234 mï¬lmw all or Cynthia Otis In flun nlnz gown 9f French my with gold who looked tamed Ind macelul sealed at her Ind Ardth Allan Mined deep velvet who handled her hell with me dewllva can 01 master m1 program was delight lrom beginning to end The 11 lsLs wen 1n tap technical form Ind save magnificent con Een 19min yilh fqur fEarly hlely estabhshed themselves masters at their various Instm menu In the merry Gamma péï¬lgflarlqlhe Hg lento mel By MUMEL LEE The neoond recital 1n the Com lmmity 001mm series was xiv gn In 31th gentggl Cg formed with mmIcaI arth hy wdldruï¬dmkgumm program Wu mal and the mists charmed beh audlance Visually II well aurally Mr Boyer HaulH lmpeccabh 1W1 90le pulg Hm the 11 Immed pdlcllneoflhe liwulperv rmmmmmmem Mug passage And hill of flu flqte solo in lye Pusqggxll Sim ï¬mamiéém ma Pavanc Ihis Wu on Pavanc Ihu wu on of In Md azulol Nuwlon say he II no mlsflcd wllh upon from the Mun Winks Commmlqn and the Slmcoo Cam Health Unit any pixfly ï¬ller II nld that he Health Unlt and the PUG describe the ruler 11 Grade fln re diner Qua mmn olch wrlna used to mix Coll badcrh bldarh mulu 1n Du mlmnl deppsll nnfl hmnlgu Manda council mecflnl he mid bu VIII Irvin to dem nuns Ibo qunnmy mineral mum when he had med In pmloul met or mum In And qumlllallva Andy Ina municipal wnlgr lupply or In turn zood In In TM valet ha Added ulllnu point no rulguud thll an Independent may wuld b6 cnrrlcd out but Ink would mm nolullm the nut mung mcgllnl Trio Thrills Alidience jWith Variiengrogrdm gm AudiMmLm Ne 1min mm Dr 500 the llanllh Unit la 1h clly cluk rnl received In October ll flaked In man In um qunl Illua and nunnliulm Anuylll lhe Mm wnler lowly II II duly nnd rowublul to mp lhu waln perlodln la Immln ll um LI fl lnr hunnn cannunptlon lhll ll dnnn um um mu nunznoyn comume Wa hm melvtd num Imul complaan mm In publlc retunlln an nelhln tub And Mom whldl oc cur periodical 1m menl mu dulnfl mm flu Anna mm mm Ind C011er ml Mule1m Smell Iru mi mer lhu wiltr bad did an Mhonlkllm oir rompuldm led whldl lndlnlod 6w um contained Ibwl lM mount Morin Mmuryi 11m hller moved Ind dimmed by round and flu Im PUG you uhd for cm llullun 0n Nan II mrnl may not Elm PIN yqu hum nu ma York Concert Trio takes lime out or bit of Mamba and mpumflon MW nuu ml xnv My qmnlm word Hi um Ibo um lupuva ol the mud WM Newton 9t Satisfiéd With Water Reports Inr chucgnd 36 Miss dtll aunlclpnl water lu lug Waffle ï¬nest arrangement have hend of this mien stately da The mus bflfllml niher gr 5010 was Sahedos Uniï¬ rsnndan Iainnil Benn per ormlnz this desulpflvework Mk om mowed her tnsclnnud audience the many varied ef ecu ponlble on thehmp Illustrated the funcflon at Ihe seven pedals Ihen she played thoSon¢ Mnght showing us how the used hm meet tn was musical picture old diuiiiinx Mien he explained ihlt fluch proven in be 10000 years old and man from human shin bones are in museum in Europe hen proceeded to lay that his Instrument II very m1 and mad mm said vrinmr Hy because his meta Mm more brilliant musical round Snfbstliuï¬nx HI Carnival Venice ior the programmed Faninisia byqua Mr Boyer established himseii hriillnnl Next flute and harp who heard togeuler Ibartl Enlfade with ll appenllnl melodic line and alrnoslhymlouc harmonic duct lumde the flawless achnlquo of the two Artists Cello and fluke were combined In In exciting performance 01 Jets Wilts by the contour wary