Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1966, p. 3

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lned thou Irm pull Drawn prawn II mum at plouJy relaxing in wnlar 11h lnvel mks rule lo Anon wha hu dmwn prqofed lmsdl being Ibis mov lhrouzh ha wnler by using Just one wrlonr pmpulslon mu Ml WM notMm for Hum 1h 1m Frdml mdlm ll ho mull stroke Im glow Mr 0mm manned at Clmp Bordon concluded the dink on the breast Itrnkrnnd dmwn Win Md the travel Jud Cudh am supervisor or Water Satay Instructors held clinic or the Red Cm Water SIMy WWI Hub on Mummy bi Banla The chi wu formed in September In In alien to Aun daniizo Mdbx mm hmructou in the mnly For many yam its whim but pmllce pracuce me Una cordial to Alan Bell one NV WY inBarrlg Onlyfiveorflx In as inheth Mm mm With nulumallon enmmpu sing cvcn Ihe engraving Lha new pl hand mm mar link TheéldJImen who used tn rain youngsters are zone and 511m nobody to hand down the gravel usually the qule lhrbackmund the ellery Wm involved In one of he must dallule and 114 mm trade esllbflshed ten tuges ago 50155ng profldenl hand enuravchx no my churn Holds Clinic fitg Barrie Becoming LcstvArtrp By GARY SEIDLEB Enmlnu Ell Writer Evy an AM Mr stroke 01 the up are he fmlzlc words handletter enmver must remember VALLEY TAXI CARRIER MISS YOU mt unit In nu mind by yum 7282433 IHlll No CHAROI FOR YHII IIIVICI camvouer cm AND uucxi All can Vllll mumI 1m mm by bggagt firokéA pon ENGRAVER ALAN BKLLINSPECTS HANDIWORK VPEMDI lve engraved damn ul per bmeleu psyehoxomatc for mumUm ma you link voodoo 11 dead In quip Argusugq sow1m Mr Bell has reclaved many amusing request from custom mAbaynnmwmANIML er ennuved or his alt Me In read Thu 1th my life another hand M1 Ihol min nnln ldepllly ch 0m mm Mor that Im db mm mm mm hind en ln Io Mr Bell II blcflnl on llmlnluE sled blcflnl on wakhu uld nolld told mrun Ifl ver copper and mu lhu mles mllerhll In work wllh Mr Bonde may with onlleddor umvdduumm rings trophies cum III III veruate watches and Identity dlsu But he is non called upon to use 13L mum on umdimble Script And block cumwing no meat populll of tho hum drch deslln for lhn Mlflflb erp chum mm lo stir at try Iarlynixe 333 draw fancy damn every WI mnwtxw There are three essential re qulskes for young men who wish tuldenrer tho undo Mr Bell You must have ddizdlo de nim for craft In excellent sense proportion and pod hager lrllnlolho far as Mafia In lbs1m Ilmnst myun concemedlhe machine will nev er Id uner replace the ma unl wor er Ha strutw believe mt me madamnun ler engraver my machine and more effective rm lo reallxelho exncuna nE unsUc wark thll will go Into m1 abject THREE REQUISIIES It Isdmlculrt or In It Isdmlcult or In on who rprynluu on hnwledumy longer Mr Bell mum Inna who Mn Drm Nev pm md run at madam Wlflnllflfi The ellrnlnlllon divisionli com mt wn open In pupil who wish ed to enter the 51mm County mun Ind mlwm Ano chflpn cgngngl John Wham of st Elull School Minna won the Em do Impeclonle Division Two EuhHc ngqklngfioqlul I¢ld ll public ipenkln contest held ll Jusephl hool auditorium man no wm mmpmNovfu In an dlmicl Inll Hlllcmz School In Bum Mam Hausa yem Inth profession Mr Bell still find thyrude Ammo dul Jenn He mar bored How can auhoboradwnen youvm Ierested and lnvolvcd In hnnd