Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1964, p. 13

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Hon0r31141Pers6ns were no repom ofwaler clue up in the St laurence Seaway day he ollidal dosh Aspokesman or thé Sui Cigar Works here said H1 55 ties which also include Nero Julius Caesar Napoieon Stalin Fidel Caero Nikita Khrush chev John Kennedy and Mussolini has boosted sales cism Ha sald mw rate Nero andNapokon it wnuld be an historical dlstorauon to legva gut ngler and Mussolini cismconfinucd the firm nught mutually decide lo withdrlvr the Hitler portrait flle three haw peers from the Commons are ColJohn Mob than lumber chairmnn the Conscrmlve backbenchen mmmiuee and power In My politics Mrs Evelyn Emmet Lhe dAughlexof bnron whn becomes life peerass and humid Envll owner pom minister RenewA mica firm has run into press criticism or poflrgilnfiesnof his men am ly of the present and past Including sir Winston Churchill and Hitler printed an cigar band Liberals nrluéd lhnl lha flu mmmmm Hu ended 19 Iulnmmmeudnllan hafnium Lead mu enbum nld lhl wu an nt Iempl lluollla Pull mull Prime Mlnlskr Imon Inld morn Hum loo Comeer ller am on lha plrhhrllt mall wlml It wnn bdou 0n Noun provlausly TUIJDAY Commn mull at 230 By THE JANAth Pm MONDAY The Commons conxldered the upon he flag cam mluce rocommendinx limo maple Ml on hllo Rmund with red panel each nldc Speakvr Man Mnunmm look under Idmcmenl Can servative Imcndmcnl or PIEHSCHO Mofiflwhy Waldo Mon lelfh WC13ml wquld pm lhé mnucr buck Man he tommlun or ramm mendatlnn or plchhcluv Nine new peeragek are cre nled The of the new pm we elevated from thé 3mm Commfim meaning that three byelactlonswfll he needed All will be In sale Con servauve constltnendu 1111 they will enable the Conserva tive party to ind Common seals or three former mlnlr Iera who weradefeuted In October election No Freegeup WDONQFbrmor pri mler 51 Alembmmluflome exercised thq privilege an outgoing lovemment la Monday by swarming on 4lpemns Firm Criticiied MOMHEALlwrrlheft fishes alloy may crill KAMPEN The Netherlapds mienIna lo proposal by Slnnleyflmdlll Ontario mlnlr ler emnmlcs and duclop mum to Ilrllfl nmdleworkm lrom anun Mr McDonald prawumatnlly In HANOVER Ont ICEDon Ild MacDonald lender at tho OntHo New Dormant Party admnbl In at It Nb lhm qnsriala ol Illjlcg pagoan mldclud the Ontario zovrm mull Monday night or rald In ather countries or Ikillcd pemnnel Besides the 171 form com plaints flue commission also re celved 1m Wainls that ii classified as informal slaps leu slaflon covering than 15 nof contained in he Ontario Human 119m cm 0mm apartment build inywflh fewer than six sultex or mloymwim fewer than liye up Ijable to Ilw much don II Anni Il on tho Inca nml any bun ybur duenu And when or than um um fFnr mmpll lhu Ilhllm manlth lnoolm 0200 um ulklnl would mu mu an on mm In nll wank looking Into Th1 Mm 1mm MhleHmluflHflrv muunmgffnsuna mhulllthc Iuwuuo nuuv me figure aregiven by Dr Daniel Hill dinner of the com mission In the current issue the body Cmvplaints cams mm 50 dillarmt municipalities in Ontario sexflip éodé mm burie ownem also an exempt TORONTO OmMm Ontario Hummmghu Gimlésionfiag Madafly setuédnéa com plaintsnosed flieni rum Ne gmesand Jews varying types at discrimination duran IL 30 mnflhafifopmtion Thirtyeimz complaints wen dismissed by the canmlssion an being without cause Eleven wire Selth byboard din wiry and oases still are be heard Criticizes Ontario pm to mnllnue cumm mllon tin flu cnmmlun report The Small mean It ma Settle Complaints sm ALEC noUGLAsuom DONALD MIcDONALD Min In ltyouvq put In lot at hm work pm the put my yum or Yourratlnmtnt mu In your rawrd Thu final no inlay your lemofit to hm only worryIII Imam ThnhutmylanchkvalhhluohxuMlunllctum Hy Annuity No plpodmm lhIJAbuLlho guman mm Mnnulctumu Uh Annuity Whathcr ynu VI or In yum nr twentyIve of mm youll chequo or 3200 mry month You lumlomto Mnuulndumu LII In worry Ind rink mnlnulnlnz In InnomL Tlmmh Um annuity lmnnmenl your