warld Expresses Affection And Gratitude To Churchill MIUMNIKWML 1mm llleultul Prohibit John lllldlnl world mu Mud Mail ad MI hum Mn Indy cum IOMXW ONSH Winston murchlll lrall but 51111 on cl mod thlnzl oi 1119 owned th mun birth Mung nlm Mn the cllnux to my in whlchï¬he Ivrld mud in lflemon Ina mmudo of hi IMme ludmhlp In In unprmdenlcd mum of birth dny mcMMu Amonl the hue pl of Helmnu Men and Men cnmmlu th Gxunfllh Hyde rm ham Inn mo nod 1mm Ind manna Imm mm War PASADENA Calif AP US flauntMarina JV wed 11723 milu in hour lo dny toward distant Maregm day wad of Russian nval In binary Iim Intaylmetary race Mather the In lhe vichflu Mm July It Emwhera bddnd ll per even In Die same trajec hryls the load 11 coanlc am the WIN ï¬nd Mon ay PMaxmul mudeln ï¬lm 51 repulsion labors ory Me 110m 11 mini then Ipeed pmel movlnz In per Iect position or the next dudal manoeuvre In its mum mile man nï¬dcoum noeuvre lo rdina ll trajectory 13M Im can later this The Ndomuu manoeuvre may Increase Marina speed 51mm enoggpï¬ low Malian mend Marinerl Idmiule pond no pun st win ImÂ¥n€ dumpam Ind brandy ll Ami dlnnor PEY TH AVIV Wm Flrln imu all lllln ll gymSui an um munu sztmmwmfln In WNW mu children we born lut mudy la Mn Vulnvaond Innbur JunLuc and mum hm and erm nimrand Momm nurvm UNITED NATIONS lecre Lawgeneral mm flxhlv welcomes Russias weigh rmlnister Andrei Gmmykn Famoux British Genoï¬cist Dies SyriaIsrael Bordor Clashes us And Russia Racing To Mars Remaining French Quint Unstahlo mu warLuna Vijayng its mum In AVIV Ukmml NW out lulu lad JIM IMOIll him Telephoï¬esr Editorlul circulnunn gagslued LATE NEWS 1mm Oanldlln lï¬m Camiloner Lionel home not hh good wishe lo add Ia um cl the Cumfllll lawman Ind Gw enmllmnl 6mm Vnnlor Former prim minLMr Wm br ï¬lm nnl mum HM vhuor Io Imodt on Sir Wlmlonn mat dovr curly Mon du vm In Auslullln mun nn Mildly bl Mull who hunde in bwqud ol mi and vhllc cmdlmll mm mm mm an my inntori dellvmd momma fruit ml mm In mm mm And pld MM apped ml laboratory M51 Lulu dL mrï¬ormm ï¬mmry pmle at the lawaha laid It depend on wham the Soviet are to anl mm the mm mm or m3 mile the payload have grealef 13am probe lolhwinu Muiner ml be more Nlnddenu Ll£lakclupatwoyem lolvhnn marina an hams manned mu LL mlm dun Am made £110th mom pqwedul mob em depends on Mm trade Payload VHS need umy have maxed Scientists Im Inclined to doubt Runhn ï¬red loud to pass Manna Ii cold war gambit 11 new 1h impound Mariner mei ded Mt Saturday mm Cm Kenmdy 111 ns mlsslpn Is to uh television picture Man datum woo woo In em yellabhm Imam Ind In to the United Nations yes day Granwkn Ind he Sovlel delenllon shined ï¬nisher andvdmllenginz altitude by qulicly during the United 11 fun padllanl of WIFEti to ply mum mflhurd than Hwy lhlmt as mm am am to run Inn mm Union GM Attempt To BveflStrike WVILLE Whlu memmrkn have no Mlmmlï¬blolflnbelhon tun In Nllonumlm rr Ion won 10 mllel north of luvtlk Mllnn amlnuy mun ukl today Mall round ur newm nw upon cum Iho Ml loam back III Kunloyvillc IM mm Imumnl mum mind incl 11 mgmmmmm Mu city mud In Mndm mmnl Woodcock immu lannl vice pruldnnl lho Unflcd Aulo Worker Ameri In 10 Ind his ullxllmt Ernest Mound low to 1mm rm Dclroll durlmz Iho wrck mi Ind um um Il Tur mm CW31mm and mmpauy repmcnh vol were to continue Mgalllllbnl today In In Attempt to nvm strike Thundv ll live Genetl Mo tor plant In Ontarlo tpokesman or the United Auto Worker America um and Dual whm ullu endqd Mondayflzh both Aide ndrdnm lot of work but then um may centric mat ltn lull to killed omn haul with GM Ipflkfvlnfll UAW ofï¬cial bald Mondqy allemoon