Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1964, p. 6

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rig 0011mm while his lather was radar St Pmll lnnlsfil and continued his eduoadon In lTammie and Newfomdland He Ix present 13an at St Peters Churda 1mm whllo continua his Mes at imée FMS mmm mm that congmxauon lut night Rcvemnd Howard Green who Dun recently refined mm ac hve service missionary In Japan the on law 01 Ml work vh mice Ilidex Ind hi1 We In lnx with his father Arlle Gm Bank whlla unjufloglghh Meaddmomlvltudlu In Canada came minth the thumb the parish mill No man Sim Jamel Grocnhawl de dlned who mmlnadau hul In Ihe lawnnd ndlool board Alter mm on Norm Am bond or part ol larm he filquparcnuy been rooming nom mlidsm or runarts Mg 1de lo Mm lb mcdhu Ila writh follow dbd not crlfldu 0n quallly flu cdw rallvn In IM lawnshlp In 1nd bellow we have some very oqd lcndlergflnpdm 91m July Clly Schools and will enn lmn la be until undilon pmvldtd II nmmlwr madly undo Ipeclllc rd firm In me mount la phytlo ll lmnllonf On Ibo mm mall Mr Grcmlmlzhn Idler we receiv mm mm mropnm mm rm Dnrrle llxmd by Know whim mud at him mm MN to flu 1mm Mr 11an Cream11h whkh mum in your mlunn lhry mlnflm an uu lbll Iqqmg gamma haul In urn Fm Mr Orahum Ihll mom hr PM Board look II mm IntId In tho 9mm at HM our hntinn all MMn cufl er uidiime uch moxie ll them the physical Mon 15 new Jhc mam not Ontarios threeman iobacco m1 leather nm In vnnny guy mun pelvic Mm Md min Mm Md lb HIPflyth Ib nnl an mt to let him know my 21 lxinkim or him at this Imam Jim his ordination Analhzr manrwho was fight Three ohm yumg HEI were ordained deacon at the EM ervicsv and men AIM Rom Rev arid MIrIJJmeIRm was endained Jain team sent outibylhe Depmmant of manila any Development Impact hog head cl inwned labacca In IMyn cigarette adamrflm WEDNESDAY DEC STARTING AT pm Donn pl JACKPOT $21 000 lEGIoN HALL 71 comm If lEGION BINGO IINNISFII NOTES Former Barrie Mari Is Made Deacon SALES PITCH FORONTARIO TOVBACCO were opt out in the told if theymlved otthe sduoolx an an early but hirsug gestion the Board mooted plan to assure that the halls Ind toil mmldboopenntlmsechll then who had lefl their homes early and molly hurriedly could avail therrkielves oi the warmth and services ol the building nematodemoon thelm to sag hw things went on there With his adult as an mutt ant he would have been In as in the township hoardhad he deddedio run lilo discour ngornent war with the lad that the Mambo was left ithatrt your purpose mom or small cost thAtIlt would MN mailed thus leaving Ihe pu iis them with no pines or col oathHie or play when tlul weather was unlit or outsldn onloyrnent We are indebted i0 Mr Gmn lulzh for clipping rent which outlines new 5don oianninr by the Ontario Dqiartmmi of initiation in their school pinn olmr Ind building reward lhlr Mosthatthe aim of ter new division to to prorth officiency inpublic lehool bulldingl in ult oorutmalon cost and to develop indiitiu in Mimi pmnlwo tor use by residents oi mnicipal ltler during the large pomt urn time whools are not otherwise in use This was the modal purpose at the proposod general purpose room at the anlca oduoolt The utm Inx district nl Polnlwidt LI with out pine ohms Mlle lunc ilono can be held lbvmver nih divided Mil it run cit magma an er In Mun to pmhxpmo Kn lho wwwm three salesmen spent two wedu visiting tobacco dryan plants Ind lactories through out Japan Mu result are imLIUc they can sell gummy fluecured tobacco LAST iIMl TODAY wwmnuv mm mm T0 mu Mulmsnm buuwmIlvmhwm AlumnaI The lengthy bmlneu mllm wu mndflded by the pmldent Mn Melviila wan mind by ucruary Mu Curr llcm dhcumd Included donallom lo Munculnr Dyluophy Ind 01 roomt use especially sev ml 00m awnmunifln had ar ranged ddmlum In build mm munlly hall lhelr own mt Mn Rem convener ol Agflullture introduced the speahr who by means of short skLlclllngs demonsualed many slimy Idea around lhn lam Allentlon wu drawn llghlulnz rods careless smoking slow pipes and chimneys rcfuellng the trader tleclric motors nnd children playlnfl with lire me exllngulshm dzy model were remmmended and use can be purchlsed amp owe the De rlrpenl Agrlcullurel The first day lb Are Convention held In Guthrie wu reported by Mn