Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1966, p. 8

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FromAlcneI FinnPram PARIS CHFrench hous Ibuyerl have vIrluIlly on on IllIke Ind tho hundlnl ndullry wlll bocomu rlrnlyled nnlm bl credit Incl llel rolulcd he Nluonll Building Fedorh aqn glld Maya Whales Trapped wlnl my mi MWMWM Mic ml mm thawing nuka 1036mm kc Prudenllll Flnunce Corp To lulu n19 fiiiFopoifian mm Sungluy Melropolluncllnl mm In or um debenture and now boldoru Md In mtamenk sn urdly lhu mum of ma um Prudenllnl Flnlnco notchol wlll bl mm and tho com Inyn IIIIn pllcod under con nl plnrhon Co ltulleu Ind Mulvm Melrnpollun nld Prudent Flnlnc met now Iru About 3300000 And In Illhlllllu $11000000 1min donut About $3000000 In letter to noloholdm Clarkm Co nld n0 plymm willbo mldn lo Prudential F1 nInce crcdllnu without mvul Clarkmn or at Vlm pnmmluu lint lo ho iompiiw to hm dcflcfl lml WI Chi Molropolnan IN llld ormod WINDSOR 0m CmIndo pondom Mrlcm muam mm tho him on my on hurngn 5m Hilary at an humn rm whlch wan MomHum 1km mu Kmmdl pmklmt nl Zam Ng uld Syndw In an uddml to flu Univ my Windwr convention win durlni which ro MM an homer doctor of luv dam Mr Kundl uld um no em 15mm nu only unlva Mum arm um ufi let CD John Kan Indy Jud Sunloy nnlor or lho lruflc nun Th Indian Pnu died Ind finlty Eundly mar hurt ck Sunny lolned 01 In winnl In mo and urved In Toronn Ind Naw York helm FawnInt lo Hull bunu Ha wu lnlemled in Mar uu Ind wand mm Ind wu Mud mullrly an lhl CBC mlrlllmn nntwrk mugs cumnl cdllorhl otlxlnlon commuting on publo SEWWEE Tcmh AP Compmrblnd ludor Fund CHI 06 when Non You wu on at lhv blunt Illle hlu In modern hluory diod In IM ugdny mu mnlly In INI ho only camfmd hul pllyod Near Youn ooo wm nlllr whlch hn bun uvlvcd mml um durlnl um dmdc Qunmlllu mmlld on how lhu mmy It to In mm Dom would llhl lo IM mun lulu umpalfin nndod com IN puntul mlMo MIL mung Nfiwsnuunuurg cmfiqu EN 0ch id LONDON Ian11w Aberm dlnmr lund cnntlnuu lo rm to ma palm whm mm bo mved pmnu could an mwnuln Ion ol Illa flglldron 5nd INUVIK NWT ICI 9mm yhlla mu uilhflllo oplnloll mm bu men In obumn bo Llhw mm nunIr 1b In Ia man mug um It may ram 5de mum Mmflfig Buying In Slump Fund Growing Willing T6 Forget Newman Dies 961 Band Leader Dies ma cl Mi6331f noel run Judnd bl mm W11 mnom CPLLDr Mdrlon Shulmln ch10 coroner or Me yppolltq mp sway 1h newopened nation of the Don an Expressway II model ow no lnbulld In exgron lhc mmlln lretch north 1mm Llwrem Avenue to tho Mudonaldfinrllur Froowny not only Incorporlm all thu hulrdl the older nclloa and tha Gudhur Exprouway which ho denounced 1m you bu ndgpdnow onpl ficommfindog fliflnnm radiant mumps gun with unlnflhmd and mu flnlr In dlnlerou manner and road Illm Inside ruhcr lhan oqudo ha uuardnlla Dr Shulmnn lnled can do th enigma703m