Bond Heed end won by Mabel one on se no er er Dell Prom Bebe Adams Mr and Mrs Dtmiop celeber ed their are wedding enniyen ury Sunday when most of the lunlhuwere with them Home and School held their meeting with nod attendance Severelgunee have been purv chased tor the children Giadyl Beecock and MerlynerIht were in chem at the program in Mn Walker end Mrs Merritt znve demonstration The two ledim served lundr Grimm By ms Gannon cemnnu 301 Miss Shirley Campbellth working as trainee lor the Boil Telephone or Benis Monday glitz and Mrs HeroidBeItrm epent the weekend in Toronto sod Royal Winter Fol Com and hire Herold Hunt and Baby Debbie ol Cooks stowed the Wedan may Eml MN pro urdny ov lven Clerk in in lorontnsun derzninz surgery on his but wingin Mr and Mn linen Nieitol Ridirnond Hill visited Mr and Mrs SwinsonSnnday Cierenoe Hohnan is patient Stevenson Memorial ille woo past week with reietlm end ï¬ends in Barrie WnyneWhltteide is ent Torontocenerel Hosp tel Mn Raver end Mn ornate sy MLIMMII Elmde pbeil spent Wednesday in Toronto Mrs Wrlboth Ind Mrs villeMienereRHodgseu Berri Jhursdey Streeteviile end Mr and family 05 me Whitby at family premisth dinner lest Sundey and Mn Mrs cénr Reynolds Intended the Royal Winter Fair Congratulations to Jim Besse Saturd whoplleediwoiIHnOroPuhllc BU MrenerlZBuknenEa Believe Hal$435 ti Paimer Mrs herblotiier diaries Helrimell Or deonesjï¬otr frightI well Kettle end Recent visitors mentholma have been Mr and Mrs Mel Chute with Mnlloyd Lilly thehome of Mr endl Mrs Elvlood Methane Mr Jud Mrs 5W iawll end VeldaAnn with Mr end Mn °d Em ow consumer citsm an we oi st Johns chord who hold their Muhamma We noon tee in the chinch besement do Mrs Robert Kend rick erehume after unending few days at Tildon Lake Our lFIODiwM soid Seturdsy to Floyd Sinton Mr end Mrs thlrrle Baldwin spent Friday in Toronto Baldwin Mr end Mrs Ralph Lnlonde end tdrgrfhlers mg Palm soon urdny ey Mr end Mrs lewis Corr ll Mrs Willie Smith 8000mm her brother Everell Patton to Meetord last weekend and were celvedm banner Explorerserernislngnmey Other Mrs Robert gWelirer tion Ceremony when tour is hmrwin Wm Hm were initlegd and re certiï¬eer end Builorer pin Alithei5x Hater bootts formendth dimmed While mm 50th anniversary OliMI and Mrs Ott Mature Wfliowdnl sunniohir cos mm mm MRS ROBERTBATES The euchre club vith idytebl es oi pityere had an winner aid Mclntyre Mn Norman Ped dison Edward Currie Willinm Clerk Fred Ford Refreshments were served by Clearview WI Snrmidaleiiremnn sponsored euchse with pmeds or mun cular dystrophy and winners WEE Md rlhernpsmï¬ Allen lhompsen Arnott Carmihere Retreshmente were servedby the ilremenf LAMP SHADE COURSEI sun Filteen indies met nldaie Corners Community Gem To commemoratewour store reyhrimIatiiongilt offlexactiy one yearavgo we are offering 7these PREécHRISrMAdi GIFT iDEASi PURCHASE AITENI MGWRI your show rings AT CANADIAN no than Ann mu MAY eiIdBill minimum esmetsithelonsilonssner gunsot end completed their rhea 93 Dey with rliobert Bette to flame eesLntedAby John de Gert Harry detGomr Fred Cuihom Moron lend WiiijNy memoon iWerhzeedseryeninilhe Home er endendbeldemcelsmiu 115 dire and suction esiein Elmvele 9th tloneer wes minted by Mrs Mn Morison and Mr Rose pridclpel of the sdtooL vWinnmJorrclnls were Mrl iton Robson French Mn Pom Stecy and Mrs Nlloch door prize Mm Alvin Greeni sod Milt lhoe tnveiling prize Fridayevening et Irene Harry Rowiey Hendgnrlormm Crans presented Mrs Ritdrle with handmade lenther nurse in appreciation other time with ticket esles or the unit hell tom TEA AND BAZAAR Willing workers Andrews 1A1 Presbyterian Ohm held successiui bazaar end attemoan tee ï¬re smell tee tables were decanted with reflux unint Mr Mr Tom the ananri Pemiwwet family Milly with Mr RoiInt Markham Mr treoe euc 39 Rowet lpent In Mmlioy me on Mall to meet the weekend witti new parents Mr and Mil Grnhsm nude or Mrs petient In lbronto General Han pliel recovery is wished Ritdiier who is Apartment at Barth Grehsmo Merle Street Ind iiowet Toronto end Rowt weekend with Ind Mrs Mei Gait spentJhe In their perente Rawat For DeyeOniy Approved by the Dept of Tnmport PICK UP AS sACKMP on TRUNK LIGHTS AND SAVE GETY9unsNowiTIIREs FREE All customer who oohth their snow tires It Ceudien Tire Blrrll II to December II to Drew Itilhe nude It on on Deenhber list mu urn Wilma cum The out oi your snow tires on nutter it they ere illway or BMW Winter ms 38 to auwumbnn xv flu or eourleuou wiilbototsilyrelund PW Gift of femoue Dayton Belch Racing Set tor the rest ofithe femily IN AND elm lRIZES Front End Alignment Worth $750 CLEAR PLAITIC SEAT COVERS Cuetnm Fit Popular Cm 998 llmliut Quentitiot Reg 1395 NOW