aplul and the lumen mm ulcnllllally combined to In you and IIIng lo th nl your lm Over 65 $200 month can be yours for life KINGSTON TlCouncil up provtd Mondly night Camr aqul region conmvnllmn nu thnrity lo Inclmia momma mile valorbed Inlo Lake 0n urlo Indv Iho St anrenm Illver Mumn Adolphuslown so mllu ran hero and Brockvllle human 1mm Emu di mlar of the conservation nu thorlllu brand he mm men my Ind mnmu nld the wlhmilymomprlb Ina 19 munidpnflllu and war mm wlll fill one Due mlh 1an In lmlhem Ontdo mnumllou Imp gaua mama to nukeApmsewflm We WMOY OnL CF Medan wuncn died and three other was rem Lon don were re ously Injured when their car crashed into Irans port lmck during mowrlorm near lhlr Area mfles west Undo Klllailiwgrg Mu 710M Haw raga Ind Mn Jlml Mo lniured wen Mn mm Put nson 44 Mn Mth do am about 45 and Peler Hownrd our monlhl All Wm Men In Strathroy hospital when their million were reported led He said in an inimle II has been in loud with Metal Justice minimum mmfluecm anti hahlexislallvn and flu due edema gavelImam look ms motelsan Mr wlahafl uiso ma film nxul More whether lezishflon In return damn to cues of mild in midItlth ill pub deligliled and mxious go WM legal filing Igaiml 10mm JOEAttorney General Arthur Wishart said hat m1 woqxd be AflOKNEY GENERAL SMART 0K Watershed Ynu must hnve sameddnd law and order nld the max imaia Ynu cant let Inynpé walk filmth these places In they mean In hlx city than mmoo or mm film what everyone wnnled In do this type thlns SUDBURY OmMnislral Woodlme chalrmam pt www poiiceconnnlmam nld Monday 11L would be very loolixhvpouw to allay dtlzenh to walk imo the 11er mie cefl block onygquest He was commenting man tempt by Aldermnn Andy Roy pay surprise vialLto he cell Mock shortly me mld nlgllt Saturdfi Killed In Crash Legal vAction Eraaxighfiéiiéy OJI thmhn aw min thiIllev gum on 51 rector ol £on Colleu In Mammal Irom me lo ms Whirlmy Hurwlt mural mam lho NeonMorton modnn pldun dram In Canndl Iliufon nghfiaflbnsu gain mma noun Iludy analysis by In expert and lwo 0mm the arter3 department last wring They recommended es ublhhmcnt ores uarch comm Guam and ccntrnllud Ontario establish ment Maple Mr Nixon said he in not hwy with the expllnnllun Illa department WISIIART OPPOSED Mmmyflemm Arthur Wh Inn of Ontario mumbcr of he lexlxlalm Inr Slul 64m CWMans announced iiIe federal government to move its two forestry inboraldrie 1mm Saul Ste Marie have raised objection ram area members of line provincial legislature and House of Comma George Nimn Uberai mem ber of Pnriiamenl or Algoma West received mu Nov 19 from We depuw minister of lorulry laying that Ontario rezivn resend estab lishments would be iotaberi at on Banks Under the plan the labora tory ol lnsec pathology here would be moved to Ottawa and the oust lnuecLlaboralory would be relocated nt Maple 0nL Illa ol provlndal lands and break resend atauon Mr Rousseau said the pnr WINDSOR ONJIM urovIn dul zuvanunenl was mud Mnnday Ju estabflgh WWW me loin loan figure of $2729 million includesan increase at $317 million in the key caiegary commercial and other loans Txgln eugm on Meg e57 Assl1mse $393 mllllan 10 54668 milllon whlleloan lnall calegorlu totalled 52729 mlllion upfim million from 1963 Ne earnlnzsol $17854333 or $294 per sharealler pmvlzlbn of $13211 or taxes are 66 per per oenlmom than In 1963 hen eamlnzs per share were TMal depqsit at $4340 mi lion show an 111mm 01 $319 milllon or 95 percent over lhe 1966 figure Persona sav ings increased $915 million In same mllllon passing he billion mark for he first time Ike TNWW III bflell unsettled to momma select connth an ynuflxvmleh finA hag hearing here New briellrom mefvnlled Con mince Service of Greater wind not asked thattha mnmflsskm be established in encourage operativeth by local conh ur oymen we laryneegg 011w MONTREAL Newrecords in useuloans deposit and pm It all revealed in the Bank Montreals 147th annual 11mm or he year ended 019191 11 Issued today Moving OLLab causes Bow By THE CANADIAN