MOSCOW AHVIM am an mam Sunday Muted um the Sovlol Union In lullnfi naw mu xhlp or hunt In mly next you Thu Sovle mulllry newspa Kmnl 2mm Rod up In lplenllonnlly BANGKOK AP US hell coptm Ind IdvbmMllhoul new lnwlvod In acluil nam lm helping Thu Ivvcrn mm unlu hauls Communist mu nun witth Thll 1nm1nllblc lnlormlnu Inld ormunll Indicated that ppm to flu Thai coun lerlnlumncy mu hu bun mu on or some Uma added um hm mm Amer lclm in fluid xarvln bal ullon Idvherl Thu armnnu nddod hm Idvllm nomellmu on on WIUOHI with II Mullen chum lhl rovlnl Communlu bundl nou Ny Iva hi counuyl un dudmlmd nonhuul MMWA icPiAn Inumlva twomonth Invuunllon mm mm Iodny In tho open III lnquuu Mo IM blldll col lwlo hm An 10 an look nInI 11le md Injured morc Inn workman Onllri chlol coronu II Oouum will mm lhl In qulry mum In wuk Raps ExpxessWay obscuu lnlervlow with man who mvod III cosmonaut In Yrellmlnm uh ol he 49 youghoq qplgonhgvl monuy mumm Has been underzolnl am on the round win now Ipncccrnn and thlt the lull hm hm mould mnomu CPIHutu Don LU Orlu Molhor Sundae the communlty in Milan Slum Bl John thu Dlvlno or Hod Sundly 5m Born In Wilcnmln slum Don luccudod hlr lum Illn mh arlor Coome who loundod thl communny In MM Mm mm mm In 1m BM Dor tlum form mth up my CoIm II VIAA MULT 11TH AME Onl cllMvm owlum wm to Win my on 070400 wm ammn tnlnm um um round Murdl n1 ofllhmnmyhllnd nle Hum All IM Ill mv mcmbm mom Nurdmur um mun min UL Com mm mm we nloodhy mg urvml wlll In lmd aéiard emu wMehitéoa 15 Hi my vugol 1h pp Mia mum and numb mm on Mm by fpiimm Imt am 40M 111m Mum mm mme m1 IIOPI Ont 1cm YLWI 4999 hm WM Befions Vague Conclude Probe Aiding Govt Anglican Nun Dies Ship Grounded Crash Kills Thny mended mornlnum In It Lllon Pariah Church when crowd amend which to mat in yoyll mph DUNN Enclnd Am1n Quoen Ind Prlm Phlllp Surdly celebralod m1 mu waddinl Innlvmlry Welly mu low trorh publlutbulld Inn bu than wu no omnipo clll oblorvnm gum and Imhusband rulpendlnu the wgekund hm ghuqugl Sir Humid Ind mom ONA Toronlo MP jun Hahnnod um mm my mu Pprtuul dount name with mum um hmh politlul realm than ll moderating mi um sh Wm mid country wllh 1m Mn um MIUY Ignores Mdnmenlll gym ouiwnmm rthlI malnlllnl rlxld conv wrlhlp And Iupprum all pn lluell amclnllnn nnd llu my Andrew Brawl NDP member for Tomnlo uracnwood MONTREAL OHNo ware romrlod ln lermu condition Sundny Mlowlnl lira and uplononlhll da moycd bunnlaw 1n nounml Mammal Sulurdny No other peron were nlm Injured Mrl Luelllmanu 10 har dauuhlm MN 11 and her sons Michel and Rm were taken by Imbuinnce to hospital Mn Morena and hordlunmar rim rcporlcd In IQHMII cordb an MONTREAL CWThu In lernnllnnul Brotherhood 01 Elm lrlcll Workm Innaunced slum day It wlll upply or cmqu tlon lo reprennl about 9500 81m and lell ample an In uubnc 1nd 0mm mull my lhg Bell ophn Th