Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1964, p. 19

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Gdril Ranchisms Prlme Minister Pensun wnn hvurahle crltlcalnrevlem or his perlormnnce bun hourInn revision Ingerview mm Conmwnd wu nllin through government npendiar estimates spurredby lu sell leposed eommllment to ma lhun inll approvqlby run Friday Ihfl In1nrn wouI Christmas ms Gnthuath IAIIII EThdttstffiqfdeernment lll lhu um 01 yen whon rlondl get logalhur Are you ready to look your butbut your but Gard Ranch Menn Shop present ml 110th or drum occasions lhllI NM lo plum Vial ywr lavorflillyll hop Gord Ranch Bllp on null or two And nloct hnudqoml Bflllhh Would lullbl or occulonli Tho la right thoUm now Add the flml louc mm In Aquueumm wool IopcoIL wile1 ITS PARTY TIME ITS TIME TO DRESS UP Mm unmann ui pual filmuzhout the wezkgth mm anly govqrnmenlyjelded 0p pasiuon pressures proposed iudidaL IDWITYWHIOHUIB ac mnllompfln lincwlth an op posllion wagestlpn QBut mmlyg Mond Iy Parliament Wu rookedpy accusation InquC ullve agsmmt to ona minister Vallempled to bribe lawyer Acting or the uUnlled States lovemment II Monk11x trndilian can and Vlspeclnl 19 1mm lo another mlnisurr at tempted fin lnllucnog the mm lawyer PHONI 72mm picblre dimled mm mm Justice Mini er Favreall The storm began with cryp tic question by NDP Lender DougllsMondly He edxed Mr Flvrenu whether twomen named Lucien Eivnrd and Juries Gmlenux nre ibeing held in Montreals Bordeaux Jalli Was the United Estate seeking in extradite them on dope srnuzgling uhnrgesl want ask the minister whether any comniainis have come to him that person in My positinns in Ottawa have sought in bring influence to bear by ealhng nn MnPlerra Lanwntaxne whn is nriawyar acting or the 15 government in order to grant these men baii Had the minister or dercd an investigation bythe ROMP WMt was theresult Weredaarges to be laid had come to hun rim or mnlkzn providedjy 51mm mm In mouse The mlnls ler had ordered mlmmedlnko investigation 0n flue baslsol the subsequent MM report he land decided against postcu on Erik Nielsen Consuvaflvo or the Ylflran swiluy took over the chiel attacking Me Raymond DenLI exemtiva mislunt Immigration MinLv Treniflay offered bribe in the nmoqnt of mam In Mr Lamontnye not lo oppnse the hall cation or Rivardsa1d Mr iclsen The offer we re fused Ihen Frlday alter reslsflng or two dayl it broadened the lnqulryr tom reference in the fun cl Ihregtugd 1°on Mr anrédu replied mm Commissioner BMoal411m mhh name vaniih pa hgayllngs for an economlc hurricane what with new Import Mun con flflfimmpfitu ner Cdlaflum 11mm hat Bril nml manic pmblum can best be wlvcd in quiet and mutton manner and um govermmt had added them in bualnuslike way Bu ho named the mortar hil Innis wen meant to be harsh when he charged ear her lhlrweebmwnvmas eoumlaa had received the wmg lmgguslou ol gm labor LONDON Cmdamu Galla flun who handles III with umqu chic with smnlnz and easy air bold oversea mu rupondentl quhhed kale the uchequer Mm has been at the wife mmmog mm dimouu pérI thame dedmd imamHm 360an men Callaghan Shies From Headlines MF Mam ma Mx Deni wuh lutl on Hot you do IMII buolmm um um lo mks um um lhal ltlophono doov II limo owlmind oi lumlnl unlomm Ind prospocu my will buy Haul Jml out mlaud all om to your oomooum could gm you though buolnm to my layout um