Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1964, p. 1

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rim uoNnrmi etta corps irorn Vancouver march shortly down mm GreYCup415afadéj Mane Heralds moonm onlan and clowns pretty xirlavand colon in loata tool over the heart ol Toronto today to the annual parade kicking oil the Grey 01o loothall itna Football iana mnny nuralnz headaches lrorn night oi pre vname partying and some show in also that the party waa atilt on lined the lock pm ado route up to at deep under cloudy rkiea hearing threat oi rain in mild weather the qowrl rained the biggest cheer when Lovell Colemln eCaigIry iullback voted the countrya drove by in an open convert ibie 1hmrny Grant of Hamil Lon outstandin Canadian and Ppum is or lnernan to nor on tan or were inan to take their placea aln the parade teanu prepared or no game the exdtanent began nighi when visiting an loined by thomod ol tbrontoolana nudemaybuninthwntawhho in Irndon the Regina streets When the rablic partlea and damu iaded out notso lvate aolreu ltreidred into at room matinees drabii boztlnz the Karolina TilerCote put on mtg nlflrt and shortly belore the Ir ade wan to start about no air were still whooping it up in the lobby Si loudly oi bot proclaiming the rnerita team with their own it 60 GO PROTEST yThing Montrerlen were alumna cl Britiah Colum and nnm Yonze areal today durlnlthe block par Game veralohaoi popular talk soon whan the floats Lie Amould erlnz in the Graveand llam iltona Maiorettea tried to teach the art at baton twirling About ceiebrnntr curled onto downtown uncr aeetion touring huge traiile loan and ilremen were called to one hotel aaven time in an awer to intro alarm The law tanned lenient eye on celdzranta flii sergeant oi detective on duty early today deacnbed the crowd on leper Iliy weltbehaved um 60 Human comm and appdtiner IorthepM byes NthOo Hamilton wnpictnm Begins Long Iouxnéy for Mars An interpi at it an ary space named Mariner IV rocketed into rpaoe today and thetiltht Control Centre reported it no parentiy executed early man oeuvres woceaalully on the atart of an intended Wrmonth to Mara The electronic explorer represent the United statea last chance in close look at More tor two yearr was sdreduled to fly aoroaa 325000000 mllea oi trnrkleu apatebeiore parolnzwilhin fiyrmlea oi the red planet neat During momma before Mariner N10119 11 liters into orbit around the run telavlrton enmerataao take in to study den aity radiation Idtflr title aetretr Mrkan Anion and am atu tern dent on with low low 1mm ttnnlrad the United Slater lielxlan and Gongol trottona atoll action in 11 born mm atogana they that window at the itirre thriidinna nod raided the limbo arlorn oiiioa in lhl 0on loieao Late atodenie irorn Purim UnivuIlty nlao opiat on tho walla ol the rrtmaayaoriattnovrr litre front ot the building The inundated lreaa aaid ihuo en Maren too and aoo Co tinérs iury ISa ilrrest Was Honest Error TOR M0 IONIter armt onar unlicha lawman who thorn oter in atoll live buln war bonnet niala iy po ltrv in civilian imt an inwrul jury roied hid yhl ilr mm momI by It run or the ioumt that Elan re had tllln lm ntmtwi the hith til but attache no htama her all The My mad pottre mm wheel tor the tan and ahonlmn IV it bad Ihl hm ihey harried MN lumen that iinoonactma and oon mannaHeat diam dalidrn protected he action in term to the Soviet ioulm mtniatry lad dunnmind conunaotlon tor dame dooI And better hovirt outta Wanton Lauds Police carmtlithatkneahadtadtn litanllNW the Itml ear and even doctor have been town to mime there eynvloma with tinnth near MOM to thia avirlem It Jury rmmlai thei doctora and oil eaperli teaeti lho ritiiemww ween eaten and with ateanm in po llld Miter he in penile Mo errant or net dunk Although preliminary data in dloated early phone at the iii Awmun mmérhtg ona noun or Administration laid aeveral hours would be required lo de tcrmlna whether the orait was on predre mu or whether amitttitrna neerlog motor to lodey it onto the