my Mum mum Ilm mm mn or um um wk an mum mu 0mm Ill mm Inna Irma van10M ll my 04 mg MI mum um 1mm cu mm th ml Wm Ind In manor nunr camui umy Numm Ch Amlflllfl TM Llllldlll HM Ail III Imam lumu tinmac mll nuu31u hm ruum MI hueum rm nf Mm n4 am lml plum Chmm mm In Tilpun qkur Brothers and WIIllIm Elmvnll ml Tnttnhlm WIIIIIm has conducted tho buslneu rlnce Fred moved to Ed monon In 1012 The Exlmlner plnnt wnu dener ed by llro In Aumm IIIII our and ï¬npor Im bran prInled II he Salurdly ornlng pIInI In Ihl Klnz wan DAY mrowu so vms AGO Banla Snlurdny Mornln Nov 28 1914 It wu announced ay that The Harris Euminu Ind Barrio Saturday Morning would be merged as one week ly newnplper of Dec The Hxnm Incr wu mrlpd In 1864 second oldcsk newnpaptr in County Simon Ill resent publisher In Machnon who ook over In 1895 The Snlurday Morn In mind by gnaw Unloflunalely denth injury and dim agu on the highways have come to be accepted as natural thing to too many motorists What make the tragedy Many solutions have been offered in the ast but still the toil continues Do 10 ng this vehicular violence msg strate in Victoria is urging heavier pen aities for the kind of driving which ig nores the satiety and rights of olhm This may not cure bad driving but might ntake somo people think more redouxiy mm the way they drive Am mm In rod 611 painml omn Ind ï¬ll pm In In mur Inn1m alum Inllfllyl mum mum mm UNI mun MIPIIIIIOI mun mm Munmn Iguqu mu Vilh early darknus and winter driv ing conditions soon at hand still great er toll of accidents may be ex ecuxi How can this grim toll be control ed Accidenis are not something that hag pen to someone else in some far away piece They are happening every day all around us The way some people drive the wonder is the there are not more serious accidents The Icytotnl of lives lost in Can adlan traf ic accidents during the past 10 years according to the Canadian Highway Safety Council is 32940 the 070000 injurcd ersons there are no ï¬gures to indicate ow many of these dled or who were disabled for life as result of Injuries Hunt NilL itll DONIILLY CINIIIIIII Ill hIUM In mum ll hm nuuh llï¬ï¬‚ oNE or THOSE INFREQUENT BREAkéToR FREEDOM The Unthinking Driver Causes Many Accidents Willi Publhher The Barrie Examiner DOWN MEMORY LANE ï¬shed bx CInvadlkan Néwépapeié Minitei 16 flayflelq Street Barrie Ontnfld 11 mini cam Muiuu lupin DECEMBER 1m PAGE John Llll wrulo home to Ml nlher It Cral hum In no ll now Sullrhury Ilnlnr nulnnd blacklmllhlnl or lloyl Cmdlan llum Arullery Gulhrlo boy hora to hm lholr new rlnk mzly or nhl ng noon County Councll do bmd who Iulllnnco to 31v depend enu or local ooldlm mmm Bur rlo Conumllve Auoclllon mule prom enlallon lo Thompson MlP prior lo hll worldlnng Jimmy Kcennnr 0h rlmlor playcd pally and murlcal numv Iurn wcro mama by Ilrlhur Monkmm Noll McVIur and Archlu lllgg Ml or anlor Sm reported camln homo rom ovmm duo lo mlucllou Iy mmm Ind Import afï¬rm Ir rlu Mllllng Co opium by Aldumlo Bun mhqplm ultodon Block since then Men worn 1i nin To curb Ingease In Populahon BOSTON WI11 pmbiu Adm Olin in min to lim hu mblion inmul in oul iimd Dr Wiidrr iorlioLi diuinn Id Cnnmiinn mm uni quickly In tho Barrio Homo iio Association Major 1L Mic Laren appointed officer in chargc oi or ganization 0an in Candy Work opened tea room in allgltion to ice cream parlor HM Tron Socier held sale homcmudo dniniieu no or Muir Yair iilrni Lingo pukingpod was in mum in Irticio in In It not necessery tho drinking drlv er who cnum the mumps It is tha un lhlnklng driven the preoccule one and the chnnceukcr who accounls or most of the mlshl which give this pro vince In abomim la safety record long we permlt unsafe vchlcles or those that are doctored or oxccsslvo power Ind noise we are not pramotlng safety lat us have provlncewlde crlokdown on nolay cm Ind trucks Let clear the headlight problem Start ln with on things we mlght get the Synmessago across to the people who as There no homo types of accidents or whlch there appear to be no eas solu tion How does one account or the children who duh behind vehicles un noticed What is the dpreventive formula for the overMing river who cuts in ahead of another forcing the latter at the road How an ollce who patrol busy hlghwnyl and run curb the youth ful ricer who wind up against trees poieslnd other obstructions To the