Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1966, p. 4

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Barries acQuisition of 295 mm of pmf vinda owned land in Vespm mwnship for pa urposes is good news iorvthe citizens thecityhy Faiths 1101111118de ot fnggoiilnriauée py MEN we in lo 11 which an developed as ajglrk will serve the needs of tourists and Bmie and district regiments AidTJack Gamer who worked with Arthur Evans MPP ShficoeCenhe over the B351 twoyms to arrange the deal said believethe land should he used pampsite and natng milkQ mm Mu sugated between Hfighway 400 and Lune Lake Inlhe 1w cone ssiox of Ves ra prnsMp fihe site 15 closexénough be oipracticalvalue to Banx19 people amt I150 ohgreatysewice to the growing stream at ttailorbrafflc that passes the dtiq dooran the spring summer and fa months all monms One of tho pmblems of the touristis to find suitable spot with water and lightisciiiiies where he can pssk his trailer overniglllt and sometime ior as at time are are such services Slmcoe Couuniy but nolevery place has beamiiul park surroundings as will be dexeloged in Elle Little ink AL TIME 76 CONSIDER umhchnon Winnng Free Press Speaking in encd oi his p01ic¥fo com late integmtion at the Lhredde ence serv ces down mand includin oomth units Mr Heilycr Canadas er of national defence decims that many tending mlliinxy arts advocate this de veio ment and tha confidence the key wo tohiaproggnm The nails thecasa do not seem to support this views Indeed many of our service units are seriously under siren Ind confidence and morale in Dana aa fighting services is now considmd to be at an alltime low by many serving oi flcers This Ls not all dunno such things rate oipay buiinygeiyto theth ad to thetradition and identifica ons ol combat units and uncertainty about the iutum um um mm Mr Hollyw has chosen tojinlerym 1nd term In resistance to hLl program the remain ans omeniqr officers and an qualified advice on the mm as cha lengo dglnan governm bxthe gen mu uunnn mix mdllury or 121 This course in units 11 culoush osa he 31 comac in quite rkficulous ihose he ap em to accuse are the very persons who mp5 in back the gavernment tn the gm for democratic ndples nxnlmt military dictatorship nIEum and Communist tyranny In Asia Hall at would be wiser to consider ioux the exycrt advice that has hep Sous the ert advicothalhnsbccn ot gm 111mg In slrllgcrflmsense oi duty Wfigay ot sexno officers Their professional views are no by the wildest stretch of lite hmginnmn any chiliengo to comiimtionai civilian con imi oi th pgmy dcspiioniho hyslcrlcai 1m ofLho arm dcspflo the hyslcncal mums which mvo recently appeared in Avyuu BHevelmnnemV01 the Era11 cost OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mon comm Bum adty Islnlready assured grams mm 1116 Inca bnaprbje¢t costing 3100000 The Ilnnpcjalu burden en shquld gouge ongmn oniBalrrlo onnarmu Once ageloverleafnhas be built Duckworth andJnghway 400asfpromls ed by thg DeparmantofIflghways the park will be virtunlky at the fdoorste of the tourists passinguoanIighwafifi Undoubtedly mgny pf thexnywfll eu ticed to stop over on theh ital north or southiand egjothe ty of mg wuuuumq Mr Garner said it imbecoming lncreas lngly difficult for cit dwellers such as thoselljlBarfle to fndaplacc wherea they can take walk 111 the country will out Leespasslng on rivate propertyLThe mcleIakepark ll give them this opJ portunlty and in yearslo