Willi Smith all mlwns uhswerzd by 19 mambo Elm leilorl were In nllnndancm Iubskantlal balmce was reported by he lreamrer Mrs Pcler Olaskeyf Saléty was the win at Keith Manner Axrlculuzral Remnant ative for South Simone when he addressed the November met In of Thornton Womans In sum Thursday venlnx the Wong MmWllll Smith commud on the mafia Pny at good hnrvest but keep on lamina Mn We Cochrnne read an article unlined Innn back ground nothing In be wim ed Mrs Rcld conduzt ed comm on Tum whh Mm Knilh malty declmd the win ner An announcement wu made ma birth 11 um Marie Van dcrpula Mrnand Mn holh Ird Vlnderposl BUSINESS SESSION poraflan hid nun Japans tobacco Ramlea an to mm Axbucldz Vice Gashman of he Ontario Firm Product Mukellnz loam dial1e Hm Sec Thornton Speaker DisCuSSes Safety rJéqnp Monopoly Cop BUY Flmouu Pllynn 6M Tlckm lll Huh vnll ho Mrsl Ivan Cald well and Mn Keilll Really Pur clmlng committee or chalrs will lndnde Mrs McQuay Mn Bone and Mrs Held Mn ll Black and Mrs Lennnx were named to purchase Kills or wlnnerx of Provln clnl Honor whlch will be pre wzwd my ms was Judging the homes or Best Outdoor Christmas Dlsplay Comv pdiflonwillbednnaduxln flu week of Dec 1L UNICEF Gill forthe Mania Health Association will be left hue Individuals choice vls It In Sinmas Manor planmxi for next July In company wilh mm of Ivy WI cued lhbacm Gmwcrs Mar keling Board Toshio Am manager cl lbslndory and Peter New Director of Emmi Promotion for the To bacon Gmwers Board Ith is 9mm Flue AlmadoyMamIANnQUn magnumch Do you lmgn on Ivnlchmclel In your rya whbkyr ermmr In line ranynun GOLD STRIPE mun mm quality rye umn blemicd fur imoollmm but he not mange fluent Whether you an it on an mm WM vlltlJndl or 3mm Ilt GOLD STRIPE glm yqu In fullbodlcd nominal mm to II bottom or he glut We Ihlnk ynull like the pm too Nu llrne nk To 001 STRIPEll up oi ryu Are you Gold Stripe type Mum GOLD STRIPE mmmm uvr wulmw With three who elected to council when had choice five They elected Wilma Chilr chase Eisnrglrrio andADonad 5mm sum Nomwn saga Thwnship voters yesterday moped co dielpolls lo urn out their reeva chk McQueenand replace him wflJI the farmer de puty Ljeevc Amok Vandsa There was mare of mmble or the position of dmly new with Frank Hewson being the people choice Other candl gzteawere Clarence Bmck and Wilmol Chlpchase Is the only member of he lBGIcouncil who sought melccflon council and he was mleclcd Under agreement ha lbwnan school are board will mum at two reprdmuzlveskom Cree more Ind mu Nmawm laga Vofers Svgap Bgeie FQFPEPlutYfieeVEf Hennessey Tho two alsopm warn John engined and ljaylor grey school boardvotm had cholna of nine undeales Elect ed to the board were Dalian Middlehrook EmlDym Rob 251 McngM Ind Willinm Van SchooIBoard Anion John ston Mamice Pauemn McKee Clifford Harris Delbert Priest Mrs Robert hep Hunter Russell Ed Patterson and Ed Winner svVefPIQZTOWHShiP Cwncil lumen Harris Wei llngwn Dbson Carl Dorm Ina Cavannuzh ngd Donald SLOW WORKERS Russell Hanl said he had 9011 mm the Depgrtment of MDKURST tstaflNomha on held In Midhml Hall here yesterday uw few nvely moments but for tho most part flwa rather quiet with some at the mines not declaring whethar hay would stand or not but preferring take advan tage of the humuslad may have 10 makevup thekr Mu Deputy Reeve Wemngton Dobson Carl Dorm Walter mixes apd Russell Harris ll AIlJllose nominated quali fy hawoverflow will mm Whig choloe when hey no lo 613 pull my week NumbLions wen as lollawi Reeve Wellnglon Damon Walterme Ind Comm Downey year you will have new mp Mlbe township made in mnirics and suggested to the planning beam and they in turn suggest to council abom aer Ial mm whidl an available Ottawa mums office cave Hemhm Hughes Deputy Reeve lulu Lanzford Council Orville Hughes sun ky Clips and An ertht The Schanl trustees are im June Brown Lou Nellly Joseph CommDavis wail and Jack iIzwvuld like lovngéét that HI balance the Damn Forest be zonedgxeen beltand Indu tflu located veLsewbem in the lownshlv PIannlng Is cumin and will comenn much wider mglf Inhtrhe future You have vlleard all your mummm how they kept the miIl rate down Well you just fianthave your cake and eat too Itwu surprise mg to All Hre Acclaimed In Gwillimbury MNRD Stall There