talk wtre pmmdln well but then an Imme dillo lndlullnn III In BUILDBRIDGE FOR YOUNG LAD yéAFoldM to in nnehgg ml Lib mom new Wu footbridge has bgen to use the bride menu Lloyds lather Emu SIM Md sdiml when char nomethlxuNhad to be 90110 Ifld the Fablgnwu mu Darwinian MIoVeIIcmkin bfldfle Ion admol but Elm NW bell lhe only ch to use the brim menu UOYdl lather Emu 51M Md udiml when ï¬rmwï¬x to be no no an wu tinned over Markham States and other UNmem bet to one In km on UN ï¬nmclng It nlng ol the Gmcral As meet ing May AP Wmhwto WP 41M Last Wok whun byd was My 1° 1N NORTHEAST coma Rescue MoreHostdges 17 musH mm In an rlflmnl Mu Almal Ill mum bclmued Ia lhc flelllm 05mm many emuy moleawn uld TO AMI 1k added flu lb mm Id ducod umber ul Mflua IQIIJ MUN lhl bu ducod umber ul Mflua ml by an bu Ml nllwuxh It mm ma mun mmlnod Ifler mm mm mt Mod 91 03 mm uh ht Mull nlng meedng the assem yl 1964 session H115 afternoon pm um conï¬ne use mullns actions by aoclamuflon These wnuld Include election at Alex QuhonSaekey of Chan WWW may be hensseï¬tly would mess day or two to allww more urge Iorsnaxofli on 09 the ï¬lm usua would formal formal wwon which the United State DOOM juvykevhlidq No the dmtey ll pmvvdes 6an UN nwmbex wo Yeamfln nrrcm nn it due dull 1059 you in the many bly fluull refusal lo ay peacekeeping New at MJnvflnljcalegory Informed some dmmd the gamma warm 405 said the United Bram wants longer daleml 01 the matter also Soviet mmimenl to negotiate on future peacr hepinx magma iHeiressnsownIon mgmml 11m Amilcnflon lar mm hall pending blaring ol the tho wu mm by 31d counsel wanna I71 01M Jullke 011mm the 3aman bun ol Awod until May when uh um mm will be hum rum Malawi mol Suwa mucomddmi bunny ll men Ind am mum ldnl nlnt outle mule Ilary Function than lramlom Involving gumv claim 10111511 mnnly mmm And 01an lho ham Mommqu mlun About In mllu lumb nut cl lgM Ibo mcrwnlrlu UNIIED NATIONS CPD he United Nation Waited Provo no ahowdawn in the Genenl As temny aver Russias dual to paynfor UN peacekeeping op enilloni Sum Foreign Miniser An drelGmmyho um the Vice esiï¬fns and mm shn Ix éwl Malta and Zam RH Winsrbï¬shh Th9 ha Propose Wmlfï¬dw new mnlmverdal mum on which then was unanlmu may man unul Christmas recast This would pom negoflafldns until Nixum yhen the Gum 111an dalml and Molar Years In Prison For Shumiatcher Barrio omaocmanrp£y W6 Gromka Proposes Iocesnsme Opening ToRdutine Actions than at uia ulnaflan ll Main 43 gum VMQ ml Gmmylm rekcled fltant mow Monday saying Iha sawlet Union mgegodcauy op mses postponing lmponant matter an the assembly Igenda km period ar Indef Initely He xaid Ms govern men mum flu General 60w minim NAchlnLIw lInuawiu work 111 accordanal will Nnorrqngl procedure nxe mum have thus ened toqult the TINatiom if they lose their Vote illha assenbly flwy contend that oniy the Security 0de has the pawn dart ml Iinnnca peawkceplng operahons and that the peacekeeying 35w mutt The gonzo undulggi All opera 01 Ire becauu morn vyied by he GeneralAssenmy Gmmykn spent hours wflh US State Socmlary Rusk Man duy 55d bqlh said mm the media hndbeen imdusive Rusk also met or an hour earliergwllh ExLemal Mair MMMEjPaIdv Martin SUPPOIVfl U5 VIEW Canada has supported lb us View that the vam Union should automatically dose In vole under Ankh19 be dmrler bgcaug it mean on equalm yeara mmnu Marfln dedlned to tax deï¬nmly whether Canada would wort US molullon to lake may the Saviefvolé He said it would depend on the and dmnutances Nu 414 cumming laid it would be mlus 11 my cum You wan taken awaywar id 19 andhe hoped In lemmrmduuau could