Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1966, p. 8

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mxomu rcr ilxuu JaCk Inn at Ottawa Rough Ndeq 1nd Wayne Harrlsqcfilgary shgnpeden are the top player iniflleflalfiad FLhall Leann n1er Harms vmlnry as the year 15 second Iflcr his win in19€55 This year 15 also file first that alwnners awnopening am VNEWMARKET Barrie Co on milieublanket amarka am the weekend to win the first game or thcir second round Conlennlal sericsl Newmarkct vlalLs Danla Arena or lho sec and game 315 pmaDan lcnry and Murray Perry paced Banlo lo 60 win wllh two gun and one assist and one goal and lwuasslslsxcspccllvn 1y Andy Howe Greg McKniphI and Kill Maclherson cnunled the other Dnrrlc Koala whlle Brenl5mllh Davld Hold and Dennls Kane added nsslsls 5A ll vidury was lhc oulcumc or hn llama Hnnlnmx um Newmarm on Ihc neckcnd al Newmarkcl Arena llanln goals were nullcd by Brinn Curtis Phlllp Favtro and Brian Kw sellsv all which Wm nuns llslcd Newmurkcl lone anal was scored by Davld Kelly hallway lhr an In in pcrlod Tenm Sllndluxr Slwr Smi 41 Crazy Six Spkfirts Aslrcs 31 Hoginncn Link 37 Go 5ng la VThe selecllam were hnw nuanced today bylheCanad£aII fichenley football awards com mute It wnsuuemdndlhne Ja in find wan awgrdsas the but landlng player anq kqp Cay dlan the same ssason He was plcked ln both zcgtegorluj In 196 the nnly other lime In he 1yeaxyllls£ory of the awards bug plgygr lgagi scagcqvadouble TOWN AND COUNTRY Gume Scores Ga Gram Astra Slow Starlm Crazy Bczinnm mm Sn 1r Semn lllgh rrlplcs Marlrno Ftrmon Tom Ihnlcr 771 mn High Ammo Holly Johwon 20 Tom Inner 72L IADIIEB TUESDAY NIGHT GlmI Scum Lady mm Um Ian llrhlm Klulnl Cwllm Mnuubcmm llnk Ladle Pundlrl Jukem yum Do ylrdsfl Tnm lmllnm um 55 Mnanlmm In Pink Lmllrl I1 mum My mm Immpllzhlm Jukm Nthhnwkn 2n KINM 0mm Do mm 21 lluay Hm 11 Mug ackeen Ottawa to attrstp the Eastern Fontball fianicr ante this season and produced in brilliant display 01 passing and signalcailingdo lead his team Inga ml victory over Hamilton TigerCat delending Grey Cup champions in the iirstgame ot the EFC iinal Sunday in liamiltan LANCASTER suconm Hi closest rival iorihc out standing player award was iton Lam ster quarterback with iinnl st Saskatchewan haugh riders at the Western Football Conference Lancastcr the Wests nomi nee in the balloting among H70 writers and spuriscasters in the nine CPL citiu was backuy man in Jackson for three years at Ottawa beiere being dealt to Saakatchewnn four seasons ago Jackson and 190 pounds is in his ninth year with Ottawa alter graduating tram itichias ter University in Hamilton Illh SWIM Dbma 5th no More Mom WlImn Uur hlrnor lllah Télples Dnlom mm Home mm ancrle Mammal ladle Tueduly Mlvan Oml Scorn Iluc nunbm Etklmou NC Ulvm 55am Mm 11ml llnuvhlllid Dd 1111mm 16 r31 mm mm faba ntslandmg player andv Cdnadlqn player of they Hnnis was diOECfllh$ CF I1Ienlnof meyear Midgetsfl Trounce ewmquef HIE Elnglcx