enzrlvlnl am be com menged mgmpunn on no Imus pub any It into the enmveru Hock Then comes an mum of mu lane tho phase mm In yam practice And exper Luca Enmvlnu aald Mr BallX renllv nennnnllug an lrllnln End Mr muX mlly persunflhu an article He said mgrvim hnd Ilwm been MM poinllpxpul um mheolastu are finding entru ved article In lamb burléd cell Hm alep la enmvo an nun come with the layingout the rummhgnmfinu th on or er en cal mistakes whiting Added lolhe ohlcct to an down mu am And it makeuhe cumin mm mommas knock Thu gnuAver than llyamn the WM In Mdawtz Public Speaking Contest Winner Stulnluislael can lake lhc point rel lhl culunlrml 119 came of It hudnus plain II any rm 5r hut WWW7u Etmmfl uvmurtmfiwfilfifi 13 all pm in Am In uranium Immumnl am min of Hindi lhh um Burning Reclal Itch Relieyed In Minules When uuullmd About galMk1 ol hll mutual lor minim In lha next Marl mam uld ha didnt want INN Man mauwl nlrnli mry uullry st Jm Sdnnl Gown Ind Ell1m at JoniEdna II Comm chllrmln Pndflold lnlroduud lndxu Shut Len mulch um Beauddn Ind Jnhn Murphy Mrs Pearson Elected President Liberal Assoc Gran School Angul Simom Brnwmu SI Manic1 School Burk June Stilley St Mnryl Sdzool II 01m providing that Idoqume mm Ivnllnbh and Mumy Irrlnummu Ior InMin an be mm Idmlnlslmlon lnmdad lo am or the grant Mr Mitchell Md flu but llm nu ol calmlen In Burrlc lndultry Ind bullneu bu ln Mfumm would be Iblc lo virtually all stu dsnh In Mrnnd fiv your walnu He numbed the pm lrlm wmfld each winter con cop Hum nun owluon Allhwzh the durch would be hand It 1h my Elam mod It wufid be wild to Hudson In numb Ind com be used In bushes aw ltlau the bond 0n hm other canlm ln Dam somw Nona York Ind Inndon mlkln cum use or milsqulpmm la cduuflon Mr Michel Add liduh llullu Juldun ldkm hm AI ll quir fln dun mead 01 mm um herring uon mm Eulvlew Principal 12 Men ram en 04 Mazda mm mm awn finer can the lnlthl ml Mr HIM old um bond SMan It Enfle Semi dwrSchooljmdpladlo upon nu September win ream counter tum the Onhdo 007mm coma thromzh wlflx Wed 360000 mm Burgh 113911th iAlriNEwFSCHOoL Cciurséi rasouyhti said Thewy exieiukd Wemnngnstreet several yeara Ago gm landvleasedfxom the ogpfialntgdjlieganrox on medmzsrecen an am ex hssplml=boarq¢sc11riaq to sen kyeigiinggmm Itténdéd list 11m Eefilon wcilré as re on madman ama ooun closeddoor commi el higéugg pong 91 hwy 71 Iniiteridénco were méfifixéfvaii Béunéfls flube works and finance committees and mpresentlflves of fhohosplulboardv hstnig onhetwe6 Viewfim 95p 41 Cindi111cilmoumllrepresentgum tailed re sulvelhe dlsyluzte overWelflnglon Street hospvflal bond 11mm Rom sudtodn Mr Rosserjaald hosp sked future requirements lotamondetalled mactlon baleiiumeeungbetwgon coung and mammmnd an aboutalvzlllipmbahly followpln thenawfyenr CButlll wereally foundvout laslnlghtwna that plfilhlgmexms wq knew atquady M11ij 9331 mu wwunu ecu theglgnd an egpahélén Minnowwmmmmmmmn InflrMhBMnalconmulanflyuMWmlw uqoolormvanOMImImmwywlw mmmmmumaahimd Imy mlhbhlndononimllmdmmummw ubintunytlmoMmmnqummrm ammummmwwwmumw Em whaleule lo rmu In on can cuums axuMIm on Mum 600 medium at AImnll MONmun rcm Aldcul urgr vqulw Superintendenl Rum uld the device would nm com obsohte Common amekly am out at data In In ullry beam advance In alum of operation Home