EXfémaqf ule yum1mm Hum ulm Mr Mn John Wllnn III Mnulm MHd¢l iduniT mmqmm ll wwwmmum 0mm mm pm and uwunm nummu ji l1 MM NH FOX muliul um llbrurlln thcrkl um n1 mm Iho mm mom mm home at Mr Ind Mn Wilt Hull lgdulgd Mn FM Mn Fm Ham Ind T771 Timmy Lynn Mr And Mr nry Md 10 Rayllnll nnmiw ma Imelown mm Down In PWMWWH III II will Mr yam mu mun Mr ms Mn Km Rm uh Ir IM Mn JIM Rm Ind 1le vlgljvdmmday gt Mum Tha report Ix flu checked lo see it Is compch and than it cndcd The patient ale mx disease or operation and dnclnr all become numberL The paiienll than at Into pen mnnenl lilo la hmme one at 50990 dating mo new pallenln their disemes and dale admittance and dis charzn and their almndinz phyl CHECK REPORT other pertinent inlormnlion which the Public Hospitals Act requires include hlslnry of present and previous Illnesses and lamfly history lhn pro vlsinnal diagnosis why the pa limt has been admitted to has pita orders at treatment and prams notes AI lung as His patient re mains in hospllal hi medical records ï¬le remains an the floor with him and when the pntlanl me out um door get his than Mn Fax um Th recard Ilso canth re pom pertainlnz lo the condillon an discharge consultations al low up cure and laboratory aminalions To the venoan In he medl ea record department every patient has number and is rknnwn lhroughouHhelr may in the hospital by lilac numbEr ra ther Khan by name ï¬le dealing with one hos rilzl admission would prnhabA contain about 20 page The required iniormatinn in lire file is set down in the Public Hos pital An and includes such In formation as patient identiï¬ca iion by name address age 11 lniarmaiinn is given by lha lien on admission and at is point he receives number Several years ago red Ink was discontinued Ind dicraphona machine WET introduced to tree doclpr from the tediour Job of hand writing histories consultations and other reporh HAS NUMBER New procedures may impmve efï¬ciency but havalaken Elmo lull tharomance out in med lca remrd departmental d1 hospital You could always lrll they had written them at night be muse the night duly mrse al ways made nursing observation Inmd ink Mrs Neil Fox medical Ne 0rd librarian awhian Victor In Hospital or the past elghl years said Illerev were even rare occasions when medical record arrival in tho department showing slgns iierallng room 7mm VIcTomix ï¬dspmti Only cw year 330 vision or nllred docInr writinl out nation report In the middle of the nlghl perhaps while await ng the arrival of baby cam to mind when the medch rec nrd librarian plcked up old In lind inc nolgliong mada nk MILI WANIIM NEW FLOS sun Loum mune Eu wrue mwnou MOM mm led ml demon my In Du all lnl Dullon 01mm pmldent ol flu Nnflml lwpmlve 0w mmm ModUm nu ld andIHuï¬hhbdllï¬ nu uld nu 311 or urly mmmu whw nutmum mldbeï¬pctornlualhm Will would Ina Imam of all named I71 llwk ludwl Md munlnu IM Idlool INN enjoy my Friday 1110 MM lo Malian Ind mum1 II ll Wlnm FAIL New Hot NI llonwmlln CM ml Mn Mini and Mn ll mum II In mm Wainmlay mnlm at In ham Min hula Puma to M0 ï¬nal plan or Mlmmm in Hm ulo humanly Don mull ml othng mm In Invited lo tum nuIIIe hor XI ho vLumc um la Jlujntlrnu Dull doctors mm mm data ba to 1M Organlza ln addith to tillngthe chart paxu bycodenmrberthéralaniso listing of pauanta name Patienta are also liated siciana well as by diseasaand operation inm systmls one hospvltala maintain in we to become accredited Until 1966 when Mu Foxar rived at lWH there waa no med lcalrryecord department though Vol course medical records were maintained At present preparations are being made to ahittto new code system which is not aa complex as the mum nne but offers the advantlge oi compar lnz statistics with Minr Ima WW5 onde medby flieWorH Health tlnn has Just ahwt am lbwnew coda lava genl galelnd one mugged the old waavery With the old ayatem kadured Irmmnfld b0 brokendown into yupper or lawn lpecilic