meauw mm mm Am ONLY TRUE CANADIAN Orllll Packet Ind Timw pmfcunr of history the Univer llly Taronlo has proposed that bal lol be liken lo chonsn new Canndlhn mg In which nnly Cnnadlanx under the ol could vole holcsmr Mlurlco Barrie Examiner Nov 16 1939 Im pressive Remembrance Day observancd with parade and service at Cenotaph President Donald Gliddnn headed Legion Branch and President Mickey hie Eride led Barrie Veterans Club Camp Borden was represented by guard of how or from RCAF and group tom Irish lie ment of Canada Speaker at Central tted Church was Rev Wallace Down et at Duniroon MP for Duiierin5im coet Daring robbery of Craig and Sons ioiledby surprise appearance of Constable Russel Burtch at 11 pm ltlena suit valued $3000 were piled in rear laneway but robber got away William Cheasman at Del won third Carter count scholarship David Smith heade provisional committee to plan Community or Barrie Others were Craig Weaver lto Christie Lloyd Merrill and hire lit Sapeauik Sunday morning tire destroyed Co eland sawmil and large qunniity lurn er ni Elmvale Area convention oi Wo mens institutes held in Barrie heard stirring address by Mrs Allred Watt ODE at London Englnnd lirri resident Associated Countrywomen oi Jttlid BCI renters won Georgian Bay football title with 107 win over vaunted Orillla team Jake Gaudaur and ltlerz McKenzie were Orilliar top that but llCl line oi mu um BIIIVBI Gus Snundnrs mm IorIey nlchlrd WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO ll urprEing lhé number of turn downsv anreceived said Mr Todgham Chrysler sen thousands of letters to educaï¬onisls across Canada offering to provide cars and drivers to schools aet llng un raining clasges Experience loe Canadian Chrsyler Company as re orled by Chrysler presi dent Ron odgham the preview of Chryslers 1965 models will comfort those who eel that school boards should nqt provide this course reporlslhelelr tarReview of For Erle Starting this current academic year onethird the apgllcants ualliled ior admission to Can ian med cal schools had to he turned away At one school applicants with grades of higher than 70 Ker cent in their entrance examinations ad to be rejected recent conference of Canadian medical associations estim ated that to expand existing schools and build enough new schools will require federal aid in the amount at $500 mil lion And even if the buildings and equip ment were to be made available at once there ivould still he the ucstlon entail The present shortage instructors ex tends eveninto primary medical sub jects and it takes years for medical school to build teaching staff In dentistry the situation is even more Periodically there is contrlzversy over 1e uestlon of whether or not lax money mu be used lo teach hlgh school stu nts lo dflvc Mostlalkjnhout amtlonal health in surancq program f9 Cnnada ls concernm gd with lhe llnanclal aide Vlljluallylg noted 15 the major problem and an In preaslng problem particularly in rural areas of an ade uale apply of those ersons who maln rovl health care JEN are not enou doctors and dentI his and because lnade unlelrainlng facilitiesythe siluallon wlll lot worse before it is heller The Barrie Examiner Hindléfthibnalliifléaltha Teach Students To DriVe MUIIAI Pubushéd byfï¬ihpaï¬lantmwvspnpen 16Bm1eldskéet Ban1 two mum OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE hm In cul MINIIii Ell1 other end Ind gal rid at tho pummel5mm mw mm uUhI mm man In cmwd mmi uf Iii30 LEI7mm lay diunn un Mpnnfreuclfon try In magnum