correct makesman raid ddinlie lo iorrnatlon was expected late this afternoon towering looloot Allan Agena rocket alerted Mariner on it hiaslirrl oil lrom Cape Kennedy exactly on achedula at 92 am with rum oi ilnmln lmm ill three booster on nee It critical hurdle war cleared live minuter at mood alter launcblnl when protective metal ahroud separated into the apaoecralt stmetural iallun at ahroud made at weaker material ruined the Mariner ill iaunchinl to him earlier thir month lha eoniroi centre reported th protective covering Io ay tiller Ihroud elation the Arena mind atan propelled iiaell into orbit lit miter above the earth ityinr launch mutton WRcuPs radiogiznala Mahdith In path indicated no nun °° Lnordmvmnlar mo eovery oi victim daughter gal la in on more our Slimeyyttlehai raised the total oi known white victims or arthe Belgian reaeue mission ded townrd it wlndup to Unoifieihl reporta Iniirltill an Ih other rebel massacre could mean he 1y lso iorelznerx were killed the late of parhapa too white including at least live Cana diam atlllvlbehind rebel liner now depend on the mercenary led Conioleaa national army There had been reporta that 119 transport plane might terry Belgian paratroop era for adrop at Bunla on the eastern Congo holder orWatra to thenortheast In aearch ol white hostage atlll held by the rebels ltut Belgian Premier ibeo Leievre raid in Brussels the rercue mluloo whicheavod eoo hoatazerl in dudan rhcanadiana instan pie tile and Pa our UFMWA icPlJuniluo Min ister Favreau dilclorod in the Common Frida that the lalnvcsilxn the cir ulmatanoea oi cab net order plated to year ago that gave gall Bahia landed itmrinant tau The minister who replyinme Doullan fisher NDP deputy leader who naked whether it to an cOarthy have been lttngotin pa Iona includlnx hi lbole Dd htr Sheetan about eventa hat toot place on July an mt Mr Favreau consulted ltOttiP nuniuioner MLOeltan who we filed in trout at him and replied am iniomrod by the con rniuioner that ihi matter it under inveatlga Spendlnl estimator oi the lul it gla lorelen ministry announcement flid the Belgian would start heading for home sunda lile Canadlnna rebelheld area rtlli not heard lrom Iince ersmebegan last Tuesday include two nuns SisterYvnnna do Bon Pasteur tJeannette Vulnalot Montreal and Slater MarioGanton Donia Bednrdt tre Dame de tatPalx Alto unreported an Muriel Hannah oi Victoria minion ary with the Worldwide Evan geliaatlon Cnraade and Rev and Mrar Greater Burk ot Cal gary missionaries with the Uni evangelixed Field Minion Mr and Mn Burk were lart reported at Boyulu 150 miles east at Stanleyvllle Many evameea were wi dened by the end of the Haitian Amerionnlrucue misalon ACanadlanmlutooary tier Colin Brinkley oi Vancouver who led Belgianmlatlon to rel mtaalonary mimic eondderntlon and tdvbeu to the miniater are brourht in at thrizltirna to be available to live ce Mr Fisher raid in hi1 nuea tion that July St was the day when the then liberal inn milrntion miniater niecied recommendation by an immi gration appeal bonni that Barth be deported to the United State and approved an order pemnlt ting Bath to Itay in Canada WM WENT Bonk waa then preaident oi the Sealarera lntemntionat Un ion oi Onnada ilndJ tha ov ernment appointed board oi maritime Irom oiliu last oprinl and Banh later was nonvioied oi conrpiracy to boat rival union leader it pped inn and turned up later in New Yori en thathevalnly bend the Belgian tovluut etmckszendfunaHotha could no to th removal other white mission Mr ucekdleymand hlabvywllg were rem vu Belgianavin though mu International nu cm announced that whiter in eluding our Spaniah nuns were kittedln final rampage in Stanleyviller Airi belore government the lectlohon tholeltbank oi the Congo Riven the bodies werenurtilnted beyond recognition with throat wt and canniballam mapecied in aaveral 335s lied Groaa ltwaa charoel hone house ot deadlPeopla were min on top oi other bodies onerelugea aald The remains oman aura the mm wudlacovered Friday whm dien croared