Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Nov 1964, p. 3

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pollre lrnlnlng manual mm lviltd by he slmmc Jiunla MO or use the qullllfy Iorm ha been dlnlrlhulcd lo III 1th In the province ll wnl rrxuorlod and mph hm nlln nun Irn In UnnMa lmvlndnl Ialin henflqgurjm In Turnqlu The argumzalinn behind the project is team grad seven and eight pupil mm Ionn two wquing in their gwn lilqe Pnpllx Codxlnglon SL Pub Jc School are already well adA vanced with the wound cdiuun at their own newspaper 111 nudmts Voice the pram Dec when he cir mlallun will be increased to cgples 1hc first edluoq printed 0n ulhcr mallm llm nrgan kmllnnl Rpm mid In men have romplcltd lvnlc nuxllluy police rnlnlnx 11m county now nu on nuxillnry ancm who do nalcll 700 mnn hauu ll par ukI Ind weran nvnnu during the um no months of Voice dependent on he re sulu of the fir5711mm edflhms Each member in niaxf mm general manager In the dnlivery boys worklnx hard to make it success pm of Ihe Edgar Radar 54 ion pmmrly being connmercd lor pmvincinl Emergency Mm um mxnnnnllon uac 51mm County Councll learned yester dny wort submillcd lo council ald he HMO cummmcc may malall counly radio lower nl mu Inn II urrnnucmenls can he made with pmvlndal numer It wnuld be Mud in con juncllon wllh pollen mmmunl ntlnm nclwnrk aw helm 0n nrio HMO nllltlnll or ilnnl Ip provnl EMO Considers Installing County Radio Tower At Edgar CodringtonySt Pupils Have Own Newspaper The Mum 01 file Sludenls llnr la am hcld In Unm Orlllll lhl mm In now btln tnndudcd In an VMllllonnud lord ma TN HMO port Gunny 6m Tallow film THE PRICE L97 IACH APPEARID IN LAST N0HTS EXAMINIR IN ERROR WALKS RS Printed Flannelette Sleepwear CORRECTION Proceeds mm the sale of the first nditian whim netted 5750 ero given to Junlnr Red Cmsst This the policy or III Iuure cditiunst Interest by the Pupils in start ing their own school ncwspapcr followed an nrgantud tour of the Banta Exmniner 135 month Form wo students have pasl lions an the newspaper slafl sim llinr lo large newspapcr In dividual membm are mspansl bin or he sums of their own department GENERAL MANAGER mrah xmuumrunuipr 15 Stephanie Morris who manila alns the work or all deparlmonu Glnrh Manila in the cdilar and mmmunl Hon vohmmm when lrnlntd in lhe comm as cmllonal procedures and hnv in passed Dcparlmcnl ol Transpofl examination rccclvu minded radio chwthu op mlm ocrllllcale mrrcnlly Ncsdag nighl ll mmmunlcnllonl nix through out the counly wilh volun kerx In Bamic In onm And In Alllslan OTTAWA CWA vlnronl dclcnm lho CDC null un lair lmpmdlcnl Ind unwlu rrillrhm ln lhe Common wn volmd Wednesday by lhu Can dlnn Union ul Pub Emploan cw lemcnl luuul by IM un lonl mllnml exewllvq ugh flu whlrtyowncd would mlvo llveyenr mntn WHY mm lnrllumtnl and be wbjm tn Itmllny And ddmu only II II Ive1m lnlcrvnll Vigorous Defence Offered For CBC lllcll muml ol THIEIIII uInu UII CBC bum Gunman New nch also 555151 with the ashion and ths new Cindy mun5 15 social edltor drawing and carioming is art diredag He also works clnselv with enlorlalnment editor Kevin Ilollaway Brad designs lhc tron page and draws cartoon and jokes lolluwlnx suxgcsllnns by Kuvln who 3130 mania mn llunberswof the newspaper slafl meet wmk More flu cdifioq gqgs to Ihq press ms deparlmcnl Solving puplla problem has lLs awkward mom can but Beryl my has not