come will ro vlde an ideal spotvfor picnics swl ng endsimply bmwsingvaround Ln keen shaded areas The site also includes unexcavaled ln dim vlllages and could be of value to the schools and or interest to adults fascin ated with the early history of the com munity print llllnmnnedwflters not ered to study the facts The truth of the matter is that vast majority or experienced officers fully support high do of mtegrauonof the defence forces all the various Sup fly 511me administrativeand direct ng fad ties but not to the level of com bat units where esprit de corps and em c1ency waqu be destwyed Servdor officers are hot on enflued to make their considergd 091 nlnnv um to the overnmem mesa is their re amnslb to offer their professional ud Un er the firesent mmmand struc ture ended by Hellyer however they hm been citccuvely muzzled while 18me invmemvice ltfsezve little purpose to attempt to discredit officers who have served their country well by plcturlhg them as pack oulduted blim Thu national inter est would be bet served by serious consideration of their views and change in the mymmand structure to ensue that In future the defence chiefs are free ro perl to tender their ndvlco on mlll ry ma an to the cahlnet and government of his day Its an 111 Wind Them are more deplorable condluons lhanovor helm for puslmlsts to polnt and gleefully say told you so It isnt such serious misfortuno fvr an oldslcr to lose his hearing as he has already heard Just about qvcmMng worth hearing Paragraphically Spéaking lugnldrmegl Wigsh whb have Yr Prim Mlifuer 1mm Pm non cam on and any mm mm and ably WASHINGTON CALLING WASHXNGNN Spedal Win or lose Canhdnx latest mm In shah uplnlcrmflflnal dlplomncy the United Na Hons are An In doJoma 3an wv Thurwlll not In the short rum merwn relations wl1hthe Johnson regime In Wnshmgton bu met or later my bu moulud hm that caudal only kylu1ndnwmnmn¥ Amarlcnnl think Hill but the nuophled mnellma thinkers It tho Stab Deplrtmant Ind un ¢hlnhblev Canada hu canvauzd UN delegate an Ihc proposal that the swamGenenl be uked to explain with Paklni the pop abmw mum policy thlt Cblnnu KaISheks Foxmo be mowed lo retain Ill mt ln he mug menAl security bv rmcnnlnuva lbs 700 3rcmcnnmuuo ha 700 mnllan pewlo of Red Chum Amnipmbablomhn mumunus Candis mp Imam Noah Wot Nam not muefilom iln Both nu lemon In lune wllh he lnkhll of majority 91 United Nam mumbm mnjorny which In new shown lllcl In In opan voln lnr lem ol us pmnuu Ind pomhln mlull no WWW doqpou pounnsbhi cahqdqjlls Making Noises At The UN SOME POLITICAL ngjNAmANA cerlaln mklnuted noted and dmunwlrhd narxmln inn CEIIaIn mummu IMqu downmded pusunlo firm but lrletLdly mac at Inc us He wfll not have shined Candi ave to the In problem counlrlu in the nan dnpartmen lexicon but he may Mn Canada mpect long hath hm The mum mm is cam promlie alter or palm prize winner Pearsons own hem 3h lDflAUffllfllhfi Ion My rho dulwcfl but rarely rim lime Thu could by the maxim fln UNgeneml amidy has never vow on ma thIblna Idea because both Chlnu on lho aurllce no vlolenuy Alan it Inn Med hr ham um um mu 1n the 1m run muslr hp tha Iqulllon whsn nun mull duh Man We no ndmllted ll regular lnler vnu given mu and mowed to spend lam am of um nu naflannlpr ucu In mnlnla lnl lhzir mm rehuvu ln alan wrmekaaumm flux to km Chlnngoul Ilmpiy Mann ha nemt to an more um lrlcllon of par ulallan he clllm lo remcunt the umo llmu despite lhn nuly none from Penn