wNDON Weller dmrminnEmile ï¬rm Iilh heads or New York today with Mower my vidory am Britain another at purse and mluar gripe nflignlllnz The wycarold Ncw Yorker lama Dave unmley three Umu In stopping the ErILLih Ignlweight champion in 155 lhc ninth round nonUlla x0 rounder Wemblcys Indoor Ilndium Tho husky hardMum world chnmplnn lmppcd lhn lcll handed Briton win In the Ihlrd nomunl at the belland or Tnmnln llnnlmsl Huston Tull Winnlpei Gllcnna New York Dom Grant climaxlng the season hernla operation that slowed him the previous year Grant became Bernie Faloneys favorlte target The 294yearold nineyear veteran of the Cat Camp con sistently broke into the clear AS USUAL when two teams are closely matched thoabroaksprovldHhowlnnerrlllunseyworpresent ed with great expanse of open ground as he scooped up Johnny Counts clutch miss and the unheralded Pete Ohler used hls head for another crushln hlow As Joe Kapps understudy hls duty is confined to holding the ball for Peter Kempts or Norm Field gates convert and field goal attempts OHLER CAUGHT the whole stadlum by surprise when he tossed soft touchdown pass into the arms of the uncovered Jim Carphln fur threwpolnt bonus oft an originally intended Iigld gogl try Grimlh native ol the Vir xin lllandx cummod hh Hilde Dyagmld oppqncnt For in cltamwhld were booed al limu by the crowd of nboul 3000 Grifï¬th collected 75 About 337000 0n Sew 21 ha earned £29000 $6000 In In mecrnrcnil or ioï¬Miy drubhimz Welshman Brian 01r vlilnn I$mnndli1lg ddcncp Mmdnyl milk Tomlin New mk Mmlnnl llmlnn if Dolmll Chican Wlnnlpeg ONE FINAL rcfliclionln closing TigerCats were housed in theWArgonaut dressing quarters BILL MUNSEY was simply perfection Not only did he steal the spotlight as an offensive standout but his defensive work was more than adequate Playing the secondary line he shifted with the play and was evident on most tackles Small wonder he was re garded the games outstanding performer Bob Swiit will face tough psychological barrier trying to re gain his fullback job next season THE WORK OF BCs offensive line was best ex emplified by the absence of John Barrow hnd Angelo Mosca from the western kings backfield The latter duo are recognized as themainspring of Hamiltons defensive machina Welterweight Champ Grifï¬th Easily Whips Briton Chamley JHISDEPARTMENT had baptism of ice view ing the Grey Cup clash from theexpansive moitog booths 0L the CNE Stadium for the ï¬rst time Wit quite chill wind blowing off Lake Ontario wan forced to huddle by the fioodilght bank for mmth Otherwise this new vantage point provided mewith wonderfully new concept of our greatshowpiece While good seat location gives panoramic view of the field the view from above is definiteiyydisijnct As ects of the gameunfolded never before considerd ole openings and blocking patterns can bexmuch more appreciatedfrom thistpeich as well as piayer identifications NEW RESPECT for the westernTohfeIence tough ness was my overall reaction to Lions strong decision am now convincedthal Williejhe Wisp Fleming is one of the most exeitin attackers in the Canadian game Anyone who can is he adept Garuey Henley right out of his foatévleps has earnedhis spurs py anus Anon JDININ SELECT cbmpanx as new mernberol the sports writers Bad Guesserr Clubl db not in tendntqpress thelssue of last Saturdays misguided rognostlcaï¬ontoo an However as aflrstihand ob liver at this years greatnatlonal gridirgnsppctaclgaL ew post mortgm comments seem appropriate 12 mi THE BMRIE zxmmzn WEDNESDAY DEC THE QNEBRIGHJ LIGHT for Cats was Iommy MINOR STAX SPORTS COMMENT FAIUI VOVéthgadjPpsition Uhioldsii Spécfaéle rounddm count of eight and nine withl hailing lei hookio mgjaw i5 flier ninth Vmund Whm Gurnley Mending 50m ml under both eyes mn zcrcd hi eel after he third knookdown referee Frank WU son ended the slaughter DARRIL Midland Orillia Imcln MILIUE blll nxwmd Oflllln Grill DARRKE Nwmnrkcl Midlnnd Ncwmnrkel 14 DARRIL Midland 13010 Orfllifl 30 30 Collinzwood In FUTURE GAMES FridayNewman Colllnw wopd mum at Midland Suï¬dnyIollxï¬ï¬‚nod mm ma Mum uriniéyvicï¬clnri mi Orlllll FridayMINI nl HMLNI tar Gillle nljlonfnrd GB IUNIOR LAST NIGIHS RESULT hlllnzwmd loirhlpafgrqu