gur Club yesterday he said it lead ihs lion Eearl Rowe lieu ienantgovernor oi Ontario second irons leit was guest spelrlrer at the meeting at the Barrie Rotary Club yesterday are irosn the no mm on Caldwell was Comrmnd smslnnm airman In DECEMBER JIM Borne Drivers retrain During Safe Driving Week motorists saem the call tor sate driv Ing Lou provincial and muni cipsl delachnssmhave had Very Incidents Barrie city police Investigated only tWo minor accidents alan mom ry iittletriuuoal on InlsvidenceBsrrle has had ilw breakins and three parcels camp and Hugh Gibson president oi Barrie Rotary With the Eminentgoveruor as illingworth aidede fllis Examiner Photo Canadians Are Urged To Emulate Founder Canadians were urged by On tario Lt Gov Earl flows to emulate the Ideals oi the na tions ioundors in dealing With the problems oi the future Speaking to Barrie Rotary err dining Canadas iirst cen tury had been of less integrity devotion and courage this na tion would not be what it isv today he lieutenant governor was met at the city outskirts by no tartan Bill Caldwell He was then escorted by Barrie City rPolioeto the Bayshora Motor Hotel tadinner meeting was ate unded by Mayor Cooke and members oi Barrie City Coun cit itctnriiuu also invited open dsi guests One hundred years is long rtodintbettieoiamanbut Espuklng oi Canada since corn irderation it Is short time lt is therefore vitally important we do not lorget how this na tion came about he said COMPLEX PBOBIZMA Ihe lieutenant governor re minded ltotnrians oi the com plex problems which laced the men responsible tor iounding this nation Ilsey were faced wtth econ ornir adiersiiy restlessness dissatisfaction with the United States and the uncertainty of young colony Wanton the BritLih motherland he said Upper and Lower Canada were divided by language creed and racialstvnlry East and west with their own problems were separated irom each other by wtdn spaces lie said Macdonnid and Car tier bnd the vision and devel oped united nation Ihetr task was aided by the intelligent Imagination oi Brown Tilley and inner and the eloquent Irish man Dnrcy McGee Thesa were great men be said am they had hard tinsel They ought against distrust and prejudice but did not let other ences of race creed hostage and religion divide them itotsrinns were reminded by the lieutenant governor that the test at integrity was in the days oi adversity there Is no merit without trial The nation should pause at too yenrs he said to realise the spirit whids made conicdor Nuiter Appointed Supervisor 0i Ont Bank Of NS Branches linrry Nutter mnnngcr oil Barrie branch oi the Bonk oir mabcsccotla since gov 19 1969 appoint ru lsor oi Ontnrio brooches andptiirll be locnted nt gcncrni oittce Bay Street at King thronto iL Nidrcrson will become rrtanarcr in Barrie next week The Nutter inmity will be inking up residence in Iorwto st the aid oi the mouth llir Nutter has been very ac tive in community his in the tire years he has been located In Barrie ions In Brandon Manitoba he wns raised and educated at Sinner New Iirum wlck Witt he started his bank Irui career horn then he was located with bunches In Nova Goods won an roommtant In the banks Now York City branch for some time wns an assistant manager at Montan nnd got his iirat mnnngeriot Wianrllt at Itonirow In Eastern Ontario from when he runs to Barrio It served our and onetiin yours with tho Csnsdisn Anny admin incrid War Ilwo in tmo Rrrope ilr antu is mcmbtr oi the Kiwan Club oi Iiarrls and drairman oi its agriculture and commotion committee tmr user at advisory bonrd Can adlsn National Institute tor the Blind nunhor oi Iloyi Can adian Iqion and also llama tl HARRY NUIIER Vstorans cub associate mm bcr oi Otilnrs Moss Itoysl Canadian Army Service Corps School Borden member oi Burt and Cotndry Club and also limb Curling duh member oi liarrte Gism her oi Comm on armed toma tisirm committee mom her IIsrris United Appeal Board mornber Emotive Association Ii lllrfll ileriai Equipment Truck Body Tenders lire Accepted By PUG Separate tenders ior serial mlmmdb Ind hodojl were whims lisrrts Mic tithii Onmmls sion at meet held last sv ruilu is slutricst nsperintrnoent was present at the mating fll truck terrier Admitted by Dlnlrflclri Motors inrs Wenting Mi Mm Wit liert in or mm by lhnllh other lenders were submitted by irudspnd Engineering lid Woodtori Canstars Ohio Iirsls IM llolsn Division Mr are Fails Writes horrorlion Window Trump int ilrsnrnton and Allan nil Finsipmsnt Ib mo One at the tutors midsnd In lwsnling the terrier was that the qui Medal nilred more oty swiomrnt Ind tiand ioltum then the WM smut Mr Wt said additional My serum was midst