PM th1Q9V7ii5flrggluqunggmigh Petrifihéi Yofithlcpmmigsioi setsNéw Rédbtd nAnniE 7295594 brie martin Wmdsér and DEATHS Mr Nixon has anmmd hm Forestry Mlnlsler Nichol gon and Mr rkamnu hve said xpedai dillodors meet hl has mulled for chner In considng the move Mr Emma laid ma Itudy zmup realized abandonment they physical plant insect pathology laboralvry worth more than $1000111 and cm slmdlnn of an tquivalcal bund inz at Ottawa would be J01 problem lorenry insect laboratory mm here would have to be taken up with provindnl auflmldu me two laborltme employ pipioyecs to 50 addilkmal perms durlnl mewnmer Mm paymenlu of dividends the balance or earnings for thq year 9469883 to be Added lathe balanne of undivided pro at 31061316 unledjorward mm 1963 This makes m1 of $5557599 which $1 million has been rammed he res account now at 5156 mmian Balance of undivided prom cafi rled forward stands at $1599 no ha had wloul mis givings about the scheme and described the proposal nu du astrmu He said hehuasked the Ontario department or Ind and forest 1th 0m Ihe go Did 510 dish the edenl pmposals Hogs president logs Chunlye gt Conhung mama mam Imam likslflIQMdll overnan to advise 1001 bpsnix when Median ol ermUoml 1he council also umdnpni mm early ldeulfknllm and counselling to lho lncl deuce ol blah school dmpouu It asks that link be considered We Pee efxploymgntlnuance Commit Ionw IlheIegislauneé leleot mm mjueo has pmvlmuly met in mom and St cammu VI iLsare m3 sgleduled or 1mm eieémifixdlmry NHA mofllan loam Add cnii loans were $211 million and $237 mLfllofllyufiecjlely Securiiiu holdings aye shown 5114 million or is niiliion mammal year ago Quick asselgpi szm miiliqu much iius iradiiionnlly strong liquid positing oL ihg bank DIVIDENDS U1 Diyidcnd pannequ pr Vina year lo the banks more than p000 shareholdeil have ampuni ed to 335000 or $120 per share five cent more ihan the ismflue 3m zrqup 5314 amayll the DRIVING WHILE ABILITY l8 IMPAIRED BV ALCOHOL OII DRUGS In align no of up Io $0000 andm lull term at up l9 mm monm Mlndnlory IIIIWMIOII cl you drIVlll com 101 pulod of mm In le months Th Magnum may mound you Ilcoma Io Ihm mu Addhlonal mmdnlary mpcmlon oI you imm chnm andlho conliscullon ol Iha Ilcnnco plate nil you motor whlclu until you lllo proof oi flnnnclal Ionpomlblllly IICOND OFFINCI THI PINAUIII Mil MUEH MDII IIVEIII DRIVING WHILE INTOXIGAYED ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Ilm Minna Mman ll mm for parlod mm day In on month with no option of no Mmmovy mmmlon you drlvu Ilccnca In wind cl on you Thu Mmmvm may mpond yam drlvm liwm lot lhm mu Addmoml munduovy mpmlon your ddvuvn llconco And the conflmtlan 1h Ilconco plum of youvmvmoy nhlclu unlil you ll moo o0 flnmclal mpomlbfliw TM calmnth you no dena ll nu limo youvoflcm my In Mud Impoundod Md hold by Iho pone kn mm monlhu IICOND omucl ml MALI All MUCH non IIVIII on ma Mum Muu Winding up In jail on drinkingdriving charge will saber anyone up in hurry The penalties are tough Better to learn about them now Hereis guaranteed way msom mmm xuomm ymysmmm Elma 39 prlsoner My le cgntrdp Paul penilenlluri wan dubbed Mbnday night by 2L law prlsonen ptuvlnclal mflca said mdiflafl wnwmfledv cynical Ahothar vdsoner vm 2an mettldned about the slab ygi nnwm sun whim uh mm Ihock um um mad In mam SHES llIMEMAHLEI ISHEW WALKS vsnmca to sober up quicklyfi YOU 35995 5599 PAY ONLY $106 now KERNS iu gun EVE OOLDWMBR OnL GP Enrl Brandon who was dated rpme here In you than mud 1nd reéelectcd was vre turned Io mm by mamaflon MogdgyAnlghl Mr Brandon de Maud former nave Lawrence Davina IanDwain but wu ammrum MYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISIMASI sm Valual mason vacuum nuilagalnu thevillage ale Hon time In special elect he Igatn dzleatod ML Devil In this 51mm County village unséaleij becéuse he hid 15 my mum mm Ans Puouamuu them Inn mm cnltjn Indus gr Im an Mly nu unmfiun an nu we meg 34995 may an xiuan 11 In EYE 65W $499

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