KEITH Manner mledlhud reprasenlnuye gm Somh Sim The lwd tit on council who won mmlnnlzd in mm are 2413 5101 and MIL John BCHOOL BOARD The public school bonnl mu 4an ncclnlmcd ll com Dr Ivu Jud Brnilhwaiu and Idcr Lchcr This In or lemr term ollmnlnl bylaw 1mm hy council lnlsummcr chanxmz Il mm onuenr to lwuzmr ltrml WAYNE sum Mayor Elmer DexRy Wu wdnhmd Inst night It on lbs mfldul nam lnallnn mm hen In don limo Elm pcopla were nmnlnalcd or council And there an nix lo be elected The present council cousins lool Allslllr JlncDonAld Ken Kerr William Knnx Donald McIntyre IM Gordon Hook Only brie tom cachet mum to law each wen olferedJyhmdldnm Mlyor Donty ma mun very mild mlnnflm mneunz wim no sign flmwmks that rummpw some thus meta Rum BB Mm wu nlao le dnlmod COUNCIL TOWva ONMIth Canada knw how mt Mm Iumulully uh mun lum la law Mku mm mm lrler award wovld Mml IlaAmuan leader 11M Frlday nlm Otherwlle ul datum dinner mun States Canada Needs Grea Men Dority Is Acclaimed Mayor At Tame Nomination Meeting dun Walker Sr win nxu Trophy winner shown with hair trophies at last man Hi Award Nightubgnquet AFTER THE FALL BOX OFFICE OPEN ll AM9 PM Ivmmos Vm ms 10 woo MAT wan we TO 00 DIRECT FROM new YORK ARTHUR MILLERS OPENS MON THRU DEC 19 given In hi honor by hman lrltndl Mr Imam Inld lho Anmn Alr Imuu hllndnm Ind hm pemwulu Canada lhn ho ddmlad ebowhm In the world Mon revomonl ampltd men mu pnulnn and put to NM now Mica with now todnl Ind economic luluro with ml in whichlfnmh Full Meded ll wall We and nlullon by mmnl Only mm Illh lhll hum VII ho heeded mm Ila mm mnflm irmdl Ted Flnn wu Acclaimed In lhn tummy Cammluion or lug all my rem Election coma um uh pinto Dec lelan bem um one Ira Mod Odunwnl acclnlmcd Iowa wan um dwmlmm for the best mm In dalm stnllon minim Ml held in Masonlg nan imam ya Eugenjam may mun Walker 09 flu mu mmm Com ELIIEE Donm minhm the at Nmrknmduwhmflllp olmflmillhhmlnflupre mUon chr polluflm will he made on wodnesdny hen lying walqg mflmion palm Hm Vahdnlly mud he hum Helghll mndnry Idon on 1le Drive Nowmar ket will be lollwmd by an gin with mmguyy with held In so gm In mum Mhl hamlet Km mkedlmm 3m clonal Mn two muddpflula um mm Water lumen hm Peam ConslmcUon Company Hmlled at unzemllle Onk Will mmrua lewnge pump IM BMW cwen oroa Emvme Val dOr CmuhudJm Com pany Limited of Val dor PQ will construct maize works In cluding lumen Im Enxlchm lot may Laud contract awards by the Ontario Wnur HmnmCom mum Invulve mm pm lecls at lhc Village Elmvnla IPA the Tgwnol pnglfhm Award Elmvale Sewer Contract Night hqu Mamie Hall in Skin Iu niihL Newmarket Plant To Be Opened Recognition of flu mlnbutlon Eldon CubM chk Gianni June Cubm Norman Klingk mm 89919 PaulWalker Jackcmx amines IPAuserr EVENING ï¬lllMGATIflnllfl AWlldl WWIII BLAKE EDWARDS nmlm Pmn ELKE sgngns somman 01m Snlllm Acting pm zram chairman Panicknt tn the mummy will be cumdtv 1me Ilo MVP Yuri North John Addbon MIR York Norm Dr Jame Venn dmnmn ma 0mm Wm Imm ammlnlom Dr Mild Mur ray dlrwlor ol ho York Ownly Honlfll Unll AMI mm Inn warden York 0mm Ind nu ollldnll plum whldu mamam lMake Awards T°¥H61ubs At StaYnér Eldon Orb won the Rotary Club Trophy for HIM Club Mam In South Slmcoe donated by Mlhton Ruhr wwudmhm Mic ymllolflchï¬gx vim thou Munuser ncdved the El wood Madill