bana locatinn on that bone as well as thetype ot fracture lhenld method could take up to eight digits to pinpoint an ininryB¢cauae the IBMcomi water can only handlelwr at nuns tth simpliï¬cationwas need What is required la geneial Italiaqu indicator or all med loal care and or thia we need ammunenl tode We will be dyla tn compare mu lac hma with mm My Iioapltala became it lmtaw dflc enough Butthnuxn it may notbaqulte anneal it cer telniyia not interim Mu Fol comménted Sliotzlda Mr require lnfah matlon onta tanner hospital na tlent Mrs Fox can usually llnd It providingaha baa either the pallentanamennumbar or doc 101 She an even find mania lfyahohowa Watthe patient was treated torwhllav in the What its not often Im atuckno matlaa what they tall me can lind it somewhere Though there are 1mm upon thousands of case hlatoriu sha can usually locate apnrtlculnr gig while the flaw is still won Medici rcmrd deï¬aan cspcclnlly when the ï¬le that needed happen to be an rah 1965 al RVll when patient is discharged 9n abstract lorin will be com plzled lhls lormlnclude 52 ailment codes andcalegnriu It will bngnt qugmntkoheleV it Willbe processed by maehines by the Hospllal Medical ligands Institute and than returned ta Barrle The code at presentbelng used 3m 1115 iysmn1 jolnt pnojeétl the Ontarlo Hospilal Associa tlon the Ontaxla Mcdlcal As mclntian and the Ontarld As Auden oL Medlcal flecmdnll brarlinsllt bresent xlmllar pm grams are In use lnthe United States but Ontarlo lathe only Canadian 01 it province Inan use The code at presentbelng used Is found in thick 1000 page volumn the newer simpliï¬ed At present preparations are being made to shmto new code system which Is not as complex as the mum me but offers the ndvanuge of compar Inglsslaqu wllh other hoi Ia Goth IO muolh Im Guamn whhky And 10 jyanhwdorrflimflalh Wmlhy mmpunlnn of Gaby Hm ym old Park Luau drum In pilnluhrbhkulm one of the Lop shelves Here 31151355an Pdlslhedical Neon lethnlcinn pull one Ihe department 50000 patient mes 125 Up to the preml lhé new coding method was not used in lhjnlyB¢cauu lhalBMpo ruler can only handlelwr at 53c Illm slmpllllcallaqwas need What Is required geneial Italiaqu Indium or all med loal care and lo am we need nmmgenenl code We will be bl compare mu hac mm will fractures in omer nrggx ll wa want to Mrs Fox mm mun mammary pom um tonmndenu All Ml wenlunlly Ind up on ma pallanll chart The third mmhr ol Iha mu ll MlM album Poll4 medl cuLnugfd lpdmlrlm The modlcal record pmenll Innulbla uvldenco I112 am given by hosplul and medical uni nnd In um ol the mahr unlll In usual he qualily of nllom pallcnl care It mm as menm mmmunkallon bvlwmn he phynlclan and Ill prolcukmnl rum canlrl Inlln In cm of he pallcnl because the department zmhrrlng poInl or all lnlnrma Don cmcunlnz mum In cludln my Inlmrmory MI 171 II mm Indu nu Mm tnmplclld nneyur exlmlnq Mm 81 Mldmell llupllll In Tumnlo quill her or her pmml POIth mm Iboul no Ilmlllr Iohwhnuflfmd In Mm It Invu the doctor rem endnus nmounl time and my no 14 hour 1mm Dku nru plcked up 01m llmel day On each floor than one non mtdicnl person looklnz aller clrrlcnl dulle Involved In pm pnrlng and hoping cm high lts up data Mm Iox malls Ihat helm Ihe dlmllng machine came In mo might take manhund or hours but lhm In none any man PI each clxm nuning Italian Ind mm in each dodor launze N0 SIIORTHAND Although Mn Fox ndmilled that dictation loads to more do taii there at 1m qualiiy control and Iyped moon no more easily preserved vaiwuy iy ink blue black and red pen cii were Mien used iiandwri£ in also presents nrnbigms when dIcIaung machIne were lint InsIaIIod for dogma In the hosleal in 1960 lhey Wm used mainly by spocinllsts and young er doctors May no per cent nl daclors repom on pnlIcnIs nro dicInIed In 1961 119 dIm wera transcribed Oclober with KI discs umI In 1960 the In year of the system was Installed Emmnarllng