Iin nrmon Nnv 11 will minionlry Sun dathhenRev 810 will dr liver the lemon in mm ln qnd It 750 in wil ahnw color lildu oi Ind ihl lldiu the curlinu clu opened their mm with bun qusi Nov 16 with lhl nmn hmw Mn Guru Bullpen erlnl The eveninrwn mm In 513 95 Mln Mu Sutherland Ipenl yreunUy with Hand In Dun am man on From urécl hu bun campluled with why lur llnlldnl at told jun thou Mod Win49 gunmen have bug let up by the In notl Construction nndworkwell the vfllm on lhl two cul vmunder coulrucllnn will loinId on dam ha wlnlor Mr Ind Mu Arthur Evlnl vlllled recently In Toronto Ind Wooduock It In home their dnunler and Ion Mr and Mn Vlnderlml Ind Mr Ind Mn uv mm uuuuy axlwen Mr and Mn Coaw lt tanded 1h mnerul cl Mmcw rl brother Lenin nonunion luv 19 in Cooxlvfllu Mr Bob nruon died guddenly It MI homo iollowlnrnhwd fill muslin II mind by ml um m1 Apperley Named to bu hump Nov 20 hlvlnz under onc syn mum in Toronto ananlHa IL Mr and Ken Coulis Tor ontovlllted thll pm Emily the home 01 Ihulr pnrenu Mr and Mn Helm Ind Mr Mr hn Conga Finishimmhim Mr ind Mnfimvwman ut londod dinner And dlnclln Mlnulnl qu 10 In conun tlo Jargonbmderg dOOKSITOWNLI Mull hidhind 6145 9100 grin Ind two monlhl min In nu mflilnar um IM luv her aqulpmnnt Mom In hudmr or lhl local who mm to plan half or lummtr ur wlnm lull mad In nndllu varloly trimmed ctly In Jul nch am What lama laal my yun whan lllnl con dfllonl wen alien Ind both man Ind women vrmmd to wur booll Ihou Wm nol commun Um than flu or the lowlra mainan mullnery dipHman up to flu mqn Fog lwo moqlhl In lhc Inlo lhaTrIOI hrqu mmld bran In out Ind bumr to mu under In men unu Irched collhu is picked win lha whnlo mm modarnduy mu In III yu work Ahd nu Wm wuhln and cook ulmlll lndll And vmlnhlu paper Ermine layl um nod uni mu Ihslvu Ind ublneu De ul ew qn ch hu 31mm lumen mr am grocery um since mm rmh Mr Homr Wlunj wu boyuu action packaged mdytmll tracer took up ouly 14 not of wall moor Th0 minds of nocurlel urn In but mm end mar cum In lwyound ban Bh qu came in and ham Bulk muorlsu Ad to wrigh and gum In my mhur dny ulk lo wen waInnd Ind wrlpped up on Iqul piper nufly Iolded nver ml of War ban II Iood Mend wu wholuome vnlely WigJury limited AU mum mun Duly mull IVIHAblI warn roX led our shredded when and horn mm In canned my Fr corn And lomnlnuwcra ho mum order Sod Dimm Iulllnn cookies flu burr lnr rowrool Ind llmon um up lhl mm and cookll doplrlmrnl 70M PACKED which lm two mm at 1011 doubly brick contraction And In ml wu built In 111 bought by Mr Hanna1 Mot mu 1m DIV Hoypu ln 1901 mommy er gay BRIAN mum Mu opmunl bl mry Ind dryvlnodl pre in Coohtownlur lull cenlu Ill but two yearn Doualu op Ir hu MM Ith on Queen Km Wm and Ian nthed to Queunvsum Enz WWW nouam norm iévei or 1h In mo in thrown wwnam In lg mum Emacumo Ragullr Prlml GET FRENCH NOTE MONTREAL CP Quuboc Pram Dlnlel Johnwn Frldny received muun from Frunch gunmen Chlrlu dI OIUHI uxpremn rlcndlhlp to wardltho my Quobac Comm of tha meum Wll no duclmd Up until an becnma pom mpn two hitchlnl Ill wIUI Iran rlnu 01 mp owed cul mum in Art and ti up lhalr harm they Mapped In In Ilora Mr Hop er remember on oldllmer millud luv 1M to out at nu anti onxo mfidmnlk lama How 1man nowm Ildmlk below nu rand law Mr par noted um many oumen Iha Iound It convnnlent la pIr hall harm Ind harm dnwn Vlhlclu In dry and Ihllhr lhc hor lhadl lluched In ownl Ihrn chunk ml nun will round town NOW PLAYING maxIn ware brought to flu mm by Inc Tom Jebb III wolmru dummies Ibb wn mo the Undlmkor Cul on mnly In domnnd by cummm mu or oil Itovu Ind lumpy mum lrom Blrfll by Hiram deliv ery link Orlllnnlly all flll mu ml In lhc mm wu delivered by wmn or nnrhom Ileluh tram Clncfllll Ind Snol run mm In Emu Baum nd many other will Wm Alwnyx man or Ian common but Lramunber whun you rmly uwmnw uyu Mr Hopper In me you wm lucky lo pl onnm oven mushlulu mumm wmuhlndclfltn Ind 10 mealIII Sldcc Imonv people keg mdm men III of munA smioo SHARE THE WEALTH Admlnlaq 50 HIGH IT my Mandly it 000 pm SPECIALS JACKPOX yam Kllhléen Mumbmon rlgflvwfllwnflm to mvo tn mu Custom In Mn Abovo Nudohiio Clunm RCAP Assoc mm BINGO tastes as gundas gnudflumshnuld or Inumlnnllon lhg anfinr Stan Vwn Hfhled by the brlz tumu hhwh ll HIM of acetylm mpl um hydrolook um um win lh9 floppy slon John Sheman mu norm BMJM

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