Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1964, p. 7

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aifidlfifloifi in nndlllth INN chmhncu on we nu didnt WM um It won Id Mud mm My nl pm mm Maw 16 hm all In mm mm can mm and mum loom ANOTHER lhm mlnutm not In 64mm Ml when he mm Mir ul mm0d hlcrnl pun In nml lullhmk John 0am unwed dour to In lan nnd Mm mo um um um mblni ILQ Human all szlklgded ll 01 as or nguoonz mm twin room 13¢ year cupqu Mvamluedl defend MW ml Ind am on with mm lemlmm at mm um um um All in lbs um quarter MM 10 Ml on Mnmlllm ll Mum used lhe llafi dalmn Mm swam mRONIO WI313M Mun finkhch fit rogerr3 pounded an 51 $1413 men downl In Brulgllh Wimbl TwoWjav Star Describes Breaks everybody abs didnt figure that than mmparauve un knownsrwould aka blgpan 1n knock over flu Web house the Eat um um um wen Inlo the lam favored in win by 6M poi But 31656 In amn mdl Ind 21 vislon viewer was flu coun try yen wilnesa lo lhclr hlk lhe mm mzmbmddrom Hlune BlLl Mums and Peta Ohler Between lhem their were al mlly rEsyonaible thfervol the our five mm IAVDRED TO WIN Thq 11ner his pout yearmm um mdded undermmm mm In 64 and gun the West In ml victoran muwm dune nlnce lhn mpngunol nallunll In 19 lha name Mwm Wm W40 1169 mint mm who had canled the ball once or no 1mm wo yean of pmfemlonal loolball and paeth writing Inservd quarterback mm on punches Bulimia that 133v Brim Comm Mom uusht in many mavme or Haminon morth plans named mu Mutt null rthe 110 1mm me am power the hence for the M5100 bamred out drinllnznln M1 made law damwuakpatmeson CanadinnNalional Exhibition sudlumwmmm armw yam amt hom enter the Western rleemcc anticbe am Iamlnt met with rumwa you mari In nznnn Murmufm loft touches Ind 11 Waubr Muniii who to no mum Unflexpected Lion Source LIoNs swm LUNQEggVEfi 0ng LINE bliflmflékn fbucubéWN 44 ml but In the par Ik M01 14 moduu liter llvlng Nu lg Hm xx um and in gun Held Mtlu rqn llhrn MM no ham Mu MM Arum MM mm Bom pm my Magnum Aloud mu mm mm hi can din Moulmll honor mm when Mlu Altman Sum 11mm VIM mom Mun liming 33 pm 12 IE wncl hallUm Name flhlnlnntod at mqu he dlyn annual uln ln carnival Wu Man new 30mm Wu mum my llnmlllm who er on Eryn hat gut um mum 10mm GUmum 10 mm gm Emma the big fillMn Mom amid all he bi rm In the Gm 0m lootbnfl hml Ba hut wet my Mum Ham on look than at an In utlmdm mum ma Due huh nuted mm 11 um ma lo be mm mm In the lame mm us use new and 1mm Sun We Lvulht um durln¢ the Amt hall and ommmhu ddlu Jun too Mnmvmummm Um wig mu momma In said men in fun ind fiilfifi 34 an machny mcdvcr onIeE miitfibiuoif name on bmken play 131 of lb was Ely quarta with Lion in lmnt The westerners had llned up or field 011 attempt mm the Hamilton 15 Ohm ambled ha manual rtlfloved the ball and pilchcd an and none pass to Jim hrphln secondstunt and who had bun deuilad la Quebec Float Parade Winner muzaawns and mde safety much Time Aimply ran out on them 111 scoreboard medLion Inn 1101 3441 lfiserliaqbgwga and Iqu an man Hamilton black and gold colon knew although despefllion Immanermfly nemq them 11 pgln ed than tha llue of urlmmage In his one ballcarrying cum In game last year scored lwn touchdown ln three min nlu and four nomad In In lhlrd quarter And llley couldnt rave some amora mom nme IM markupmilflnz blood Ind an the pmwl had cut the nons lead lo Mum Mun sey wen to work Playlng In lhe lulllmi spot left vn¢nnl by knee bdurylo flnlalrlnl Swill and leg nllmenl to new budstringer Neal Beaumont he bulldnwd 1a was olllelt gum llon his Ilrsl Wm HIM 10n the lasplay ol the gunk lernnd