composer Vlllnhbol Commlsslon may mm demu ed Inspection Ind Iubmll mm their ï¬nding lo the Car pornllon mn rcvoru have wayl pognjuynrable and uln leu one lamp 01 mol dpal wnler muxl be xubmllled per month or every thouund ple or bacteriological enm allon lho PUC collects le Imam PUC mum Lx lurch per week tom vnloua point In dimrent locum of dmrflrugun gyntqn The Onhrlu Water Roomm Canqulon Inbomory report llmw every umplo bu Grade Mr Murphy Illled III holed llul while wuhromu an tan vmlenl umpllnz palm hum kéme curl mun be ummd lo Ivald mnlnmlnnuau mm min unnlly present In man Barrie ho mud hII no Inlmlnnl dlmnumlnz In our wnlm But he mnlinuod do have from la 065 pl pt mlulan of Iron And vlrlm Ilrllfll lmn bu mh whlch depend on Im or Ihtlr ll pmcunl Iron hm hm In very mnmon 1n wall nur Ind complelely harm lm mm wbflc hulm mnd palm but when mm pm mm ll mmplclod will ll mm mm In lmldu ol Rolrluprciflï¬h Co lhelr pgrformanéo qt Centrdj Collegian In ovtulpg They wue guest at Inception at tho hum 15 And Mfl mu cannon Pap 3qu had luglgneg PHILIPS TAPE RECORDERS WHJDMQHM ALLISNN sum annrl here have turned thumbl dawn on new town hall besides tum in out avery member of coun dl except Mlynr John Darling and Reeve Geom McCazue Ind Taylor artist of distinction This was saved flue playing and bl 11y tenets were mlecely captiva tedby hlgperlorm New mmnben accoundLHA Dawn whoshended polls Hewson Jame Dickie Gray and Mn Morrow Elected in HM mu Utilities The Trim uncludedjhejirsl 11311 loe DWI with Raver Sonatina an hlo 15am pllyed with distinction and beauty Foflnwing Intermission Ardytb Anon cellist perform du sul om illustrating the deep sonar mu lone ol this beautiful Instru ment The variations of lane and ma musical Insight In the Gradnoe Guyana was con stant Joy to listen lo We apply from 044 to 015 part per mllIIan of chlorlna In normal the zromh Iron hm lerh1hh provides dilating midunl mm mm to 01 It the pncglcg In 0n maintain mMro residual ol to 03 ppm Even mldull 045 ppm thlorlnacmnoe be detected ellhor by mm or lmlll the water vlpcl andxuulll 111 red mint my townc lured In lhut our lead rm rcawnnblo and hlve reminded lhnl the actual chlnrlnu rul dunl nqulrcd would be loll cov and by the nblllly lo ubtlln In Idlvo reddunl In Inland lec llom al the dhlrlbuuan lymm Mr chlorlna mldunln In mil My pw Inner iémh the 81mm Cwnty mm Uni lndlulu that 9Wï¬ Willard hula cogent was muscl cm munlly Concert Amdaflon Here member of me trio duh wlu Bruce Owen pruldem of Ion lbll lhOWI mm luln about leco lho Amount of dllorlnno mcmary lowovcr Imllcnuon In lven In It dllorlnl mldul IIVIII vhlch Ira muldmd by lhomedlul olflctr at hunk lo adeqqu In ml conlml mm pmch In Barrie Mr Mur mmncludcd we cumnlly uvndnnL Inn Ill In thltrrlnnlorl ml my panhlly Almlnla mb Im Alliston Voters Tum Dawn Town Hall Shake UpCouncil laxIsabel Post Mayors Orfluh was tho guest spake the Wardenl Emu held 1m evening ha Bayshora lodge Councillor Fmd Cook act ed as master of ceremonies or the Among the Bleak were Goun clllm Revemnd Leonard Self and Mn Self Keith Langiard Cooke Judge Mar Holt Elwood Madlll MP for Du erln Simme Judge Cm lcr and tho warden Dalton Jer mey and Mrs Jamey Mn Jermey was presenled with two bouquet of Howe 11w miller new town hall hubun Hut tun withmm dl or mma eud at one g1 19 lugméet1ngn More the um um old council went on rec ord in unanimous vnta for new town hall