lino lot ayurl um um you that allwith mum llnu 1am IM buolnou you an mam when you pick up your phone lhm finned Guy litter ppecial mtsunl to FIVreau phonga ML Lamon lnzpuzto sug be no mm lha bgura pl cnllun TheY on MPlawyar wax ntlsrled Ihe events Mk ylm without lhe minlslars lmqw ledge As to Mr 10rd myywn knowledge mm personally buded vojry subsequent In nation wax rable leadlma In the belielhedld whnlAhe did in an Innocent Mr Lord made my can lunble conllderafion but he fild In govermneng work could all oftsuddenfiop mmlngyaur way he bail Imusg we added Andre uten drt Mr Famwa ant ex ecutive assistant ha also been wheat Guy uu mural MP for Montreal Dollard5ald as mem ber of Parlamem he had made represent9H0 ln fiivardl useHe was convinced hohgd dune nothing remeheulble DIDNT PM Ha had an Mornled lhe prima minittuol ifivaIvo Input until that morning and pending an inquiry he was Ik in the prima minister to Heve him of Mn dude is par liamentary secretary mm was memoan shout wilattbe pfimowmlnister was told And when MmFavreau said the prime mlnister was WEJPEBSPQ 1194 nvi Ippnmuu unul yesumay Tremblay said he did oz ell Mr PenSp shun upq clrw Mr Famw announced film would be judicial Inquiry deal with lwv questions Was lheminlslar dcdslnn against prosewdon reasonable om Whth an Further evidence um might come before In In qulry wvnld Justify prueeullon Mr Nielsen uh Mr Deni was fired and Mr Mrdlleflfihe govemmem serviceto may at Oxford Mr meI said Mr lmdi move to Oxfonl lwdbeen Elms for 0n Tw mblny laid alyfayi denjed penis ylho those mixes hédiasima hede Wight set gunman mmo am not to 33 had to mime the prime min lglufihat nygglmnt had de system behind us We lava been liven time in mm furward with our longerterm plan of strengthening the ewmmy so um we lngylbe ably pay nnd are uddnz the pol ICy Wtand this ilusmthl In adzlcvo lha olhvr dimes we mod on the MM floor and he bushes officeme roofing out ol Maldive nucucel wherever they occur the quick mun aldluhkmu and In dulmal idea Meaning that cmmtricl WNW Germ we Med gm magic 53 Thu mod Important step wan an export drive thrwgh product elliqu and compeliuon mled with um determination I43 may an 199mm policy 11 Golvemmmt tvnmqxcmeql mm iii $333 it momma autumn mmme mm mumum nunnu do you shut Ilia idoor on avoryhodyelso amt flm United Stale posllun Sn South We Nnm resemble the vmblems of man digging hole In wann ea nl supponinx Namfitninlt Qlfir nuwkt Willamlhc us in morn deeply mired than ever Having given aid mounting in tramway mo gbqu Evifyi hovellul of earth LI replaced by water Bedrock Jtgxlm is jury way imp ha nu easy choice between keeping It hp and dmprpinz It flxi IIluaHan II noyl dnwing unalher penetrating analynls in Waxhlngton amid alum um the 115 19 tougher mill larlly man auxmin ruc lion will come From both Gains and the Saka Union TAYLOR IIIOME level consultation lhnl will In dude Pmldenl Jahnwn nexl week Taylor on mum mum 10 play down reports broldar mlllury lcliou especially the Gen Mimi Taylor us Ambassador to South VIM Nam Q3 back In Wahlnzlqn lax1in Sh WlnsfondlurdIfll whd personified defiant Britain inter darkest day And fines Viétnamese Bdtflé vi By Ann mum Cumin Hell 5M Wflhl sm WINSTONw ENTERS TENTH snncm SCISkQtCheWCmFights Sleeping SickneSS Ind mam hn had In ywl Mum um 01 vlnn hu nnly wand mu Enslim in fitt°¢mu¥ up It caann against variety