Indeed womanly by JOSEPH ahhtoarlnn $10 Dear Dr Mother recent ecelumn Included letter Iron reader who wu concerned neer having stepea operation No years agol was laced with similar decision The thounht of ear eurlery frilht ened me an wae tour mouth rreznant My obstetridan felt waslell right to The ten was to remove the alone he and replace it with wire rent the hoapltellthe night he ore were bu my ear and mental plated overit Next morninl war alvenen leinieciion to make me relax When taken to the operating rnom was bit woozy but fully aware ot what was mind an The doctor and nuree ex plained the why and wherelore or each thing they did do the doctor chipped the elapes bone Che aenaelton war about like having radiator poundllu There wee eloatr and from tlma to time would open my eyea to see It The doctor aatd the operation would take one to two hours it took an hour and t5 mlnutea At no time wee thoomlortable lta eoon es the wire wee con nected up it wea ea thouah av TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel Borvle THURIDAY NOVIMBII vaoo Semi storm mule naut wooey waodpaaker lllvukh NIII weather Sport Mr Novel Haul The Serial The Defendrre The In uee CBC Nave all Weather Sparta Nan 1105 Item Denleroul Partnera nroev November or Teal Pattern Id Alien Time National scemle NeLtonel am Neudi cm at nuuamul soum ham end Pete Nonnfley naperr Movie ma mm super aim ea the World rum ma so Secret Slum Reade Danie VIII her Wum Wllon Tut country tloenawe Mr meantva Teleacooe Untouchehlel CD New Weather loom New Mom tIu caeonal runner Noveoraan to T1 Pltlult om Cup Parade nnyal roummznt me am Cup Preview Grey Cup Game Bdwilnl Bemtomlfl lune nunlo raanma Rl7rnm nanny mlltuu rm China ur am out NllL lloc ey Juliette 2EEE =3Ea 23382382825333 Deer Iutht Channel Buffalo human NIWIHIIII XI 00 Till llttvl alone Lee If Burn 71 rlork SHIV IIM Molt ltrad News loan CI In New malnar nla me on Autumn lAeveIl IMIIIAI Notmun If too Tha lecrel Item no um It rn nanr no me Oclorh aha Ila Ivor maton Ila an em room can lvrnlnl Null leonle lire runny viame eoo nau so eema arena 00 You Tr tono utrl an Ilhty lleyhauua Unue the unnamed tlao letlull lull My ntrea loo nurel lulu re Nun mamI la ltlfllllhtlm In at 88 8323888838 epeelrer had been turned votcee coming up loud ea clear Went homo Ihe next wee 100 mile to my home and the only altereffect waa dint nets which note oft tn about much resumed my worlr at home in matter of deyr and went back to the hospital intwo weeka=to havethe padttnx re movedthlaloo Wee patotesa Now lheer beautifully and this is the word for llthe first time alnaa my teens hear the wind and the voices of children pinyin nitride For completely happy end inn had ellne aavenmd daughter my tiith ahlld uraethta peron hot to heel tale to have the operation The chances quotedto me war in to that it mtlht not be we eeulul in north the leanbte mum MT Modern ear oururyie indeed wonderful caution readere not to ex pect that all hearing detatta an be correlated by pituitary ten otologetzur at can fell within detintte llmlte which cesea cannot be bendited and which can probably will Perhapa Mre Milt your de acrlptlon of your experience in the hoepitnl will do more than enythlnx can any to take Channel Toronto runner Novmon too nearlyatom ctua an unt rlva octeea Matinee Untembed INN are Weather mm The Munateru The Outer auntie Andy Willlema Bull at MN CTV Nettanet Nit atatro Final mm amen reala AV NIWIMIIR MOEalert Nlll lien Pia me with Uncle lobby Me Ple ml with Uracil In TV Blnll The Jemee Beard Show Toronta TMI channel mam mualtl Aoreeedaon Full of Klnd People In connkt Itl Your Move lttlckr Mouee CIIIB aaa nae nu Oclock Mallma Th sEEEsee 82383 52 88388 And Grit Boat In Your Money Moiielee NI mu yh Grl null News talra mat lurk1 IAI Pierre llama 3838583 888 IL II II II eamener albumen Kiddo Junior Auction my cup Parade am my menu at mean ramat an CupMe Blur MIMIC wt mm at loam Mr Me no aanny ueet bill to the nation or Ihl it It Hello all Il Annoflu Mel Channel Buffalo anuunav human no Capt he Huckleberry Hound Walla rake Todel Iluntlylltlnlle Neva nxahoa enaan You Allme Favorite emu Dr etllaan Esa AV Novaalhfl at rapt nan ueaiua thlla Welle ram Today llll Ilunlilyllvlnhlly Nal Dohie little International nominee IIM deal ltenlty hm er re eha aee amen 883278858588 00 IA fa It Nnvumu hit cat rnm rumor Iottu alder nrahall XL nennll na lienre aura falléï¬ï¬m Coatn nethela Dultlml Club IA Theme eno Hr AN mam than the lint Null Mute It MIR In Weather Nlnl Mull ClanMlle and the CM 38 332332885828 my nxenthnn wen the rogue mam CARRIER MISS YOU it your center In eei arrived by war pt no phone