lhlIDldc Sham RuhrTommy Grant mama40 Kama 80 CumChet curdAl Beneddr thudmany Pdadmwfl Us GumElm My dc guygm genxix 11c rrullv llw WIMI No hnvywomn win In mu Claw Iuml Wllllnml the ML mm Ilounlnn or lhl 1119 an the winner wnl Io mm Iho 0m vnlaJMlmun vlnlnr wmn Ptolemy In nnktd mm wn has urlpw Cu lny rmmlllm huvmluhl chumplnn And up loumnmenl lo ml the nry manm Manaman IA Pu ht hoood mu le uvllo and lulu Cl Hm III II no cum mm in Nov mum tinmm Iman uldl Ill up in my Mum Du Hath Faunmn nun In Jam Kmmmmt rumbled In Avril mm In nllXcMIy wwnded In on Ilomndn munman plnlnl mom Alter Iculfle Hal urdny IM AM my and be lblq to for Al mm num mum ARTd Mir In would mm It mm mm mm 3mm Wllh bmh Mill unnuva lor Jimmy WIM Ilomi lo IhmlhnKnll un nmn mum lull VIII Illfl WWW Anlvlulmgn mink ml dlyl Pniernnn In rgnktd HIqu Ind huvnla mm The question was pm lo both Chuan and Pullman II prer lunchmn to Innuunco mm IIIHIHK he lwo Im lZmundlrll Mndlmn Squire Gmdm Jun 117 mum hm been Ann ml mylaunlyr NEW YORK ANGeorge Chuvnlo Tomnln uld Maw dny hed be happy In Rh Dmln Tomll next he bull Floyd Pullman but lha lonner heavy wclghl champion decllntd to any whdhrr he would men Ter rell urn or In World Aunciauann hwvy wright chumplomhlp unvvu wuxun nutmu Mmy 30 unitJetty Rotting lullBob Facet UnderWayne Harm nthd er Mn Brewer Michele Dolby Rum tie Mld mumTom Brown EC TickleJohn Barmw TickleMike Cadc 80 EndBM Mu BC EndPete Nwmanm The 106 Allow unit hdudc nine playen hm last yenn Voting by 42 FEB menbers In lhe nln cities was close in many posilluns am there were Inc unanimous choice Vole Men to as defensive hallbadu 1e delenslvq ladle and 15 line bnpkerx aJmewskx an men native Canadinns on the team The when axeBrewer and Kunlz flanker Tommy Grant centre Che Miksza and defun Iive end Pele Neumann all of Hammon and defensive taddc Mike Cad IX 1340 iiStdr SeIeétidn rlll who was named Canaans buleandinx Canadian player in 1061 was the only player make the allCanada team who did not earn 15m alldar rank hi magma conference The tie Involved Ran Brewer of Throntn IndBohby Kuntz of Hamillon linebacker and Tony Palaczkawski of Exam and Ticarfllison Kelly at lensive guard where 13 players rescind voles George Chuvalo Set Title Chase WINNle OHHal PM term Ind Don Melin two 11th fkifled 3am who Iauemn launh In EN 8C defeated HamiRon 3421 Ilorits first cup vldory Sam ay Calgary Stampeden Iowa to Lion in the WM ï¬nal had our players chosen SaSkatche wan Raughridm Lhree 111mm Argonauts two and Maw Rough Rider and Edmonton Eskimo one end Montreal Alweucs and Winnipeg Blue Bombers niled to 1114209 my players an moï¬cam UNANIMOUS Bu selection of rum Tints filled to give the Easternï¬m terence maiorily at the ham expanded lolsmcnbers as result lies lwoposmonsV The Western Cnnlerenee paced by six members mm the Grey cup champion British 09 lumbla Lions quIared 11 spots In voting by the football mport mg Canada Manhe Tum fEEMVWE Allave produced five Canadian Foolballhleague records head Hamllwn ligerOaLx contin gent named Monday to more than onevlhird or the pul tions on he alwaan 331x511 loolballleam Oflmslvo Tum FImkL Coleman EHP BMW Ml iauï¬umm Ill hr at Klnulon 0m IIIJIM MG rd huhm In wllh Warm ldlu and Mn flolr Mic canolath IM whim lbl Mmln Inme 1m late 51 ml mum NJIIINI am Manam Ma 3m Mam m1 Jet mm lamb TolthI mum mm amed Manna In MIMI ammu