Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1964, p. 7

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Encore HgsSpegialMgqning ForMembfer Of C6fl6fi Tiib umim my troubles fly man my hulmnd wu 10$ loidmlll ho Mg ov n1 vn no and re zmlédhp quILdumu Wu Wm Dear Ann wan to com mend on the advioe you Just Plain MIMIable woman wlm annmncod In fluids and relatives thnlhu Mm was an Impossible mmdrd and that aha was d1 vmdnz him Seven Week Me he changed her mind an waminLI dim bu aha Q00 Bhan to take hlm ImWI Idler mm Mid lulu tnal kuvk llwlr m1 macmm may ml ll Um mum bu III luvlmMy helm Hum my AL lrrnnllw m0 MANNHM Dru 43m llmdpm HAWK MEANING The lulu llnl nl null with HIM llrlpo lrpuwnllnl IN mm illmiw of IM Um GM um lawn In Regretting The Road NNIITIM wflhln 16 month Our real Irltndl were WM all Along mm wk louclhor or oUml than who Ml me Id be my to It Mm hadl Inw how wmnx Hwy wm wrry line my HIH drmp mu Iwnmtd nl nu duh their dmll car Idling Into the Ml MI hypoan 15 yml mu Aral ewrytny wk GT1 19 mu uumuc Elem lo mum on homo Ind mm out mnnLuo wnrkuv INC 00 but lelnn Im Jun that and Itmwal men and warm who nml your Imu mum mumim um um didnt lnlm ll mm mull Mnmll Mm flu luflu dlundmnlu Mm Md hul hmlu In my mum Mm mm nwma mm or dual manlngn can vs In Um flowing Image cl mule nd wn mq Hm 1515th girl who ullu Ian In alum um her lunlly Mun nmnem hm When lamnod ma hm Rad been unlallhld WM new hurt fluids and anally agncd was louse and mod was loo good or him They med mo Io got dhmm 50 did It didnt aka Iona balm Innllwd was at Ian 50 per can lo Hum or what had hap pened malhcd too that he divale hnd curred Iohtlm mummy commng lm mm lqlsmvofed in in hmncnl um my Itlsand lungly unfldnilltml pér13nce It may be value Am who am ubsllnalt and 39 Rd following the concur brilliant Impm Mlu fin lfln 0H1 mind her mum training It Manhattann Mums Mm mm Her musical mm Inflqu nine And 16 1h Swan cello harp arrangement mm Tsdml kowslyx famous ballet ll one the chlldrens norm mun her said the cellst at recap dian hzld at I3 home Mr and 114 Ward Kiwis Sum 31mm lbo moon played by eh New York Concert No had more Wuhan tithe 3mm that anyone the audience guyean an umber especially her miwho are home In New ork gay tugng nalely In their ANN LANDERS llk 90 Molly min eg mum cum on arrival It receplion at their Shunty Bay Road residence aim MM 121m thy That Led To Divorce mentiuml this Km Whfiendn but Hueydon an We even ell them Why ll hmWANT XVHJZED Dear Gvflludx nu rm Kummnummuu wen um um landmineleaky WIN Mhwworlldslum em mumm nun rmMwmmm no to their Inme has wed nv party or as kids When the Arty was over only one boy and two glib laid lhank You Ind Goodnight to who rm mung In another room The next mm In Mani pkmngqull la oifuxdulfimmo WIInt to are about my Hum 11w kids go with boih boy and girl habit of ignoring my mother and when nu pan out My hallo ho than first they mum get an mar 1119 mg my guest laav theng jump on me with 111 Mo hava little time lat relaxation m1 on Mr We usually try to durlnl the mm or motlmo Mon when his moihath on my ach ing flat has sometth dn with his pfledlnn on the hr muzzan It was mm to learn um the DIM whldl ha wvhmd only flvn month no made WP was he who hat to flu 1mm music of the buy when aha ms very mm dllld When not on Imu wlth flu trio MIL 0th ll first harp WM to New York my Ballet mm néuun Paul Bayer 15 hadn Iur ml uprillng to 113 one 342 young Io ammlbh but Man tho Ia that he re cdvod hIA tubing Cum In 1mm of Music In Philldclphu whereby moihat II on tench ML md Mn mum Mule And their daughter Susan Here they no Plddu or Dulmul by mm undo mumn In Enllmd mm 1117 AM 5014 mluulvfly vamllum ll CALDWELLS PHARMACY KENT wow2 3m