DOES Hlï¬TORY repeat ltsgu This flmewom ï¬analysisof sportcerthmly received an afï¬rmative recognltion last week in the case ofitheHamilton illgerCats Their miracle vvictory over the stunned Ottawa Rough Riders broughtvflashhacks to 1061 Usltuatlonwand the previous seasons Saskatchewan Roughflders eplc Wooliinm nolad In Prime Minister Pcamn had said Sunday um there seem in be evidence that name Lib erill MW in Mammal accepted campaign funds irom ib SW ill mmberl iie lskld in whom the flivquu ind been paid and or inm 3min um mph Mum weeks ago from Vopemn of the two game total olnts Eastern flnnlroundg elrreputatlon had been rulsed Whlle some followers regarded the Ottawa recovery lrom Scheduleend slump their ticket to the Grey Cup ï¬nal the experts were cautious They recalled two seasons agolwhen cm were lodged in sllmlar rut The nowfamous Argo nut blunder with the score tied in the final mlnuta opened the door for Cat runaway Hamilton had emerged from an ldpolnt deficit maklng the final against Winnlpeg nntlcllmactlc Another example of never yleldlng was last year when Saskatchewan re fused to hit with negative coï¬nt of 28 points blow ing into elr faces TURNING TO thematter at hand fIiCats are fully prepared withelonz himer amenity conquessa The Steeltown squad has earned threeGrey Cup sue cesses and this year enter their eighth ï¬nal since amalgamating back in 1950 This is one distinct ad vantage over the West Coast vpposlflon who are play ing their second GreyCup classic WITH EXPERIENCE highly regarded the key to the TigerCat 1964 periormance is the state of health directly linked with strong point knownas depth From the key slot Tigers possess three quarterbacks who would make first string anywhere in Canada Their offensive anddefenslve linemenare likeinteré changeable parts This leaves the main concern at the backï¬elders who have had full round of hurts this ear Art Baker and Willie Bethea both have been obbled while Bobby Gaiters and Bobby Kuntz wait in the wings Backfleld strength in the Hamilton camp has come under close scrutiny through injury the past several seasons they emerge atCNE Stadium Saturday with full complement of offensive power cannot see Lions being able to stop them despite Brown Cacic Kasapis and Fouls mom And that Esme luv Idviscd that there are none in them OllAWA CWEldon Wool llams PC13w lllver db mandal la in Com Wed unsday lo hww what has be come cancelled cheque Iald 10 havu been made on by Hal Banks In nor of lame Mom real lecral MP1 Ha mllntnlned that time Ll working Paper In the labor department which uyl the un ceiicd cheque were sent to Ihe Maritime irusieel Mm now nd minister Banlu vid union the Seaiarcn Inhmallmfll Union oi Canadn indJ Labor Minister Mummn laid there an no sudl cheque Mnrflï¬cï¬achen mld he has nn knowledn ol any comm Ilnm by an EU In any MI MLDINO MNKED mnn MEXKX AWKm Vunluri of San Francisco US Open nhnxmlm and Al Balding db lending dwnpï¬m 1mm Tor anw nm be maln mnlcndtn In um 6000 Mcth Nndmml Open an dxmmlmflp ï¬nding today The study rflmlo curm mml will be held ovnr ha 721M par 71 It In nub do Coll do Mulm HIM InnMurmdmlnwlm nlnz In your MP Seeks Cancelled Banks Cheques WHEN 1qATscraxgegp5c12mto helr lair typ haunt llvu you Wmll mlcu lnclmt In In burner nervkn And hour morunry mm Im In any wild mm cm mlu with You Cant Beat mm mm AUTOMATIC EUEL OII DELIVERY Sarieantf SPORTS COMMENT THE SARJEANT COJI iOifencéf Odzes With PdWer lji him AyLmr lsh Cohnnhla Lions in tha Wash cm Confucian and Hamillon Tlgercm In the Ewen Con fucan based on olflclnl may lie of regular season play Game nverasel bmhhd 30 played 16 games won mt two lied Mitt Handl mn pluyed 14 kamu won 10 last me fled one TOMMY ONHem is slips pupplriwn of Br Pl mud 78 Against MB 10 mo 13 Rm yd 261651017K10 Rusth 560 35 4M Average 46 50 Pul yd 1911 UM LVN MB Alum 16 Complete an 13 108 Per cent 59 49 7A 19 LONDON Realm Scam llrillnh