wings Handgbme Gift Printed In Error Vovvs Exchanged At collie United mm mm and mrlu ma mm nhnuld In dumd ay horltrullurluu with In On luvln Wmflmflnl Anlmlluu Gunlnl Imam no maul In III mmu Ind mm hulk Ihnuld he loll Mi Ind mm mm In Ihlllow wood Ill Inn mlmhly wlih omen bun Rel Hm mm mm lldc up In mm and MI man than In In hm rmml II Mr mull mmnllon nhrmld pm vldrd mman and lhnmgh lhl rnnlninru Name llmuld he rml mil enUlnId MI nrltlvr hm dry nor loo dmmv Tm humlvl llmM hm prnrhln mm mum or Illlfll viium Mull mn mould be nlond In lmnrn mm Man to 11mm my 50 guru and mclmml when rlmnlnl who mrml ln mm In mm mm mu dullnx lho wlnlrr and diaer In qlumd Cln you provldc nlutlon1 madam Wlmont Amtth mu wumu Dwnt uu Kh Wnnn Cull ma cnzrnvpr And uk Mm Io convert npoalmphc Into donorsva eurllum hr Impl hi can Add mMchlng Qurllm NKWMH tho ll md or hullnco ms When an Inmm dont Imaw mm mgrm should HAND TALL Gladioli Conns Require Care nun AM IHlm Am llvn 1m ugh In my loam led 5mm cant go InnMm in Media Im flva rm vu honmed lo uo tho mimhe you know Hill lrlmmallully lneomct WI ant Inn thl to do My usblna mauled all man And dude hlm Iwa III poor mmlmr Im alrald mm hurt his lrellnzu lama limo dont want to dlb play plaque with NI error mud to mm the ylnquo um Mmï¬fully raved Hmdersonl Yasmin he brought gm Inndsomo bun door plaqqc Den Ann Lundmx Recently wt bought Inc hem W81 31 at broker Wu plaaum dun 1nd very loud ol him brldal eeulng whlte pom mum end plnk mapdrecon edomcd Collier Street United dumb when Elsle Ellen my man exchanged vows win our les Edwln Todd at ceremony wnducled by Rev David Pmctur on Saturday Lloyd Nford presided at the organ rm bride ls the dimmer of he lele Mr and Mar Ernesl Willle Chapman Kirkland Lake The bridegmom la the eon of Mrs Rickey of Mormon New Brunswlck and the Illa Charla Frederick Todd my Mu com mm led pearl enhanced the 111w which hang petal p0 eaves In Iklrt at tho gown was floor length coroner of seed pearl held the shoulder length veil of illusion tulle with male lace edging bride wore culhu pear mcklnce he 31 01 bridegroom She carried uscadu bouquet of pink msel Evan in mamas by hu brMher Wilfred Chapman of Kirkland Luke he bride wan mind In traditional mu of Chantilly lace over bridal ugrm madman neddim ANN LANDEBS Lam hy nun MR AND MRS EDWIN TODD 7mm 1hr xlrl hul lm alum Ihe mm mu uthe In on him May kn lmm rm nunam Dar andnm llu my In all unloud ml In loam manly MirNed 11rd male We cm hum sully dunno mnlm In mndaus undurmmllu po lkm ml hum mxmy ll ml unrml VIIUI II llchl flwuld ho plum In Amflwr hnmewhm he lunlly new WMMW rampy moth ï¬whnih mm In mlm both mind molth donnt do what II quit of Mr In wheel Ive tried to hot in Indy but Ihal not Innalat or room In mm and mm mlud met dvun mm lal ha Noam Inn on dmrlmlu II My went and nlylo Ind mull pldlln Mm 1m am llwly Worm than hu mum toward my huh Imnd nuke llIIUI lll IM around In houu In Mr hn und panllu 5m prmndl la WWI when nu mmnlm hlm he mn her on hll hp and Mn hlm in um II nm mum wm It Mr Mn In marl Myv Ilka luMnn Juli In ha mm or howl We wnnl in who him lnr UNDERSTANDING Du Au Luaux My bind Ind loam parent to In unlmunnln flrl mm In 14 oln you know coma Hui mlaxn Gunid tomplhmnt mm mod all man my Gun cinbei niacin petlh doll lilllnl mum but the hillNull vrnntlodgm wilh me on xh Comm am the Man And Im turn re man In oddlooking pidurm an out gin Menu dont ï¬rm may lhil Idler yet Im not aim to to do About mm boy friend Im married to pmlumnl bukatball plum who lrle not live inches all