comes down chum Ind um II who win would be In Vplved WM in the Ho Md the bond It would be mil Mini Illth tamer my one ol damn right In the whom Tm Morena II wheflzerm tempt to II aludcnu at not It would thou $1000 ym to rent aueuony equip mem Ind mummu compuler amended by MrMuchalL A3 mugdmgnma 1163 It el than mum uld Comes In cmuier concepts would help film luch an mild were L1 ear mmulm 1352mm with mm uu com futml demomlrmd by omn mm mod Dar flu um Impou oUcIrlnl up nthd girdsygepeived In the Infill Wodon wlmlofloodlhc Ihor mukot with mph who know hm to wentqu pro ceslna Man rho wan lo llfldum peoplc who undemnndconoopu bohlnd HARM PRICES This Christmas give them Growth Savings Certificate it willrgrow with them Ever noticed how quickly they grOW lnyrmmn IM county vollng Innlun yumda Ind Reevo Gnhnm and Deputy Rm huh Ihlm Ibo em men llon lo counly umm With the newboth gawnl population bound byuoo pawl Mm néw annexnlon Jun pary Imprde min nged WU MW MDWIIHK MIMIC flnyqnd Albert Do 001$de Mm eduh hm loaned WI committal emugod lwllh thcruronlwlmy of command mmedluto chnnzu which might bn new age Warden loom McCarue Ram olAantonxlI mmber um mmlbm cxuldcio KEPT BUSY mum hid nominaihn mum In nlIMlndfiwcen dldllu hm unlit oclock lo nlm to NW Warden Mm cum uly Reeve Rllph Human Ilonhyl mm two II um rgulc nl MHQKOBI nominmlom Tho My at 011 ao htdAIlinpm an anion o1 um you May meeting couldba called ll no nary but with loul elation on mention 111 most luau um will bu mid od Uponlfle vimner wudena width0n room maul mm mm Jormuy deedonleRmn Hm NIH1W1 bmv council Ialhgedmn Iha counly Wu hm mu gar what lgmedtohthe mm um um gm Maul 014M Barrio mm In 111 the lm night It conunth Cluan MLDlvllloan Fr mm mslimmvmkogg Nelson Frau ms MI lllk Gunsrspmmfarinmtfixxwmisq chub szh manly 10000 Allen And paying over 10 £393 comty Inuit 03m olmlhgm nomonunul mm mm ludukmnu lulufive commute Rem Earl Brlndon 0Odldwmr broughz In IWWI earlier re comgwmd lezhlnuon which an Itll vulfirtlufllfl am to be mqu gm onnlq lion comrnln availqu grant whim might be nVIllIbIe or new tawny when MI mm mulon 1h Milly Mm oil wax udvludlhh 73000300 111 my cl Ends mentioned ponibh plflMr In lhn new prlun den wllh lhn denu 01120 TSvzflii WMMJoufiu Apfiemd Io br AM 0r 1qu tom nu the mam not done mm 4r Ilmnz mung Lhm tho town would Idvllod lo 011w the lead cl Burk Ind 1609 ally min no U1 nloplym lhm norelgnuuw Mint Parson alum3 In Iddluou IQ jg Imm mimic mm and mm EPIqflfl mm mmr 1th ever the pram Ilmnmwdclplmlu witthn elltlbla your can quany jar lhu maximum Memnglvuulgd our yam CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANKOF COMMERCE Frlncr undGc my 3th lln Com Nelwn rightfulDanced Mr he United mm cluhlnnd BM Lhnnlpd hlmlvr Fzssavmm om 1cm FrnanGIbyon 15 cl RR Wlubaulhene wnl kllod Man day mm when bl wu fluid by drlvcnj by Anthony Laxmud nl VlclaflIHu hour near fall commuuuy II 121 Vnnrthwul ol Otllflt The mnmberl undue lo nt umd ha omclnl waning IhII ternoon the now county ar chlvel abunder at MldlvuM Hon gmgAu mo mlm Hon Jms Aufd tar olMrim and lnlormlllon Accepted an Invlutlon to do 1M hm counLy me this aspen aiso was obl checked Boy Killedf To obliihflék3ii 1f9 THE KING AND PHONE mm CORRECTION 7285052 OI mmw

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