pm And to Will la Drltvandto Your item THIRI II NO CHAROI 70R Tull SIIVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVIYOURIILF CARI AND TRUCKS met for em eutterera to have eleep inter need my ale eema coronary ruptedby rhottnessnt breath endchest diatresal The oondle lion usually tubsldne minutes after arising andteklnn anltro llycertn tablet inemf 70 4110 Shortneae ot breatbrfrom emphysane iueuelty ocoun while you are active and thua overlain your lung capacity Henoelwouid eusoed aome other eouroe et ulnht the cor onary theartt trouble la lott ael polsiblllty Nitroslycedn and the an dallled medioatlona mane tinnedare excellent our doc tor may want to alter the time at which you take them day or night toward all tble ehortness of breath Deer Oh Mother Iam t5 and had my first period last yeerl have not had another etnee lam terribly worried but thavent told any mother Does this mean wheel marry can never hevaelilldrenl PEDF it in not uncommon for young zirls to have one period then lepae before pertode reeume do think however that By ESTHER bowm Orvttolteern in In at Alliston ano la ea IgtlhtonHolly Mist Mary Smithand Robert Elliott 1hronto apent the week end wlth Mr nd Mre Hany chin and Mre are entertaining friend netghbourrto ardan nlvy Orenzeltall Saturday Nov as looiet oclock on the ocqnaton of theiraltver weddlnrenntvep eary No lite plenee uh lieael iirolley and Ro and Vincent Holt Egbert and Mr and MmE hiaCutcheon ot nlornton attended tha funeral of MraIFrentr lttecutatleon in Toronto Monday Nov should tell your motha YOIII wetuhtfla leak at thyroid some other attention thie than will not efted yourebitity ta heve obtldreo CONTRACT BRIDGE ay JAY West deelen NorthSouth vulnerable Nam exqoxoe noun an error vooiouae+iooeffli 100 011 we QJIII ware momma Watt North on re Pen Peee ee Opening leadtour of loader Bed bidding will sometimes produce good results but that is namely loud reason tor ln dulgin in bad bids lien in case where bed bidding paid off woiiï¬he deal med in team of four rnatth and the Northsouth pair were well behind at the point when this hand came up South had all the valuea nec eaaary for his three heart bid but North in an eftort tn ate swing overbtd hie hand eome what by Jumpan to five haerte South narritd on to all and Welt led apade East tookthe ten with the ace lane BECKER and mm with ptoblun of what to reunsttis possible choices were epadea diamond or club After mud thought hfmturnod made which de clarer rolled and the outcome web that South made the alarm Eastmldnotbeuneotthe best return to make but it due seem that hie selection of spade was the worlt dlotce it up wmrehhetythatrmth who hed mdartehen the slam in the tune of evade bid by Eaat would have the ainileton roede than Went Vtaweddltlerenlly there was elea nnadalreaterdlanee on the biddin that South Md two aces and Walt one than there was that South hed alerted with two epade intern It Eaat hed viewed the matItr in tbfe tight he would etltl have had to gueae whether to play diamond or club at trick two Only club return would have defeated the contract In general in such altuettnna the better play in to return the aide eult In whith deeterer ie ant to have lees cards In the reaent use title would have tested club return There in good reason for favoring the return at declnrera aflorter mil dectanr Ia mire In the eon of his lonaer ault he may not be able to dIKRId the entire aulton dummye who Ilella Tomorrow Rebtd by the or rain bidder DAILY CROSSWORD theatton lceaaiul out Ddeenab lion lLDillnll rm Hpritl AIGIM Mean Extlt Johanna in ehallea 10 Finnish AM strike with he lmtd Lave Id Valuable fur 10 MilIa mu Aeetet 16 Dexter In Search 29 Prelim ll Near Bill If BMW to flee from to chap ï¬lm et eee bout dd Seller Unit at warm Doubt Olfll seaport heated at Female WE rabbit rlnnn L1 mn Ilfltlizlfl nnmttn 35m nnmntl rlratltltl ait la beware Anv one etde up Nut wlua aele relax 11 It wanton MMy apluma IIM IllEm tenant alllloullz IIIIon III till VAVAVAï¬HI IH illlllliil JULIET JONES DONALD pucx aLoNDIE BUZZ SAWYER no ï¬llet mum BONNIFIO WM ï¬wï¬ï¬ï¬‚wfllh 3W0LOI 15th houhmu ecu Long list Short gush No Worry wnosrm MEN sruoeNrs WEAR JUST SAY CHARGEIT YOUR SALES SLIP FROM MOSIYNS ARE WORTH ON YOUR NEXT CASH PURCHASE NURRYLORANI7MA WHILE BOWLING IS IN Am M009 TWO AFYERNOOW AND WILL mum Ml mm aNIROU WIT WI NI IALL ON MKEDGOODIIS IR YOOAV may aurclqMaMol HAND HY Nanas Yam HoMewonl bl IEFCASE ummt alt molar weml mliLlMItHl IOUL LINIOIHM ANY or new ucuet PUION shun coar TIE You saw FASTgN Yam rattan nrmaugor DISCOUNT PRICE IOOI eo DUNLOP 51 lrs Lure AN AUTO ASSEMBLY LlNl it A1IIWMN1 Slim Will KW WM Wt