bq Wde 1m that new nyair dam Enumnldwr And Thnmu le Monro comm mm Gum nu mud wllh compirln wllh 1m 1m Welln um lo Mund lhl Mlle Wweon 1W Ind 1901 11w flnmdlnn mme In wroldvlllo In mm Ul mm Mlll mummhd lorln Conn DIL MAN IWuWEï¬ sgart Indi coi REBELS FIGHT BACK mm mm lulu mm mm Md In III In on rnrnmemlmu Mud npnq wu belImd flu WAWA 0401 the Iiï¬lnlfl maple cit flax racem mendzd 0d 29 by apednl oommillee hm It sounded like replay Harold mdbnh mll Ml recard The Unit Hardware Slate owned by our chnler and DonId Mndlnwn was In fllmn Ind Jo Mumlllml butcher 1M wu nlmdy Iluv Ily dnmm Along with bur ger ahop ownled by Gordon Flr Of Tim WhuhmJTkr um Lucknow In depart menu mm him which brain out Iharuy utter mm mmmniu mg no win mm ms on mom history and tanned that lho mentors mu debut In the nu Wu or the mom Tachnlcafly the ï¬rst day 419615519 on the linle mm bullntuu and an em pty building was Iblm and three lru department mlvm to null local qu deplrlywnl i=3 sle LUCKNOW Onl CWFlu butan out of conlrol lodly In lho mnln bunlnm Mellon of MI vlllap G0 mllgl northwnl Slnllord Lucknow Fire Out Oi Control Winter holds no term or pert eilvc Hellman Th in it Deamberpn lhhhlim Lainuh The name Argumenu um Annas 0N5 MISS DECEMBER 1km provincial pollu Inm llnlnrl wm brmuht In MI an of am pcrsons thou Jo mlln lol Norm my to he In flu ch 0le nld Man dly lth parlimlnly Inlet mltdln Inlnrmnllon nboul youth um mmmn on Him MLTIMOHH AMFIN In funny brick hulldlnl local hm lady mm Ildrut momhm ol nowInn 111 mm molher runnan lmllh And our War thildmu nrvlvvd 33wa kg gum noun waiawuu flu in my mpklu Ind um um In Mu IQMMM In m€mm mutant ddma were restated but wflh md 1253 passion and ï¬n his lime English speaking ConservaA Hm again Argued lhal the mI narity LimaM mvernmmt will split the country If It scrap lha Red main and replace with new Hm wilhoul ï¬n enn suilinz the rub through llonal plcblsdle Government suppoflm re piled um MP Arc elcclcd to decide public issues They peaked melt mlmuon mm mlmrlty In Pullman should not prevan vote lndrflnilely Under House rules mmmltlu report normnIXy come up or debut Won the dlfly quuflon CACHE MY0IL CPIPm vlndnl pone have launched miniv cumbarked by 5010 mumokuk down young prowl who lubed one woman In drllh and lull nnv hr tar dud wluu IIIII domlnated Jim Jummerl Inter The ony heal of the day wu mulled in two procedural Imunenls Baltimore Pixo Claims Children in mun Hammered Post Reward For Informatiox Into Cache Bay Stabbings she mnummmr 1mm gulp 9n cxhllarqt NMer Tï¬an 7aPirCoh3114PI mm Spgnmnry pigs conunuxnglcom Iodaym momw with qccuional sno fluxï¬es kw tonight ngh Ibcal Weather lhI mega llllérid Mle wound Iald palm uh hgr III by wdendm lo lllorney mm da pnrbmull oflmd In mur or Informullon ludlnx lo con viction ol lhu mun mmnalbll In lhn mu NH Aldcrlo Lavcrxm 6m Ind ha woundin ol Junncur lltnund Dnclorl Mid llny um un nhXe mum lhu number nun wound on Mn urgml body In Nrnnud um mum to Mn La ne Jan and was ulnyln LIVIHM jumpeï¬urln When Prime Mnlslcr Pear wn nnd II Olson SCMed cine HI opposed this idea lhe Conservauvc chlomln eased the lavemmenl trying to mmms dimsslon In axHume Ind handout lhl wn Mr Pearon rmlltd Ch JansenIll MT nude 111 undue llï¬ mmmcr In day dcbale an IM luvcm menla original mm or my 17 um sturgeon Fall Mfly Suqdny Fried 9nd polllcy glgmunco milieu Leader Dielean ker laid Ihis order or buslneu 5hon be reversed during lhu flax debnla give the on silica ha opportunity lo ques uon ministers on run And impgrunkwlllerg IIDHQII nix mum Wm an Wm DPSMEIIM by HM mm mull parties magi by nbiï¬oy X135