BRUSHES In Marky lmp Dvnlop IO Em New for you Ideal Gifts 01th mm able an Igniar The harp often pmblem dilld Although 11 with close In 100 Mud the responiflzllily of loLlnz It In and auto WWII an Ind oft airplane and in and out of the station Kan In mlelyon Mr Boyers shoulders PEOBILM alum lravelllng problem are minor the lrln lrnvell bynulomoblle Ind fin male member don all lha ddvlu All you need when crawling with harp lay the mun Ilany ping pamnger nation suequa arm of Ihe nan pusengen 11w trio will appear in 0011m wood an evening and pcdorm at nim more cannon during the next two Ind am hall mu Almouth Mn Alton wu unnble to be will her husband and d111 dren or HwnkuMnl dny 40 day she wlll be home plenty olllme tn nhm barman ext11mm will mlv inNew york on Dec lburl gain lulu in llerury when they will prmn we DIP onyx In Montreal Im 01 1M plenum Marina mull old MIMI and new In Amlllu ml qu flu lsll Mn Alton lIld nppcnrnd ln unrrk when sh um um out of ldlool Ind wu pllylnu Ella wlul Illa Oolumbll Cancun Ho purchased golfcluh In mid get me exercise Anynnn dxlv Inx along Dunlap Ball on May artemoon Including Barrie poflcem 51mm and watched thean standing in the In Bayvirw Park Mr Boyer want to assun cvarynm he was Jun trying to keep trim and keep his me up to par the wommlrdm ll alwnu 511d Iojet Io Canada became their they caught up law more pieces of mflm weakness L1 Hmnflno by Weds wood and she beeps picking up anotherpiece hemandthere We both have more than hell ever use uld ha cellle mar Mes dam lhopplnl Ire mutual mnlmeml they agreed SHOPPING HnwevaVvdula inmoth hm lrom Lindsay on Monduy they tapped My Envy We try not In Pfiul nykoo much Mullawerebn tour He doesnt than our love of momma slid the humid concert wanna aid was mermalglent Dayle dom municy Céném moduli minim Photo imam LLVILLEAGE Si Slop convened by Mu Sewn and Mn Meek er was Ilodced with handkn ukl mllu up And Nelle TEA TIME mmemmmJabluwm mm mm red clad with whlu lrlnu tdmndnz Ind cen trepieces Gulslmu baubles And pins cone Silva DIM with Inuflln blownu added es v1 mud flu In room mm Mn Noxbqnfiunn ya log summer and the bi Hildaa qu baked the Lbs ldldzen HOME BAKING OneVOHherbusimr Hflsiwas the booth harm baking Home made head rolls lnllt brad1 1216 Ind cakes all Iold mick Fancy 5m 1m grape Mu leeI Ind of home made candles were other ileml at this shop comgened by mem ber 01 St Malaunts Gmwr Phalora PM muy zpol in tip my the hullhvml was the Gem Shop complete will trauma dmt ave1M with lmllry or mllady or gen tlemug memben IN fumusMrl Wuflendu am Mu but were mvmarm neWee Thr rHfl 919p yin flowed with In expenle Hills in mm for smoking Metala The Glamour Slop fiend aryday neeceuifles muled pp wiUI tbbonl tulle Ind 11 paint the latter used to lun onu male hm 11m 1hr Shop otlered doughsluued anlmll d1 clothes sundy trucks and Mt um My or every Ma and taste Fin slap hrwlsllonwun decorated 11m an Pflzd hllh with sparkllnrmrlsunu COP mu Next in It In column nmy were ban humunade moflbmd 01er 2139 Guild Whalufiylml flrhwhollnd dolln bed or mdlwnder he dadllmu tmrrwfll Inva r1 odved an the moat lune mwfimmhg 1L1 by lie ma mom at Trinity Anwcan Guys Guild The dollsrbeds Iuwdy cmlmdlou comm wlfll mumps Iflkm caudal and hilly lace trimu mad pillow Cow deolll 0L nursery rhymmdmractm d20 gmlnd the IMMmh he mesh alluding the avufl created mlnor tram jlm around In mtrnncaiole Parlshflfll and Inna many Illractave booflu ousting up My of Ilgvely Hem nullabla or Elwin SALLYS SALLIES cmwns vAfllEND finymugfiwnfi Regular Mu $2000 Spulal Off Rogular Prlco $750 Spotlll Oflor ngulnr Prlc $1500 Spatial Off Rngulu Pike3199 Spglnl QHOL IDI ioloflul dainty na Another mat ger ve bgolh GiVe Yoursell Beauty