Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1966, p. 3

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fatént appmmof lhe govérmneukiir it ast n9 resishgxmjg bar his program of unification ln the Cg ndlnn mixed forces The greatest danger ls lhatlt could well destroy the all1m pomnt actors of morale pride nnd splrlt in the level of ships companles my rgglypemsnmd lair squml ontv views nllke lilr ldid not contemplate unification between the sdinn mned forces The greatest danger level of ships companies army regiments ls thatit could well destroy the allinr orelrsquadrons In these peace times portant actors of morale pride end much of the public has been writing off spirit in the level of ships companies 111mm of senior officers as outdated trmy regiments and air squedmnsi Dont hese hnve come mainly from retired forget thetlin Canada we donetthnvehpersonnel conscription as in most other countries lit the British white pe er on defence Our ll ting men are volunteersflv issued three ycare ago en some move liir ellyer has seemed to indicetethat towards integration wesibezunthe im regimentalldentltlcs and tmditlonswill pomnce oi regimental unltwas greatly be presli At the same timelt hat etresged li pointed out that fighting been explained that the new plpgrqm unitsgwere becoming increasingly inter will mekueasy the switching of substgn depcndent which must be expected to tial number 01 men from one job to on increflso Nevertheless sil erience other and between units Alkweli shd ishowlthet the fighting irit the in good it concerns such mups es trans divtdual men in bettlo erlvlergely rod service corfis mat eels etc But rem his loyalty to hlsshlp his unitor has not been own that men will not his squadron vlhe trlditione and battle he swlidted between navy ermyilond Ilr honors at the individual service are vi ialifictor in morale iend fighting cili tprce ltls ridiculotu to say thereon be any clenc Minna mp Muuum Marlin vener ll nhnau embody mmumwrmw 99f E3011 Iervice corfifi muiTcals Zola Em has not been own that men will not be awudxpd between navy nrnuilnnd Air force nvingi moostor Mn iriélflclhiéy mm 4119 fighunrf mu mvynlrmy flu largo wpa ng jdeannl umlgnps The 1068 olflrczlrmenul monle would far outweigh tho value of any such econ micsv1°¥4id9mx lGenenl Douglas MntAflhur pul am his vlcwn on armed one lnlemuon shortly arm tho end of World Wm hva ll coqsldcgod lnlegmllon an wepllal Hip To fiftiféeS Morale Ign Unifida IOgrqm 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Emio Examiner Nov 17 1026 Won further mnmonioen oi iiiiiS Nancyl Ilium ballio mouth Nomwasaaa Ivar Aug 14 um recoveredp one 11 tomahawk head which mum have be longed to mm 23 imiinn wnrriorI roul ed orvdclvnm of chy by iiobm Ranwy iivinplon of British Navy Olhor nlic uilorn mnrlino k0 Itd in opening me or iicin olh Articles wm ioun by Wii iam hebier Slnynur imurnnca man an mum bank river oppmiia when fchy was Iunk by lumrin American unlim The have been given to ilumn mum Ca nngwqod in Barrie lice mm Chum iiuikher was lcq mon chum um oi mung iiroio Gnnd 9pc iioun on Mlginmia nencfc Modern tactics and Ma on 93 55 99962 33 G999 balance Mlflsmrllenyer with 11 up Fe mm warn aha zovsrmeuy based anoxtensive command ei HRINKINGV CAPE DOWNMEMORY LANE imamI6 jun mrnmunu hmud led mum flung benign mmmflémm oxjnvglnvmgbly Mmorpmam Imjd anoil spoko at Oxford Univer city Homo Keats ago He said thorn Inn be vast Ange oi bearing alfiiude Ind ovon charactermd courage in man on Joinin ambus regiment with proud recor and tradition in baiiio which he ieeis bound in mniniain Morals tiemen wmmnntwo Mu our 1am Bmlevinhnnic malted Flrfi Pacqu put mum hem Bl clues than thrxmnflar any aygmlfiw 001ml alum unifiguu alumni lujwmhvm two