Hydro exployeel the Public Ulllitles Conunlsshm The menn Hospital Auxiliary and lo mlmerdmutenmod winn Ient one ol the finest how am ha been nan hen In long COMEDY ï¬lm Dis fllson the maï¬a ul ul ama at Ontario Hydro Show Time was supch mmde vki of what happuu when mg lukg mar in In kitchen All women pruch rhowed ieon imam in the recipes Ind oiinwed ench m1 In lire cook book Willie preparing dhhu Miss Hickman ave snverli me Iui homhoid hint and rnfrly prctwiians Iiiihwgh her de mnnsirnlion In primarily Inland Id be lniormalive and insinu live aha hm he type or per uonnilly whiril mnku her talk highly onlcrfllninx Ill211E LIVING nw mxrnm begun wiih him 4li 0i iicilcr Livinl and Ihll lhnwrd lurinilnllon ol tleclriml wiring irnm he limo In lrnmo oi Kim haul in crud ni lo Imlnllnilou modern tirmirnl nrpilnnm ll drm unlitled ixhllnl holh inside and nuhide ihe Mm nu well ml une bl cicciricli Ippii nnm Eileen Hickman hmne econ omist with Ontario Hydro cook ed dism on he mg mm mlpe book and Woman In lho audience fullnwed each den of the recipe In the cook book they received my entered an Inn 1M dish wen cooked In Ill Ikrlflo range loanad or he puma by local dealer BILL ROBBINS manna of Allisth Public Ullqu Com mission Ind 3d Abraham Hydxo Show Time Is Huge Success VDES IllSON sham Hbme Economist Eileen Hldnnan the men sum inujlo Mull EVENING anon AT All mumm Layne gwnnns PETER ELKE SELLERS SOMMER AI Mr 111m hexn io pm hL favorite recipe on um he um ham lhnt was quila Immmunocnble Ivan tor Fur example Ila polnled out mm to look or in buyln Imp One to that It hm henvy base so Um ll un Pa belbped oyar wily Bin mummy lodly here an lame Iypu ol lamp and ukmlul mllanou muklnl lnlo Canada um Ire lnlerlor and wed like lo ne ha GSA Standards on all lamps Mr nlsan nld Mvogrrz nzcm ï¬lm edylfl Ktve levela an ï¬lm about um hmmchold and all at eleclrlcal nppfllnm hg aijdflm best En1 pilance HER samp of hr adlan Standards Alsadallon Wbmcn bowled wllh humor he went lhmuh he Ilep mglgllu hll new Women um raked IJIrlr eyr brows In rumrlu nml lhcn bum lnlu lnnghlcr ha lold lhern lhnl the proper may mail dumpllnxa Ir 1a mmd lam munma leaf over the rm Hm rlnw flwn put ho dough for Ibo dumplan on top Ike rnbhaxc IenL prawnlr lhcm mm nlnklng 1m Iho Ir or and 7mm mm It the pmrnu ham mm mollnr so In Hum II Mum ol well In hem Ynu wind up with uhnl you unrlrd wIIbdwzh rgyoqu WENth Mr isbn not onlyhnd luv orlu lube In also Ind In Mlle klldvcn ultmn anen sale manager or Onbarlo at in night Hydro Hydro Georgian Bay Region ï¬rm propenxway to dart to pre mum Eydm paroa calmnhlunorom Mrlilson huldu his ï¬lm PLAYING NOW men Mr mm Inld No on Lb mm hand In min In give yvu can chum In his mlw be boun Hun llllll So In landed him can bet flew wu tha mm Al ï¬lm Public uuuuu mlh aim nudv In cllonl Mr Hum mid then will likely urer mud lonlzhl Lm 1h wu had night benld bum mm from lha dam fox but kept mm people mm 1an In um mm to may olher Ihlnp In awn Wed neldny ll women wrung dub mm and mm were II In at worm umdmg night INN Mn Am Walker maiden of the Women Homlhl AuxiL My to which mead of III thaw will Inland in lha drlw After all the Me MI tinnu bald Aptde were Wham912 mm so 1115 hi got new lemma with laughter ha ruched down and raised mull tomahlwk Ind begun the valuable will hm game qulled Al the mm mm The audience muan with Mum winner looked 1n amusement Ind wondered Ind do will mm llh mi mgrqq cnpwp TONIGHT rllmva wodny mod this soft Canadian Whisky in its handsome gift carton mmuovmhï¬ uuLI and will be down ngain anlmt mime 3mm pie men mu good crowd Abraham urch manager for Ontario llydm