Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1964, p. 11

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ARTICLES roll SALE TYPEWRITERS FORVSTUDIENTS Dont on be iooledbvgmailed rpéclnl tales by big Stores In every lee weve checited we aclltoe same machine or leswor better one tor the name price Herea what we harrto otter Lower 11 Better VIII irom $1850 for real machine not plastic toy lies over 50 machine on dlsplay Easier terms hmfldflwfl and many months to our Longer guarantee one year to live yearn and in Barrie Shop now ior Christmaawhlloour SelectionIr at ill but sran Tapeworm Coronary 1284 Dunlap Street West Phone 7288595 FOR YOUR FRIENDS FOR YOURSEer if Made In Barrie HardyGlenwocpdPrOdUCIs 12ft Brock St Westof Anne Tara railing discontinued items and neconda tram their tutory on Fridaya and Saturdaya only from now until Christmas Items include SERVING TRAYS CHEESE hoanos nook nuns CUFF LINK SETS EARRING SETS WALL PLAQUES VASE PLANTERS FIGURINE PIECES narrate RANGING FROM 25o T0 325 Prices reduced as much as 80 COME EARLY FOR BETTER CHOICE Open to Friday and Saturday Tarpaulins NEW USED AND FOR RENT All Sizes Available Uaed Canvas 5c sq ft BARRIE TENT dz AWNING 00 LTD et Weld st mm BROADLOOM pixie Im most wallo ya haoadloom aoo no It plain er twod huvr under oedth xlth hatallatlon too am Grimm Delivery lilo AT HOME SUIVICE Hm meant NEED mm MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS aople are looking tor bicycles mmMDiai nma nlmlflll mijloxtgm aim min 53 no nanrum tn brvwn flatgranular upholstered rm pantiy or II ul Telephone mm altar per AND Mailman tax mahclllllr in WV 004 com in hl no norm In tau room uam rva tar aala or or rent or In or anon Ir mum Aim Waaiaerl on naia Murmur and no pay metall natal ohmn Singer or harm aa maan Wm mo Idea animal 11m lor am slug wall hemmed no loot merit Alex aktlu llnulna Stltinlr near cannran ier aala uay rodlam use Iloilia Wrmm not dtarLunr tnrludad air In road condition mam amour llfllAfl Aertn NIH In MI rwmhllll 90$ laiy in wi No dawn ay mutt TAY tanner oi Damion WEI 757W scwanron new Salamti Inc an walnut and aluminum rm reaction with an and aaoulnar amps Giltaver uartl Iralt prtra lor nah Telephone muoo carrot Cedar mp nonnama In leI ma Mann an vrarnr wthoerd motor All In and con ditlorr Irktd at or run all ratLy our IKflTALlKIYIICI DIW marhlnal Kill It or mmlh Mudtall tilepnma III Ell Ivil an rm mmI and All In Ant 0le turns luv It at mama Tana molar Tar ulna ati Mnia Irnlr rrwn an ant rondlllon who label kam crar Man II evrlml rendtllnn nettle an arm Camera we la lulu ml In only he narrrlc at Tm In mm TITHI DICTArll aunt name and Hominid prompt llaminal lmlre la mum comm rla rrtnll at It am on Laqu time at It lam at Ina rnal run only raw Ilmaa not war on Inral no runm nool Moom Warrrdy lined our Au liminllela nar huma lube uun eno rdr havowpod lIooaIn naulm Linn window own an Ir aa Ill bullulr the am Mr Norman hrl hrIInv IMNII and It mma elml wul run Moth an cult IL mm Torn men man urll me New mama and boa rm rnla mood not at er wnm Monitor ran wnva Mina pm emollient ARTICLES wAurep amsm TABLI mod to buy Pinto illnhnrlo 71H Ii you ban on yotl IMIIN Jail CHM Man mtedlo or not kill IVA to tool rill Loud llllfln lawn Vanna One CHINA cnmnzmud pure lbLVwAllfllnl Wbaln and condition Tillerme cum Wheaten crmarMA at lot on Hith min or BanIa wayI 31v one incl The Farm le0131 D065 PETS mm Mm anon Full old AV lanai one inhale Ideal lelevflonl 715 GIVE MN or Chrlmml Lahrador leglvtered lain wmh old Hz and firm bloodline tea Small dmnt will hold until Chrtnrnu alma Kmlll Rural llama TITO pm our IT FARMERS MAITIET DEAD $100K Highest price paid or deador crippled callei and horns Small animals removed irea For last aervlce PHONE HARRIET 723775 Collect or ealt ior NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Milo NO CHARGE 2t houra day days week llil Formed Ontario Licence No zoocol Nick Montague Prop Luau or mew tarry Van rm on prevalent man In Illa 11 leievhoale ti on ordar heron Dre la mvala toe earn or liar hr Trya roan Le mar old wanna craprod and amend or camunar mt our leer urarrolet Man rm phona ram LIVESTOCK FOR SALE IT rml Ion law to nah aid ml amt hitch Daemon aa aoo