lndccd one wonders ll Mi Carolcnsl cnmmallnm In cllmlnlllnz lrom hl pm pmd rcloremlum only how ovnr 35 yum of age Bonn mm shama an be pretty orncty mlvve sol Iround Ilnce my got out school why no mm It for And no the up er axe limll 1121 or better Ill 5mm ha hundlc and or mum youd luv In cul ll ï¬x In other end nu AI wife Mayan and Victor Rey su plied acoring power for Coach Alex ockburna aur grise team The Muir hrothera hanty Bay Frank and Douglas were on way to China as missionaries BCl also won aoccer title at Simeoe County in our games Rosa Bidwell scored nine oals Barrie Hockey Club signed ommy lhom son of Toronto as coach of junior team ided Camp Borden Flyers ol interme late ranka last season Desgaich told of Adoll Hitler escap ing deat in mysterious explosion which rocked hia favorite beer garden in Mun ich Six were killed and 80 injured but the Feurher had departed earlier for Ber lin by train Nazis blamed foreign ag ents Ernest Hartt was inatalied Grand Knight of Knighla at Columbus with Charles McDonald aa Deputy Ontario Municipal Beardtgave lppronl lnr Barries new sewage treatment plant Contract to be awarded shortly Cen tral Preabfterian Church Oro held aemi centennla rervlcea Taking part were the minister or 20 yeara ltev Dr Neil Campbell Soloiat was his son Wlahnrt famed Canadian radio baritone rad oi Barrie Collegiate Coach Lew ayman of Toronto Argo declared halfback Red Sleredv had found himsell again and woui be important lactor in Eaaiern lootbail line against Ottawa son Sid Miller Veril Walker Jackv and Eric McIlwain flopped Ihem Mean while Gordon Roach anIIKJrkpalrick mu However Alherlé Highways Minister mm Gordon Taylor believes that the class menibm room the best place to Lrain youpgIIQMBMI drivers It15 his onwarnhataï¬vm flveh some school principals wrote that they thought the gesture was tine but that it wasnt the responsibility of school boards toteach studentshowta drive Their fathers motherspsistern and bro lhers ought to teach them It Is very ensyJoLpoliticians to prom lse Mcnvenlentpayment nallonal health plan lhatwlll provide the best parable care for everyone In the country regard less or Income But finances are not the first problem and to introduce such Fromm before there are sufllclent med cal and dental lrainlng faclhlies is to put cart before horse comments The Oak vllle Dally Journal young oentlststore lace men retlrlng from practiceoflo enllsts in one 0111 munlty he saldyelght have been practlan lng tor 40years or more1olnduce nun dental school gfnduatalto move nto communityone town proylded $70001nterestfree loan In another case local buslnessmen backed $5000fban loan to help graduatutaxt practic Even in the latgenomes dental atrpoint menls must be nude weeks in vante Yet the provincehas only one dentalcol le at the University of Toronto that so 001 can accept only 128 new students year andgin thianaw academic year it had application from more than 500 wouldbe dentists critical professor btidentlskyat Torw onto Unlversltystlted law weeks ago but few nuil am In Ontario can ï¬nd young do stunreplace men retlrlng In 41mm nmv Thin memï¬or ll 0mm In vokc And mu in nhouldnl b0 worth my mudl JUDGE DISTINLTION II in only hll lb very but men an Id Ahmld nm In uur pmlnmmu Md uo nhmfld nuke ll Ina1qu um un um IA lllcln do an mun Iv Ran Hum perhnu not mlh uh they mur Annually 0n Mu mm illclzln Dmmelm For II II lhelr nprmnmlm lhzy IlI ulkln uboul The Dfllwn home In Hull whmnllnl boon Ind hi erI Ind yubllc Illll mnh mid