truateea removed him ldreport Oltoole andsaeehan iurther The NDP member then asked whether Mr Pavreau or murber oi the now has had oonvmatiomwifli Daniel Riley tanner liberal or Saint JohnAlbert Mr are on in the New Bnlnawiti cabinet olpa mler lmla ttohidnud aa daairrnan oi the eiectrierpowu comnaiutonl Mr Favraan replied am lnlormed by the eomrniariooer that he will have to died on thin but can an that per aonaily havenot had Marlon to diamaa thlI matter with the eonnnlutomr do not think it mid be pm tor me at the moment to dim an investin tion which might be pendinl Mr ltllay ant in Farliament irom Mo to whm ho wae deiaatod by Conaervatvo Piallorrn tire department were up ior Mr Hahn did not identity lhornaa ti Bell dnmlt boopolaelzed liannedaroundhriday bounced commonsrppovesrxpendimes Cleor Way For no totalling or resumption of dy nag Debate mom on rovedvgovem $24m 5567ln it Conservative motion censoring Justice Minlsta fiafieautorideplorable conductwand singular lack Theamendment technically 35 common sense was defeated by vote of 111 to sought to out Miran reaua salary toSiand was regarded by both side as tantamount to moti tire government The minority on at noneoniidenco tn the en Liberai administration rallied the dip ortot the three smaller parties atthelastvminute by roadening the scope ot judicial inquifi Favreau and Immigration tions that Mr hlay tried to cover ii men figures in an now AltoUND intoatlee ulster lrenr alleged interferometry governi ternatlonal narcotic £839 Spokesmen tor the New Dem erl ocraiic Creditlate and Social Gedlt parties indicated Thora day theyhum nmrt the Don aervative motion but Wiltli th manda tor lull vider Dr qulry WWW ahetained irom vottny return ing to their out immediately Itter the mom wm an that the monthold recommend ation ol the special liar corn mitiee ior alngle red maple lkrr attain debate Monday The committee wan aet up in Septenber alter Innmerdony on the nu tune Oppodtlon leader norms biker oppose the commit teoaehoica because it doe not include replica oi the Union Jack aodhaualdthot about no oi ht lollowero want to enter tbetateetotueaoltheitalde to 1110 Judicial inquln oona they alth unlnwiully exerted pres lite on aiontrai lawyer government handle their let abandonment lo tr ooh1L mm Mr Nielun darted Moody Dem va no dimdamwohrbatoltem when rr lion toan appll tom hyiucienltivaxdaiaootvllm tr States memnent which tee in extrale Rivard ltd on drama or unnulinl rota In port at an international dnu no mnected with the noted our Malia Mr Nielsen lite ed that Guy lord apecial etant to Mr lnvroau until he tell ior Oxford Untvenlty three nmntha nailed Mr alter the bribe vaiterrvt had tailed and threatened to an oil overnment lent wuk tor the younx Montreal lawyer bank and resigned hated tor loan at live undred doilarl tor nln ety dul We must hm oomihlnl ior annuity laid the banker How in ny hnnca va ynui Ono thouaand head wa the reply The bank then loaned the lndian appeared in bank with money protrudlny tron anry pocket lim laid the banker youd better drpoelt your money hm tor aaiekcepinl 1h lndian looted the broker in the eye How may harm you loll be baked Milieu Around waif aaid ihreeday be made normal reproaentattom to euro lttvardr release on bail secretary to ll llamentary earaorr ntrih°h2ii£iiltt iaiactlon wlth the reviled tom oi reference tor the Dorion in try iia ottered to ieatiiy It Inquiry and aaalat the lodge in any way he can it IIM MORE lie laid ha tau additional weiehty lnionnaiton about the aamo aliair which be baa toured with anyone no tar welder lilo content oi the material have oi Mid an on pIoItvanaturd that did not want to bill that raeponalbitlty with anyone be LATE NEWS Catholic Churchlines English Diiit iltlt Ameritan Man collation rlnlin lilvl uiwnl ineielti the benln werahlp aw and livelier wa flooded uatnl thelr own lanom the eartytdtol ot the thoraxn utly Immatdrota by tbelli MW tuttinth ulred aim din13qu tor pram tttanlu

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