Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1966, p. 11

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in mm thin hlu nhnro ln almun New York lo lhlrd plm In mun Mm am in M1 11h lull union wllh lumen nubm hn um call Ind 11 Illllll but been under nu um or burlllla the Mn ub Chchn cmh mlly nu nld mudny ml mm The Ill nu 1m win who had record on and v1 polnu Im mm out um nm In mt no Tun mm wln or Ollbun II on lho llm le nlnlul hnllu on In Huh Ink um mu hnrdshul puck llowcvlr ha MI canlldunl he will on tho Ira lnnllhl In lho WWW9 new dly 1h 11m llnd mum of NW York Hunger and Bobby Hull Chlmn Black Hawk Both Ira hurtlnl but any no ennugh In km cm on In Ildullnu or lIr nllbtl nmu leeen lhc lwa Nflml llochy pains clubx will be out In Nuw Yorlu Madison Squaw Garden lnnlthl The only quctllon How high Mil lhcy Ihlnd Its not beyond the realmfl fioksibuny that Clay could go on for 10 perhaps even 15 years rulingtha hflmdxhh His fight Terrell tentéuvelyscheduleakr Feb could prove mast interesting Both fighters like to ck pedal and counter punch But someone must be the as ressor and who will lkpezgxienell is no slouch at efendlng himself Hes taller and has longer reach th but gnless he eagles plgtol longer reach than Ila but unless he carries pistol In each hgnd he wont anything more than another victim of classy Cassius 101ays onetlmo solt aise of Am he greatest Is no longer boast Vlsilrhat and than some But hes hinting at retirement His nextopbblitent 5E9451931 We £°rre11nth° W9r1d Boxing Take look at any ring record book yoilll find that than were as many lnndeWe challengers 1n bygone years as there are today could touch JoeIouis In his prime Rocky Marciano Jack Dempsey They were all In class by themselves when they ruled the division NO ONE CAN DENY that Clay hasfought theftop oontaqdm and who can say that about Floyd Pgtter son Six times st year Cl lagpugds cmym son Six times in the past year 013 has put his émwn on the line It was almost lm osi is In recent years to get world heavyweight anipton to defend his title twice in one year And 013 wasnt afraid to leave the United States to defend Ls crown Xssoclauofii ifiléholdéif éiay has sigma he mix cifi it career after the Terrell fight Dont blame the socalled lack of stmng contenders bathe hea e1 ht title match betweenanytwq thewp ran ed hters would probably be even and cmwdpleaser owever Clay so far above any ngygvsight 1n the business that he makesuthenfau CLAY HAS TO BE mledqne loé mostsuperb athletes mule world At 213 poundsyhe moves mund therlngglike welterweight70 pounds thterfiglIp puncheswlth lightning lfined and is trul hamster of 1119 fhitbutdontget objedlve of 17pm His handsome face belies his profession and if he so eIgded he could probably go on to one theAgreatest heavywdghg ever Dul n1 1xu the fig It magmas was 131311149231 ithe calfitbylng with enbhhafilmqm ballerina couldntbe more gracef darjoedgaround in the first roundf jabblggfimovlng bohblng and weavingbreeldng theybasicrrulehf the game by keeping hlshands downp héglgthe second mun Williammd 01 take UT diobfilfli WW WYHPPWT 1101115 ovarhand dz as ulckly osi