remark about ovary cbnmIl mun SALLYS SALLIES Bodkin qulla Emlly and Indldly dont lhlnk here ll my mmJumllu Warmnot 1n aur hall am or public aln thin ht clutdlcklnl lhll on on Ibom Lhn money we pay our clerttd npmenta INVGL 05mgle 3sz Now the ca lho low much hlxher Thu member have voted lhcmselves an as per cent increase In £5130 year wanh Mnrly 110000 CI nadlan on the ofï¬cial exchlnue and considerably more whm Cmadinnl and WK Ivmn 1n mm Ngnplrpd Couldiiirbe lhlt lhll will calm down lee lhn ï¬lm alvuyx ovar Iho yem when hm hu burn nmedyinx lhll lho everready crlflu hlVB aimed holy hr er the UK Indpolnled out that parllnmmtarlnnl than arent in In job for mvne Itl izlory Ind Iho nmflunly to Itny that mull And lb coppn an an ham Mn whole payx doesnt Mvulo pmelpuu 1km of In llvlnl upensu or do nation to the church bunt dflllJM booulor the boy In the buck room and Mhar good work Thu preunt pay 81000 nu dude 1m than the will of Intdun commie onlalbllg city palle can Tradllwnnlly in Chi lush provincu at out we uvo paid out leghlnlou dmnlly hit 15 Ilumefu p= TDka Now even he um flu mud DON OHZARN QUEEN PARK Raps Low Pay For Ontario MPPs PRECHRISTMAS CAROL risen Indemnity LetMm udga not on tha calibre ol the men in me Home mm but on tha dleInctlnn of flu lulllaluu lull And the calibre men who Ihould be In IL In other war them nu reason why should b0 pelly In Dnurlo Pmumlbly an petty to why unl we be big Awwum the comma anler Lean did in Quebec luv yam no Ind that has now ha been mm In the UK and to or really bl boost hing kgstvdguble he That rink and mumme QUE whenyounzhfiï¬nï¬zhme In My pay Ileswmwher betwem lha sum of held cleaner and dauuum thirdme Inwyer dependinl New on ha pnllament But mxrlm 1hlx flu our member will be gluing In 1qu In SpccltllxtAnynntAneu last ofWAIhcrI Smith Old and rank so we will at 00d men And an my will be ab to do he very but Job poulble MIRA WALKER IDNS LIMITED nnunm hqpe ï¬atlremierï¬ Marts nurr Sprdlllul In gnnd laur nlun you thnuwlh Imur uhhk at Impular prlLe Walkul Sprclal OItL Goml lulu punl lnnh nul mmnm hm madc It Camdll lawful an pupllllr pvlml whisky Nu llmc nuke p0 buy Wallrrg 5mm 0M nibnucrmx bpl WAWA CF Canada produdbn pule In Sex ember Increased by 14 per cent to 1371 mail from 1377 year earlier the bureau Italixtlca reported mum cunfl equal 100 cubic rm solid wood gem ma JeLoLan Primrmnlslerwlhowhu maid lo Medulha commlilnteeh regen IQm mend on mum mo mudaflullon nfqul hshln is my at mm but has mer PNWVM WW mled dawn the recommend But hurls nsislcnlly da mm 01 mm to um New may Emlyn more man the basic ur Jum flivgfloï¬uifggv Forwegqmak the Brmih v1wumwkk mm cabinet minim and their devilmental heads will meetwontotrytallnd tome my of ï¬tting trout on thl menu wit ul arousing ha In angling sodium Au mm prim minister used melve Illa equivalent of 830000 ynr TM commlllee rvposod flu lhk would Std lo 854000 bu Prime Mjnlslcr Wilson hu Iuled this down to only 2000 This compare with the mu the lbï¬erizi iFom oom memiauullon nqul ï¬shln is panned rigidly nwlaw don not prohibit nean trout but propran cannot get my unlesl they uldl ha is themselves or get muz New Rahnd is one of worlds tap 1mm fishing coun tnu Hm hardly ever 19 pear the mm hotels or restaurants Trout Seldom 011 Hotel Menu wmympu 10 flm dull b0 Joy In hen our one Ilmm um mm Lnie flll MIDI only lru joy is lhll which coma 1mm God by God rhnring the Jay ol hiding the ion mmcx Nicholson UITAWAIflhe nowlyeledad Wllson mmment In Britain hn movgd to ruin Ike at members