Ben Tnlcphnnu cm uy no now an unwanted by hI Cm In Tclephnne Employ eu Almlallun an independent mup Unlnn mkumn Mm Woll xnnx and Lopll unulmor Md lhu curllflcullon requut will be Iuhmmedjo the Cmdu leor nelnllonl Baud nun Thun allhor mm chlr pron neunhonl ml unlml unon of ALLENHVIUJI Ont CPI Thu mm body at wvmln on In bum nur hm Nov II hu bun MlnlllM thu Mn 6an Cookl I1 who wu nlwrm mluln ram Allonvllo homo on ov Visits Péflugal Council Pmldcnt My mg uld QM My Mm mm dlmrvlca to Ion movomm by min In weak named obvlom inn connllrucy ululed to am Im m1 Smlul Md lorcln gmplqym lb true nl tlrm Injured In Blask Seek Certification i0 Iquli Infill hlfl figsd llbolu ry upon my uy nu 1h body wn Mu Coon Demand Action Identify Body ARTHUR WBIIAM smifié ISF0léééSt wmhumm mum lnfmlldcr Wilmer wllh NW the or May you Mum Thu low rmrdod It Exam lnar 0ch ovunlaht wn ll mu fln lamporllm mm wt damn NEON OP Noemi 1qu It mo Ian snowx Mlldor Ilr 3w Into Nomqu 0mm own prodmlnrmmlvu cloudlnd mm Hum frown drlulo Th1 gnum II Ukvily tmcnnunumg um ml lnLn III on Chlr uh Eflc MkoHmn Nlmm 0n uric Hullburtnn Souihorn ueorglln My Kl Wind 031$ Inc may WarmE Evin IN Dd mtherly homily MomIn Gaolplug By Sum wlmalwcloudy Had my mom flan Nomorn Gaolfilm my Al gomn1hn ml Norm any ud 5mm Muir Van Ilble cloudlnm tadq Mllnly cloudy hull and may numerly mm cléudyim ind ggy armor m3 my Kitchener Mount Folu Wlnzhlm Hamilton Cllhu Toronto Peturboro Klnulon Trlnlon Slull 516 MIN Klfinskumx Io Rvcr mum Sunny May New dly mnlnlvy cloudy Mlldar Tuqduy jugs light mom 19 qull mmmm Law ovemllhl hlxh helm Wlndm St Thainu 99 St Thorni nqon mum John Kenuuiy chk sunloy unlu mombor at UM lrllllc III Th Cnnudlln Prembl hem llllck Fllnl NEILOm Splrkl my 15 mlrcd Toronln hl Ichnol lnchar Ind Flrll Word War velmn alter 1m lllv no Durhn loulh Mfluchkll Palmon I1 of Scolllnd Ior mer world nywellhl hnxlnl fihlm Ian mt want In LondonRuin mu cm anlIlnI lundlnt camo dlgnl an Huck chmll Schenk ol vtlmn vnudcvlllu performer who wu culled tha world Illesl chlrlellnn dlncor In my mm Sumo Tenn Fund Cum compnler Ind hand ludar who wrclc Ind pllyod lhu Ion hll Nur You MONTREAL CPIA mm In lhll Onurlo mluhI In Quohtcl upmn tom any con alllullonll umndmanl Jvlu provlm that lo mIn nhclurm wu wlud durlnl lhI mhnd 0mm ub ml Mmllml mull com mllon 1M wlrnlnl cum from Mr Munu mombor Quitc momle And mp llnul film In mmll Ludor Jun lhl lhl III 11 but Nu In low production and WM In Wu pm to 10 win mdl lha coMum maulum ood lm mud Wurwgmmu 92 Mr Me In Jun Tax Warning Is Voiced Ht Que Meeting Mr Bounun uld mum mmlonlmd ailInflux Ihu prov mu mu con auxmloml WM malvod man an own um meal In pmlnm nlnl b0 Innl film lo My pacfifxgdo sgeaassusasszsgauaassg DEATHS Ova munbm and Him wmwolcomd to Novemr scum ny MYMW mama th mums uwm ad at wannfim Dorm01ml rand Martha Gum