Trent ldrfihrislmus Giovanni Hair Swllmjtmnlnéflfi HI Dunlap In old Wave Permanent Specials timhl ixplvfir mm Ski andvbi MIMthidgl Mumugllnfldxmamdlflec fimugraimu QMfiMIIOscnrmlbm mu mum WM Mrs Howard Partridge Assis tant Semisy Mn Hamid Swilzer Wmnmflve to of lkial Bond Mn merd Cald well Represean to Board Stawugs Mr Gadolin Mn Caldwelr and uouflve Social Committee Mn Duns mwe Mn E21 Salon Mm um Drun me mammal form all United and warned was mad at the annual in held ufihe Wm Hme Hamld Drury Nov 19 alediori Ind ma exgcutivu or III coming year Mm Annual Meeting And Electidns Conducted By Crown Hill UCW AN ANTIQUE mum than was ha local pain Internal displl yo Jewellery It the Gum Shop one of the axlrndivc boolhl in Slmll Vflllge which occupied Nu eezTnditee MILE Thorpe mod the Lot experts do the lob avold 1he last minute rush Make your appointments nowu Heres Our Special Christmas filler For whimsy CINK Mlle Pmmnflm elealonu Lhe maidenhMrL Clldwflleonduct ed the nu Exercises fob lowed by finding of the min utes previous moan and year My by Lunacy Newm Wary Mn Wk Bidding was in dinac 91 the sway her Med MEIBEII HONORED During the soda hour Mrs Him mu hm walk pm In mum pin and decorated cake to mark her mh Ion Mn Gordon Mkth 1an lty Purim Hull yulenily To he left of um phoio Mn Don Allen and Mn Ron Gum convene ol the mop are shnwnulmlnlnrmnw tmsum Enmlner phmo YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHIC GIFT HEADQUARTERS filmmapr 61 3mm NEW LOCATION MAPLE AVE Phonl 1mm Irv cgtEfgmLSH0Pf VV um Recognition beyond your 11n est hopes would be evident be fore the and 0t 1965 with espe cially notable ndvnnen made In Illa February 1m Murdx May June Ind October You can mm excellent pm reu In monetary maum too parflcullrly In emy March mldJuly October and Nam ber But do avoid ulrlvnlum undor speculation in Jimmy and June for bric yerlodl In late February Ind October when you my be under lame Ensign your personal Mellon nm year hmId be In new anally rewarding one tmn 59b lundpolnt Within the next 21 monthv aolva to make better me the asset you haveespecially the nrznnhinlabfljfiea and the fine Intellect wlihwhldl th Suit tag gndowed 111g November menu of the Damon Womenm Insfllutq wu belch who home 91 MmAflm Brown with ulna number in lb can Whagl mimiu um Witnxfiavimmu Im1 Hear Repofi make them yourself SUGGESTIONS THE Sim CERTIFICATES Personal Christmas Gifts Sew Pretty Practicaliqnd IntII Occul HII mm 111 Ml In All he mun mm Panh lAi Id Cu my or um um lavLy mum Dm huflu ntnudo vulva moo or Illk with an lrlmminn IUI hula Evlnlu hand but In mud and mm or bid or In ban rum mun Nplm doth pllldl or plain width mt Ru Tmuu mud woolu wldu nun 1mm DMD or plnld ltnkh Fibrin of tha flop Ind Um rink or lounnln Ith Ind pull ywhgcrvlmup iluuielelll Donan no Incl ylrd OLII Manual of mum mllchlnl wool Ind Iklri Imnhl Ill Burm Audi sum Drullnl Gown In LIMny lamina Illkl or wall ms up QQVNHWH Pyl nlgd Mmeh for flu Slolu Lhulerflrld Thrown mulm SIdrlI 1007 1101111 wool 51 Inch yud Slmcon DImM CH 259 lnnllfll 7266 11an provan him dwlnl flu coming yen Ind your nodal 11 would Wilt INmnmlnx MA dtfld burn an this daywm be mm IM flu mill wired la mlkuhllhly Amu ful WIMMIIIDQI mouth orhmr nve ecum Sunglo is eficient de pendblenndeoonomiml my flltl you an buy Youll uvqmgnin be cause Sunglo earnings in ihmdbyrouthemcmben that saving only Cnopgmlm can of Shirt your Cmudwian coin wllcctian now IwitchtoSuanomdmnl HOMI HEATING Good old Canadian cur nncy is worth saving any time of the year And thin mistm sansaye iuwn ways with 0001 SQNQLO Fad on suueLb vou5LI Lovi If yburé Canadian coin callector SHOP 0F BARRIE FUEL OIL

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