mph or dump 1m mm Inlavrfllhgï¬dflflt llonal Dinah Oxnrpdldnn In brie all he explained Iha main undions of purlim men and it mialionship In other governing bodin And to the purple Mr Mndifl congratulated Ihu Junior lumen and men he on the excellent work the him Ind ambushed the dependenc oi our whom an Lb Izrlwlluml Industry TROPHY mm pawn ilstol kwhy win hers allows and Wide 119 01 1mm Ind award winner will be pihlishd iaizr Dill lawn and Gordon Willa were presented trophies by Keith Mcnucr for winning team in Iho Demonstration conpdiiion In describinx the dullu the GovmmGemral Mn Mad uld He la govtmor who doesnt gavern and be is gen eral who doesnt command Ho ecu on the advicn oi parlia meat STAYNER IMOHEN lawaaasa HI Club banquet Ind Awmkleht held in Masonic Hall here Lu night was mo the most succh Awards leMaoftheye Folluwlng the ha prep ed by Junlor Elwood MIdHI MP for Duflefln Simm gave the junior 1mm and annotate Ihumbnall thatch lormalilla And procedures in parllament He ewlalned tho steps that havelobe taken be ama bu can ï¬nally become aw UNIIL SUNDAY HElD OVER Ihl 35$ Mei 1mm ww lmMoLy $016000 pmvidol huh mm by an mum Iluduu mm proton Ind ml mm In mm 1n the Hoth Illm at um 10mm on par any with mm made or Man Human MM an mull The newspaper Mlished ro c1un to tho sunk mul llon 1mm leveul can coun lxlu ml unar hxy cu Bumnn any Al um and mm Wm but remained dlenl on other Eu human nacflm humer ben believed It mm were and mm now 50M loadm Altitude on Thu Congo lo null lhdr on national libcntlm muqu Aldca 1h Pnoplnt Dally ncwm per thc China Communist PRICING Wmtfllfllgli an ay eon mweï¬srmz blurb on what they termed Andean and Bob Inn Intervention in 11 0mm But no In they have not men thned Mum puma min he pmuoop landings meal11nd secondary maul mm or it mid willow up Gfldl them high school duuflon In the mvinu on yem Mr Davis uld halo mllem In umm have both and mm jdmoll Lpd Mbmyiu the comm1T6 whoia throw wide um 01 mn Itlaml or annual IdlvifleL This wu one alum of flu Cnliiomia cmmnunily college yskm which Mr Davis dis azmd with anhmmh he was favorably impressed by the cm whale He Id in mount that in Onluio community colleges would have to tires not only gunning nudch to enter uni vanity but an preplrlnz them 1m further edmuan in me tedmiuI and val fluids The idea community mi ieges is being studied In Ontario by Mr Dnvin Grade imple mentation commlilee myeu commnnily enl Ieso program could be manly an qxumion ul tha pmenleie Red Chinese Attack US minds lb dropout rate ipproadxinrm weenrw lbe end of the lira year Toe theory behind the pollcy wns um evury orre boy an opportunity to prove Iiitéï¬Ã©ï¬tidï¬ Calliomla Mr Davis said any person In years age or over L1 eligiblo lo emer lhe Junior colleges regudlur his pmlou academic lehleve menu 1011on CPiThe pm vingial government apparently in no further limit or thm months 5wa iron making da clnlon Lhal would nvniulioniu hlzhzrjadueaunn in lama 1111 would ihuembiish mgnt ol xyntem oi mmunlly collem Jutland flaxnuth ihepmvineo 19 oiier iwwyur rm pi postumndlry eduu lion leath in iha third yaar university Educnihm Minister Willinm Davis whoth uudicd com munity mimeor mummi lexHysunu iniiorida and Gallium called mess con lerence Friday to make known hisyieya avls nldllm