been caught or In apprnmlale anwcr wsls Like all newspaper here is hlg demand far Ih personal wnnmrnml Be pupll wllh he nrxanlninz ablllly Tim mlkcy circulnllun mnnngcr His ask is In argnnlzc pupils rum nihu forms Kn ha Ichonl lo dlxuihum the paper as soon Women on Ihe press mare no dimcully gelling The Value snllsfor five ocnln and L1 mt allowvd to be sold ou of he sdmol prnnlses NEWS COLLECIED own ar an paper col lncled 1mm he mllonal and local dnllle besides radln nnd lcle vlalon Gary Mcgcr mm rd lar Imps up on Ichm upon ncllvlllc and lnlmm Thll mn xc mm Mxl wnkcndl arty Cup me lo the Idlooll wmr And Avolleybafll Kw members at the form wn work on gnlhmnn alum km and ound milrxllllncuul and olhcr dlom all tnnlrilmung lo lha luccul lhclr own er purer uumllon bax IVE nha or Idm mm MIMI III olhcr glamm Kcmlng clue cyn on In wcml but nun nu purl cxv pl In lum lhn hlndlu at th cmum pdnflnl nudllne arm lwn luqchgr vy Shudlnll ulurln lhrlr hmk yutmhy nlmnm Inn quy wmlnu and grepndflx or he nu dulun uy womwl hard la wand at our In who ml mumInt Bu long wllh wardl Illcmi In prnmou melr nwlwmr om llw mmll Norm GRAPES RED POWER SPECIAL Blnll Plan Autumn Assembly of Spry Gupta Rose Grok ended last nlgh at Barrie Masonic Temple whan the 18th degree Stmllsh Rite was conlmcd on candidakeslhe Most Wise Sovereign Aured Shepherd presided and was mined by officers the chaptet pnst MWSI andmemben Sup rcme Couneil from the Villey omame lb Autumn Assembly Spry Chapter Comes To Close Andrcwr murch Hall It 815 pm lllustrlon Brother Copp of Paterbowngh honorary mumbcr of Supreme Cmmdl Scolllsh lllle Masonry dellvend travelogue with color nlldes on the llol Land Mr and Mrs um returned recently lrmn three momhr visit UK Medl lcmman ma allowlng llL1 re vrlnclpal at Tendi llead table was lnlroducchy nay Bishop grand marshal of Spry Chapler James Pnpplelon first general proposed he toast to Summo Council wllh ponso by llluaulouu Brolhor Al lnn lllllll Newmnrkcl Alllson chapter lruslce lnlrov ducrd llluslrlnus llmlher Cow Thanks won cxlmdcd by Jo ll Willwn AL Marcellus second ztn ml extended thanks lo the church ladle who prowlch Illa dlnncro Gordon Itllhlflll proper crl the Ions la lhe candldoln wllh mmmu by Frunklln Forrylh Orlllln rrrrannououou mm future of Ike assembly whit opancd Tuuday evenlnu was me pmmlnllnn of lho l7lh drum In Scollhh nlla by po clnl team mm Pcterbomnnh dlmicd by IL Maruod Twelve Soverclln Prince Ind uluxlrlaus Brolhm at no chap wm Involved In lhu demo work mum micrde Im degree nnwcmny was tunfcrrcd by dem mm mm Orlllln Barrlv can pr unml lho mh degree Wainh day allumoon in thch Jlmu lnwkmn wu dlmlar Ullflllfl SPEED Ald Hch hnl urged he my to mod the impul lury wk and pack IlmIlr Ilnn from Dopnrimmk Municlpll Mlnlrl Lo pemm work on Illa Willavdnlu nler min In Win mu 0m hmlly In wlflmul nlor lar drlnllni or unitary vurwm ho mm lmmmm mm mm NOW145 flhq Barrie 10th of Ad justmenl last night lurneddawn request bySimedc hop to pennit he erewon two H000 llquld lérflliur tanks Club mpn cm nhjlha eo mlteetmld no rule lbe merit of meweslybecausp ltlwas beyond the Misdictlan of Jive commlllce fixeCoOp mpmentadvezen ernl manager ZGrant Cast said huvorganizatloq wouldJlke to plaoalha tanks by the Welsh scale bale thelrvnew Innisfil Street warehouse This would leave only mm gelbafli The by requires 50400 whack mmommuéededdéd film this wn not