Georgian Bay Region mid Wilh bl of luck at an dont In any thing lo vcnl us from drnw In home It the Anna Thunduy Mr Abraham hul nun moral of Ihe Onlarlo lly dm mt Tim and ha mid Illn my opinion Ith an than uni manager A1 lhlm PUC said am everythlng Wï¬wullmuaqmwg flu mm of Ddaber in dmu denlhs birth 79 lollwm admlssiom no div dilly nvuwo aAqumN Siam Slam am Manorial Haspiul ban amplddy ï¬lled bu is went W3 hosvlu amism MInIï¬ne SIJMM yestuday Miss Saw mld Hum has been no remvaflm ha Ibe old hmpim but tha wax has been numlng It fun cnpagiw or 51 wed happy with mm moon Kryï¬rwnmmdl said NW In mm they 19mg Iemmn Fralldt gamer Uneusuwi RoyGoodexlm SW We Whol Alliston Hospital Filled To Capacity mo mmumT hm beer mused Imm slx lo 10 beds 53kt We 993 ituth in 9x Wm or Gunilla Mungamma laid mo cost the came only Ioperccntalthelomlspent and mm fearless young men on miter um invited nt ladx Helen um many of the Thbmlmnwishuhmud am he misuumtesum In mmwwmmwmc Wendy HIï¬chlson Seboollo and Nmfleid of ldpol IMMEDIATE STATE Northern Rhodull named Zambia 3h Int Brit Ish ggpeudency lqanhleye Ml Ml mo Wm to do the other half MMHed lhl hmgbt mandam hen of Cwndl to then mt Mandaham hzwmocn Invalulsï¬of trained mm in large mguflwnd mm Them were also mack republic um warm Moan inl dominion lint KAYS ITDII nou BARBER lllOP II Dunlap ELW 7mm Stu my YOU CAN wui $100350 men NUMBERS Im an Inn WWW 7W DOMINION IOOO 3mm Mum 0H Arrago arr menl with hard om punum PERMS 499 To 1250 on cm mm NUMBERS anrin on mavens or nommoummm was 41 chaiicnnlinmw WW am 3550 Rébatsolllju Ralph maman mo $8811 $450 aflsflmsungeg 50 Ted Shims 50 Bob Ba 50 Do My Bruce my 950 Rhoderki Price $3 plum cum Elli Now $6 Domain amp bellï¬erohdMayes Ted Slurzess 50 Mixes Douglï¬ 450 Allan Wat 50 Bab Cochran $450 aedwswea so NW may Minna or GM BEEF our own Earl New Harold alip dme $6 Joan New $450 Gordan Mo Bob mm 56 Brian Gum 0150 Alan smulo so Pull mm Lawrence Spoon ma flo wn Batu John Maya 3550 aï¬wï¬nia who named their award at the Hi Amazdx NW hOookflqwn this week Bung lVVlldey $3 TRUSTEES 5131001 Area No3 lnnLfl are Elm loll owing the kyinz of lb mm mm at an new wmlu School Painxwlck Seven nf Receive Awards ALCookstown 411 DAIRY Mcm John Natal Km West PLUS NOW IéLKï¬Nc ER mm mm IM Bi 6N éï¬ï¬ifl Fuluro Tim 715 and 915 pm THE DEVIL FEUD CAKE trimmed the MEMEM follows ONE Shield Jon New Wm Hlth NM 39 WREE Mass AP Two motorist were killed Wed nuday and at out person in chnin mum crashes on submitted Mute mmilu mu Balm stale lovernmrnl spokesman awn onaoubawcm Wm chdmh In Manchu dwm $450 Allan Wes $4 Hm West 50 Reid Shear down so Fobelt Fisher $1M utrMna Sturxm $150 Mxfle Fisher $150 um Cam beflvflfl Ted Surges $150 Wï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬‚ 50L en Md $350 Allan Knee Manama mm fuon mm mwmmu Jimior ILanncn Wiml New Oookstawn High lnlermedlale Sum Sim we Junior Funnels Livestock and need 1WD common Samson Seam Speda Ken ye mum Dainn mg Fad New 31312 11 my NEW slew Mm lreedwu ï¬nds Bee 09 mm them menihnve been mine led or flu new lovnuhlp schoolmn board mm left no umr Permm uch glnmlca Gary Mm 25 FNEII 121131 mm 1901 25Inrilicliso 7min Youu LOVE Cronke lioyr Goodl Madlem Flank Ken mama unit to keep yourfmnweintop mk mg orda Ill wian long Join than othcxudven tum who likmll the onme 0mm look to lug Fu orjmr Whgnaeb dtpaudzblt Theres nothing like gluing back with good book or the TV on lhoso long coldwintcr waning Thats whenits comfort ingto knowthat you dont need to worry abonblho healing that you can rely on COOPï¬UNGLO HOME HEATING SUNGLO Ifxe =an11éhair advenhnerg FUEL 75$