Ilsa that me people be hen opportunity mrvom up CommInlw wen William Boyex Ind Frat OConnor Elected to the Public School Board were Golden Duran Plvld P9171 Ind Mn Jun When the Vote were munled there wen 590 agnlnn new town hall and 321 yen votes Alb 43an Album DBL Amn an Tn In Blnk ol Ni lull Tu nmlum 01 MIL Million 94 In In Con III POI CnLl all cm éoni nm NW cm Ch madman len ma mt 0MP has My 11m cello Owenpinri 1141 payer fluu Wm Orillia Mayor Guest Speaker frailI VI Mflll ACTIVI Imll Ill Toltvlmt bmm Hummflzwnmm WONG Illnflml DOWJON NI YOIK AVIIAOU Halal TDIONIO Imtl lltllAan haw new muan TORONTO STOCK PRICES FEE 50¢ will be charged for contest applications untllvfob Iii 196527 Compiled 1A Blul ANNOUNCING THE BEARD snowmc comm Ip lléaflom lullbl Imn lu uM lmurum 17 Colllor If numm MHIIOI uhudar gm nu MflleNln NI MI Don slam Dam TI hlcnnbna Flynn Dunlap st Burk llama Oll Ilud Ill Ill lluawnx on law mm on lulu Nlchl In Ullllllu lnurpnv rm mk an an iimna nmurnuu 91 CC mum mm munsnnnuom in or thejmulsiï¬ venture In 84mph Nathan Rohefll today termed nonsense charges George Dale nld Tuesday um tha ell contributed 750 tovmd cash or the book when any Whm paid 710 gm nlvv yum urn4 Mr Eébem who rmahnu ciky conndlron use mumm min aal Bunin alre 43 LL Simone Cu imrhrud Mil $611 flauntan 51 moboaksand rm m3 HIGHLHO nld Bard mm pnyinz for sowing becaun ma city didnt let lull Allotment oi books this year Vm mm Lsa mm the county nominee for will Bir do lb man dolly pictqrhl Mr mm port baton fr mull uld Iheproimwublyedbr emu Barrie hndnt Indicated whether It would puddpute lln Inqdlv Howwa Mt Rd uid to day city council luer of week Isa land 50M immedlmmofleflm mm County mdflors the one drluinl their feet In aid meedna between me tour tyl loud Ind Jndustrlll mm mm Mr ma hose inking put wlll bu John FWoodlBIrrie EC0wnnen Amen Mills Harvey Klmner principal of Barker Sdml Clmp Burden Paul McKelvay Allinon Ed Milk member ol Barrh Public Sdmol Baud Ind 31h Anhmm Drink he dent will be held Nd It 139 pm in HIllcmLPuhflc deoL ls urgnagd 1y mg mammum sawmdxennanf Gerrylvï¬obeflsi wide elementFyï¬il pubue speaan could win repment mural actions of flu county Weu Annemien and in Iponeored It the district level by the Ontario Kydn The canieianu each represent one of the Inspectorlee in Sim coe Gmmiy ii in expected there will be 10 caniemnil reyruen lint boih whilead mimic ldlOOiI the minty 1h winner will receive the George Johnslnn from end till award All aniemnil will be presented with boot and certiiiuili During the lime lhc Mm Ire delibenunu the Hillelest Choir dlremd by Hall ol flu echooi will Iudges Named For Contest mm VI mo raw luv Mum rl unad en Ont Nfl noun Can Mcln Pm gumch Elm mm no lutl at cm 10me Bk 11m CAI Tum IL Tnfl nu mm Union flu 95w Na Alton flan El 10 omul 22195 mum WIN WIM v1 LE Cooke mayor Bartlet and founders CookaCartaga and Storage has been elected to the Board Dinetofl olIhe lass Cartier Dlvisinn which represenu transport com panlcs engaged In uudx load 25W urvloo thought Out Mrpdoakeku cloud to the waiuanmls week at the 38th Annual Convention of the Aulo mouve Transport Assoplnflon in TomnmHLwnAaIsn madeT member in the rATAPIoneer Gimmick Is comprised 01 men who hive lerved more than as yeyrq In Ibo truck Unnamed Synopsh Cold arctic air advandnx from tha northwnL Some um snow accomynnlu th cold outbreak Sharpdropa iln temperature accompaan