Ch er Orr lufloiMn 1mm IlkaDD 0M olDlurlct No Man Ecru pm mambo Grand Chaim Emu Ind PDDG MIIMDISMIIC Buqu Spurn BunIo Mn Vlvlln Noble Cm mum Mu Helen llnlbwrnt Rollo Hum Mn MIMI Ion Earle Ind Mn Irena Gu Ifi Cookslownurwull In Mumnlnand Pyuomol Huyell Inc Mu nod mammarth Matron dectvm handled by her hulblnd Chlrlpl Robulwn PPand Worm mem Tom Pcnlon Wu mum hy MI meherlmhw Robert Fnlr PP Work 0mm Other when lnmlled warm Ioclllo Munon Allen Boom Anodnmlntm Mur vyn Booth mercury Mn HI Iel mungKM WWW mi Wm Mn erorle Mlmon moth AleerI will Manila chap lulu Mn Mature Smith mar dulMfl SutdmNdller 14mm Gem Mulhnlllnd PP dl Mn erlon Younl Ruth Ema WuloWflth Elm Mn Belly Mount Martha Mu Irene Wlllonghhy Elma Mn Once Ponton wurdun Mn Mary Lowery lentlncl Normln Wlllouzhby The lnslllllnn board wm Mum Mn uw Webb PM Patron Chlrlo Robertson PP marshl Mrl Nolllu Clm lull lnL PM muslin Mn uslu POI nnlsl Mn MurielWemer PM der Mu Dorothy Lower mind Wllllnm Abe Aullllnl In the Em luhal deer DDGM Lauri momma PM June filllowny pmldInu Juno Olllow mldInu Mll ro flmofim PP no art nlr PP Mm Helen Cook of Dumb as Muted with Iolos well Ipeclal lgch In Joni lo lhu rellflnl Ilron and Film 01 IoMnlgpa pregenlqllon tholr Mn Dorlx Robeman was ru Iunled with naval by her blnd Chum who Iln mun ed In Eallern SlIr while Blble lrnmlhnh um dflldnn Cal can hm Ind Elulne well mlny other beluulul ulna mm mm and mu Mohm Guuh wm mem from To onlo Bum allmwnod Crew moeelln anoqll19n Mld pm otflcen Iuwela In Iynnr hm me vhlunl wu Ivan om lhl lu cup when Mn ml du Nollly Mn llabol Wnbb Ind their commiueu mvcd de llclm lunch PLAN MEETINGS Mr and Mn Vlllllm Wlllm nod halt harm an Maple low Drive lor lhu Novembar mouth lho Presbyluriln WMS Ind 19 membcrx Inwar ed mo roll all with thank gwlnlxrom Mn Bell mid or elccllon luv lcm who Ira Prom Mn Campbell leey Mu Hand mu Mn Nelmn Ion omnlll Mn Bruce Co In and Mn John Cownn wel comn and walln Mn Re need And Mn Younl II and IUIIINM Mu Mnlvlllu Cook and Mrm Onrdlnu Glld Tld Inll Mn Ed Glbbanl Mrl Dell upoka word of en courmmenl and lmplnllon Ind Mn Clmpboll announced the Dmmbzr mullnl mama Alllndlle when luv Bell will brlnl Chrlumu moum Mn arm Cownn In In mm mullc and Mn Norm Mm menu promm commlllu wu up mud Mn Youn Mlu lldrod llnrln Ind Mn Cw In to Iormulllu prvmml Inl lowlnl Ihl Dmmbtr mnollnl whm roll all In In In Imwm ad by wmnllon or m1 pm IAIIII II Dunlap rm Wmhlophono 7266514 on A1 5577 twn hum HOUSEHOLD FINANC IAIIII fill all your holiday shopping needs wtl1 an HFG Shoppers loan WII PM of study bookInd hld pm NM communal mm at at mm mom ndl from Cutlul gnlvll In lmup 10 In whan autumn church had been utlbushsd and mnlnx null1t mum me to ma when Knox callus wn Incorporated 1511 yaw um An Illcln 1mm rotorde and Jun um Mmmna Presbyterian Methodllujnd mum Wm no iguana In church