mailman will in used ior gestalt wort on the steririrri Fi maximum mum and lotus one similu rim fl mums now rt at illtis ileet oi sow hi our sat no atton possible We must never let petty diiierenoes in the sec ond century cloud the vision at the great men oi the iirst cen tury Itisuptoyouandmahyin tenant vigilance to maintain and develop ior the iuture the on riebment oi history so these great men will he rernerrbered by the nest 1000 generations Youlth em never targle the part pay our war rot and men like Mnedonald Their memory unset never cease to ire stinurlste and revive the ttton at yoth and increase their Interest or public service and human relations be stut Csnads was young in time sinuous in resources and the last so years had shown de velopment unprecedented in the history oi man be said Untortunsleiy we have let material advantages and our bountiful hertinge override hu man relations the science and mechanlu of modern lite must next be allowed to do this be He mud that Canada is great nation and no outer tion was growing so elm to the heart oi world activities Rotsrisns were told its predicted the second em tsny will have pqsulntlon oi between 75 and 100 million peo pie with so dliiereot ram Our influence wiilbe unarmed by the way we npproads the Mura alert to all challenges he said in dealing with the diiierent ot Globe and Mail pers were Ported stolen At Must persons have died lnrhlshway uocidenta across Canada during the first three days Sate Driving Week is nurdous driv ing conditions new on by snow stonns in the east and ashumtemoerstures across the Prairies doing that time survryby the Canadian Press irons mian Monday to midnight Thursday slurwa five of loprovtncos are still tatality tree Eight penins were killed Thursday compared with three Tuesday and six Wed nesdayw Quebec reported three deaths tlnirsdsy Ontario two and Manitoba and British 10 lurrdrta one each Duringthe seven days oi Safe Driving Wei last year or persons died in histh resideids Quebec headed the list with II and Ontario reg khihwidlnzl nu day record this year with last years iotalrr December Newdoundland EB Nova Sootia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Sesntcbowan Alberta M1 Totals 90°91 999 °nE unooau Once Span as nooeen quaap Suedq Iau4 DRIVER DIE SAN ANNNIO tAIiBohby Msrshman who was born into auto racing and became known as hardluck driver died in hospital Ihursday of critical burns suffered in flaming racing car accident Nov fl Iha nyeIrold Marshman was burned over 90 per cent oi his body while testingtires or tin conipsny at Phoenix Arts CiiyriPays Dues To 18 Groups Old and organizatlom with their myriad convoluer and meetings are growing increas ingly ahinsdant The tieid of municipal potitit is fertile ground tor the prriessionai member oi tho group Harris is no exception It pays dues to is diiicrcrt massi notions Dun total S7ID The lust budget ior sendin dele gates to conventions hon ng din ners and paying subscrimions was $1500 $1500 was or the eluded oiilclala 8700 or the administrative oiilciuia As oi Oct 30 the city hnd al rudy spent mean some woo over Midget On Dec the city will host ilnschcon tor the Writers iicers Assoclidlon regional con forum The cost will be shot i100 Here is the list at rgsniaa tions to which Barrie below and the price at membership does not Include deiegates ax CiiS DIRECTOR Parents penusix Ontario 1Irnliie Corr imm Simeon Count hilluai Fire Aid Association Association oi Ontario May ore and ReevesM Canadian Federation of tiny era and Municipalitiesma Ontnrio Municipnl Association 3100 Ontnrio Mrmtcipnl Admin istrniDrHZli Municipal Cirrka and Finance Oiiicers Associa tionoflfl Itseociutims 0i Anus lug Oiitocr oi Ontario0 Institute oi Municipal Assessors 4713 Municipal Finance iicers Ansscciatiorl oi U8 and CanadaW Ontario Good Roads Association$5 City Di gtneers Associationm The Canadian institute on Po lotion Zontrvlkw Ontario Firs dilds Annotation$500 om Building Oiiictsis As sociationdill Canadian Itrc Chldl AWN 0n lsrio Municipal Personnel Ile soclstioni Csnsdisn Stand srds sedation06 Should Count Blessings Oiristnnsmlohisonncsm uunpsraolstorssuruthoir sols as parents smoothies In theltgiuoihowtheyun it matsrisliytor their am Aid Society too bad per the stnngth they have In the ismiil and be pistol in their dilidnfl and their health they hm Oren IiiRM PRICES IUlllifl moron cm Gunning cream and butter print prim wm undisngsd today Iiutisr prim Agricultural lentilatton Itord tendersth riots buylns seen buying selling 61 MAIN WINNIIEXI iGIiJlu Ind rapeseed used in light sarly trade on the Winan min IJsrhsnga lousy Outs openrd unrhsngsd Des miter