Mme in Ihe mornlngunlil the oflice doses Miss Patricia French medical stenographer sits It dim phang madllm Irémcrlblnz dac lors historic Ind repoflx In October 19 discs were tram cribcd by Miss Prth or other staff members Each disc re quires an hour tom me morning to lale aller noan he medicaL records library is hlve nl aclelIyln the morning during doctors hospital hours lhm are usually several doctor In the office completing or checklng charts usuallyall at the same lime 1he tele phone ringslcomlanllywlm 111 qulrics regarding patients many or lhem from doctors The new syslern which is easy to learn and does no nqulre librarian will allow lhe llbrarlan lorparllclpale In conlinulng program of evaluallon of patlenl qrIhamvrmfldnthaverwllh out medical records depart EVALUATION Ian wng iliale die In certain ieldx Each year two or threerlncal studies on such medical malleu 31 ufmnamnqeug ï¬rmed 9h In addition lo saving tlmo or am now medxln oodlnz and pmflngwhidl tam days it will save hiring one full time mu persou andlrée the medL cal renown librarian La um Itgnï¬neoï¬ï¬‚ 38 BAYFlElD ST The lhmmld luncnon of the department to secure com plete illldv adequale medical record according In the needs of he pauenl rallied rumble and an alyse the component pm ol lha medical record to determine whethervi will Mly thevdlaz flush and warrant thejreatment and endvresulla It is her ponsibllily to keep he record readily available or use In ture illnesses 01 patient In medimlegal needv or re search and study She code mach retard amrdinx Twdis1 ease operation physiciangresult or lreatmenland In special cat zgorle as rcquesled by the has pgï¬ rdmlniszradan and medical Conunumo ï¬lm In nod onlan lehl YDS WIDE NAM BACK SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE ONLY TM seven place llva mom conlil rhexlurlleld lulu wllh mulching III In durable ruvuini wllh xlwmd IIr loam cushlmn mulcm hum Inn dull Ta lnblu calm Inblu Irborlu vulnul llnhh m1 Illmllvu lnbh lamps ifiiiViNGiRï¬OWT jROUPING loud oflm budInn for ovury room In thnhouï¬ and for Chvmmu Glml CARPETS Spulll for ihll SIIO Yo CARPET ING 0f BARGAINS CONTINUES NI PM NOV 30 JUST MORE DAYS 7PIECE $19995 the Worship assisted by ers Johnston andMrs ï¬uflon Mg LSJEQCQM alumna Thu10mm for JDGE are we Mrs Moore vlnwm Mn Falsmzm vleeMrs immune sec Mrs mmm luau Mrs high cunmmflyfricndshlp and visiting Mrs AxN Graham llljs Murmw mrlslian cM innshlp and social assistance Mrsll Slrachan Inuit nnd flawm Mrs Gilchr and ammo prq SIXMorq rand the iostess Jed fnw United mumbvwémen gel gym born at Mrs MMNEIst Jémsroï¬a 00 NYLON 0R0 STBTION conlit of 1pan durgble nylnp mulciiu med 99 Sq Yd wllh mom rwrIURNISHINGSW foot of snow all during Una uwackend Miss Barabara Moore and Miss JoanGamfordtasslstad In rally day service Sunday SL Aid ant liresbyleriaq Church Miss Jean Hutchinson Mool stone and Johnjilk Matche dashspml the weekend with ML and Mlé Onlal Huldilusom publï¬dlyï¬Mrs Jnhnslone program Mrs Jenning and leader qwflva Quinlan minimalrand ï¬xation Mu Penna mmmily And my ch lunclims Mmyfl Crawlord Mrs RPirne Mrl Gunman organist Mrs ashram M11 Phï¬eA soda murm wa enjoyed Howard Orw ordsvislteq Mr within Caldwell Barrie iy box Jpninn Ind Icu SALE PRICE SKLAR ECLINIKI AND SWIVEL OCKERS TOP QUALIT AND COLOR PLATFO ROCK IN GOOD COLOURS Bl doubio dmm In that hookuu bed mln mad nub lrm Ill mm mm pillow bnudolr 11mm SALE SPECIAL 30 CONTINENTAL BEDS All um coveml In dunk lickan In plmlnl colnun Inn mmudlm mlpped will vmlllnun and Iumlnx handlu ML Nlm bargain price or this we 1mm lop mamcu mvnrnd in fancy gold design gives law 1y appearance guarnnlecd firm construction or year Ind roan Mildan box swim and almcllve head beam mu mm Mm LE LA IIqu izï¬uniiï¬Ã©nifllEds MATTRESSES BEDROOM GROUPINGS SmoothTop High Grade 329 $8995 nixflfllli than Elfin Ella Elli11 Mam ithm 1in5 28 7282843 1895 Barr Exlmhm 89 391