My pmbhm In that whenever we go when Ihm ll mule ova1 run In tho Ile maï¬a up Ipd punts to ante 111m grinMeflndllmb On return mm the honeymoon to Southern Onluia palms couplo will mm at 168 Collier Strut Barrio mplementzd by match In mauve hat and comp 01 um Swadhean mm and mini bgnther For tanning Ihe bride dun ned honeybelge camel hair Iuit wiun Arctic lot collar and my and bgile apocgsaries recbptim unwed It um ContinentaHnm Mn Amy Val Revived wearing bzlxe Ink dress with pInk ummrlel and min 012 Her amaze was Talismnn run 1112 bride moms manner mlsled attired ï¬llmzLEmnme Keefe of Camp Borden attended as zroomxman usher was Major Gmw of Barriz The maxd of honor Min Bar bara Duke of Windsor was the brides only attendlnt Her um long dress of Mmem blue brocade was lashioned on Almplo lines She wore hud bandof pile pink cannon and carried bouquu ol the lam lumen RECEHION slggbnnoq 19d Ivy Egarqetm $9 113 Null Nénmhr and move mu oum In tho Manual Muuum mo Am In Jmnlry In mind In Iho more mu Item WU bu palnlImu Ind tinInn mm the Wlndm Cu 001le Her Mlle Einbdh 00m work but bun obuInod hem aller Iu mummn AM prlull collw lionlulu land Germany SIII mum mum mmd um Unlbd flu Ind Candi CanIdle WIIM ll pmb nbly the mu nnd ouI mum ol nlury VI mdln WTle Ind um palm III deulled dearly lIanl Ind reprmnlnllonl ul lhI mum and mlIIcIaI mum mm MI mm min Ind In Dunlnd IIIIthI curd Inl mm Ioullmu In My wm om no yam In III mulnry II Ivldanred by hll bluu idol wedI1 drum Mummy and turn nouplnu remind In mm color Irrndlllcd In meIa Iv mum Canlulo uhiNuon luv dull In both lumnn Ind whom will on vlu lo mm Nullnnnl mllory cand mm Don In Jan 10 It In mum ll lhn An Onl Im ol Tami mm Odober IM Numb and mm mm wpoflunlly to In amnion ol llfll mnlury pulm lnu drlwInn and Itching muted from colledlom Ill om the world will presenl JI MI In on on Dec when tho Canlleflo exhihlllm opem Gallery Qunlda SALLYS SALLIES Famous Canaletto Comes To Ottawa Then Amie declam It In to be xald however that Ihey have cmain ngnilh can sex ymbol do ladles lamrs and this ha been kept alive by an Ingen uity habexdath Whn make braces in aggressive mm or bright yellow ell or decorate them with Icenel 1min flu hxmgirujleldï¬ï¬‚ 1120 man who dons drun lu own to enlemln lady should beware of Illkl They crank when you bra0 plrflmhrly In that bl km none Amie Amie Advises that hllhly lulmh for Mfll dream mm lo whtn you led pusiomlc at 11k Maï¬a or both WHAT YOU WEAR REVEALS TYPE mlfluzlltgivhuflmlor 6n chlldren Them Is no la data during use fast when hey are presented Ind each lumlLv 011m its nwnfpatlem one which perhlps ha been He NM gélly oTbrncel though admiulnz they are more of help to the and ï¬lling or Irousm than belL all means dedicallon and ï¬ll lullvnl often known utho Full of Link In the Stellar lnmlly the only Ion Marlyn ll Ill the flfll cnndle Sunday evenan Ind can wlll be ll every evenlnl for ellhl dayl The candles whlch are lit mndown are placed in lpeclnl clndelabn called the Mznnnla Its called An 36 Menx Fuhion and In Amie take time of mm the wrld olwomens fash lans to guide men through the ellqnzlta dmsing LOWS 0N BRACES ugnnya or cmnuzs And If you to or softsilk dreulnzxowns than Its ob vimu hit you Are bent on conquest The Inlhority for these as sumption 13 Hardy Amies one ï¬le Queens commKen who lift the lid an the libido lurkiulbehlnd wrxxe the Ippare men weer paper bad booghe publi Although it 13 mm deeply tenuous celebrnuonuya Mrs John Stellar Duadmnld 51 X14 joyous halldny or the children mm mumll