Nellie Dawn 36 erlcne crgusvn 25 Pine Men 250 Smun High Singles Ndllr Buwen 751 Eur noun fill Ilth Skjnntr 611 rum Mnndlnl Me numb ul nc um urflrflah nkrn Rough mam mmwdm Alwcuu Ill Ar II Ds mm BOWLING SCORES 54m mink2 nfimzli Inks HMHLION cmThm unce fcmcluus Hamillun TlgerCala were expéscd as toulhlcss old tabhtcs Sunday by Ihé Enslcrn Football Contcmte duly that has emphaéizcd youth in mm ufldlng qugram Hair nm ugmmi Alllslnn next Saturday Novem ber 19111 In amlhcr BzricN2wmrkcl game Bank Pewcc cnasled to nn uzvlclary over the hon club Tury Marlin led Battle with lhrcu gaals tun of hum 40 Steam upatl 07c goal and Lwo assists nach Wore recorded hy JcH Simmons and Gerry cob other Barrie goals were 5th by Paul Osachuk whn 530 rd lwo and AI Lamuurcux 11th Scott Iallidan asslsfi on Martins Ins goal Nonmarks 51mm were Hubby Budd and Steve Wadainglun Darrin pccwccs next Inln aclinn lumonaN nl Allkslon at 30 pm nnrrin Kinsmen Novice ba fiod la 00 In Ntwmarkct ale minimum Jacksoan min the gtnndinx an flflxiflfz star quarterback 1563 and in addludn to hisdoubla nvlardin Xumwvas agam minedin the EFC allslum He was cecnnd ath lnlhu voting or Cdnada Iclc Math ye 1963 nu mch VMmlcdyilh Lhrée calklrau he vlcgprlncipal at Ridnau High School in19tlawa Harris finishfllnheafl ol Ken Lehrrgann vf Ollqwaln IheIracu OLlnwa Rough Bid whose IalunHadcn raslcr bunsls an average player agp 25 yum ovmhnlmed the faltering Ti Emir bu neckm pmmsu Lakeside 311er arm An rvlcc Cukmlnl Clrzmeu Nubian Lang Fur to 71mm Tahmflhdlum Minid Six 51 Mumman Toms Ther No 310w 42 Men 15 51km Nann balk Mm mm Arum Anzuu Yam One 21 llvv an Vlndlcalon l7 mm Slnnlut Myn Iluhl 21 Mom Tmmonl JIJ High SlrfltlllklmJ arnl Han mm llmAThum Trnm Slnndlnm Grccra Am 44 Rcbmn Lam ml Drlan GM ms 33 cr rnm Ilrm 32 Icucnzks Prml mun 12 Lakcsldv Cnhins at Entoth Clwrwn Ln vs 30 Iarksuna Grill IE Answer ln rvlcv In Grrznn OE Game Scam TnmA mm Mill Wmlmlcrl 2L Hav en Am Ynung 0m IL Norm smilm Anal Illcm films anlerl 54 Imlnl Sim Mummm my M5 Fifi Ml Rag mar mm OOPIMKMM LEAGUE lama fitoru Mmch TI Muu Iv lluan lnzurl 11 ink Manny In Mom mm Hall In PuMkm us mm ummd in mm mm Mull when 0mm 31 Mn my use mlm mm nagh 5mm Onmby 110 ILrn II nrl Mvnlqumry Hill BtuNah mum 34 Hum 31 nflm 12 MO 33 54 ma what oil so jun51mm lgh mpleJMury Carrier This theory is main hacked by the Tlcags annual 1136 la vhrlngfl year old halfback flabby Kunlz ml rdirem The onetime outstandlng nerlmkcr in Cnnada articlally retired after Im 1961 season but was rcacllvnlcd ln 1965 vhrn llnmillun was unable In find sullable replacement In addition tho licats There ls n6 absence of yOulh ton Ihc lIEmiRon team he Myerage averng Is 155 thn 23 mm But vihé Ticnls dc c1ine ca best be traced their failure find urlocuve 1974ng mcnls or the senlorryficfnhcrs who haw tarried them It nne Grjy cup final ln last de ca hail only Eva calego non Stewart lingo 32 vyeuevflle swan allslur with the any of Arkansas inlBSLsAI