by anrnorlhwest winds are em mud in all regions by evening Lab St Clalrr Lake Erie western Lake Ontario Windwr flzronto flamllton Vlri cloudiness Ind mld Prim 2mm snow Wind variable Smut 15 today becoming mid welt at to 25 In shun contrast to tha nlny mud weather served up in me Int law dayl lemperatum wul plummet well below 0m reeling mark night In the Barrie am Low ovemixnt empenlun Wu leh tampmlure recordsd It 11 mm It the Examiner wu Nlaxara easlarn Lake 0w tam Hllihurtan lelnloe Vir gm woonEN mm if Wildm mm Ihe Madrid Accident aneh on the need or mm mm concludtd 01 more Imumdadon mum then nmamcndul UM the mm bedndlcd awn nextan 11m commTllee under chair man Med Cum Punch wu mod Jun lo lurvcy lhanmdturnnawhomlnme wmem part of the quy In mainr dbcamod ma upon um mm the neecy moldenu ol galllnzwogd dykdula 101m mmn Manor Pcnelnnz nr Slrmoo Manor Melon Meme poor Ir pollution ln mull Dun Ind sur roundlm mmdmliUu cm at their um puzqu In mnlnz hnmol Colllxwwuod Mr Cu reported hn mpwpk In mm In boring at gho my WK womonnlln an to Blur nrr Crumore Wm Mada MaYor les Cdoke Elected To Board The Home or lha Mod Oxn mmu Simone Counly Coundl um wok byoudhl JII donned BARBIE AREA WEATHER Recommends Further Study On Home For Aged In 00th Ilium iudrrmo erA WELLINGTON Temps Below To Fall Freezing The foreman responsiblllflel In may war In tom 01 ink dven by Tom Wozden elv Wu 19mm of 3M Wu Awdem Pavemde madman 1m nlxhl we W0 Hm the loremnn today wax mm tmportan than curbe on We Hoodlum nhd cold Winds northwest no to kn Huron thhcm Geor giaxi Buy hndan Cloudy Ind mid with mownuniu and occa lloua mawnqualls Wlnds nonh wen Northern Gemdun BuyHm unml pom my Sudbury Sunny Wlul cloudy period Ind cold Wind 20 to so manin Whfle ilvur lexical giggly wnny Ind Wind 14 chul Tmpcnlnm loan HUI Ffldly Windwr 20 Umdnn Kitdlaner Mmml FormIL Caéhnne Western Jlmu Buy Mainly xunny Ind cold Wind nnnhweat Is In Notuwuua Sunnldale and Col llnzwood yielded the allowing lnlannnllpn then are an mle In nun Mama In 25 or ha and and In pdvlte homn bl number belna maintained by mmo mu wellm And to no Nd cm um home for the and Council Implied lhn commll leax mommhflon um unher nudy be nude In tween dim udhldden costs Ln Munh acddenu Guest maker It the dinner meeting the Birds Dlvlalon the The pot uld eonclualon um commlllec Agreed than need or more commodi lan gnlmagmJ my urge In lion the area Ind 23 srtnugï¬gnusrs Speakers Topic Re Addressed the dinner mac EFFICIENT ESTATE ADMINISTRATION 35 Dunlop 81ml am Burl Plum 726MB nl In of the BunIo Semen ofztha SimoneMuch Divklan of th Axsodaflm at Community House rmanuezncae mam Weider One at Mt In mpomlblllti lat Iarely foreman with marten will not becomo dr mm he added Durinl 1m compensation paid or industrial accidents wu $61 million Mr Wozden med ha hidden mu oi in lime Equip men damn Ind lamllyhnrd ships nmmied to three lime thin amount Tï¬Ã© loremln now depart ment manager and um spokey Chairman of ihe Barrio Seo uon Charles Jo co in dunking the maker ml the WA or masgrymnwï¬mm telXian T011 AW ety He urged the members if impmva tile nieiy record ollile section In making Barri belulliu city in lu Lilo mako it pain on to mm in in laid Clive McKay chaimun pi the Shncoeiiuï¬m division asked mutter to iniemi their manv uemni in belle nieiy prayi mm Deb mm 1965 we wslul year in Barrie ha mid Flavoured Vllnu IllVllfllHUll loan on In mu mum Ill