you wear bracts suspendars If youre Canadinn or Amer cmyou are very liker Thll year Hanukkah falls early Ind omclal calebrallon begin on My An oulslandlnz Jesth we anon Swhkh come Hound our 05ml AHaxankkahg Em MarkSDédiédtibï¬ Rood fly for flnhhlnx la emwlckd uh Ind HM Ic llon on pm you hurt boon rowan In mallow how am lolow aneucd prun dum no to allmlnlln In par Iihilily Irmr And In IM do wold huLv mm Ind ombmllsm ll lomorm II your blrlhdli your hamoow Indium brll pm cu lor man durin lhc mm nu 12 month provld you IIHIM lo uh on ml Id IQ TOMORROW Mr and Mn John Worhvun Ind Iamlly ol mind NVBI wen wcktnd guest at the home Mn Workmnnl mother Mn Mldlxan Sanford 51ml 01h maul entertained Had llln midonco Included Mr and Mn Jim Dmmmond Mr and Mn Merl Coullor Mr Ind Mn GAGDHENI Mr Ind Mm Reginald lhrrll of Queen Street hlva In nounced he enznzemenl ol lhelr dzughw Evelyn Jun to un cnee Douqu Colwel Ion Mr And Mn Gannon hula ColweII Lancaster New Brunswick The Church In Ion ninily nlnlly 511nm Tomnlo will be lho mm or the waning wedding Dre at 130 pm WEEDIN Guam THE smssï¬ PSALME 0F THANKS There are rpeclll service he Aynzozuesburlnl the servlmv n1 lam Menorah L1 mimhflahunund aims are nldmfliukcGod orlli HI zoodnm At home when the candles an lighted everyona sinzl the apocill Ginnuhh Ionzr Yoim tha message hearing That me time in nearing Hamil men rec lyrnnis dklprem Knowledge hue celebra iionr with their Ipiriiuni lun phaer widen the oducllim oi the adulu and children who Ire mi Jewish Since so much oi the Sunday school Ind drumh Iitzraiure Christian peoploh based on Jewish hackmmndn Lils religiouslnnim hnd inmin practice in Jewiir lynnom and homes rhouid he iuniiiar in All children in heir reiizim educatioiL Captain Ind Mn Blake of Camp Borden hm announced the engagement their only daulhler Donn Marilyn lo Bum Frederick flelux This Winter Pmolwm Produm 14 Willlnghn The younger chlldggn In the Ilml Ire lold the AM Han ah the dedlcallon of Temple in Jenmlun hundred andhundri1 01 you at me it had been regained from hm cruel king Anuwhus Ind rumv ea Thesa younger chlldmn he reminded or the urea heroes the put whonved melt peoyle mm enemlu pasted diwn mm thértuonltq xergraunn Hid StallL1 ll MEUJTA T0 WED AT CAMP BORDEN PEOPLE AND PLACES Phonl Elleen Dixon or Audrey Coulsan will In happy In you mm am Ill Indflml III buck Ind ohm mm lull UH JACO QUALITY um mm wllh Tum quallly hglllu lull Mom Job rupnmlblllllfl Ao mrdlna In the rim you In mud or ndvlncemml alum monayalu or ther lam upedll tho of manlllon In In February with lurlhu boon Alon thm Mm uod In Ill erdl Mu unc Ind Odnbor Dupllo nod bmlu mum In only March mld July October And Nowmhor comrrvnllw In mudl mu un durinI KM ooli yur In m1 unnawm you Inn nun tar anxiety but poucy nl annullan In Wm mm profilqu in In Inn run mm on of manIon Bo omednlly onumlm In January Ind marked lfll ill be med mm of the Chrlllmll lo be Md Wednesdly Aller noon Irom pm at St Johnl It ch GIImuIL hlko llbln will ll be lulu IM uvnl IponJorod by Womenl Auxllllry ontu Iilwrenoo Mldlnn all Bur DINNER PM Mr and Mn Robinson Hayfield Street Memlned dinner pmy durin the week end Their guests Included Mr and Mn Clarence In Dr and Mrs Millon Mn Devlne Mn R21 met all Drillln MIL Wood oi 1hr ayumm TEA 59am Weft pd Mnhlnd Mn Mlsx Jean Harrington of Call Inzwood mined her mother Mn 6er Heninxtun nu hostesses at Slewm residence Welunuon West orelm mm of Miss Lamont Thq brideelect Is graduala of the Class of 61 of Royal Victoria Hospitll Min Yvonne