wit Mu non modmud panel Mn oudlnnrmnd Mn Yen and mid Watchmen warlelm of fly dm whenbhunhwu can re 01 colonyl Minimum nodal mums Mmmm Ind Mu Rubin Rood condumd the alum ymshlp Inwlceu Alums Mou Amandlru eho Noman din ner mun ol Chrmlln Bulk mu Men committee 1n Bub ton 1m Unllod numb were Elvin Purim Guam Kayand Gnome Holt wm Huntley Cooklvillt who author Homespun Poems wu milk Onnzrnlullflonl Mr And MnMlko We an the blnh of their chume In Hoyt Vle othxospllll Novetnber Mlsa Mice mm Nome wuu guns at Mt Ind Mrs George Holt Nov 713 am Holt Nov 13 F1 ort Comm Women In alum sponsored mllqua d1 plny bake 191° and aflomoun ea In Bond Read Community Centre Madame Reld llol Conn and Mlu Prun cu thlum1Mrnm were those present MR8 CHURCHILL chill who Ionnerly lived ln Thomlon cvmmunlly on nlmh llnu MInnhfll with her zonin and dmmer Mnjnd Mm cull Perri fumed Iwa In the Baku Nun Home mu lon Nov in her oath yen Some lormnr neighbors Ind friend nllmdod the unernl vlcq Polhigkchapol Sygm ANNIVERSARY low Therm Hench mm In Iuandunco 1h open house In Ivy Orlnxo Ila Mruni the silver wrddlnx nnnlversery Mr and Mn Clarence Fish er In crowd enloyed lhl ovunlnga un dnnclnz vabn Orchutn varied mmlcnl program was mm and oven concluded with boun lllul and dcllclou Innhwhl included In Innlvemry clka Amnnl the many presented wg a7 lelovhlon ul no No 10 Thurman Il lcndcd Rammbrnnce be ygco lnflTrngy wth nth Nov 13 Rev Mlhoy oko on Thu Sucrcl Cause of nclul CantenHuns and Wll nuluad by member of tho Junior choir under lho lender Ihln ol Mln Rhoda Mn Sham Mn and Mn mm than all All Junlon Ind Inlermeaillu mmlnded hnl1rlny Unlh ed Ohuwh chulr practice an held ovary Thursday ovtnlnl In lho church ll pm and 16 um mmllvcly Allyonn pa uricdlo ho present In an linden from Emmunucl Cnllc mm In II churchu Cook ownlhornlunIlolly chum lho mull Ilmcl Nw he huntm hm ro lumed Irom lhclr narlhcrn Ink Ind wort their llrulw dm ware murded wlth name sum can One group In whlch Flnktnlner bvl on hmd Mr den when they had um lnchnol mw Wp Cog nl any at one Ind Io dld um mum on him Mnlm Fury Bound fllln mu Ind for mm Iho wnk mllod Hm hunllnl llmo Sum human who didnt nonh mu HUNTERl nhyls cxlendcd In lha mnnln fiil relnuvu and 1mm THORNTON um hm II In um um ll yuur holldly Ihopyln Ilu Inn on mm In NI In Mic Mi In mm vlsllhu this week with uln gyujn Lelyllnguylnn Mu Rabat Pinit mix hey any vialiins with he hm 0m Sinkinn Unlied Church Woman held thelrrezuilr meeiv in in home oi Mn How Nnv In with indie munu The busineu wu con ducted by Mn Moore pm idcnl The nominlunu commit tee Mcsdlmu Plrrle Bur inn Lawn Peamil no lo bring report in Dmmbu medku or eiwlnn oi office in be held at line hum of Mn Howard antord Dec it was decldod to have inniiy supp It lhu church New at 039 pm Mn How was in chum oi wonhip with Mn SixAdan welding