Blanch Ellaon arm ohm our narn Crone nan old Tarman mam rolm lawman nmr mm able at man old Coolrt atrl Aynt to alarm etaoue mm Mound coil motor yam TnIparon na rllunrlm obtain llailar tor Isnnrlnr arrnll aala huh and an and Ilatad unload hanhle All Coiilnnood Ont ll Ina limit an In mild trio WANTED MIXED HAY WANTED PHONE 7260768 POULTRY CHIC DEKALB PULLETS More and more rmltrymen at rhmalfll DICKL Il lllllrlflfl Started really to buy and day It Chlrlla rIIrr nnw lnr early dor tllamlml For arrvlrrl or hi on our ltr tritium Imrirrunlll Cllltlii lliiNTlrfill roulrmv Milli LTD STIIOUD UGIIII llama tiny cancellation that he Method In lotuern lrto ml too am MIA TREES AND Sllrruas QUANTITY OF GOOD FARMERS MAllltei Via PIRSONALS FARMMACHINEFY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case NawHolIaad Davtd lyownflieatly 116 BURva AVE 77137 CASHTRADE TERMS tch Classified Ade for rnl Wflffln arra hath we Itta UM Inle 211 YOUNG MAN mulna Moao Finch Avenue Toronto Find Ink and ratumr lulu MIL Tel on 1M WI warmnun cameraman on rate Star at Iv ion It phone film would rm finanIIran1ILaL 9LQST If FOUND Dean Mme Leas In aradtozd St rollMU ru RAMBLERT ITdenst RAYS SIMCOE UMQTORSLTD warranty $1665 Yr at man at ranTerr whore service Tirat Byron Graham Motors 05in Mound aauy the beat or lean Ohy thln one today 1969 Buick door hardtop Out ataudlng condition trons 117 Bradiord St 7mm Buvwith Confidence At Bay City MOTORS Drive with confidence 1958 CUSTOM DOORFORD 8086 local one owner oar Bantl blue matchinx Interior As new condi tion $25 down 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE $1075 door wagon aanddrell belu matchan interior power sierra in power brakes power tai1 gale window automatic trana miselonr Tatum India As new condition loss varnullm valor $675 Sunlight yellow wlm eonlrarllnr lntrrlcr Ill new line ideal ecc cnd car 45 BRADFORD sr ranroar firmer Can adelnlddoor War In con dlldmlycall Walter para mi crlxvnourr tor aaia loco motor nut otter lira Petrol gg ahanty nay Tamrar na Lur vauxnau Seaan iar ula urriient condition Whitaqu lira soon motor hiephoara unset alter pan bar You not blur lat°rrii° it at nana more are thawalla and wheel TIW name Iul nmtrrl our door aura Ird am down and male balance SrTmuilhiai phranznl an anau now In lalaphona nuvu CTMYIIfIAW dczr AIM op Witt In rower mi am an or will true In Ii or car lard I200 all Tat Iona 1mm Lass nrnrolml va dollue tour floor plan In emilaart rondluon tow Lnllam marry aatraa mt oua am in dole lattor Tel pann mlnn mm ml roenae two door and In hood Mum mu in Ia root the anal Mun on ma owner lured to hitTad 1in use mas eyllndu and DIM Mall tnnlnilian Body and motor In amilanl ocndluan IM wk and Print Tollphone fim Iona mu Tor our nooo mono ear run mural now am 750 Tammi ilovl at man Nam can an ularrm than or pnlrmd arm lu Irfllfll ll an hbool Mn EKMWN Mae In norN Me com at itthy an Trimy arr walka mm or name Ilamanly mm at we haTITfincCeSSCTEies WllfllNili Ill Cale II II All melee hm walla Ind loll ma loll an no rain wnrm on Iei pm load rteam an aim reconfirmET ll le HMO MIIM Mal ammonia and Ankle Na II II hwa north al ileum In Mn MI Henley eddy Ind IIIMI ll MOBILE records ior aalea loot Old Convertible New car nonand at can mart Tami Inward tor ra it romanm Arena auaoa horn rum arrB we naaa ma al vuux with career ax eme Lamar can Tut mewIII po Iary tamea arm and one 111 nanny telephon 512 ==a HELP WANTED MALE MELT AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Areryou looking tor pennan ent wellpaying selling pultlont Wehavo once inallietirna opportunity Sell the new cham bier thecar that is setting new meat call VIAU MOTORS 7266488 nun haunt the town am as yaara oi or our aran have MM MM Applyaln pey Sophia Ion Namottva mew roam IALlI Clara Etad our am or um um variance Ireland but not LTD fly in man to Lincoln Shoe SW 17min hit ammo lIl aalaa raatedntlaa need iv Ization hauls WC do train thou irr permanent oarevr out Box 1a Barri MEN or Mtbwtlalu ll olden wanted Ninth able In conduct own Dunstan Ahou ever an altrain Willa wleigh Devi Llfl Matteo at nuny Miami wru KNOWN Canadiaaanano tutorrot company Muir an melt filmlfl it BUTII ml tut lit courteous and have car arm Ir nrlLlar at