boxers can £1101 leflahlmtavwasfl1cboginn1nguatfixogundq=flc= deqked Williams three times in the mund jand only the hellseved William the third timedown Clay came stomdngout of his jcornergetrthe stem ouhe third firing lcfls end rights to the headgunul Wmlams wmbled to the canvas and the referee halted the ins CANADIAN mass Banger Chihawk Stdfsy quy DeSpite Hurts GoRIliMT 12092qu néfifiiic Brjng VYour an Emmi mm mm I1 lhl Ilruln laid lmnl ml Inlnrnnmo no mm In gm hlm mm wm llt Ind ln qnly hm slum lh 01mm VIM clued unJrom Oklnhnmn Clly Int wuk whtn vumn Johnllon wnl Ildr Ilqu um All an Injury Imam Dona Mnhnl annealed to be on ha Chlcm new it nluhl Mnhnl hu beamMo ncd with low munidu mun Th Erulm announced 11m dny lhn Mlmlndcr Emil PI ren hu bun unl lo lhrir leghqmi my 5mm Em Mil 3E game on In mmodlmuul Tho 11mm rldlnl bn mm um unbulen Ilruk cant lhnnk lha flnl plus Hawk or lhoirrha la lhlm plnrn Naw York kw both llmu the clubs hm mm lhll xenon rlel ll III Brynn lhll GmIvChuv won oh Mutual my man 10 Imwxs Hull hm IIX ionlundlhrco nulqu lo dlle LOLOI TO WIN mo ncms DRAWN EACH MQNIH TO MAnlmr GARDst FLASHZGAS BAR am nhnny Rowan mph lbnll mm marina mu Amman HOCKEY FANS Flufh filmum Md pimp Hockcy CluB Coloring Book no NOW III mu Purim Monlml Camilan mama bud ml Tundny whon In gluh 275mm mm apnln mm Mum mud Lawn And Win Cournnynr rqlumed In work Altar Welland Wurlu mm and mmblny wm III umi In Mum Ion lo aw Yark Ind auruyur III In tyl by flu and In Dan win Bundly nImL MM iw Ilu Jul Mr plmm club mm wlihoul apnln Joan lvnu And dullmmln CTImblay Bellmu pulled mfn mud and Tremblly In It In no III 10 tuvtrlnl mm In all Mllldl cm on llu Incl MI bud Manual Ian flu lulu Illndlfll Hm IC Ilgu Ilncu veteran nnlmlndtr who recently cclobrllcd hi 41nd blrlhdn accordan lo NIH recordl nulnl Indy lo mum lo an Boer hm bun an acllon lnc 11m neck hau non wllh mulch mm In flu mu pan hit nut HW mr um he wont bu min lo lnlo mm or morn than waek 8111 la oompoto am on mixed rink from each dub in Ontario Resuwvmost clubs Me Immle boa same lo Idea their may 0M In Dlv lsloorIM an Barrie Camp Bor den Army 0am ROAF Elmvnle suynu Crcemore mmmod Gnumm Stroud MIMM Bradlord Whamn me cm lend thelr rlnk In Barrio on Doc 71w aha my may 3mm 9mm wihghplfl at 35 Ha CurilM Ckxfi on Wednesday Dem lo declde winner at Dlvlslnn 10A of um 0mm Curling Malian In the Dan ndlfl fin Wlnm Gama member of Conan National Team plcked upanm on glut markers at the ham shot unmw aumu Alonzv with iinmos lanK showing the othzr main feature was the helium battla Fly era caniinuafly oqtyiayed their hosts but conid inot netrnta veteran Walnuiey in Papal net Despite tha iou Barrie held girtlnchmmin all territorial play and tired shah at Walm rieyAt the gihuvendhl tha ice John Mtiinr came through with his best alien the yen and could not be faulted 9n any of the three Oriiiin mix The hosts married ltydr It the Barrie net The lama very tam ul lalr narderea Bian Graham anemd only onunlnnr panel Cy He sent Oflllia dafencemm ll in seam No damn wasfiane uve umu Orlllla scoréd he nm Ioalmldway In the Iecond ses VI lay way gflgu Apdl end wi maizy qken mm as both