SundnfMalom Pmduï¬lv SENIOR STAX FUTURE runmla Awwmufl Pmmmxn 111111 h03350 W051 0mm and 031 Gardner has awakened 01min Pepsi km stronger force for Central Ontario Senior play Barrie SevenUps last night faced tth vastlyimproved outï¬t for he ï¬rst time and ex pcrlenced mum night Bur rlea offcolor performance be on sparse gamering at Otil GrimGoal Shropshire Defence Hughes McIntosh Watson Burma Forwards Ken ncdy Mmuseau Murchle all Gardner Humid Shropshire Cancunmhlmvne Rderce Bob Nadnnol mn In lineman lion Ego Tor onto Barrie Goalw Fooï¬fDéi fence ï¬mmpson haijea Mr eflson Grigor Forwards Pur ge Adam Mgï¬rifie géhler Ed Wells Ween AM Mmm 6v Drilliu Gnniner 1531 Penunits Suwahlnx holdh 337 WaLwn Budd 52 Farm elbow 710 Mousmu charm ma Abbot slash 1132 Forbu in 1749 SECOND PERIOD Orillia llnsurd Gardner Hnllt 31 Gardnnr Han Barrel 1300 Oflllh Gambler Randi llnnlrd 1401 Panama Ford In ma Murmlo wok 1024 Weller cham mm Multiooh MM 1751 ï¬lm an Drillln Kennedy lnlurchlo Mouum 1010 10 OriHhI Manna MmdflwI Hutu Orllllo Watson PW GanI 11 OrIllln Hum llmud GM 27 Pcnnmu Ammo churn HQ men IBM 110 Pomo rip 1251 ny mum Dy odllln the pmï¬ncex stmnger com pelicans meeting in annual play at Hammon The local quartet won the Westlnghmse rink mm the Karrie Onlfl ing Club was successnt in map turingap event over some CAL GARDNER GREAT DRILLIAThe Wlnpglon of FIRST PERIOD nan10 Purdio Robertson Admmï¬ 57 2915110 VAjhnu THIRD PERIOD Barrie MM Adm Min mummy Aroused Qrillia Submerge SeVenaUps TROUNCED mum 0N GOAL 3min QUARTET masTmopHY Ii Ii 1356 Ganinur and Hassard maxkm the hosts largestgcoring output the season 10 date with 10 points Late nine Gardner minted three goals and lhrce assist while Hmard who mov ed over from the Newmarkel squid ths season earned goal and three assist who nearer for mum were John Hall Gary Kennedy Whit Muns mu Eldon Wilson and Don 1mm wWs Replying or Barrie re nox er Purdie Corby Adams and Bub Abboll Defenccman Ken Robertson and Adams mordcd two SevenUp mum Barrie managed L1 lead over lhe ï¬rst perlod More the hosts re named to take 42 load after lwo lrames 1119 third period we vmunuy dominalcd by or Illia lhcy pound live more Icgerintothuï¬mie The team was uy lndxcndm of me names primes Sev enUp finisth sluxghhly The Purdlc Adam and Abboll llne ms the unly one untlInninx wllh any zip and they oom quenny lumlmd the entire scaring um Barrie null mn naxcd to keep mansion the runnerup £101 In the livesquad gmup since Mldlnnd Ilyen vh fled Newmnrkel and were down4 ed by the Huskies Nam market nuw holds nd vanlua In polnu over Sewn Up as Midland occuka third phtc mm nnrrle mod the 71mm wllh lndltnflom of possibl mul hey look lull advnuns two HI Communll Pin onew Trophy the llanfllhm Bon spiel held at the Anliitioul Ciiyl llflsflo Gm Shown here dressed for In 1a to right Eu Omwtom 9mm Mm 9m and 51d Vern Min trophy BEERDRINKEB IFTHEY mm 001 or BLENDED DONT BLOW voun STACK If they run out of Blended madits not nll their fault Be understanding So many people are switching to Blended Ne nny plncc is ilMc to run short Blended in new kind of alc ï¬ne 01d hefty nic and great light nlc blended together or In new deeply ontialying flavour non Frnm lhl poinl chcanpl ollcnsive moch gradually were dlluted as Orlllla balllcd back Just alter the periods mldway polnl Fools executed ï¬ne spruwllni save of maxd who had broken through wllh Gard nor iuple Lul Cal Gandncr named the ire breaker unaided at 1332 He Wu In poxillan lake ndvnn Inge 1905 move by Foals long hlrm shat wnx ï¬elded by ha lee nelmlnder and he lost conlml lrylng to cnlch the puck on the way dawn Thu dlsc dropped right on Gafdncrl slick and the margin was quick ly Allccd to one ORILLIA REBOUNDS goals match each lnlracuon In he ï¬rst ï¬ve minutes Jim Shropshire was nabbed or hold Ins at 331 and Watson was sen lenced or highwgking at 5120 Just out xeconds alter the nnd cull Purdie deflected Ian hluu line drive from Rob eman pas Bob Shropshire The second Barfle score was earned 40 seconds later Adam skip ped through the middle and scored with uuulck yrlst Shah from his own rebound Ihal bank ed 6151 Kn Interference call In Howla Forbes set the openlng lnr 0r lnillnj scqu