hmunk Decem bersbrtdo Helecvhubeeu en mama At uvenl flimn In Bnrrltfand wm denim to per qugmue on Sun may Mquozmun Lam hnd Mlu Ann Lamont werrmhaslesses Mrs Lamonl Wlllnwdale midgnoomhmm bride1m vm nest obbonorut ml cellanaoh women Mrs Gum Chnrdn waived Hemp the bride It ml celllneous shower arm Bum Avendonfldencp Thymus mutedng Mn Mun npyongn Wm mectï¬aaskeafl Prior To Maniage on Saturday Winler son of Mn Mary Winter Hamilton mar riage la take place at Trinity Gupel Camp Borden on Doe wn Pholm by Fav 7mm uousseau en WI held for brldeIabe MissYvonne Lemon the home of her her RJ EIakelyLanwnI 01 Burton Ave nue on Saturday Guesls were received bytha bfldMIect Mud Mrs Mary Prentice South Ror mplne Aunt ol Ihelbrldezroom 1043 centrepiece red Ind whlle carnation and while up er decorated the tea table which was presided ll by Mn Hugh Lamont Toronto great nut 01 the guest of honor and Mrs Frank Collin of Barrie during the allernuon Pourlng In in the evening were Mn Bell Mrninuler oll Essa Road Presbyterian Church and Mrs Jamel Huth Suyner nun the hrldeelecLJu hosr lesser wereMrs Don Lamont ol Orillh and Mix Arm Lamont Toronto Mrr limo Williams presided 1n the rausreau rooms bride of maxim memmn cenrgouy 81 Eau Rm Pmbytulan much on Dec 5311 1wa dank er OLE 31 hmnt Bunla nndthn Mn La momrhg1hrldemomelect the son of Robert Smith Wilson Bynie and 1h late Mn Wflsop mmth mu preï¬nialion by Illa nurses 01 rnunm HM nnuTHEns mombér ol Ilia bridai party borne Wlullmunummai phntr upgwer all her BERTRAM BROS LTD Now 11 UN Inn to purcth your buildinl or remodelling Duds brim III in Inmm Along wflh our lmlmlully 1w prim ha uvinu tven rum Wt nlm Iprclllln In cuuom millan Ind will be rm to help you can on In wlllo order 5M Call UI for All Hgmo lmpnmmnh who TILES CEILING 12712640254 nqnj ovvrloak Eu whit elw plant table AlLhe alrith on bum Andï¬baka aaleylt SL GeamalAngucan mm in wwneidly nltamoon mm you In Just Hurling your mum shawl Guamm matyoull ï¬nd ieveml item idea or stocking ahflm far 11 members your famib Mn Mike Welder In nonvéntr Men In also muw wonder bunk Who found It lhp Janeywrk table One member the Evening Guild Mm 13 noted for her exquisite einbtnld trymm ha compleled maul jaboi pillow cases ncnyymugum Prtsldent the Guild Mrs John McGowan Ind conwner of Lha ten Mn Ted Heals will be mlvmt gums and VIII have plenum of ollidally lnlmduclnzv Mn Don mm wife of HI new minds at tho chmdh em will be Mrs Fundll flnt mrtmfly Jo meet many member the par STi7GEORGES CHURCH I07 DUNLOP ST OPPOSITETIIEVEUEENS Wifé Mjiï¬isfer Willï¬Greet Guests At tTea TRAVEL SERVICE 0x JOHNSON BARRIE LTD 4x7 Shut Sh mama nInIIM mnmm VOmml Almamu Cut IM Curr 5mm Itlxacuve d1 lay of haMl work convened Mrs Wil lIam mm assisted by Mrs Bill Lillln Md Mn Brice Iath wen lather Barrie zuesu mu Shirley Presser In charge of the boxes decorated sbnrlbmd which is bmmd be one tha main features vlhe bake table ls being convened by Mrs Alvin Mitdxell asshled In KLM nayu Dnlch mum AI anca mall Nrflnel summ um all Scheduled Alxlhm For Rmnlllm llckell call am Mummy or 11 Maude Aniériun Alrhnu Mr Cllllh MM mm nzhuk an ers WGrez Mrs Mflacsnry lo ha caqdyfltablgu ï¬cket convener is Mrs Prank tollsz Tea honors will be flonned by Mrs Weller Baylss Mn rE Kohlmwar Mrs Prince and himD Nldmlmn Ten th6 mnveners an Mn Weed Mm Dome Williams Mrs Minn Mrs Lionel Brock 30M Clnldlu Ilcllla Alrlnm Michell ainvcncrs are Mrs Smemursl Mrs Wcir Mu Coxgtduhlg Ellison ABITIBI PANELLING As Low AS mch worm WELDWOOI Milli Altlll For 79 19 16