soccer game played Widncsday nigh wen nunon Mum Scotland Ireland Under lntenulhnl England Romnnh mmorm cur Hm Round Va MC Amkrkdfl mm PW down Rushan Paula Dy penal 1H naémi nm at up Spunk Mnlovu WA Plymouth Nnflhlmï¬m Wadinm lulu Compare Teams Statistical Data Ymh mm mm 456 300 Meme ALI SOCCER RESULTS uruuc mum LIME Wl co Lm 377 175 ll 15 Ilium OIL an 15 we Wow and Momma lb no top rung alm openlng nlzm cmnpefldm of he new Barrie MAP Association MmMan lle league lmhoon whlyped Spitï¬res 71 and Mosqullm down Mummy In the other dash Barrie Amna Sabres qndflvrrkanes laugh in By THE CANADIAN PRESS New Yorkl Gamma Henry registered kwo asan Wednes day nxght as Ranger defeated Team 64 In the only lame phyed to mave Into tourm place Io In the National bckey mfg Emil Fez flm Typhnon snack Wu ell dqxgzibqted with Wellg a1 two gum One goal each was earned by Bob Mumbn Greg WalkAidan Doug Young Danny Boyne and Ralph Irvinelllll Scmtun and Donald lflckling struck my slang Fred Andtflqn collected two tallies lax Mosquitoes with Har old Jmnm andlAlInn Elia Ir ina one each Andy Wicksted mgpaggd be lyneï¬jnwyg gaaL scoring hon lï¬unicï¬hé alalemnlt Kelly Ritchie and Hellmer found the £81 deadlock gel for Sabres while Kelly DLoe and Dav Lee nmlflnh ed for Hurrlcanes Bob Pulfnrd of Toronto earned an assist lo dhrb ham th wilh Gordie Hows for 1de place Henrys two wink nvo him 015 14 ml to the output 01 Montreals lauds Kmart leadm Ilull mican Mikila Gilcazo Ullman Damn Pmost Mvnlmal Henry New York Pollard Tomato Howe Damn 131mm Mosquhou Sabre Hurricane Muslin 592mm TUESDAYB SCORES Typhoon Splllim Mon qulloes Muslgnzl Sabre Hurricane EEIJICIED AMAR EDMONNJN CPIRookie delomivo md Pd Mnhlnd WA on at 13 Unlvenlly nl mm Golden Benn player named Immuoflnw 90 Ivy 0033mm madni an no harm Wodncsday Typh30n Mbuxitf Big Early Attackf Catnillé Henry Squares Founh MINOLSIAX mar411mm Alll AP Whats the flavour secret of Gold Crest Whisky WESTERN LCHAMPS pRpLL AT VARSITY STADIUM Sawdluk has been the scour Ind the image at the National Hockey League no lar this sea son In his ï¬rst dab 18m or Tnmnto Msple um he flawed mere total of ulgoalsi Emma meanwhile climbed to whhln one point or ï¬rst place on threegame winning meat that saw Sawchuk give up two 1031 1y 1mngnules the dnynighl when Neiv Yulkiwi gem bombed the alarm91d net minder with 36 sinkfar 63 victory over Tomnla In the only NHL game planed 1h uiumph mwedde Ranger Inln third pche mzcmwmu mm They ï¬nally got 10 Terry loo The ï¬rst ï¬ve emu bundled near be lop with only our polnu sepaxaflnx than mere will be more Meying or position tonight as Ihe xdmdule sends Ill 11 clubs inn Big Ailment Was Emergency MON DP Frank Ma valIdL lea er Ior 1mm Mnla Leah the National Hodwy law wag In 5mm the hosp Mum make public unemm mndiflon 1m week Dr We nu lm mlm be out In ample ol on Ind Added In he had mndua manuals refused to divulge the dim at MahavEdnI Hines lulled warm th dlnmdL 52w will be mm Mr Mnhovlml or my will mernmalr 11 known Md has hem 1n Tor onto General WIN or weeks is flawed no Hall qrn andwvr Mud am ufufe ï¬oapl nmnday lha Ina Mnhovlldl had mun Awhakbdty hdowflhhhzefl 11 We admit our cull Ic 11mm or tledlvo Mr Holm lldg wqq ninlflod ï¬treal play the lulu Its in Hiram Walkers secretdistilling process lending MBWMM Detroit Mail Tomato Fuvels Chi cazu to meet the Elm Hawks mï¬mhywnléflflfldkrjkvfl York swam WINVIONENDED Two gnal performances by Dennis Mardullrand Phll Goyi we plm avg goaltendhlz by JacquesPlanle paced the Rangers to oneddzd victory Eeiaga 59 Madison Squura Garden inns Goyeue opened the mm In lbs ï¬rst pedod but George Armslmnz Jnm Papptn narrowed the count to while larry Cuban of New York was penaliled but exIM New lave the Rulers two1M1 marlin 1m lnthe pfrind The Ranger romped may with makers by Marshall whiln Elï¬n ITonmlo wwer PB Ind Goyeflh while Tor onto was mummiï¬ed early In the ï¬nals Allan Stanley gut