llrayor Motel Wedneaoay Due her at ll FEMALE HELP FEMALE FACTORY HELP WANTED 1w ahltts open Intoarm to am and pm to midnight flood wortdngl conldlilloeshour ea pus acen ve pay rya icm Apply LUFKIN RULE OFFICE lot Illnlliil Str Barrie ClerkTypist WIHI SOME BOOKKEWING EXPERIENCE FOR GENERAL OFFKE WORK Phone72l466 woman to loannan tn pr aohool manna In lay on hone flveday ma nua pam Tra noe alter pan warraua Wanted mu timer lor raatalarlni and mom alua wanted tor me on And variety Moi la wral to too Gnu MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS lor BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application orma available at CillCULAHDN DEPT lb BAYHELD Sl MEDONIE MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM APPLICATIONS will be received by the above or married mrvlu and operate Vedanta Municipal Tel one nltddroard on hour alaI lttra year Free home hydr running water aun pled Dutlu to commence larI nary WI Application to ho rent to the Sec man on or More December to list at 100 WAllD IIOIIINM SecretaryThem Medcrlta Munlcklal hicphone fiyalem liloonaloM Ont awa moo oral or muffin wanton Immediately all human deal am am amt ana ram elm rtoirTnTITWAN more Fall migrant IBIII TOW no saw an Mrorawl mine runMiran mu leianml nailNa rum MIN HOMES Trovol Trailer Camper or Tent Trailer you have been thinkin about Impact compare and take your olce from Simon Dialrlcla Place your order and weekenda and vacation daya iarmt Selection on dirplay tor thou warm glannln or more details and tee our tremondoua otlraauon raiuu walla on mnnorra RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES SALES AND sallvtcn lip BURN AVENUE HIGHWAY ill LoilethArlTeo yEflIPLOTMEItT WANTED prune Talapeonr mma For tram Woman tttomkcrtam in Lfifiu Ind payroll rerun HAVIJOUI social Security Card realm rm Cupolas Restaurant mam rare éue seem Sta yamnanny protech Ln ulrea otllca aueaolnr PAINTING ANII Decenttn No II fit In to ban infiltgllaatilg matronmew rm th annular Iull tn IILEGALL NWCEOFSAIEUNDERTHE IECIIANICS HEN Am lahe notice that Mm BellY hater last known eddrerioe Collierstreet3arrie ia ladeot ad to simcoeihuslnear Machines in the City oi Barrie County oi strncoe lathe gum oi 50 tor repairs to Remington Noise leaa Typewriter Serial No mum and he remained un paid tor more than to days Pur auant to Section 4e oi the Medl anica Lien Act 15031960 Richter 33 Sale olthe aald article will be held auuiiay Decimber to at Simcoe Businesa armor NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACI iako notice thatMr Cilaoman oi RE Penetang is indebted to Sirnooe Business Ma china in the my oi Barrie County oi simmer in the rum oi 5808 ior melon to an Under wCodINolseiaealTypeerter 6ch la No new and hat remain ed Ilnpald ior more than 90 dayr oi the Medianirs Lien Act Purnuant to Section to RSor 1960 Grapter mraale ol the Said article wllibe held mutiny December 15 at Sim coe Blulnesa Machines NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Eatale oi VEARL EDWARD HILL All Claims against the Estate at Veari Edward till late ol the Mnahlo oi Innlsill County at Simcoe Labourer who died on or about the thhrday of October 19 must bellied with the undersigned Solicitors tor the Adrnlniatratora on or hriora the lath day of December last alter which date the Estate will be diatrrtxlled having regard only to claim that havnlhen been received EVANS AND EVANS Bradiold Ontario Soilcttora tor the Administrators JUDGE APPOINTED ien United Arab Wile women have been ed hires the that time tune the Phatache ruled Egypt that women have gained anal him eonre nor NEW YORK APTBaltimore Coltlah al the ileum to load up drainer aa and tho Westerncooiarenco tl tia la the National Football ta llaglle The col lé intotai olience wllhopeeyardr In It Errata and rank north in our deience having allowed 34 yards flaey have lost the ball on tumbleativa times and bad alx panes intercepted They have recovered iooopoaitlaa tumbiearrand intercepted zl pasaes IkTENDERSa HARIIISION ONTARIO FOE URTEEN OLASROUM Oil WITH IIaAYROOM FOB MINTO wusunz salmon anon BOARD Sealed tendera on atipulated rum haata plainly madred Ten don lorv Fourteen Gaarroom Milo School with Playroom tor Minto Township