urinalMariam Indqu tma app can my WI gays Ito the Ontario Mummqu TMDRAEY mars Mr Cue ma the unks woul be lowed on lhepmpeny on tunwrary bash He expected lhe apex31km lo bemovzd in cur or five numbwguaemf the Inclea in 32125 Henld 1h tanlu could be locatngnn Ooop property acmsn the road mm he wmhwse me who mm the tanks understand would be prohibit lve Idded marresidenu Plano 1M Tiffln Nu Mum Tmhu mg atmfly ME in obxed ln CnOpu proposal Mr PlnxlonandMr Mateo objected to change In bylaws and tuning legislation Mr Kloostgrman quMrl Moon3 would continue ask for more variancesn Mr Klmtenmn 1150 dried to the mafia traffic hazard Oonuniuee SeoMary Ken Johnson assured him that the rrallic Comndtlee had nld there wwld be no problem ONE MEETING Clly Conncll wlll hold only one regular meeting Buan Decem ber 1111 wlll be unnecembu The commlllee meetini wlu be held on Dec RESERVE MD The $30000 pet aside or con nccllnx link conxlmcllnn la the citys 1961 budget has been pm In rtserve und lo finance mm work In the Mum Do you mm on mlcllmcllrllpyout rpmm dw Ia hadmymnmGOLDm1PBmmflM qmlilyrya tiny bhndnd lot data Instinct Mom mm uh It on with mm mu at now mm ml tmnqmmm ta bottom em 11 nun mumpym Naraam Wmmwum Main MAEmen Areyou Gold Stripe type 1iqlicek Barrie was no place or Him1 in Mexday Some police olficm from municipal and prpvlncial dummy In town orUte Ema Policevchbn annualxevnlver shoot One mem ber of me EoyuhCanadnn Mouan Ottawa sigmaup The office wage wgloolnedh city by ackngmam AM Im Smilhlle wining barfI qlld saw prim or the shoot go to Metropolitan Tomma pol jaame 021mm vaindal pol ica were second will LL P1114933 CHIEF rumml pmmd lha sales mam mum 8min Ontariojmvlndnl pay lce Constable am LllwIskI plac ed limin the unclassifiedcum petition while cll consume Bar ry Bradley placed elm in the competition Bagne Car ma W13 who plnoeq high on the prize hsk met misforan when his gun jammed and put him out the campefiuon Three members the mun Department were en ileredln 1h shoot also was mesedwd by oqm Berg he Balesalso won the trend aggregate trophy and the mu ters tmmy my Karaten of rwon the marksman 9° thv WE liainbl camaflm we NM W2 imam ova Boles ol Humilmn 1m MNW the Barrie Police Revolver Yam00min mm of Ike 73am dew1 meat Imk he combat lmlyy Bob Maia chnlrman the Ontario police maker chm Eesepmd the first Kile mem rshlp kvphy to Kitchen Oscai Reich Mr Reid wires from the force this yen He was Barna Police We Ed Isdllfluris mm whcn Ihe chic was constabl on the Kitchener om Mr Mei aid and Tsdaln hart are credited with beginning ghq conmdiflnn shook In On iéfio ice mvfivém lo phat He sald the only volley officers who can handle xun WW have been hush by such dm Ha criticized munkiypl depart mcnls or not mvidma vmw zun tralldng Mr WWme mm mm 61s 11116 revolver dwabwu hdd at the Banla RevnlveNMg on 003mm Vaser 1m banqueLwas held at the River Garden on Highway 21 the Barrio Revuher JulkManialghntfiamuimwf Green QIWTsdurbarL Sex AlaMdetrld 09 Sup erinlmdent John Clark and men Auomey Johp Murphy Comfiéfiflon xérganizer Corp Frank Light or Banafade congratulatory ya on the back Examiner Phat The 9mm rammum ed at lhn shoot were Hamilton lbmnlo Bmllngion OPP Catharina RCMP Ottawa Pct 9W WW 10mm 3mm Guelgh Port Col bome Barria City and OPP limplul City Police Flu EMERGENCY NUMBERS M5951 Wm

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