lha rul China hu lu be Admitted we UN oo hm my red mm the Mn world Unllod Slam at run nlnz out way lo Imp ned Hm out If Gm Unkad It nmud mam have tho find look Iulnmnuc rofluu noon om nm For many yam thu Amcrlun camp hold such mllorlly that no robin mom of Communm cumulus no got mm in Waco ennlly put down bclorn Ihe on eul unnamny wnl Ith to dinnu the much new Ind nculnl mum crup 1n the moluuon Wu do baled but dalelad mu hr mm the US hld lo lxm Cb ml ndmhlhn In meoh uni quutlnn munin mlrdl mnjorlly of flu mmbly lo gwmvl Th1 wu In AdmlMan mu U5 mum no Imel muller um um mnjoruy Id may Chin mi Multan In bun do valued by only no lo 49 vnlnl vdlh ll Abilenllanl Ind vol 21 mnlullon lo mt Putin vu Md la 01 um 29 nyllenUonl Al Imp unverln Tull now crud In on In mum llul um mu may wont coma Mm an wk own mm ml IN Ibout flu 13m null vanmm un hop lvr MW Canadian Infllnun lulu lo nulln bod Ilflludu Ind IIM not lulu mt propm Ipdlphllonn or lmyloyp NERD Poll CHANGE The serum of mo ludfllon II Mmllwm In Washington mould nu Itmm lhl mm vnlm Amman Ivhu mllu ban the fix Ulpolk1 AM no lmwmllly at mum 1M ovaIn Nut mG Tlmu columnhl Tom Vlkhr undth lhn uu U5 24 mm on IllouFlluflc mn mm pv wf mng mm It bomhln North V1 Nam Cnnadu mly vole Ihe lhouihu most Important us allies President Johnxon IL to listen not because he is mm at the Man lhc bombinu policyth hecauxa WI h1 pollcy He has paKmd hlmsell lmo corner with It and 1mm get out wluwul dlrplnyxu Hwmncn mm dnlcmflnnunn In mm tho Puma La Ir raglan vawervha bu 1mm Juxt one lhlnl abonl lha way of the mymrlou ml and thnl the need to pmem lnca OTTAWA REPORT YllAWAWfll the next lud enl elmlnn mull in In for maflnn Canndnn um Ioclal bl government Ollnwfl PublSc nu or the New Demondie my II chthE Ilaadfly vleclnn man In disgun from both um ml deanom of flu lecrul pnrly Ind Iha Consmnllvo puny Hvrn by lnlcmll Ilrlle Thll Innd ll emphulud by vary vellumamnion poll no latest mllnbld poll belnl dhcuucd on Parliament Hill not publldynnnoumd poll mm In mlly ho Illml mun nl elector today mum 11 than who In undwlded how lhey would vole und luau mup lho Lib mln but only Ihorl hand ho Mud In meh and nmnlnu neckIndnock Ira Ibo NDI Du Comervlllvu Thll IUIV mm It dul um lho undecided voter could nwlnu mo alullon lhey would prohny Ill nur wnyl with tho mm olnl min vote to DP and mu Socrodl 11m llkellhood comln an luv Handy cllmh In pub llc rt retarded manlh by mum lhc NDI Inlku lhnl ml InnM la Du old Indml pmlu lwr um Um In our hulory Wm many volm blcllnl prowl numb UII lwo old plnlu than will rumIn Im Immlnonl and mu lmmlnu wulblllly mull1 luvqnlmmlmn iiiV mullt mnimml ll 011m lauded lrlm Mu Mg fomtpy Don WM mm toulfium ub LMI meg hm enough in GM Iht ND lnlo ofllu would undnuModly mm some Mll IvIII ol mudflm talk on umm um wha hm might In In mod In inn NDI mmbm now ln KM 1mm would filly or ml In Cnml It cur lad on Pullmm 1L Boclll llu now In bun hrnly Illllmd In ll lma mljof ml Tammy DWI Mm Mm Imam mm or MIMIle nmlmlc male an lawm llama Magnum up Wm luv cm PATRICK NICIIDLEON Sfipport Climbing For New Democrats Cdnygfgtibfis Are Becoming Costly 0wa mummy Thnvolbmoen Monupfl ind mm va twn vllolllodv mn mm 1501 nun oil lumen It olYork wu an my mum nmrzm mun omrwm lhnrnumt mm wu Hamilton mugw Indium vu nmewnmhaacu Polf 02000311 lhmdm arm NOVIIIVIN1I lmOI anuélimclQMimy ca dome thl nwnbgr at nvd mgimwiu 1mm huuneflcnn ncvoluuonlry n1l kn hid to be mm Brluln by Killian Th hip