The second sasslon calmed Ofllllfl mmuhuck move my morde hreo uninswercd Ron15 llnssard squared the count afler nut and Ind mln ulu cllmulnu An end In end nun Foolo WM loft helpch was in mm Men in meet involving Mien mm manypam gumlo Banjo dmpped their 1132 same and Mirelgwedflm the Secan Eveiï¬ when theymeeedaa towin flvapdnsemï¬ve games Examiner Photo Blended Alcl get hind But mi loo Iv Belt Bangérs LIBS GavanUp coarh Jack Dyle hlugicd his iorwnrd lines 1119 Adams unit was in tact Bill Prinz was absenl lhmuzh work and Norm iang sat out Gerry Mc Bride played the ieltnde with GamerndEdWIrdWhlilJon Week oenikd Weller EM George Doorman with Bill Bunch allemniinx Farmer Barrio player Earl McOrnne iacln Ml umaul lorltho iirll lime an Oriilln unilarm was med mrlnuly andkllled muplo of penniiiu Edema lloh Nldvn had In any lime calling only is minor penniLlel raven ol lhcm Drillin Dc lenccmzm llale Forbes urved thru lho ix Barrie inlrnr llalu Swamps an of Milan now or four dayL um um play It homo ibis 00min May no pm ngtlnal hut plan billnzwood Sillrhuflden prlclleo is Ilnud ior Barrio Arena mum at lqmnla Mapli Lent reiï¬alned one In ï¬rst placq afler our main action Inkklon Llulo NHL Barrie Arena my Mum Now York nudge 10 4dohold aonepolntmnrgin over Montreal Hake Iha mgly other unbeatenuain nxpped 305an 55 Orlllln was quite content In hack and play dclenslvaly overme ï¬na minutes repent Eh SevenUp nltcmpts Iuccess vnan Mahmeylnd David cunbrack found the net twice lormomeal Jamie Vausa and David Meta added glu Roddy Kyle ï¬red threo or Boston Bev Stewart and JohnJUVIngslon oouMed one not SevenUps darted the Inn frame with flurry Ihe Ad aml Irlo mrked diligently Their efloruwere rewarded 544 Abbott connected with screened baddmnder mm 15 leek From ths point Pepsk assumed thranck iixtilmreflenciwnnrminutr ioiiowing Abbotts goal to re store the twogoai zap and Ken ncdya tally at 1016 healing Foota with badmander on simv angle ueme Ilto nmove the starch lrom Barrie resist ance Scanning tn um this achievemeni Oriliia applied more pressure and this score mounted with time momto 93 within the next time and hail minutes lully Ollgagorenrned their first vlc lory dumng WInnlpez 82 Hull tmunced Detroit Steve Simmmu tofleded but talc or paceswing pep and Brim Abram mired twn mm Terry llnme Mldmel Millard Brent Smllh Brian McFadden and Bob Bmwnin all the mark once Roger he posted all four New York in our scores receiving one goal support from 1edmdden Greg McKnightdnd Gerryxlnsella Frankan wu flu Iona D6 uvlt mm Fm pWeIn than ed the allow and collection with 9mg Gummy earning Mo am Mcthm and Wm 19 Russwim one Save Pam yqa credited with bod after blocking lhoflm 6mm 1303 Gardner posted the go new marker 1mm close range the thanking ï¬ght The mirth score was earned by Gardne afler mother 55 sec onds The 17m veteran was parked alone More the crem lemma right wing relay Quin pagegi Trail with 01h KAANAPAIJHMM Hawafl AWArum Palmer Ind Juckl Nietlmni hr pattnersntnlhe Canada Oup lntefllallonal gall matdnes Malthug hers nurs day butheyll be vwattMng ngch other pali jealmu juggle out Mmtmeq warm 9umerlymmgckeg wags fluxi blow lho world but enchfloi his mm high light fobï¬w mm unalionfl Brahmapm the Inn and bazdvfougm ygm to udnglnga twgmbn ad andd are 113mm and no malnjhl we are in rested My Man tha Can ada up arms United States ma the muscled Myenrold gunner WM cheqked AlNes mm mimii 1111 mm or years raled golf No 1mm ha hasrgver won it kaléus an 34 if years mythjaguar Gordv Riï¬chfolfeirs Li mam Gnrthharéh Its Hut llmc of year when Moods go together Arc you may to look your boltbut your boot Gord loath MonI Shop pmenu lull ol cloth or drmup ocmloru lhIlI suns plows VIM your IVDIHVG Ilym Ihop Gard Roach Slip on lull or lwo Ind Iclcct hundsomo Brllhh Vonlcd Inlflhlo loi Ill Wont To in mm im llme now Add the ï¬nal lug wllh In Aquumlum wool lepton PARTY TIMEI ITS TIME TO DRESS UPI last year Paris on lhvhihgl we mint ve ave usv hum Canadlam and My Mean The slender mu 56 Inï¬pradiu Monday VBmce Cramplpnpl Alan11h teaming ML Bruce Devlin hebeueves the 4de hm ATTENTION prova IMFyou can Cm LEI for the lull nary muu Bairie DuvaA PNQNIJZWH 19 mm st wm