Toronto Maple Maï¬ly In the most penallwd mam la the National Hodtey League are helium to suffer the conse quaneel of melt lawlessness Costly penaltles have become Wrontol nemele flze hall averayng almost 19 penalflea per Kama missed golden Wally to dim info ï¬rst place during the week end 111 owositlnn connected our limes In two games on tha power play leaving Tbranzo wth only one possibla our Mm with 10 land In tha L1 pe riod while Toronton Bob Pul lord was In Um penalty box It wu lha Mlh power play goal suing Tommo th1 season compared to the it they sub cred In 70 games last year Montreal Canadiens ended lhreegnme 105mg streak with victory over Boston Bruins In the Indy other gums played Saturday night Mammal handed the Ranger baok In Now York Sunday nlzht while the Bruins edged the 9135 Hawks +9Inpglc resulln lefl Delmfl In ï¬rst place with points one more hm Toronto Montreal teak mm with 21 points leav ing New York one behind and mlcuo In flflh win 17 Boston lull 13 points rguonn mman New Yolk Ranger scored three times with manpower ndvanknga Saturday night to scuttle lomnlo 41 On Sunday mm puwer playgonl by De troit stood up or 11 Us with Tamnw LVVHILLHLyAhrhhA MumnI1A1onxï¬dukffmxnhnuanAnA nunnnmurn AND cm nucmumm mm AND smlmmnu you mm mm noun llArvlVVIIMINAMN yummy By THE DANADIAN mass Rangers JStretCh Leaf Mastery NASSAU $13410 JAMAICA $19030 BERMUDA $11360 BARBADOES $23030 MEXICO $19900 ANTIGUA $19900 TAMPA $13400 MIAMI $15400 ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE HOLIDAYS INCLUDING HOTEL MEALS SIGHTSEEING AVAILABLE WRITE 0R PHONE FOR FULL DETAILS FOR DIFFERENT VACATION TRY WINTER CRUISE IN THE CARIBBEAN FROM $23000 BILL Mummy Mvmgolmu SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES RETURN FROM TORONTO ll DUNWI EMT For All Good Sports JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE SUGGESTS BILL MANDLIY Jump but Camille ii tied it midway through the ust pe riod nxen the Leaf penalty Hiiina crew collapsed Henry added another his nlnlh while 11m Karim wu ipenauud and Rod Selling 1560M while Puifoni was all in the second period to give New Yori 51 martin Phil Gayetle to misled New York in hm Kalil beat Sawflmk in the linule while Bob Bauq Iian out minor RICHARD RETURN Hmfl Richmi return mm masonion Injnry seamed lo wart the Cuudiens as they cullde our point dining the dead He looted one Ami wt itembiaya winner aim Boalnn and earned an min on Davo Hahns dadd inx goal in New York he pocket mimpui Moni uni ahead loon beautiful on that uw him Imp in on Mml Ed Johnston and aka the goalie on wiih chmJIM handilng But Immch initr at Terry Sawdm we urbeata ble in the finale and each wwncl up wlth saves Sawehuk however didnt hxvo mud chance against lhe 8411x911 qu Yoxi Deaf captain George Am smug evened Iheocorelale in lhe second period pldung up Eddie Shaw rdmmd and dmnping 11 pan alumina Bogu Gonu ï¬nde QM Lu gonna new ï¬lm limu We met play mrlnl lhglr third win mm Mata In ï¬ve zamel other two contests were gays DIIOIITK QUEINI le 7266525 CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Provost Momml Mord Ibmnto 50mm New York we Damn THE CANADIAN PM