side pllycd 3M tha anfin cult Fly 5W warm marMn ouflpn WI VIM 1m place pas lhe idle Oakvflla Olkc Veternn centre Buddy Horne 1m yaarwufiontnlfln Cnringenjor hem1n champlén caught fire last nlxht and inm duczd uralrhattdck lad No damn was 01197 max3 power playwulnellec IQUA tauJ 13 is InJJoxth OHAE 2153 um 1H flzdrlllh goiémnira bun Barrjei qHdgtr TPlavoff mr Jlmm Burma wu M1 III on And Km Mlnkol Mdo aux dnlIn on mh hundlcd nu llahlmara norm wmh WI n0 Linda Bully Curler PM Inn nnd Inky lludmn to PM MmDomld Don Mc Kvnn Gig er Ah Mc Donu Im Gonna cored Mun1h min 11in élmn mumlh mu 19 Ml Ema mm nm miey hind In In worm departs my cmmuw rnm Buflnlo anm knew th were being outplayed mm the openlnl mall mm mm but who ever heard of Ilsa lead In Ieu mm elm mm mm mlllmora alwm dld ll hmqvor and wem on to delta Iha Bhon In Amcrknn Hong LcAugg mung iiiMR Horn Mud Qudm Men In lhl oniy other odulcd lynch IM mono or In hlll II pctlodl Trnvolllaz am all llenll ax pcnm Quebec will be paid or oath pmvlndal rink It mu decided by he Domlnion AuHm 43mm whim approved pu uclpnllon In Wlmer Gum 001mb comm Menu mm Edition uurters and meal In lonp mhpaazlmmzfl am72 Gnmerraoleu med by ligament he pouncgdnn hi own rebound WM Walrmlayfiflgt laman playofl Jack vCorby Ia nflldal umpire Entries tom club must be made to Km Walls 10A division reprucnm live for Ihe DOA not later than Dec Wine of 10A muu whmu 01 Stan Sarjoml W34 Ion loll at onwa Winnm of the 0mm Mira lunch Uon clvlslom will play ronlo Boulevard Club Dec 2143 ho decide mo pmmdni reprcwv gall for by omflnnjvmior canké Li time my Féifimc 191967 Flynn now reu unul nexl Sun day when lhey hm Cofllngwoqd Georummgnnx 139 pm 1n the scoreless Hut period levernl nearing opportunities werelmhsed Three mlnutu in totho name Earhart had Mtllar beaten cleanly with long drive but the puck banked oil 51LMmln the period Guy vel us cut In 1y ram tins ngainnz and almaley unneeded in mothering the pucksin the final minute MIIlLar1 made big block on partial breakgwny Meiant Ln majede wind Wam mined an opennet Nick Ken nedy 141er the It an mt burulmm lea and mum gmolhered another bIK Icnrinl chance byiarhnn Corby Adam mused olden nearing awar mnlly withlour minutes Ian in he am wllb Wnimloy out poxllon shomlna wida with the our my mman Blows ThreeGoal Lead gnu adjtompnlr nt flzmplhc flux51 ripthlsflms anthmmm ornyDon9 an gunman ma mm It aétlozlg pnan human Shortly Yum1 0an simu nznjn an the pun moledvln of ern Robenm Howgver retu 90 Graham welplnyujh Idlflerent Ill and ruled npxoulg dnmlnl GeorgdVull was puk eduln thecm aim 6n the Ice velunnceptra that came from1n extremely sharp angle andcnugh the ar unim man ww an nm WMWM um 33 Tw III In Iml nlu ll BARRIE SPORTS Ltd SKI PACKAGES gm Cl¢mnlc on my m1 9101M mm help lho Plum com clan ulnan 1h ponnlnl malde on 1m mum v01 nun nllmo wlnnor Raulx bvt won on ma polnu Olunenll hid Olllhl vmu or Hui Koum mum wan lb MVP In In IndJanhod Md lo Ian Frln co Ollnu Wllllt IR mr Jun ynlu blllhm Dada mud or an un precedmod lhlrd mo wlnmr at ma €1Y Mud huhIPA mm gr budulln but Milt Gamma who lid lli IIIqu Immu AM arm In In Lnsl ninth on hnmo lco lhe