wilthgercm onlhél 81 as Johnny 0mm tumblEd Ilbng lateralllnln qunneflznok Bernie Falonéy Did lme EC ddwxlve end bobléd the loose hall Minna wulhen lo ml lt on mllrun and he mam l5 yard of lnudr thn that ended the HUMm Houoomuu 31 vi Iltoflwwlodzlorqw but Joe Raw and Ohler End um New on rut llmikonn Gurney Hm my mamznmb at and lemma In In 01 WE VIII of Mo field Imp mm the 30 01 rimcm outrained he on onIJIe round 2m yard 10 150 may Mum ulem lat169 My bad the most In down 246 and Zam out nud Belem the Dome Imourlty wind with an IV olu lulu 365 5M 00qu mm mum in lhls one ex am possibly um am Hi mg unillo Wu were ouMeIenecM And lhe lhmflton coaching mn declined to mm In nilMs dispumd pm ha whenm telephm oormnunlca Iionilyflem It was dead llne or he In ha but nald mum ouch Joe Rustic Wl not who bent We Wm beam by better um 11 Iculd mqu dldnfit pmve n1 infill 9m 9x live zépanEnccs born 1951 summed up the Ian bylayinl simply um UP I058 Coach Rah Sazio who look nuLs over from Jim lrimble last at after flu Hamilton won only pm cup In Goad Dm Sudan 1of the Lion said fdefini it was broken way lho ziyearogd OhIer who mend moi of hll ume holding the ball 9r Pele Kemp planfitting and who does free13m wrime wmu poetry said he had been practising the pass lofcamhln or Just and an evenmamy 11M olher Hom mm caratWm Swih an oneyard mméfiéd fiflmfiki fimW mfifl cm in who was term all aller noonflKempl fitted on four of live nvext Illempu Ind genu mom mod the may boudi wlth fivemimiu renaming me me Wichhdiyh gum nu punk as 2032 In tho hath when they mild 111 umd to lilo after nae totem 0mm rem bled 58 yards down um alde llnu Illu taking laterallmm Faloneyfiin d1 Ohirdquarm Ind file Tim field lender tossed lounan strikes Io Ibmnu Grant 1nd Stan Crlswq In the Inwan when Ihnnma wuouot mach SuDRrin converted two touch Mind bugs ndded another In the even my mlspue on the map BLOOD DONOR ClINIC MONDAY DECEMBER I30 3116 Fifi 500 to 830 pm AT THE Trinity Parish Hall 300 DiflonMvgcnfly Nulfl INFORMATION CALL 7234134 CANADIAN RED CROSS um Inn In Klimtrm run um rm ammo Lynnum 313an YINmillth lb 53 amtr mannamm mm and nut In hum If Im Duth 1th mm let car when Hm 110m Wk Imiquafler lead Swih xvi his mam VIIMAM 71yard drlve hlmwfla by 5ynrd pass non Morris IM Juanita Io Hemlnx lo lb thig grd line 0mm aurrmlng pity mad 130 early Ihe mm Mlu Zugul Int point he on went 100 yards In live plays Knpp gained 15 on Tnvmm Who wok III flu Matslapping was Munsey He gamed 61 NM Inmcn ldu nflcr taking over the fullback do mm mm earlyln mom on didn qu mm nu delcnslvehallbatkposllioflhf hliladdiggg wag Lime Vlninnllcm the aim was let early when llmruom Wk Among hk victim Han ley av madden Mme who sad Igniblafigllm on 115 puma ey wur daring at the round on mm lnln loom Nancyv mm target n°m 17 WV Mel to Grantnnd Crlmn gave him eight in seven cop dunes hawk ing lha record at nusly held by Joe Km nl Ham mnn Flying Wlldcau Ind Torl onloArgonauls Fulanay W37 14 passe In the final quarter alone com plaflnx ulna or 99 yam names ACCOLADEA Kama kept the SW howl Hxnikon defence um balance much at the 5ame HaAplcked hokg In mum deep pmdefence Hr mum upndtfnabg aligns by JHM down mm mum marl hlm our wide 1611 tricky ehlnz Mu curler and bard M14in Mfimcau m1 do Mabwl naming who tamed only yank In five earl rmbefore retlrinpfmn the 19 NV with mlld mum shodly Mm mum bar ralled 761mm lhvflnnAkon mum lorfl yaw 03 II lo to rpm yard aMhhuym second quarter mmm romp on of mormmm piecu bmkenglleld mm lugs hnvaA neg emumm 1ng Bulkthn We dont tell the Plicdtequus Ml 00m