Bobby Hunran 17 goaLr during the wedxmd Ind opened up Mpoln lead ma National Hockey Leann wring rm Thu lender wise Vflne nighEmil max whgahomrm am ed Canadiens mum old teammate Jacques Plum with 39 shot New Yolk Ind outlasted the Finger Alter tak lngaSZleadlnflnfintpo rind Momma added an unm uwmd goal In cm of the 1m two pedods Jean Beflveau Yvan Cour noyer and Bahn sound In me openan period while New York rcplled with goal by Rod 64 hat and We Hadfleld Hull Gflcago Ullmm Delml Mikila dingo Henna Ngy York 550 at themnd period Ian Lied it whm Tom wuflm ï¬lmedinardmmdonlnnlm PHY Trad decided the mallmolfluuï¬mwflh smoklnz drive Ihak Johnna didnt have chance on The NEW an Hull Advances Points Leader Mum GAPh Gite you chalcn Hum ml Inqlnu Tomuu Command Ihl maluflawv mw 165 tlx INK Im lovml III In mm to wth bnlnncn pawn and Whitney Il 7Maln nullno cunhlulr wllh clam comm Will mouth vlbullanl lldu dm lM Mbuudo 270 ML V9 oflu low will too lnltoducod Ilm ï¬ul compcl wn nvoludon mlnu uuuln Il wulgm Ind glm mm In Ihovulmu Mum compact Inndm Now In mum PM No nl ml mmhlu mlullon In llmv Ia am out 1mm quality Ind udunv lumm Iollnluu albumOurluxmluulmwuGAmbundov In mmplllIN now In alu uppe nn nd puuvmmu VlAll MOTORS lIMITED 17 Gowan 51 mm Look what happens when theeompaet leader decides to expahd the luxurious new longer larger 1965 Ambassadordesigned to bring Rambler quality to the largercar buyer bu We litmusMn man all rector bow rimman of Argos blvke dqwn Friday mm II wiewr was in laln Clair OBrien said if ï¬wh mm on an new llfwu jtha vewrnnAIim Mc Daflrey dormer pram and Senate manager who um meeting early Lam OBrim 66 pi an éarller won ME has absdmmlfï¬grw 1n PHASE TWO OF THE RAMBLER REVOLUTION THIJBNLEH PastasIfiSjbivï¬Ã©i Lowest Prices CASH and CARRY Thu Ambmudmoflm luxurlmj plcloul Inluhm chem 1mm IM IMIJIWI wklm hm ol comm pod mllna omlom All with 7901150 Inlnq Ind Immvod lumbk hudmthm who now ulce uon cl pawn option Ind Imummmhlng youvo m1 wnMJrom Imam dc mmmluloru Mlullwwu oqulpmm Io dlu huh Ind AMFM ndlo Indumyn but wmvIvwulghl mlol lnr wwlov p014 plck ma luv mwvlng mlon Th 58 Ambuudor alllrl udunm nullity lutmn Ind murucdon For Innnu mum am stuck Unll Comuucdon wlm Unlfldn napalt Ruumollnp Doublc 5AM Illle numbAlmond Mullm min reieasinx mum cm Elm manwnmtwith the mm or manager Clau fold mums Wevenevar had mum coacrilizdobs¢u1ha the revanswhy he med Mammaliaer daytbehrgos mimedloflva ghmemeonmlhehadin galruldecklonbkuï¬ win Ag 7189721 éidokiï¬f9rtrusworthv moneyservicezggf ll ygu mmluihuu cur rumgum d6flm or my nod nmmbuHowhgld mm In 819 link 1m lhnn 150060 um lama my mgr Sn nilllllry loan lpulllllï¬ It nodshold ASK ABOUT CREDIT ur Insurance on LOANS AT Low our Mm HouéiuomrlmcEQ as which ShedWeuTalophone 7266534 wuSlngm See the leader in the fieldch Look what rumm whcn lhc compct lududlddu lo prandthrwa Ihl flamblu Rlvolullnu 1M 1065 Ambundm bllnq mmblu qulliw Ind mum lo quullmll MW luw uvwllh mm 70 powovopllom mi lulqu hulhhu llbumlm molllnm 1nd has Ambuudor on dlmlly yum nolghbow hood Numb Dualfl Thma no balm mm mm lo uh wuvinalnu an 65 AMBASSADOR APRODUGT Oi MENU NOIORS WW LIMIIED IARRII Mh