ronlzrunncn tlnnlli milled 11 It the hands of powerful Alhlellcl The znmu dcveloped Into netmlndm balflr nl Voodslockl Ray Reuon mm ed mm with earlyuIanllen Inllan Chuck Jowzll The lor mcr lldlnnd llyer Ind Central Onlnrlo Senior allmt blocked drlvesl lndudlru no durlnz Ihe llnnl name Genmlum en ed Reason 38 time both tide unloaded plenly or lcofllll Il tempts vlglllzrgrdrwaflm blqoq NEW VYORKAPMmo Clemente nuhy rim udder ol Pllubumh Plum wu nuned today Nullonll Len uua you Vllqnblc 31511A lnt arr Mar em Robcmlfififlchgfihh thchla ForwardifAdlm Weapxflone muttmfl man firwardlfi Vull gebgetta smug Home oran ma Nichol dedstoékffinds GeOrgianSfieak ldwny ulnylnz and Ted nwer bent Jewell while killing on pennll Davn McComb routh lhn cerium blck on even mm with Iho only more of ma mam mm while ddencemnn Pat Euler monied ha winnlnl ml or Wooqmck durlnl uu lhlgd varied Onenmn ll Ichoduled tonight with ammo Duh Ellylfll hm tuTorama Vnnlty COUJNGWOOD woodlloci Alhlellcn finaUy the dawn the highflying Coulnzwood Geor mnn Chum lrom Ihair louy mmwmm mnrd 0111 lame wllhoulfldelen Wt glam whohava ll pig on th lead brazed all nlhq comecullvu Victoria then were med lo nverflmc alnlnmnlu Sunday tunnoon II Pawn Referee Blulifiuhamwo Scarboroulh Lineman Wall Borthwick pralaTBeach alph Spa at Spngbarom By MEI By 0mm Cleméhte Edges Koufax In Voting Nn Scoring Penulugs none Signiféuiod 0mm VHornc Forhan 19 Finally ngson hold puck Orlllln Gibwn Fnru Khankllgfl Laurie Garner12u Penalties Nana sum on aoALw Alw of Adam firm In 91m Ind Iln Iohld mm with palms whllo mmm mmm mm Al Inn 34 cum nm 04 anqqllqvflyuquh 1M MI diEuflieTo mu for n31 1a Ior mm MJMM Wax yhoubocgn rum Itu the aniy player named on all Inim ml bx bmblll wrllm In am my Koo nlmed on all but on MM mm ha ha drum ucondplm on am am In would hm Man In that am It Worth In magica ulna hlrdqlm night And down lo on or 10th lm 10m 70 nm muv Toronlo 0le umum AuxJanna oKgynuyIMm9 Wool summed3a ultimatum dm dldhn flmh 01 WE We an In my Eldon up HAMILNN CPL mll nlilerCatn probablyf6 cmqu how they bflgzod Run Juklomthe In Um Oluw Rnuah Riden quartuback vwuii named um moltouuundlnljlayer 1n nighp mull Colllnxwd Gal Wooduock Gndph Kln Alan 01 II Olkvllln Bellwflll Toronto BmIr mum ii forum Blrrll Ill l6 Tnudnyl Ila1 Banlo Orfllln Woodtlocg Cylllywood on ltlhe llr lime in 1568 met HamlllaILJnlha fln um EIIemFootbal Sula Id hleldny tho cluli hm mad er1 mlnnmnu lougnvel In lipIm 9gp Mum wlnnu lor ll Ihlrd Hmo rounded nlnn you or II lot mm on lot Allhnnm Hummuni ouch Ralph Sula hilnl aqmlmd whether hel countlnl on black muic Mrmretvweup hun liven up on flu llc chance at plying ln Vancou VEEIIEWEGII um le llwwolrIue United Emu airline lrom Euflnlo to Vancypver sad Thll wu mlfla necemryby the Mr Clnldl II but be an Maudy chhon léadl Ottmn mm mm In the mend mm 1le yur anmnflnAIHIfi Montreal SIWIdBy withDI urlu winner Advnnetnu to um Gray Cumin It Vlmouver qulu Jachonl unenlshlp Ih ll led the Men to 301 vmary over Hnmflkm 1n LII um name My 1191a Sung aqu mfifllon Iadelut Ofiiwn by IHenLM paint Saturdny to reach thy 6mm Jachun ndlnnzlo wln the awndpMondIy wu nmed Lha