credit the motoring public most drivers are careful But there are just enough tho others to inject dan ger Into what should be pleasure or negasary trampamuon gréater is that many accidents could be avoided vulccr Ill cnnrgc ox or Tb mum 0an In Candy Work mm min In um to limll In all Illon olco mm In mhuon lnmnl oub cm Sodgly held 51 um Dr Wfldrr xarmu lntleu Itoro hulldfllm Cnlderwood wn In men In mm In an mlrnwl meu mm DmbfliMlllrfllc Ind Randall amn tayhava mm aw In gown ï¬lls ago lnzoodoldoflentaldm meln WM 1511 nméonoerned yum mu Mulch paused lameon cemhete um Mr Rmdafl WW1 Km ha wu macaw In hrlnlhu 15m wankers M011 ï¬r Worm mm ï¬lm and mman Mnmlllu ol lhc locul mm on lho mum at the mMMrl mun beau mm almdv too mm thiivlml In lln mm mud out lor unmava mm mm bulu Mfll Fowl mod Immu and Mun Ihu do nuny la postpone hnvlnl ohll am or mm mu lmpmnmonl 1n milk cm Iludlly lowum lhl mm rile MI mumview Imnl rrnlkld nul mm our whok mm In 0w pawnum mw 0an ml Iurllul AIM illpll unku mum nnIrd Monum monlh vhll to mIlnlInd aun lII KM autumn ML ribI IoclIl III In thIl enun try um lhI Communlu mm In My VII mud min Medlnl IIoclIUom Dr rancid who or 13 mm VII bud ol NOMNIII Nmmlo ch1 Inlullflt up in III told at Immnunl pomy to Hm ll Huh nu Mm tluu MK ugly9 un mu Mimi Inn Ilmlnl cllnlu ho vktpullde mallul nnmlnlian uld Thu dlnia In flawMm rd flu llvne uglvlm mmun coptylr Whlk 0an gave no do hlll hll nldu wuulnd the Billhh ovarnmem now upendl Top priority 11 ta be Inn to mating new form export lnunlives nle whole mm ol government mendan ubmnd blcludlnl deltnce commitments in coma under Ilrlct rr vlawf And Ikllled nunpowrr and mm to what In described pmlln 9nde II In bu read to hglp bulld up be upon drive On Thursday Callaghan lav Parlinmem hint oi what is in Ilore By loin cap in hand to the banker of clim countries to lind Aupport for the pound he had wriniicd his madam ui action He now ï¬nd hlnueli in position mm which my cinn cciior wouid want in maps as quickly at possible ghng Working cellar of ex equer knew he has only wan breathing lpell no ï¬nal vldary Bril ain must quickly put car nomic house In order Initial ï¬nd way of building up export npidly GYUI at Hue xpense Brlflsh consumer and mm ï¬nd some way of mduclnn It spending abroad Islde mm the curbs Imposed through In exln Inerunt lax11 WHTAINS FREEDOM By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Pam sun Wfllu Inhin Britains average defence spending nnw appear Inevitable the Labor tavern men seeks to rid mil of the economic harness demanded by the Aggie Inlrdeéummior thief 738000 00 mm of ihe British pound For the moment the pound is out or danger The pledge sup or mm the II centrll Inn Includinl Candz cam bled with olhexresources nimble to Britain have re moved me lent of sterling de valunllon imm um local moder not minmenial mm mlth He mentioned at it chimera was ham at 16000 IHJJed work In 0mm And he said Lhal Jameoi lhese were in mm in widely ansnese ami 0mm wern highly akljled grade sud as neEdek and about ma iWhnthlï¬paled was that eoonfmlm minister held pres in MU far 3mm 14 mifbxk tmmun Orient and trying to 11 the report down INTERPRETING THE NEWS mumn chm UK overseas AnnsSpendihg Now Appears Inevitable non 0113mm Pie Inf The SkYQ QUEENS PARK ROTARY RADIO AUCTION Wed Dec 2nd pIm12 MIDNIGHij CKBBRadio Its Fun llsExciIi Good Way To Savq Phone 7282401 WW nusnun he admlnlslralionl xpendlnx AlampartvolQzemmr win deltnce oullnyl fled to the 50000man British Irmy on Iho Milne lo luppon military bases ram Gibrlllnr to Mnlaysla And to the purchasa of Palm mlullu or Britainl my Maud nuclur tom royal FORCE Even Brlulnl Army on the mm may be In for Hm mm though mu my nine new mumun IHIOM the Mlle that the Labor navamment does not intend to clrry lull gem llllldeleyg oi non Communhl erd Otnwn be my um Prim Mlnlfler Puma to he on blzxer defence commitment In 111 Commonwtallh perhaps In the Wu Indies In order that Britain own burden my be reduced Mhome Brlulnl join pm ed with France In build the msflyConcarda Iupersonlc lir cnn may be lermlmled or alrdched outawn Mun can Ind British mm pvwer In olher work Wbcn Prlme Mlnlsler Harald Wllson goes to Wuhlnzton Den he likely wlll seek to per suadl Pmldent Johnson that Brltnln Ihould be nllnwed to re dun purchases 01 the pmpoled Pomh one or 11mm out lha eonunllment