flow may belym had 1th is named gm iriHlvvmnm 136 em mam 300mm Puckett or r331 mm wulglugn of Ontariofiumlleddwh gum Emma mnmlnnxll mail Ag but 17 Ewonconcenu dm nave 1v Mendy annulment to many men and women over the enrswd haw gm malnlpln file economy Vonlan even he Thn monex Irpenl logkbnwpénl yflj not heIplha Tanning cmpnny to mate Ifllhergar fnnrqlxe In plaufeflic any at on to tum out more food may Yum It wfll be pmly pxpem in the Interest 01 and 419 vnw rm mg acme wrulcluon nimdrhn lla treaunem InclFl of omariofiumued 3M1 minuyn11mnotnszan wily may equlpmjenttbcontgynylmpm W31 mumfi mm mm messinwmyer Imaém iCflIMHl iiwim lhe unnerynnd 01er this he Mun the two NIMTonxm has taller lat flan at mm vygm ngzlhfigflm being saudutorym mun olnl mm to mehms fmemalln 13mm mogul slmeg mpflmlnux minute in mm to an IE aflxqawn pl mm IIIwheres enchumamin fiduciary mndardx an my runJlOm $50M lOdtrommnt 9005mm ml Ibljl dJ runglnl It was very lmponnnl to pre servcfilnw and order an lhe malnlgndb American tomcum wens flocking there thousand to neural or old fl lhgr had been shun mmnn them or with the Indiana had happened In the ESL ho Amtvrlcnn govtrnmcm would hnvn lent tom lo proud Ill cllhen Ind tho lermory would luvs been lmn mi It minMush rewl flag Wage treatment was an up hard ofprocess not so manx yam agoJCanada In 1h pm 1ndustrlnl days handled ml age In the mules way mm ripe emptied 1M4 rivers and skewnand natural vpurilicallnn Mniihaw Baillie Eegbie we one oi ue 1mm remarknbia chanch in Canadian hlslory and halpadr Govamor Donuts nve British Columbia rum ba in taken avervhy the United Slum Bruce Huichlson in his hook chr wraia In his 56 yum ol judginu riding walking Lending and praying he had more Mr Llun my that man In Brllhh Columbia Beubiu arrived at Vlctnfln Nnv 16 mo and resided mummy at Furl Infley three dnyl luler when the mainland Drum 111 colony at mush Columblu but Icpmte from Vnncounr bland Ilwns Bema Job lo pref nerve law and ardcr which ho did 111 Ilemarlublo my He had Ilan legal mlnlng when he Wax up lnled Judge lorflrfl lahflolum he van flexI lnr m0 Law nimu ml 43m lln hecuuu Ml brolhtr had won lhg Aflodlonl hll fiancee CANADATS STORY Ee1f33téz 371351415 Am likq M11th eleli wni government on omblckli Helped Tofgsavq BritishgColumbia npeclflcalloris and gnothcr ur 1w es1abllsh heir own Mime and have khem worldngrPrnvIn em and city law cal1 of luck prweaumntnt the menu inns invalvnd without my laqnyegl afilprgeu Notmuch 1pm mm film cln be dam to rellevc tha burden on the annery and Lho chopMlln pu cl treat mm In 09m warm and mnintain it ii this cnndL flmvfl Speclnllyvlor lhe two concerns but worm from we stand polmnl the 14000 peopte who comprlu Bmlesmmladm In Iangwny 1an ha 11mph ways oi yuleryeruln Rich Price low vllyrduring um Springrnf mm inscribe lhe laverish acu mhnhtho Great Leap Forward Wm 31 and the 5pm tanner measles Lha mm yenn of revnlnun nllme He tell nln fltgmflerdh vappolnlmanll the economic preulon by Lin and 0121959 nd the xuddan wilhdnwll 11 Some bupgyygulyxm In langwny 1an ha Ilrmme ways at yesteryear but Vlhlll prozrlug and clvllguuop Aluxouxh he befimalnmg lhs hanging judxa tho mlncts aspect himbeam he wu ary alrw He hated iurlesnwho lalled Io convch men when Benhla ell lheyweru guilty Onone occa lan when Jury brought In Vrrdm 01 nm gullly In the cm at munnu had und bamd companinnnln drunken bum qulu snld You can no and dnvnully hope that in next man you andlanrwfll he am the lmJnme ll of Brllnln and Louis XIV 01 France Ilzned lrénlyn gculrnllly overhan pauculom In Norlh Ameflcn Muchnnll In Quebec bum shllglo Egrry llygbgr go Erullcu IOPlum Jonbcrl be Olly died at an 11 yo mushy m1 Wannil wen Luued lnr nrml of PI lnenu and nlher andcrliol re um 69le Rlvzr Mr