gt pm en Ontarlo has no pollry on oommlly oullegu Bur he added Then wlll be mm men olpollcy wlmln two or three months Heinldtlxall Incl In Me Ill be introduced ln Ontarlo community collelu would be established on rellonll balls lorvlna xpeclllc munphlo or populgtlon um Anynnnouncement on thrln roductlon of thl form of hlxher educallon ln Onllrlo would bo made before the leglslnlure poulny In the speechvfrom flu lluono when the Home open In the latter pm January Elmmum Indium gnmmg tum Colleges full HWY 400 AT DUNLOP cmvmw Continentd 19m mum mm mm THI Freedom an Up menu tho Imdom Illylnl Ln mid blood to painful mubiunn 5591me An ohfciil an ï¬zun dny uld Gina wouu Mn 11 MW com L1 91c halibut Medlwflll said within the Mwort of Us am men the Mn wuld awa luvo embuhd on mu mum 3me mammal Jm ulduhu we no it an 3000 mummm ranm Indolmlm mi um 1h wisdom of Mn In men by rand or huhlam or both to run lhq us In porinlln an at uurualm MirIll intmun mm vmmu matters pertaining to the betterment of limb Ind bath was served noon 0m tho WMJMPMJWW 32 antiver WM PmlamrGeom Jones mm the Agricultural 01 kxa at Guelph Ha won an growing com In Dlwlo um luv the hard when lot 1904 or Wt Hedllflgd um oï¬nwm WES uu plfly today condemned 05 Aurullyn ullm 11 01110 uld mum mini mum mu radium lad viciou 5mg an The ï¬nancial ml ol the to pad shamed um nub Ind wmled 123550 puma ware LII 1le helmet the WHOISMIIM whida In been In operation glues um me now has mum new mute may handle hiM lstraflon and mum at record or ller mzmben with of 70 antlord meantime No blsbighflw Slmcoe County mus mind the home the no record holding herd Va miles are m9 MawLion that Wmm cw ve over flan pounds of mflk to be nd 1001 old 41 mmqhmunuta in Mantels ol the Simone Oouw Holstein Assodlllon met It Thornton yesterday to select bond director or the can year waging reports summary youd mwm 111m an Elli andWhlte breeder in 1m and all are menbars Mr assoc This MM Donald Bell muaw Prnpéna Smdmunship hophy taiNarmm Corby but allround mm at Huronh Public School Annual eld day This Imphy tannin Dimérl we ï¬end In mm mva ml JHURONIA SCHOOL STUDENT REC STARucHr wuss DEAN Annim ow In wflkwni parhm INNISFII NOTES Holstéin Eameis Meth At Thornton In limit7 whfdl willnbu be the Awmdl Meeting when In Hn of the AndUm will be amni ed their mam mum Don mm Wan Ken Spring Emile for grain It uhuddbesmwnuamhmp He 3de he cedinl of can instead western grains Ind claimed that with roper nu or mductlan whl cu be had better eflflinllon 226nm can be made to pay New Jones chimed Ihnl them could be demand 60 mm bushels and that Ontario Mumacme per mummy wre dimx dihemulmstmkhlbe whkhwmfldllhw meoamuhm IihwourlAll miller Ind of thewth and tun wing lhvls crop By mgmï¬ï¬uféfï¬remi 111 um School supporter or Normag to aka hams BINGO 500 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT $23000 SHARE THE WEALTH EVERY MONDAY 14 HIGH ST Abva NuSIrvko Clumn RCAF ASSOC Admiulon 50 Exhnmgi mm ilVES AWARD SAW ISYIIURSWRIINLY HWY ll IN BARRIE MGCULLUCH MGBULLHBH 1puII Tnum mmmnbcanblnuda lo Iult you Your local McCullochdullmfllulvo you dcmonlluuan DI ntl mm or Illamund For tpodflnuonl mm Formuflnulm uun hIVI warm hurd kainn cCullochchuln uw lnr nnl313l35l Own I1 MM 15 In PARTRIDGE TRACTOR of mm Ltd 949 °° 7282752 an