ycnr ymmniwuh mm sgu pederx thefshooLJ palm er lives In ry Hams made Weilern km gncenllamr in 1961 aild Was rmzmbehvl the WFC and all Cnnadnhflflu 93 119 lnwing Susan He was like second In 196 ballot gfnrtopl eran émsgm In lhe first of 1th gains agedppm EIfcytllna namirionvszed six Na crx unlcr 25 Ollquh H1 that Hamilflnns mic member am still imporhnl la he clubs ex Isitm Placcklrklr Dun Su2h crin 30Inishcd in many tin or second place behindJme Racine 010szsz in file regular sLuons Individual scoring ram with E7 painis MONIHEAL CPD Win Mammal Cnnudlcns an havnfl Iruublc puulng lhu puck In an pasillon MU lhrco armor mcmhrmnr Ihc Momma ar mflzmlm now wearing Ncw ank Runner uniforms are umonx he Nullonnl Hockey Lomws 0pfl10 mire nnudlcm only grub In 10 Xnnxuo sums are 11 lawn unrlng mam ma lrasuc but lormcr Monlrcnl pl are paving lho way ur Yorkl rlimb la the WE hnamkngclcmcd by NH headquanm loday show Iha Ilm most notable Iofl by forum Cmndion Inn wrck wax lLqu Graflrlnns on and nix unlle nlvlnl hlm scam mlhl oIll Fauna nnd lyan th wilh Donn Hull Chlrnm Mu fur maul place Chlcuuo am Norm Ullman vl Drlmit llcd Wings onllnuo hrlr fight nr llnl place Each hm Folnu Phil 1an uixh 0an and DunlJnrAhnIl wIlh l0 nrn wn all Monlrcnl lam Mm rman llnnym nmnmi IN mu nhmahnwm Rm Hlbm nl NW York nlw ha 11 lnu lelvinu Mm In Mr 1mm In with vrnlc nnd Ilvvlrby wauu Momma Cmmllmy Mli nnlh my mn gnownm Velvrdn Ida Hurry CW NM Yorkls lltd WM five Um from In 12 cu nlno wlnln Hamil mred Ion finals In nnmm mumm mm number he nungod In 10 mm In your Former qus Scoring We11 Bhrrlé55riVé Car LEASE more 71961 TRUCK on CAR Coma VIIunb Ia cme 37265474 mam MR BUSINESSMAN In thak 80 and Two anowrd cw broken jaw cost Bob PrellyBoy Eel slein ofanonlu somlflnnl spot In the Cassius lilyCleve land VJluams world heavy wclghl champlonshlp llghlurd Houston Mondnyplxhl Th Vunbea eight mpIan ouhdxsomeuungh unch Inflghtltandg he was right targefiwhep he qulbjdy dlsposéd tor mung filevelnnd Williams in the Ah 450mm Clay Indicated hlsvflxhl Elan worknd mar perlecflon as he madcIha 1th successful gig fencqfi hlstiu wllhlgn yuan Thuhplknjwfis udon sharp pugches and the chum new nffenshze vwenpom mum Hyearofl heavywelghl whoyin scheduled Inrfight Ray Mantel Houston In hl Hrs ignorndhbaul lhad bAm enntmp es ny deraon olAk ln Akron 10 days nay um had my moulhnpen sllghlly and he had lo hll me on exactly the rllhl Ipol to break my jaw nld Feblelu who ls ranked as lhenumber one challenger ln Georg Chu vnlns Canadian heavywelgm crown puHHnl lfledult helm he goodcomblnauans he said Its Juslaqulck shine at the feet but It realycnn used EVlllltyulllls another He did and mt fight on cchnlcnl knockwl Famed lmurg cairn1 Ilncn dlsruplcd unul ll Ieall Jihdary Félélfeih Cancelsf Heavyweight Bput Tho mly mhcr player match Gmflrlonl menpalm spree last week was teammun Reg Flcmlng who mired mm gunk and ndded our mints giving hm Em minis hr Ibo season no In another ormer