xi cats in the mum 41 mm and If MW WMflmey Mt 1U Ilihfll lQMJEX cunning Warm rdlihré He ma WJFTH mm with ma mum quaflerbnok sneak commuted page to Harris and Homer and Fleming went on his long ramble With the noon Brlflsh Oahuxxng Lion 34 and the Hamilton TlxerCIIAJQ BabbyKuuu of the nmutrled man Udmflim In Ham mjhe chm aw in 454111 line the 55 mm 1911 and hey ruled eachcam wall 111 any nm to Bundle uld HapShmldlco om supervisor for the 335 am Nth Comma achnjcal polatgq mmm Amman mam Im arm muggy omen IIme im mama by Mellon Paul Doing mm was call mfm up congnvmm mmu mafibllll GREm Remember Remembtha great Black Horse Alo of vustorday That was great alol Welly find that it still tastes as good as you remomber lt Yoil havent tasted ale as great asthis in years xixn Hm man vva went 50 M11qu offensively and defensively and scored two KC buchdowns was non commlua Ive no panties aspira tion In said Mayor Iwimam Raffle In the running or roeleeflm hex month was on hand 10 greet officially file elitism wulmme ma first 61155019 ever bu come to Vancouver He made mcomment flue vMuJim for mayor travel 10 yard will kickoff must be ukenllllnln his use the Hem wen only yardz but then wu no against Hamilton Memo flu ball touchefin 121an the ux qul is El Grey 001 awn 1w Mom Sunday He was the star In Hom 3431 winiove Mum gerCau 1mm Saturday and he mmxlmllely 5000 who arequ DnelplaneKhue Vmade grkzmphnl hm uzmmffimfi mid Mumy by our own plans in downpour rain much Ilka the weaker during LheGrey Cup game anew FY 91 W95 Thalu the Rim Hm noted his 3111 Munwy as 1mm an Ah Canadg Magi II 36 Human PEOPLESGHOICE Icymi px or maypr warm fieldwim lheyafdsum only twleelnmeashremmm conceded new lguch came lo loe Hull gum lu wlu the Lions ahead 3415 lbw had the hall nitbelr own 32de flnoon third down and unit 1an Neal Beaumpnt look Ihe my and lnn back behlnd 011030 208 flno eunoedmg the twopoint My loud wHnmfll9nand zoning to keep pomulpn tha and Ill flnll landa Hamilton Just tom ol yards far we roughplay calls um wen mum am far no yards on punt return and wyu also called or lakinz too lob 1n omb qunmr huddle And will less warm mmgoylgynng 14 udnrvm ini mum wllh waif3 and maps puma rm mu thijmuflne Hebe BS wns called orhbeinpoflxidm twine Hamilton odce AGAINST RULE The rules are flu lhgra can be no conceded sllellea in the last five minute cl playlhs to prevent mm with good lead numb an lhe clock by giving up fellas and keépinl flu bull my the opposiunn fiaofllclah nvrlhé two ENE mad Hons 11m made 12 Urehe hall and mum of can Maced WW Wu possum Irrth uwlucunnl momnoben Flower Nupier sc 31min mtheler Bear bummer 1mm meal ml MKflflofl Lamb 51 One lgr Menberphlp shanty 60 Chi Moanbenl mmnotffl Rodney 3L 5mm 1mm 1mm mines 10 Dan Partridge 1m Bu One remain undnlmed 10M ck signed by fine acme cluh was won by ticket holder munber 339m Followan the prize Hm Shetland Pony and Saddle mm mm mm Point MA well In hu pony draw mether prim were distrl bumdu The draw awards 1n cluded hockey stick mam Spat ma Sparta the ocular Semvm Nebula In On mu mutton were En rlaam hushenmeo who put dused blush at um mkynoepclon rpmred Sports to vlcio over Cal llnxwood Indian 50 deInz file has hold onto secondmth in the thumb Gem2m aw Junior drum Yum Bob MW 1mm Polnl joined men adm Burl udrW¢lldr¢nlnd the Museum was wlnnnz Wow 11 ocualhn wu thu annull Pony Day hockey gums at Banlo mm gm Iudw Ma leodbekllha winning dd or Shetland Pony and add Arawnzun 9ch um 151 mm MONDAY Nam 1m Minestsqufith PonyWinfier neg

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