mum mm Cull Mumw MI 3mm and Fm Mum Ihmd I11 Wind ply Osachuck Begislerx Six Poi Kitchener lourlonm Sum nlsl In um um Senior Iran wl lelml mnaln un hmltn Mm Km mm mi play ml llanlo Anna tuner dumped Klnillm Am Gul Iwn minimal Kl lml In mm mm mm Mala hm Md llvy hold Windsor numb mu 0mm wu womb woman dva for xllmmr mxiifwu Ii mm mm qmm Pm Ind Chuvnlo tun been WHIMNd mlnlmum nl monom bil wl Wm uld hll prlvloul huh wan mm or Cuudlm Ulla Mm with Bob law at Montml York Mundmsdll Ind many other mm ol the world claléd clrmK 131mm lha Guuvnlo mm wlll be lemml nm in Mudlion Sqqu Gardm In eight yun mm Inn hu Inn guaranmd mJn Imillm og airy Mnrhon dindar ol balm nr lhl llrdan VnH wfll It Iwm or Keellng twe Sammie quarterback hold the CH record fur the Ionics mum of fumble1m yard gains this year defenslve backfield that Includes llanlt um EFCa most valuable player ln um Mm led mulean record by calchinz our touch down passc ln am gameln 1952 um Bill lllumcy WFC pass Inlercemmn leach1 ln 1961 with nine Jerry Keeling Calgary Ind Bob Ptamk ol Sayyaldaewan Brown who made he 311A Canada squad at inside bad In mm was named Canaéas out standing lineman in cad of the last lwo years He also zalntd 1964 hnmrs as the Wms most valuable player or his leader ship of the EC line louth the mnfcrenoe this year WAS EFC ALL All Wilh Brawn and Poms Mm earned arm Illa honor am times while with Twin are stamped lindmdwr Wayne Harris Brewer Kunlz adds John Barrow Hamil ton and Cade and Nmnn Barrow was mad oulsund lng HueyJan In 1907 11m defence has three hold over ï¬cat half Gum Hen ley and middle guax Wm Brown and Dick Faun both of the Lions VSbauo Kaw Palaczhwski Dennis Kramer and Patterson are the only MIenslve holdovera an the 19m mam 121 IN magma Quartelbaek Joe Kapp 80 Ied the WFC in passlng in out or the last six years He holds the commence moon or most yards on passes in season 8279 In 19 In mm of Kapp are Milan guard Al Benedck of 5851m chewan Pajacflmwsld Kelly and tackle honnia Dennis of 149m and Roger Mamet of 615m Grant this yearl Mblandilll Canadian playu till the wflanker post Grants utdm this season was second In the me 47 En by Did Sum ol Argos who sham the uncan nda hnlbank slain wiih Ed Buchanan MSnskamhwlan 12mm Mo was we EFC most EH Year Patterson partner It wen aivo end Efldmo f1me IJo Colfey SQ WFC record this year for most passes uaugM in season 81 and or the most gags 1142 Dana most nutstandinz player in 1964 Lovell 0212mm of Calgary is Iullbaok Cole man led the WFC In rushhx assmew mmnkwar golds UPI records or most yards anpass caman sea son 1911 ln 1866 catdle In season 38 in lQï¬dpmost yards pass recelvlnx In game £38 In L966 and the largest com pleted pass 109 yards from Sam Meverry while both wem Alouefles in 156 He Ibo shares the RFC record or most kidfo relumaln season wig qu1 non cum or Interceptions In seam 11 In 196114 sci maflu this seasonhy booting 15 field ï¬nals latlempling 35 and making four In onevwne He also has kicked helongesi EN ï¬eld goal 54 yardaazalns Regina In 1961 sdzherm holds 11120171th 9rlnecepljpns In seastm mi Mmm lmdmmfll Nlmn St Cnlhlrlnu Immon llmli man Kitchen Gulhnm 54 PM 51mm Conmll Whllby Wlndwf The local the oneqnancr mark of the lzxame slnieumis comm Sunday whm they hall Colllnxwoad Shlphlildcrl at Bar xia Arena 1an at 210 pm Fallowinx mlhe cornï¬lcle elm mum of