Gwllflmbury anshlp all members of ham unwell and ldml beam were unclaimed nomination Your man his glven In account Us Activities 31 have spent sewAl yam on council $1M 51 ygm on Na aid The manning board uctxjnan advisorycap unity Mn Belljsald an adrnot pass ed yakmid ellmlnlte plan mg board andchm would be committees adhutment in steam He outlined procedure whereby commit ol ldjusb men acts and desch the procedure fnr official plans Transport thatflghu wllI boIn stalled wlflfln the held 30 months So ywcan lee my dont wndgyexy last Ibelleve In hard tapping on hair mad that will stand hard tapping Mr Harris nld But eome70f them wont slant ham topping notice Ive been nomlnaled or lwo different places Indwlll state little later wtnt myimen on are Do ld3dl new nominee M4 think theme section alLhe audience hm pretty well mpreseriu the lomhip my Wain We had In school books this year that me over $1200 and these have been rim licated in the last two yum munMW some the others dont wal ml wm Replying lo Mn McKeea re marks on salarlu Roy Hitkiln laid We are dolng all we can 3th hem and we mm Majority oplnion at yeslzr days namlnallan meellnx wax that lhm would not llkely be an electlonl ll morn is one hawevar are are llve to be eluted magnum3 live to oouncll reeve dapuly New and hm cumcflhn Mr Kidding nann mm sdmol has to be ready lnr X961 with the number xi mils In creasing at the rate at no year 11E McKee iald fmere Li no uSe undue about the coat of fixation It goes up every year and It will keep golnz up In school long as the grant keep gain up we can keep Illa mill rate down He Teadwn Faderadon is getting stronger awry year and if may get much stmnzer um trustees will have nq sayjn he salaries Hs wonderful help to the board because enlmnteamusu ally Illlle high nndha pam everything the bone before It gels do council and thl 5am council lmnendous arnwnl almv He mdewed Program as applies to Barrie and outlined ll purpose and campus menu N9 sums Leo Cmauxh nld have will tomorrow nlgh 14 quality and by mat me will have made uplngy mind and ll do decldu to run would thank you or your support Roy Hekllnz fevlewed4he budze the Barrie District Collegiate Board and thanked council for their representativa an Uleboud Mr Kidding agld MrRam say thev new vuperinlenden wha staded In Mly doing wondeflm Mu He was my ervisor or 35 school before he started here so heknow what he 15 doing ne board education 11 commend that wine 15 acre for new same We are going In settle for lillle less 13 acres 111m fire 43 student Mending nlgytschool be nominated but film he an opportunity tnmle vlgws in he Elannlpg rd 33231 IMPERIAL yl nil smirk limp an ciuee In N01111 Ainzrlmlngu 60n numpt on gr nn James Hopkma ol In F13 Ida Cilnu Convnlsflon He wan um lrade meeting hem TODAY Ind TOMORROW SHOWN ONCE AT 700 Exbeét Big Crowd AtBlliston Dinner five were nominated yeslef day and they wen inert Irv Luz Nogmgn Lawyean ol dropping an and it ex pected Mr Glmlani wlw wal on jury duty In Burris when uom ated will xim up Wilh bne Hun Wm out Iyq qu muJo be defied it is virtunfli ceriamty ohm will ALLISION SlamA crowd of mm 150 In mo expuled lo altendtheSoulh Simcoe Five Hundred Bushel Potato Club Banquet and Awards Night SLJnhnI Unltcd Church hora tomorrow night The program beglnava 630 pm The hm sections are the 5x11th semlon 100 points the yield lemon 200 points and ma quality section 300 point the quality section 300 point 111m Is also the Gllnd Cham pion Award EUMVALE StemLEI town ship council meets here may or its last meefing ol the year While 31w agendaer 116 cm bleled yesterday it expected to be fairly heavy wilh more than the usual amount ohm respondcnce to deal with WON psum With only school board to be elected hem and four to be elected ll doesnt look as though there will be an elecllon rim Manna alumna russmv 5mm 1m Keilh McRuer Agrlmlmrnl Mrusenlnuve or South Slmcun sald 13 cnmpcted orthe to awarda In each the time set om The meeting éxpecléh to last all day and will be Ihe last my mail wlll mecHhL year Plos Chuncil Holds Its Last Meeting Election Unlikely ForBeetdn Area oun anconm FEATURE snow om AT 140 Wmnflmflm gm MAIm Ell mintm Tl md Hum 2mm mm 10 Mono ADULT

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