look menwgch wh Wm slim mtuedtoun Hudlnn haul MIIIWNWYMK Th6 hip mk bludbysl Mall IiiMn was pm on board lhlpl It Nawf York QUEENS PARK By no mm NEOMPollda ll 1m be Medanwml Senator Jnhn mum ul Vin comer mum of Liberal Federation of Clnadl brought out flood point when he noted tha the biz cm 01 auenw political opmxguong find mum um um comer mum of Liberal Federation of Clnadl brought out flood point when he noted at auendlfl 14 mm the cm at auenw political oomxflonl dand an lest wgll Wed at Men in My Why rm Ia um um wlm you This NM LN Whm dons you null mlly My two perm I1 Ihem Ildlkhelyr gamma Ind IJL mam mimgémfim am you would Int Comm mm my hum 11m dlnm will welcome Ibis power lul Ilrenk at economic Milanl up In Tommy Doulllln thigh CREATE NEW roar Thu kw will In hll ublnel would 11mm certIndy now one minor economic pllnnlnl and development nm gall would wedlcllbiy in oronlol Dlvld MW lhc PallIhbom deyul lander of In NDP And Ionam lead vher lo Inbvr unhm Wlnnlml Sunny Knavlu wmald problbly b0 minluer at health And wolhu the onm Ben Maddie luv la mm mm NanImol Colin ClerDn In mlnhur ll ml Ind Tommi Andy erln ha lureim mlnhltr or likely new mlnlutm wnuId bl Tmmlnl Murdo Mu un It nullan delcnu Camu Mbernkl Tam Burn ll Huh trlu mummn Amold Illm nrlndturc allll Mu Snlumln Iannl Hnmlllnnl Wllllnm own unpowor nd 1mm lllUOnX HMII Ink Haw Ard ll Indlm mm Ind north trn duvmlwmenl lumm um Burnabyl llobm Prllllo lumbar MW purllolln um bu commume Ind mm duvelopmenl lar Mn firm Mlclnnh ol Vancouvn IIUDIID CAREFULPY rind nu chlnnlmhlp WM Aunmu mum NDI noun commlllm Ind ERIE Ill 1W 11mm on Ihn MW permmnnc In mvlm wore hrld many or noun auulmdlnl lnlmM Dr till Kim huobml In mu minim ml b0 IN Clnndllnborn Dr mm mm omplml plum Mr may who Iu Aunled munm plumlnl ml unwell DIILInlulahd Inle uol bdh mm nodal or In had when on In fun lo rpm ll IMIth mm ml mmln am lhllldomldm Dr mm um um mm wul elm In Amnltln Md Imn In mum Clnldllnl or lhu mIumo molurunn um mm mm Mm nml ml and hum Ibo Donn lull mutt Winch ml Bruinm all an finhom No1 out MM Include mun nm mm II would ItchM Junta Mm llmld hm MI had nunm hm 0mm and Arlhmdlul emu mum um mvlncu an xmnm IMchlanapn 44 an Thouown mod Ippolnl mnnu In An mlnllnl mo unmom dydra rmgfzzfisn gwr Io NWABnmhk Ind Nériiwen Com mam hlomflpx ImSt Johnl Nflddlbldly odlbyfir Mu mm For hunk Rlllwly cornle from St Mum lob Sun rimInth Quebec Ind Omnflo doned or Mam lmm autumn and mHfiliiafi chm tlanrduudlanpgmmmd WEI an RN pennhllon to that fillelrwwn chldl lurmerly but um whiz P9 he SEW mmbgri if Ihn anceq at Eonvonllonhdm by bum Jun of Mum mid probably run It km NW national convention would be dam to $300000 or 00000 Evan the pude dld N7 the con Wow hudly may we would In mach mu ruenmlgu 1m an Iowa uumEfi Highway opium And My no mm leulonl Imam the nuppoud In to bad wk ah Gldaonn AdaHy panlmdlr mmln nbom ordtrly Ind Md by lyn mm pmch In men Ibo IclnaUy did mm an mum not been WA 01 Ibo In nulr mctflnll been principally Home INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WA AGAIN DIUO ERIE Ill 1W 11mm mvlru wore hrld hidy lar Dr Elll Helm hum Cnndllnborn Dr mm who Iu Aunled U5 Dlnumlahd lrrvm Modl In run In or tun lo rpm ll IMIMdt mmln am lhllldomldm Dr elm In Amnltln Md Imn Ill mmm In tho Iurlmn and 1mm Elmlur lnvllu or Ila mm to 04 lurid ulc Whn mulblh Mlm MM mm nth my shall be Iltnrd erlm may Iu um lth Iv Iln

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