tha first seven 1mm lumen gin mm cnUps will lace Barrlel Earl McCrono or he fin lime lonlghl line he joined Orillll Popsiz Game lme Orlllin gompunynm am pm In the penally depmmenl Jon Week still lead with 31 mlnulcv George Grlgor allow ing wilh 21 Bill Bunch Bub Garner Chuck Edward and Gerry McBride no the only mum to escape beinl pen Hind 111nm Erfhnrrwlwljmdru IWIQMIM Dons Poole has Iflowed 35 zeal In seven names or an avenge 50 per game He has been peppered with 217 shots nllwwinz gas every drives MTUMM mu autumn Michael Polermmulh Mum Fall mth Caballan llnmlllop Biil Pring who hasbeaded SevepUps scoring men since he start of Um Central Ontariu senior schedule boosted his loin inlo daubie ï¬gures with mm last Friday mains Mid land Fiyers He now has paints am ahead Corby Adams who heads the goal col lector with six Llnemnl Bob Abbot has the most asulslx Iix la zojlnqg with two ialilu 81113 BABRLE EXM WEB TUESDAY IVIECEMBER Pring Cohï¬nï¬eé Point Leadership mmrysdml in 0le llama has at precedent or 0011 In the form min in Invasion wadllnx rinks Holding the unollicm title of shunt mad of lho MINOR STAX Lnfll JUNIOR um 55mm JlJIIIIII Jxxzuaoum Jaooooolr IIIQILIJ 10 viirut GI MANS WORLD LINVADED AGAIN APLI Itimino 5L hul 1am Cumin nu Unnll um sL Paul Elpnomlll RI IMAM Mamphlx Daldo Junbr Idedmmnl qu GI 1hmm IAlwimrl 91nth TMmMIdln Robson 59 Tullcrulll lmunncl 51 nalnm um 46 weer5 Haul Waldo Clblfll Gree Am 45 umnyl Ek cavIUnu 60 Gold Km 42 Kel lyl Gnur1 Hubbmu am my Miami Gromy 30 Ind Ddan Ia Individually Joan Berry and Mar Emma earned lho wmll but scores Bony comblned the him the Amos 7m whlle Emma corcd the high dual of Top Mplux Deny 7m Turry Hamilton an Ilnry Slrphens Dorll Gnrvln C60 Plum M7 Ill Hard Dad Dmlh Egsulle Thlbodenu 60L RobsonLani hold on In their lawn point had avnr second place TIHHIAHI Insurnnm tight chase devclnped or lhlrd mot prosenl nix squads are up py ogly xix polnu ens1 Shos Av DougFooie1 as 217 50 Total 29 39 68 Pmllllu in minutes Weeks 31 Grlgar 20 Forbes ll Adam Thnmmbn Abbott Furlong Boorman Pring Imdie Ra 9mm Weller HOCKEY RECORD Chuck Edward Gerry McBride Jan Weeks Ken Robenwn Georg Doorman Gary Grigor less Weller Gflwmpm lee Forbes Norm Gram Ell Bunch Roger Purdie Lam won boyl mud 1mm Home val Junior Hiya Jadda Stringer is shown here dem onsuaung Hm me an of blocking flne ï¬neraid Tul sa University Neds prasenca in lhls uniqtge Me mme LADIES CITY LEAGUE Fllvom new manual Illl II III mu Ill Ill BOWLING Gullypg NMMMHHI AEENMHM anuflflfl TOIIIIO Lll1lnm WHWOVII Vlan Oflllln Ilynn Snuhe ohn 1M Mnlhlmn mm Dunluk Drury uumru Omnln mink Dnly emu hrIn 1mm 1mm Jdmnlm llnm mnndJlnN Burk Wlllnr Kennedy Rumnlmoflmifllzz Mn mnn Inkw mm me Clmmy Hm nevman KIIIMHA Todd Dnrm Coll llama Harrla KnlzhL made their 196446 home mm successful one dmmlnx Orillln 71 at Bar rla Anna The local cnlry In In Onllrio Minor Hockey Al million poems mlcl wlll en unue In In exhibition lLhldulD unlll the provincial diminution man In January Harrie never lulled as may nprncd up 44 lead In the am period and were ahead by the second Intermission 111 unlit It mru with Or In llml hump Mldherlon wn the mm altndxer or Knight with He nah ll Out and Ramalt rounded out the wlnnlru count Curl and Klmlll mllectod hm Itmto mm For Orllltl Muhluon Ind JA cob Mind thy mm lwkn with mm min two mm uhlhlttan contut wu