of Alaping Ikhlcll hm wwem aqulno cnttphalllll noanjhitlhe war may spread bede SquglfxVleLNun 5m lhma polii spun dhecllylmm Ilalemcnl alm Euud go him in Salxon helm are no uch IIIan al simple 501mm in 50th Vlet Nnm he nnldt 11211 are lou mmvariables anHAmpt put lhmun uny cne prawn Spohamen gag wmm The reason ny provin cm with dwarlxmm mm Helhanlmrdntthodln ydllprovdlm Mud cénsultihohlaa review WI no hnnzndm decimal eon But the list remain lhu us faced with the alternaflvu of expanding its role or waldflnl meuual Iliumlm ln Saul Vle szmcnflnup deletio nle nce Pmldml Nun DInh Diem legder aincc 1°55 wan du posed and killed year ago there ha been mccenlon of any xnvemmenl realign Inn $111 1161 varied among Manitob hem In no and Another um yur about 10 per cent then In gamut no hum KIN IMIHI Ch Pun lull Ill MM hum cl ml Ill owls mu hm kn olva an all lul ml man man um If My man Iman mm II conunw lho MNMMA mfimw WIW hours ovum Second wmd War celebrate his 9011 blxth day May He is Ahown mm Agricultural Products Rise On Import List VIle 99me he menll and dots In that Taylor vislled Wuhinflm In early Saplunber than In abordve coup Stud and Dudth rioting and flu subsequ declanunn at martial law followed bl Ah pmuu pm lime min urnlb 1w mosquilo awed ha viru by blllng hm In hich MM than mu or human 1he henllh dqwtmmt work lnl with the Unlmally 01 Mini lobl the ndal amoullmv 11mm and Ihe nnlmai health btmch nl tho ledml mmum Wt hm Ir nomad finding on agony WIN WARNINE ln Momw thin week Hum win an Aura warn from um um men In the Krem lin Rush would supply lhu necexgary Isshllnea lo the Victnamele Commbu the US attacked hem This was dune rum tbs nuttude oflNikIll Khmhchw mm 11 confidenle win Llon ha intends In Irma or In mansion of mfllllry action to block Jid com do the VM Conrimlde Emir Viz Nun from North vm Nam and Gun Em lnhlslut yin pro mum Mmmm mm emmzhzfi Mu Mlmed I4 the Dell Window mulch stallon It lha nouUI Hm lcdnd lot mifm Iii hm not to Mmflnbal vlml New 35 mi lpfl turpluul on ma ammo coward vlm MmlllM In Anflorulboyh nanny uniform In Frlnu during the first World Wan WW ma vim mumn mlzr Han us mm on North Vie Nam in August Khrushchev reacted mildly drawingva bum Galnul bull or his Influence Thuo In ample nvidenortha 50qu Vietnam thnmsdm perhapnmrc good deal eu about the tale nl flu wu than mus lueltinroflxerxswth nut Asian countries Ind mlhnd that eat lhl may write off he mmuy Viet Nam wn coupled by Japanese during the Second World War Freud lumed alter In war and left nin mar Inability In win an kmrmmlm Now us Im an name problm II mora than 20000 cl ILI mfllury Advisers are in the muntry Ind Annexlean um um mount mam luucunin 59cm in be taking Mme mm MMMNW WWW MW mm my home was al 111le been amazed to ha 619 can an apedmem will be laken mm luwl and was lam Mack delivered to Mich 11 health dqmflmn up We mm landtnfll mud Eating duel has an diam 0mm own the flaming damn Ahau mmlogllu Ind Mk health dildo luv Illa In Almond lncvfluhly upon mm In bordu 0n nur Iddl mamm not ul 10 In lpldll ill um um pl was won lo Unllod mm In to work II film at Menu I1 ourme Mid wlu Keller micat of hi Irommlulon ol the nu Ind cquld result MI out hrdn Fbvl um groan Tbillmlfl but lmnlmfi In Main Mmmluwwm with lam twflmllmflm at fir Iion hn awed mm In or the Multan Ingmmuuwpqm 5Y3

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