about 1500000000 year Ahmad Part of this Is dad to diplomatic and other misslunl mm which than annual bu ex tracrad many speedy Having exccpl In Ihe delahce Mth AM mum mm ghoul mahall mum um In Wall WHI emmully ï¬nd unau way here Particular he gammaL not LA dim are Hivme the busbleu W9 nl Canadm warmly the story 9W Momma omdunllles hokedvloodJn IIOQ ohm lamina and may On report an InJadrtbll more than 700 worker were bimmdlntaly Morest ugough tomako Inquiries And 12 mil pmbnbla that wal going to headv hall of ortenhl labor futovomuh There probany In to mymanIp rqther Hlnm wndem nuhntu um heal pres In um laddem mlwhen Nlrinndafl Outlaw um nlller of palmug zou Into anion thn woqis low high and 1va In exuberance for the Idea dthe Men In canleaw tome my HI doesnt believe In talking without Mun somo pie Pmbabbj 01a reporten con cerned we thinldnt Q99 Ang LJ bo penal Jihad lmï¬mvemenhdllpheed the old plaque mm thl alto when munch perm were executed mm mo or possibly earner mlï¬ newpaquo on trifle Island 11 Ma Mon terand Edam rand 4heend the Mfmxhe condede man won diced mMlmlnuu pd mm In an old CM lamina tour mue to flu em mmdlmm lam mane unp burl tamed the WM zibbet anr Ipemnnent allow Mm that 1671 until 1759 way an ppmen mu have Ms Lnflekjdmm 9g 1cm their own law orthlx wme lullnn To Sam Yqo Later pemnnent allow Mood then 1671 until 1759 when It was puma down and thé wood convened Into and bear Mmll at nurby pdb Flnl World War Fifly years no ladIyln 1914 German blltleahlp and cruiser were In karmic on Western Front south 01 He and In the Argonne tuned enl wry In with 5mm World Wu lwenlyfive yam nan lo dayin 1909 new Fin nish Kovernmenl wu larmedand nu Finn Tl ported mama detent against Mann Invade So mangï¬bgxrnpedmu LONDONJOP qua erected by London lenw Council mm what probahly hams blooddtalned moHn the divlIMmn Finnish uplm Helllnï¬ Canadlnnjflmmz Iquidron was armed lmm Gland Imdy In an by mm Dec ml President kiln det mm Mlnlsler Chuxdml And Ruuhn Jos évh Stafln concluded their math lehrm Inn your no many4n mu mimu Phï¬lié aMarkéa Execution Sppt my mgnuu operation In the See and World Wm lulu hog German armies Tho Mlled leader Illa planned or pontwlr omniuuon which would exist to luau II an ion to Mn world lam lly ol democratic atrium 31101116 vut Htédilotlll 1y Compmy er ore were omdllly trlmfemd to tha Gundim mem menl StA ichoul ï¬re In ml 0an dalmai 1h Hm so dilldreu Ind three mm llsExciling TODAY HISTORY ï¬nancial worry slow recovery during sicmm Eliminate the Worry with PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE to g1 LETTERSTO EDITOR And Jan Mu by In Vol Gllllne In mï¬mmn miulled 2min Alm III hauler club nel In no mhm they In Meme MIIL 4m Our Lord took the mhermlnl humid um and mid It the mmol of plrlhnl urvlce Ind VHeun turn our dilly work lam MeiHon ol HI glory HEBEB SMITH REPLIED Dm Slr En Euler Gdt In your Letter 101310 Editor column hidiyf Nov 20 use very misleadlnl alias became lnw can he be to engaging lebuigoeï¬ly on or LI to mfltflla Ica that hive mpied hudlinel or flush owing Ilfl sure um hh arguing peninnaflligl which are much less Impor1 This the WWII which ant Hm fldu nnd aouoml has so neglocted the ptobleml cm when Dam lo agriuxlture um ma des Adawmbommmdyh fannguolEasï¬emOn Ind live the Lberll1wenlnem Quebec conflderlng march den majority than Illa 9n In on Ottawn 1953 Wu WI This is the aovemmem that meat whoge budget his been mm 01 pm III human of themn people being businessm WWW my and 91am And unnecamry bauldmg lax gemu gminmm éonquuvp party mic HEATING mRMATmcmmE ss Collarer Bmln IPhonIJZOSMS on YOUR ONTARIO HYDRO OFFICE All Money Goes To The Mflnwtarthwhllekotarv jPrqlom Place Your Rolldontl of Cookslown Slroud Lofroy Oro Anguu Camp Bord gn Nowlowsll you may now call Burl TOLL FREE 0NMB10 HYBRID Attention Ill VISIT YOUR yell in Garden mic by mm mm Ind in an ln luncoralone bu resulted in WI mllllon dollars ul Canadian fund Withdrawn vhldl will have lclpamlea and other human nlmueh higher mes the government we pension plan ha hid to be revis 9d at lust three ï¬rms And whlch even now the are lryhlx In huslle throu the commute hearings so that its Miclenclelg ye nut exposed to the Mir Canada Edy glylgll er um he beï¬yzmi in lovmmenl beam ch un rainy magnum 5mm neu to go ahead with mm which they um Ind mm deï¬cient WW R00 DUN ï¬lm