rclnflwly Inc at pemlllu with Intrte re uIvhl lwo ol Ibo lhm miner iKnights Bounce Orillia Peewees Rod Lawrence and Jim Ham on Lvllecled N1 goal for Si Catharine with Rubble Garner Walkman aim Ihmiltan counting for the Junlor Wings The hUs ourgoal total was mired by Doug TnOanDnv Id Weston had Madiregor and Brad Hagan as Grcg Btll scored bolhlar nmle Ken Bermvse and John Mc Nahb allied wioe for Mallbw and Rldurd Howell mm the man once David Mum and Ted My were Miku goal scorers Rickey Moon enm ed two goals Scott Robertson Barry Alcnmhrack and Brian Hoffman amunlcd Ior the Pub erbomugh tom Chris Matthews and Shane Pmall scored for Guclgh Five and out were the magic numbers for tha victor in L9 gion Lmlo Junior hockey lion at Barrie Arena Pelerbor ough toppcdvcmlph and Marl boros dawned SC Mikes by Iden Ilcal 54 Lvunu St Oaumrlnel edged Haminon and Niagnm Fglls 59pm Banis Cénfrnl Ontario Senlbr Barrie SevenUps al Orillla Pops 0r illia Conununtly CenLre Midland HyenALNcmmxm Husklox Rusk Five Four Totals Winning Combine what umfl An avid but be lollowu she becam can in conchlng atrategy when boy lrlmd worked WWI Roosevelt Her beau resinned his posiflon but Jackie majned APWirepimta TODAY IN SPORTS JERRYS RADIO TVV HlFI SERVICE noTVIhH HI ulilled am tom in 35921501 uuSc 30 an $131326 apprentice with hula kmwlednu of cloc TELEPHONE 7260551 on 7163an Qualiï¬ed Electronic Tochnlcllm uGmord ihé Ipankcd Truelave Heaunz In 5hlbillan opnlut III In 19 clubs mm the calm wlll mm consist of Fennclll Tmelove Barrio Plan Camp Borden llan Flynn Slcwanl Garage Ind fhlbmvkm Elmvnla Pulley Incalcd roulll of llnnle on Highway 11 lcnmlln ham developed excellent diamond er Lasl month npprnv Elven tuadd llKhLlng unlls and lundx were allotted for park lmpmvcmcnls Fen ncllr wlll have an oppodun lly lo bulld strong enlry rlnoe they will be nble ta draw lrom other team lllelr rural lengue la 1964 may led in lre lame xrqup The Phillis who started Ihe ball rolling Sunday by stains ï¬rstbaseman chk Stuart from Man Red Sex for pitcher Dennls Bennett are also dirk erlng with In Angela Angel lorplggerflo BaniMy Washington Senators par dlased catdncr Dong Garrle from as Angela Dodger at about 510000 In an annual Mayer draft Earlier Mo Philadelphia Phillies aoqu red veleran piwher by Herbert mm Chi caxn While Sox for outï¬elder Dunnx Gala and Ice Elia In an intervlcagne ea HOUSNN APlwashlmton Senators traded outfielder $210 afliinton 141 onday or baseman Bob Chance and In fielderautfielder Woody Md as the trading season gm Into lull swing the annual major léggug basebe meg In an measun move Fen nells Comer has been ac cepted into the Barrie and Dlslrlct Senlor sailth loalua for 1965 The lcam Applkd lhraugh the Circuits executive and clnphone poll was re corded team management wIIh unanlmous mnsenL Hut scoring drought knot mloagos only allmenl fence has snowed 1081911 more than they did In the hut 13 comm last season Goallq Glenn Halls goalugalnst lveh hm ï¬lmed mm 138 In Kenny thmam In Allaar Mt winxer wllh goal last year has fallen from 11 goals to lourSlnn Mikila has allpped Imm 11 to ï¬x Blll Hay from eight to one 1119 slump zen era lhmgnoul the new cept for Erlc Neslmnkol Ink mm one 19 our NHL staflsflu remand to dly dmw 1le team mates have mnlylwpplled 33 Koala In In lama WM HuUs 14 goal Ind 51 by uw rest in urnany glmes