Sdlool Area Boardwitl beautiveduntil hm pan 351 TITUITSDAY DEC ii 19 at the oillcea oi Seller and Ai limo Architeeta Clappertnn Street Barrie Ontario or by Mr Sinclair Secutaryllhea narer oi Minto lownflllp School Area Board liarriaton Ontario Plans and apeciticationelwlii be halted to general contractora by the Architect on or alter ihlrraday December it on deposit of certilled dleque made payable lo Seller and Al lison Architects in the amount Plans and specifications will he on diapiay at BarrieBullders Exchange Toronto Constnacilort Aeeoclatlon KitchenerWaterloo Builders Exchange and Build era Exchange oi Marion Tenders on mechanical and elec trfildmbvooh attract will be do Dcpoaiory EmmaWaterloo until 400 Monday December 15 Lowest or any tendrraotaec esaarily accepted SALTBR AND ALLISON Architeata Clapperton Street Barrie Ontario IT AUCTION SALES lliliTitxiorj Publlc Qntario llppeal Court Ellies MONT CPITile Onla Appeal point rillld Wedoead IIiIiiIIB controverdnl lathcen turyhovel Fanny Hill la littor Ihe public to read in majority decilion Justice Dana Porter and Mr Justina Colin Glownrlnd Fred erick McKay IuledlnIavor oi the booindunticea Wilfred Roach and Mdlnnlilfiidanmed lbe attorne ieneraia deg partment taoo ldering an ap peel of the dedalon tn the Sli meme Court oi Canada Rod erick Cormack mate in the departmenla criminal apoeila and rpec al proeecutiom branch raid later Chlei duallCa Porter aid the Fanny waa person of happy naturewhc adjusted her aellii to tilt at proatitutionfl he aa Her letter prdaeni picture of aerment oi lite in licenv tiour age witha candor and vlvldneaa that rings true The chier Iuaticc raid the Criminal Code in not dealload to watah exploitation ol not where sex is dominant Char actcrialICLotr bookmaker that exploitation ta unduerh Comrmlnity standards must be contemporary he said Thin II liberal age in which we live Even In parlorconver eatlonvarlous aspects at sex ara made the subject at corn meal with candor that to ear lier dayrwouid have been re larder aa indecent and intoler lblev Chief Justice Is his view that jpeopie in Carr ada today who readbooks ren erally preicr candor The appeal was irom lad ment oi Judge Everett Weaver last February when he ordered all copies at Fanny Hill all the atreet alter ruling the book on acene on Toronto bookstore raid AUCTION SALE Saturday DecemberrS atl pm sharp theproperty John Neahitt RR Maple Ont Selling at Elm vale Salea Slablea Limited on Highway 92 one mile went oi vale Production aale oi Registered HereiordCatile includinx aer vlce age polled buila cow and call lots 13 open and bred heilersr prior to the aale Catalogue will be mailed on request Terms cash no marvel interested parllea may Inspect the herd at term any time ARCHER coLwala nualh 406 Codrlnglon st Barrio TELEPHONE mm IPoller aald it aIIer the debirionr an hounded Wedneaday It Intends to take copies of the navel out oi atoraraJor aale lIowaverr aele ot the book may be delayed until the 60 deygcollnlerapoeal period has expired 0th Justice Porter aaid th dllierente between Fanny Hill and Lady Chalicrleya Lover anotherboolr banned In Ontario in expressln Jurtice florcha many oinrot Robertson Davlea and Arnold Edhlhomuzilyrditor oi Saturday Nighttwho laid at the Febnrary trial they favored ta poaslhie the apecinity Ia literary art may ha to thralled bythat¥quaiity in on lication that he In inaenai ble to its obscene character cannot thegloreat or the keg pbut met Justice Porter laid Road as whole the book has not that aura oi morbidity or the degrieool surgerth pnui ency which mtlht reader It ob lull within the meaning ol the crtualnaii node Are yOu ayGold Stripe type Do you Insllt on Iffllthlllcifl in your rye whirlry Welromt Io lira clanyoure GOLD STRIPE manl iIema quality rye lilala blended Ior Lmoolhnela but dore nol utrtllco flavour WIIOtheryou talc It on the min with water coda or ginger ale GOLD STRIPE Iver you In toilbodied rye loodnul lipid in the bottom of the glare We thinlr youll like the price too Next lime all for GOLD STRIPE In your type oI rye Nilulllh GOLD STRIPE ranIlium ml wururw II Aim to Adam armour Adam lemme Srocx Atlanta 5erer am am

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