VI barley is higher my two has is to it lowrr titcomm mm ti to Iowre May in rapeseed tt to litterIrduwylmh in said sane bum ioo nlatarillistin as Girlstmu At the 0111de scum Gliidrons Aid Society receives about all cases oi plants ro iIrrilil their Wit children to till cm at the socirty This oi reirrrat is rar durtng ot the mr Mr Jackson pointed nit lie called this at situa tion slrnost gull motion 11 int that the Oslldrrns Aid thI give the rhlidm the type at hrtstm the parMs wonl be nhil to provide This matters sround he said because itts at this time oi year that children want and upset things and psrents int insdsqu beam they no not bin to wide them Mr sebum said lhst seti referrals srv almost always turn ed down and roisrnd to local grasps and tlrurshes where land and riothtnl assistem Is pru Vhied It this thud oi ynr dont go around rvrnostug chil drnn horn their harm st mm runs in tort we try to rht back to their lanth si Christmas It milk It was pointed out that inlet mu presents an notionl iso ior tor mun inmlties lesion to herimrd prohimu which hm hrsr wwhlmw when declared vrpnchdrgéoravvpunding DoreenWoodr walked onto Simeon County Court in Barrie tree woman yesterday liter nmn TigaWNyeerold Toronto mothsr ot two was acquitted by an ailmale iury on charge oi wounding wlth intent She was charged iiny frownhip Police iotiowhsg the Ang1t stabbing ot betthus band st Woodland Beads six miles north oi Wlsul Be William Woods also or Toronto was dished tivs times inths backFour days oi testi many revealed how he lied berg ad into his estranged wtiol cot Bititittit unrswiiuurn cud will lags stter oneam and hid threatened to trill his wits and her brother have no quarrel at all wills yoinrvenilct Judge Car ter told the Jury When she heard the verdict Mrs Woods bowed her head and began to sob no women tectitiethbat she thought her mishandqu Kain to Itlil her her brother and take her children when he smashed open memo her mum Shc stabbed Mmin the beak while tiewas strmliinl Alllnllaris 3i her brothers pm Mr Woods had testllled that hiawiie had pulled him into the room when he had hold on tbd door handlenthst she had threab end to kill him and had stair bed him while Parks had him in hendiock Aiter the charging oi the Jury by Judge Carter menbers oi the lury retumed once or rereading at the tenure they returned to their cbsnrbers and about threenciook came back with their verdict VIhï¬deliberv stion had taken more than three hours continue More snow Expected It will oodliauo coldtn the BanIo district this weekend and therklera may look ior ward to more snow according to iorscmta issued today by the Toronto weather oiiice Winds will be northeasteriym to so on thermorneter wul dip to is tonight and rise Saturday to Temperatun outside the Bar rie Examiner cities at It oclodr this morning was 11 Mass Rarrie Branch synopsis Cloudy colder weather can bOtspecied over southern Ontario Saturday and than may be an occasional mfluny latest Clair Lake Erie Madam Isle Ihnoo Imdon hinstly cloudy with an coca sionsl mommy and continu Iaggdd Winds mumw so innsun liamilton mo tsrio tbronto Mostly rioudy 01 hrs Says Child Monitors lire Needed White babysitters havent yet formed an organization to seek protessional status the move would seem to be imminent liieyochleved the tint step In that dircdiou when they were designated diiid monitors by the National Women Serv Call them what you will baby sitters or dilld monitors are neededinthesrsaseoordingvh in an NBS bulletin More urgently mired lure are sheet natal workers tote vishn mullsnan and an sc counlant in addition the oitice to look tng tor mule general cities clerk who can type an auto mobile mechanic with an license married or single turn bands tmnunodetion proud ed cashier roadiinist produc tion manager attire manager nocountnnt electronics min coring technician anon laiea man prolessinn ensineerr road construction immanent man out time nodal worker midst tothistrlnl and me ï¬nial piping drsllsassn snd 0n Iadi es la bilingual clerktwist nurs es waitresses housekeepers ttn live in lolly snacrienced sales cirrks and day workers When youre ordering ate for the holidays remember this cool number nu one on or no to 40 Southern Georgian Bay Iisli burton Kitlaloe lliortiyctoudy with an occasional rmflurry and continual cold Winds northeasterty to so Northern Georgian iisy North Bay Vsriable clmdinesl and contintnng cold Windg northeasteriy I5to as ï¬nugrrni Algorna whits River Cochrsno Weston James Bay Sudany Mostly worms saasssuszss ass=aessssstserssnua Get brighttasting Labatts Fifty Ale Its the one your friends will enjoy More and more ale drinkers every year