last 524 ml Hull loading the National Hockey League with 28 wins Includinirl goal in 11 games has mud more than onefllkd mom Biadt Hawh 50 Koala But despite hlspmllilc mung ha Hawk have ampedg ugh 11ch Phils Interested Belinsky Sviap Major Marl Hits High Gear FENNELLS OINS SENIOR LEAGUE Black Hawk Attack Hull mun pacu hazwwm MERIT REQUIRES ll Colllor SO Findlay Néwmarm Coll Inzwood Orillin Midland INSURANCE Newmzrm BARBIE Midland Colllnzwood Drill Tonighl BARRIE at Orilï¬n 11 Midland ll Newmarkel Carmel 37 becama Involved In sham exchange with Star gel at sprlm Draining this year and was dispaldled tn M810 after the Motsbmke camp He slammed 35 homer or the BI Ioni andva in 997mm yllchgr 31m pyrdmad Sléhgel and YéngacJ£ mol he ï¬rst xMet em VID 91 YWL 1h otherlhree player plckLd In the $2500 drill Wm lecher Phll Henderson and batdxer Ban Brand both Ic irpd lzyvflgmtm 071135 anq Only our wen aeleded Ihe rrzular dran $575000 each 111 rest wage ginkyear play ers acquired or $8000 each Among the $3000 draï¬m was Duke Carmel at Buffalo Bl sons of the International League who one played or quxosk mum who uieded mampeoplng York Yankees 1115 Mel have hired two Degmlls Norm Ullman 01 low wllh to goal Ind 111 am or 11 points andMiklu hold tth place with polnls on goal and 55111 No defenceman and or wnrd however made memos mm 3New Yaxk centre Phil 50y an soorad lhm lmg and added our assklslv move lnIo ï¬fthplace 121$ 15 point wiuraaude Plum of Mon real Bobby Pullerd Mule Gordie Howeol Detroit Ind Won defencemanTeq Green who had one goal and ï¬ve mu 1m week nunu Am Awpulm mun helmY Roger Omzler landed his Velma Ihphy lend gllvwins twnA gyal in We mm Ho mm mm Rod Sefllng at New York wu the other maxguard who made his climb lo L301 place Th Rangersrookie scored his ï¬rst NHL goal any picked up tour 11533503 IfgrY1mln my to nip mm lend Iha ndividllai norml nee Mm um Dllhp 1144 HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY RENTAL AUTO HOME You In the nrlml Bell SENIOR STAX Erommlrnl mm LI HERTZ Pu unflflfl aflflmn 02130 1131 4312 ark MM FWWEGWB BARRIE DRIVEACAR WLIPAP 729275 rxAcron II null and Kinsdlal Matilda 5m Wilden lo wm or Mesh and Norman Mnxun tall twice Colin Scott and Ken Barn 5an shared the vaidencl Gem Rama and Blawen earned two goals for B19 Bygoke and JnmeaVCasO mud tiacx rESmema 51 Maï¬nemn counted two Hens anII and mm Favernu i2 wumana mun Spokane any Quebec Ace earned Ill gap pmlllon in ma mum Lemon Mule Am group by virtue superior zeal average over Master and Denver Ace named lhelr lolly papillon will strong 1241 wmmro BuIlnla Bisom muster remained even on pnlnls by lopplng Provldenu Denver ula othetunbenten squad was ldlethla week Erie doubhd the count on Sprlnglield 42 and Hershey edged Spokane mmd the day mlm Brlan Ourtl led the Qudm onslanmt with live goals Waync lascona collected out Way Ennis John Sam and Dick Pro at Mt Pu Qld Tor Gayelje NY Howe Dot Green Ba Hamel Tor Smith Del Rousseau Mtl Sailing NY Premise Bo Bucyk Bo m1 mule MaplaLeals main mined their lead in lawlessness running their lead 11 penalty minute In 335 In 21 game while allowing total at power plny goals alnlnsl Ihtlll Lealdeienceman Bob Benn 13 the individual penalty leader with 56 minutes Huu cm UlIman no 14mm 91 195 Ilsoleads in shutcuts wi Ihreg QuebecProducéS Héavy Gcal output PARTRIDGE 10 1i 14 311 121er