cummin player well ma litnahka Inglorlha Enrol um Elnornlootball 131 Edfuw and 1m Il ll mu ma non SENIOR STRX Krsnmnr us91tjpmaul 1170 mind lunch HIANNG on mmvmmm WWW mm emubum Malt In oil PIqu lumen doll flu uy Ml pm on flant Fuss call us Sunoco floating nil 11115in hum admin Palubomm London Hgmfllgn Amman in Buflnlo Bullmm rmwurg ngm Waini Lam 1M Angle Imam znkn Mun Knaxvflla Now Jamyr Clinton anumu 11V Ndwlh 11m nanomhe admltled he hug Marl team we gain ay nuy mn my um olher than the glider willdo their but can lml thll Grey Cup now hlldmlfl but even um Iultmem hedged why comment but he 11cm will her nun they were 301 triumph Buno st Cnlhlrlnu Hamilton 0mm Kltchener Menuu Nhun Full Tornmo foulrboroud Tueldnyliflvuélll mum Fall London Tommy um Unula Igllnu Ham Inn and Saundlyl final game nounbl ground Jr Howell Expo Studlum Clllr IN II mind about relerencel to lnal outcome the twulmo totahwln mist neifthe and the minn mi maul criflujdemnnded ha ponchl 1m trhgl my Inwped ay an Hmillonflizer Cau or the tth yelr 1n trawl chllonud Urrlm wgrrllm udouwul union or lonlihllCV nullonllly ul wigs Jame ngaayx 11 lehllonmnynveed painknln lnr hllwned hm 01IAWACPFrank cm went out an 1me In year lo predlm Emma Emil Rider would phyen ey vlwmlho 1966er 011$ nmau my lgqqtéd éneung EV the Eamm fildln Conl pm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Onllrlo Jun IL St Cnlhlrlnu Hamilton 0mm Kltchener Menuu e==o Nhun Full Tornmo Pomboroud London 85521188832 =E8$32$SB 23 51 4B 15 58 30 ll J1 HOCKEY RECORD Mullah Jun BulHrk Bundon North 5th Luna Cnmppoflgon Qeeftplmqfimagm 5313fl°°31 um 020 Ys am ficoleclpd yli wax309 Conch3nd0rnnt who hd man my Malvo lino min Sum chewanfn 33d McQuIrQMt WKFMFWMMGQHI telbaqkKenny Plum Sunday The GOIWJMMM33I wouldnlwztc In muting comm develop But may an be Cmnllu Miler Jun Realm Mom Eumn WI bum Mull Jun Fndaricton Cap mderlclon Winn Cup Bnlon Junlnr 30mm North Eydnvy cmm Junlor Pombrokg ofluujlqwh Mm lulu Dmmmondvllla Soul The team wkh 3H prjde ailleyll came backfij sqvmon covnpcumaz knw they need our meltdown to catch ya butnL cln be done dontth cant Dimr coachfilooldnl for MA mom Cnnadlnn Foot Inn 195le chmmlonnhlpJn IL year with Ibo club 11m can er 12m salurdlyn um probably wlll be one ol than utevm eagles Ounwal ddenslve mu Nady mu am Sunday an Hlmlhon player will be loqflpl loruroyenga Clnlr uld lnlend to ann um pluylng lhn sumo am game the cum played Sunday concenlrallnz an Icorlng palm Cenlnl Lam Oldgpomn Cllyll qulon St Lurum Br Mordburg Smllln Elli Qnelm Bénlor Sherbrooka St Hyndnflll HeInya theyth MEI gpuldjchnnqe rapidly an can leticréiblo of quick senpegnly 1L niéyn ihev Infill nrver come dwzn 11 II temperaturesl around at den ii IPORT HAVIN no Milli 1mm with amazln torque ms Iva drive mm iochammm Hm udulm luhuu Inclvdv cmndlnnmdfld NP main laciInMmml Oulal dauohahll uh Inuoflonm HIM Ind um In Tum mum m1 may mom dulon Inolnnvlol nlmmm Ml am you top Momma wmflm and dummilbililv cm In mu wow you Mom la 10 vol now Sm cmlm lot you my nulhlon Ilbln M40 bum Muith and ullllgM Chgoml lgumpor far67 ARE HERE NOW

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