held cunvlntlon lo arm provllionnl mvernmml InsLoni mm bland ll Illmun If all In BUSINEBSMAN yLOOKS AT RED CHINA James Duncan mounts his ms hlp lo Red China and compare cpn dluonx durlnl with mud new alien earner Mr Duncan aliman md presld Mamy ergusan nnd ormuy chllrmnn HydrmEleclrlc Pav wer Commission olA Ontario flakes hard look MW We Jnmu Duncagleillflhnt Carr ndn should conllnue lo develop friendly rellllom wllh China ul Iempllnx to break down hr mu conception Ind mlmnderlund lugs Much manta China from thayestern world Howmr ha dnunnleel that Cumin At this 1m Ilm should Id In pulley manlllorl lch would emhnmu thufillnllad Slnlu flfiangmm um mall pwcy lpllrplje II 1011an TI lllr dilinlemunn cl lhu us Mumps ln th Arnerlca mn runuylmlflnnlauk Dent Slr flu Cmdlan puhllc hu been put to lncmgenleneo Ind nn IE 0M loll am Mon durln mlnl mum om llhn an In mull of the Inn lor power Ind pollflon alum laden com tribulan Mar hu bun Ihs fewer up man mlllllnl mlom WI gmlnn In mch mum the llnarlunlnn mu huhcmaupflvu Indlenco with mu control over WIMV 13 Another man endly honk on Commutdu Chlnl published In 196641 Lln Hobbt SAW RED CHINA MIL Hobhl Roam MWIDI nman ln velllng with her InnAllan pan porl spent men week In Rad Chlqaqpodnl tourist Sha found much adann tho wallhem ma ldecy gm um sha obsmed 5h In praise or that dlpdpflnel physlcal and academic and thelr rigid monhlundardl Her book personal unwell lo ha Chlnm people Indzlho ll lruslrnled by her lnablllly In van her Identity In Amul can newtpaperwomln to her CbL nm was Ihhuld he mind wag innu more penelrauu sludonI Lhapmblem almmklhebookr CHINA FIRE Im 100 MILLION wrlllcn by Harry IInmm Wes German newn mnn Ind unalle who made Iwo mm In Chlnl In my III IInmm duclop the eflecl lb IOUI century lhe Ium wlr Blfllnll the Brltllh lo Boxer nuthlIon upon the curl2m Chlnm altitudes Ila describe lhePekIn lluvolullnnnra Mu uum hero lhe Lhlnm avolu lion ha been bulmlly Irlnl armed lnlnnnlhInI Ieu lhln 11qu um In Donlkl In dd chm ed wlm polnltnl mum And ponmin 01 In film no to my cut the union mnmhm and llmlllu Invovbenaflnad num lnny mm wm taumes bu mu Lhc Inmuu quickly in through our pm mudun Ind rune Lh com man am good and urvlcel lhu Men And pmvlndll avernmenls have Ihown lmlo ndenhl and lack ol nunll came not mun um II bor Ind nunuemanl mun their dmerenm Hound ma confer once tabla Mon and not Ifler mm done In In 136 prnmlilvg cnqnulunln by Ike nation 10le union duan mm mum om lHnr an In mull of the 1m or power Ind poIMon mm laden com klbulln actor hu bunwlhg new on Iym bar and manemu And will arcs our Iovernmenu lo mm leflxlnllon Mlleh 111 cum or remov 1n 9va instances the prlvflela to MiadeI unima cherllh no mILIy Alreldy law unlan axmllve Iwm mu mllc opinion will not alum oflnlle1ymku wflchflqflod Idvzmly lunariIiubm LETTERS 51 TO THE EDITOR GlyifitiffftVifixnmtfivr rim rum mum coMMERClAliPRINIINo VM as OLETTERHEADS BROCHURES owyonces OENVELOPES OPRIZE usrs OBILLHEADS éeusmsss CARDS OPROGRAMS pGUMMED LApELs posrans oomca STATIONERY ones OCAIALosuEs OCHeéfJEsE CHANDBILLS owsoomqsmnonenv CARRIER MISS YOU ym curler bu ml mind by un plum plan 7282433 All Can wm ll Dlmml In Your mm by pan leRl IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXIj DRvaouer cnns AND mucks BLACK AND WHITEAND com PEGGY smfizn PO ox 39 OIIVUIO Ont may Noun In plrhh huuolln Our annual bann wu nther like heaven Mmy waaxpeclud tome megs wennbunLEI Folllqhzrlhe met Internalfl mud or the at here MI 1125 you hm Mi Pwplwlllhzreen eyes Iahdlo Mwdenuy jealouaDrop dhhm Md youllmm puny or tauml IoonTa make child remember tom thinl pun mt Hcll re evgn you wil them onu HummusII Munnun IIIaluminum DIMIIII gammaItem nun mum mm Iickéfs

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