lhe crip im drum The Woman Sunnis was ennclcd by Mn Penmii Mrs Ayenl and Mn Elismere Rev Mr King wu speak delicious lunch wn urved by the hu tess flunk mm Ramadth gmweak hnudgy Index Communion In An Propu Jr on Min presented or moud ou lnxumlslon wllh PP 3° Cal vood gavdgn hum de dnv fin Emu Ind Iy an wllh her mm Mrs Poller gage Weekend vlshor Nov with Mr and Mn Wlllllm Davie wen Mr and Mn wmlnm 113 Mr Ind Mm Alli Mlu Winnlo Monlellh from Nov with her brother1n Aw and mm and Mr And Mrs A15 PlymLMllllzmgk 030 STATION max rlym am Mr and Mn Buflow Scu borouah spent Nov with his brewerlam and mm Ind er mun Vxllon on Nov Charla Ws were daughter gm me Mn and Mn nodwny By MM SCOTT Madam Knapp rumIn trdnfna In Tmlo hm Janet mu MM her home Addie Wflaon returned ham Sunday or week MUM OannguimImu lo lair Cox on whmln HM public spuk In In 9m incl CITIZENSHIP COURT United Jud vam at Mt Wilsons Damloml wax Iven by Mn Pm Muir md Illa rodlod Illu hid two mlmtw Home was pbsgtyodPn1mm wumgiven by Mn Damn on culm mlvSMnvon¢mthq My Mn mmln Mn Wilton Mn Sew lid in Ilende own on beltV of llw mm may wwlmtmd nw Dandram Mn wen reMHnI chumMp paper Ind pmenlod them win mplt In plm Ind Blue SHOWER Mm Mary Jam mem on tertained row zlrl mend In bonvr ol ML Helen ONeill who In be mm MW 19 motm man whyrnnu puopa Ilalan to ©FR®fl©fl© fly MR8 MONTEIm ANTEN MILLS MIDHURST ironlo Nov 10 ma homaol Mr Lloyd burihnlomnw then won 10 member Ind three vIsflorl ol AruyloWIPmlden MIA Bowen prafldlumhe mollo was nedby Mn Vlclor Ron 11 Roe puhlh relluon convmr Introduced Mrs Chlpmnn who show ed plume of own in Enlland nla sccrehry MrsChIpman read thu correspondence Ind huh fllu plow mention was men hnlh Bushes was then zlvennlllllég Mu Fowgn the on Smxiay la the Remem mice service In wn Our Senior Citizen wen mentioned wlih regard in Chrisimn gins Mn Lloyd in In nive liar repori oi Am Convention II the Decembpr menu which will be held oi the lime of Mn Roy Ausiln an Dumber ii at am Roll call Win verso oi Scripture Malia Ti loving and living lluu make life warlh living no meeiing closod with gr llciou lunch Don mu lo mend Adz men Day or hnmcmm club It Park st Collegiate 22 EU Eric OBrfefi and Paul Bush the In 01 lrlndmolhcr MEPBIAEHM 133mm Mr and Mn Murny Bowen and warm Also Mumerm Mar vldled Mr and Mn Johnpowan at Richmond Hm Junior cum 0mm holding nvChrIIlmn bnnnr léa and bake Inblo and nearly new lublu Guuula Commuan mu Nov 13 pm to 1mm Procech chlrlly work Ru men low my Deep River visit in Mr Ind Mn Chm Tu ey Sympa goes to Mr and Mrs Eric 01 an and Paul Bushh AU mmn um 11 rm Ium nann cu my cum mm mm lunmdu um nnl mm by unmannmuu In hu ovnu mm um mm In m1 II at um mm on mum 00 mum11m nu hum 1m Mdnkhm IHllmu an mm gm nagging backache BLADDER hT It um um RRGYLE fm

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