hlg flrg oi ï¬n or Tomlgla bx am Karlie within aeoond put is York In 163d my good Human Anuumn Wchndul Ruulu develnnd enhey Dumb ï¬llmurgh pmmg €0llidd Delta Ibmnto Wednufhll Rem Darnnla New York Oniy game ldwdulcd Tonlml Glam Montreal Detroit Toronto It Nude New York Button 6mm Twlml Gnu many ll Baltimore Snindinld ll Providenc Qudmc Il Hndmler Maï¬a cmmun mass mm mm lhe issue was de HOCKEY RECORD nnmmnfln Annwwmw wsuwaum vT124153 hoaa75u wvavnoa no mo Although wflerlng Hl an Inn in TomwunflonnVSaw abut wps nevenheless flow New on bmalcawm Plants best efforts wgre wo eaves an Bob Billonl when in game WPS still fled lL 50110 EXPLAINS VIoronlo Wu also mklnl news bad homeas club phy aidan Dr Hugh snyme time out in explain how Frank Mahuvlich K0 hospital bed 21th mnuyfmhmihave gency case when he was ad mum he laid Mahovlinn was side twq weeks by an ailment that has been ken secret by the Leaf and he isnt expecled back at month be no embarrasy mun ho Mn Mabovlich or my ell when the nature of it hospitd offlan said um bemuseNMahwflrh was enmunqy case he vagina bed immdhuly Petubordl St Camlw MENTAL HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Econumknl lulu BARRIE DRIVEACAR 102 Dunlap Bl 724M was deï¬niter In ï¬e ii Mack numb the rim Memionallootbau player to come back uumfully ram an acute nlplure the admins mm NRUNN GP BrillshCo lumbln Um wfll und medl gal pllelmnlwmn In the Grey Won 11 only nationally flower LhaIIIln 1952 when be mad mm San Jose Sink College mm lemdonal dab wllh lb Jinnah flu Western Football Goulch Burmas mm Ildellned him just utter me Ian at the mm left him riding flu bend map of He had mg no dub mm but mm Mme reserve at In In eat1 Grel Cup walnut Tiger Can vyhomhq ml may 4n Salur WWII causm mm 55 mu nus 331m unmet Wm was In late Io make any dillerenoo la Burtoan uzno 53 23h vault flmh Elm ions pass Buxlanl ord or the yearvwas 30 recep Hm 1351 Wm Burton pmmim to have spe dnl value In Llam plans or bentlng the ï¬nat pan defence Even If he well covered by last man man as Gurney Hen 1va wilHIava dlsflm advantage matching the ball He was Jumplnz 5kle laur lndws ecu use thh jumper and Moot broad jurmer In when He says when his Uming on he can usually outW anyddendcr mum Drillin Menard FUIUIIE GAMES lmzlghl wlflnxwood 01 Ulla Friday BARRIE at Mu lani Sundaym Colllnzwoodval BARME 230 Orulh at Pena and Mï¬dkwi3h5tanzf LionsPhenom GB JUNIOR JACKSON Morons FIRST ix Amtdlnmhgmcyssgimflo Cm mmfl mflyuuoy If wmblnqflnqmlfliuyvuliko bag In pared balance Gonna Haw gdldcnmdiowlobommbulwilh Iho Iubllo Women 01 men flavour mu Am alwnyl of the nmempubqulllyln Gold Cup mt mum sic why Mlmcflnsoomch quenum vuavs manna mmwmm 11213 €03le ws3311 SNOW TIRES $1295 AND UP WALKERS GOLD CREST mini Reid bond Dave Skrlen ayl ths is better than anylouwr olhl5 play when he camélo ui all ha mulddn was run as alum nvnd catnh Ihe bqll Skr en nld Hes not quite has now but hol smarter Ind mnrcda captive He has his canï¬denao back and th squad ha conï¬ dence In him It nomad the Lions will have In 95mm strong pan Kama urban the Tim Cnlsand Kappa target be ddo Burton will Include mg Puma163e mum Willie Fleming and RonMord IlIl flanker Sonny Earner Jmmamme Wm Gamay the was Shim want most to keep by dosing workwts today Ind Friday public View TOROMD 0P Cal Dave Skrien said Wedn night ha he was his Bril mmmwa game here Saunday ummï¬ï¬ï¬ Pi Skrlen iaid an mrizyrvm me much Fodtban league allows so or mndpgï¬ypenué but ï¬nk We spend mam ah our quotu ï¬rmlalhenléfmiy the ricelptl 1mm Sundae gale expected to low 561 ram all names mesday Peter Nwmann of HamilLon ï¬gewafs who meet lhlzuum Saturday lahjl Qha li vnanda mmm or 1mm 91min the Gm 0m was sluien also mid In Mona the Moll system used by th Easlcrn Fooiball Conï¬rm The sendllualdnllm man aflair with the Meal aflair wmi the wLnner meeting the team In the conferenceln woianx rlofalwwï¬nal Skrien Expects Team Deï¬cit