Cunndlcn 11m Cmndlcnnuho Mm our Mrnlzm 1mm 6mm to 6th vim wllh In lull 1111 me they he that Fleming also the NIILI Icach In he pennlly damn mrnl wflh mlnulu hlvlnx beer menu 37 mlnu1u it we mint lMAlzin cIudu nslill which an hlm with Goyrflo or lhc lealua lud In um drpanmcm Paul llrndcrwn Dotmll In alth place mm 12 01m lend the nonhuman wlh nlne cmmm comm EST 1m mmhlnallan ol Glmn Hull and Dam DcJordy Chh cm hm the but namlndlu uvmxe 13 cull ullnn Rngcr Cruxlcr ol Damn lead the league In Ihmanu wlm two nw llcd Winn Md the gums In mum um 16 mm 11m Mack llnwkl Mllnod um hold on first place with Winu hqvlng lac only two ol waver only Iva polnu upnmlo lho le tum OW second with POM mm man than Now Mort Im Hymn 1303 uM Dam nulgWIW 11m Cmndlcnnuhq huh nu mum In mm as phyulfl IH um um hmad flaws illinnpls didnrmveumcfw rm good Wmlgmi Hid He ft mvfaefm 11min chance ta himfl jj wmlmu manuor Hugh Ben had screammi may play to thaflzhhflrat Clay andan hit rm lake gpunch Clayh Ihe reallc€oy rim Benbaw um after the light was mistaken made believesJul Guelph Klnmon Onkvlllz Bguuvllla Toronto Orfllln 3min iwusio AP mini mum plan Cuslua gawlurned vtn Te nd dwmd imam mm William laid he wasn badly mat the terse Ham Kesaler slop the light but he dlclvnwl JunkMu the relate tgfllpzifialt to flu pm ceedm lundnyn mum 1va Warm Cowman Kinmm Wogdxloclg 10 Olkvuln Id mid II ha rapped my In And he nailed dontknaw why dfld It Drlllln Toronto Guelph Barrie sum1 lluulla Butte 011 Tundul lime Barrie Drilli Woodstock IL Colllnzwood SENIOR STKX iililuon by Canadian Sammy LMnél of Chad only mm of mm Mm 71 nlflcbnv 4st9dnme plenum The undflcatcéi Clay med lhcESYenrq said Cla 1m hand ade tgnt knowlwt CASSIUS Cw Irlum 1y holds up hA Hum arm as challenger Cle velnnd Thu Cal WIlliams headalar the canvas for the lhird limo dur lng he st roundx Clay Next time Wlulnm wfio had ioarui 51 awamhmm ML 1y plan sthefizhtwu lo punchMa saw an flay1nbvlously detarmined no show upJo mu wk uy ho pm out nick Williams did use mouth mered cup 52d mceséfélxddémhr°rfl htm nil or me mu firm in 1966 technical knottom the Houston Aslrodome Wife phow makeitaW Housm 41mm Acts and figural um Cas flux Clayflavehnd wuum heavyweight uua bonlMon dly mm Iam WWI Clua this 11an 1an 350 pqr cent $110045 irikzlfiificmhMadison Squats Gmlen Jam 17 mlnlflwulh tempt were Bum EFENCE IN nu xIz wu vClAyn film We fr Item mummies and My Cmmmttunplontfluoru Chuvaln MY Toronw wmlvfiha mmmya remdhmkln eluding ninockmlll Williams record Emu In been flopped our film 1h fluxscgned intent of 63 In Mfini mo C0 circa um gum raulu WWW may mum fights and the dosed rqd ll rmm mm Mum an $7166 mdlonecellelNNm noledvfitcnll melplgu nvgllahle my sqfier cen at new Wuwmmnsnlh mm con I019 yawn nudmgln Wullnm Hun an mm Aluminum pg mum IIIIf Enid Vdeéult lV promote and ramhide mad man Ash0401119 prnnnler qran the he ifiBéfiNssg 7é+9228 FIGHT FACTS PLUMBING

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