at erllnmenl ï¬g HI newlyieltcled Pumn lovemmut did in CHIng Inst year The chalrmln that mmmlb lee wu Sir Geoffrey Lawrence QC tanner chairman ol the Generll Council of the Bar who is Nye an MP The is one uni ence 1n the pay Increase in the two countries Here the Fur son government iuell decided on the line 01 the Ingram In Bril ain all partial n13va Ihe sch Ln up of an ependent com miua About year no to Iludy parlhmenlary ply lulu Ind expense and to nuke oxgmendadom BIBLE THOUGHT on parunmenury ex ere uicourle muy penises parilemeninrinnl in bolh tann lihe Lawrence mnuniuee re irlee whq Ire ï¬ne chanclcu poried lhat ii laundiiuirMPlI with real abilily serving their have extepiionaliy heavy ax canniry considerable ï¬nancial pauses ranging from its ihau sacrifice Bul it is equally me $1500 up in the total amount oi lhal lime are elm many gble the lumen pay inure which men and women especially was claimed nndubsiaiililied younger nnu still raising him 55 MM The median expense ilywho could noieiiord to lake aim was $1264 lob paying in Cenadl Our MP had lhcir payrraised 000 yenr but who would have mm 110000 101150 the new been willing in Apply for it had figure including nanlexable they kmwn that it would pay $6000 inr expense or Which $13000 unlike Brilnln vouchers do no FY comma illlemio be gimmilied numb an 1m the 03 ms Idven dud rub the lower Ply acne BM had been known lhll the higher ecllo we in net lulu to be pnld it reasonable asmmpliun hat in many cases belle qualiï¬ed candidlee would huh offered themselves for election The taxpayer In both boun trles have very ml grievanm In connection with these llmllar acts by new gavernmenl Thu Irnnl flu cahinelminls lerl Ind yin are warp1d at the hlgher sealsfur from it hen Cane wmldsrl the espou umu mw Iï¬ï¬‚lny of the Job In be done lhal In ralsg was In nounqeddusl Alter In ehclifln $1 Perm me BEL271 in mm In WI nuiqu mam wmxv Hf OTTAWA REPORT UKGciftiMcévésilast Mrfsipay WAR mm German and Italian room during the Secnnd World Wu revived the type uluu used by ancient Greek wmlofllhl myth nn mm by Minty in Hulk dimnlm Th IN Iim II uh WI Dodll In Iï¬nulllc Iho HIM In nï¬m M501 vth my Ihm mm uh Ind ï¬n Vuliq yll lul blfllfl ml him Ill hllu OI Dd KHnuy Pill new lad hr lh Mm but will flu ml had II all dml mudu un dmndedJLw floyrelIRED BELELT LIBRARY mnorrro cm yury on nrchlucu has saluted Duo Em lonvllla branch library in mm ng construct brick and tile In Ontario durlnz 0191334 our yaan Merl mania wen made or nunu residence and school nunlnz Kn Brantlmd Younx Menl Christian Association building In Bell and or amt Mimi11H Our MP had lhcir payrraised mm 110000 10115net the new figure including mnluablc $6000 nr expense or Which unlike Brllnin vouchers do no luv to be submitted cubs Ilnion Th ordinary MP in Britain will have hu my raistd 1mm Io 39760 1111 nub 5ch to Income lax apart mm proved parflnmencary ex penes work and responsibilin org ministering department at tolemment Incl6m for outprtme miner mm mono towooo EEAVY EDENSPJ Jno lender the Opposition In British used lo receive 71000 The committee reportedly made vanrecnmmendauan it muse but Mr Wilson has pro posed that former Prime Mini er Douglas Home should receive $13500 mlscbmparwwilb thl 5350001 year now pnld lo 01 porlulon fender Dielenbaker uluuunnch Uuderlha previous mle hers Mlke Peamn Ovpouitlon lender regolvedjflmo The new and he 1qu lizurthere both mm unreasonably high since hey exactly the Mme the nuns paid to cabinet minis hg luvs addiglangl IIJO