él 1m mam EXAMINER HONDA human in BY RICK FRASER Exumlnlr Sport EdlIor The National and American Baseball Leagues clos ed out thelr reular schedules aver the weekend and what closing was 101 veterans Warren Spahn and Smn Muslal Musial is winding up his career as pin er with St Louis Cardinals and he gave the packed sta ium plenty to cheer about when he cracked out two hits the first one was Cnrdinnis first hit of the game and his second drove in their first run Stan was honored In regame ceremony and he told the baseball world that would never forget that gay qs long as he lived Baseball fans will never forget Th Man As for ahn he won his 23rd game with four hit shutout ust another fabulous season for this all tlma great letthander with Milwaukee Braves The way Spahn is going he could be around for three or four more years yet At an age when most athletes have Eleen retired for many years Spahn 42 keeps rolling ong N0 SURPRISES CAME out of two Eastern Confer ence Football contests on the weekend Hamilton downed Montreal and Ottawa defeated Toronto The Iresults left the two winning teams tled for ï¬rst place Toronto coach Nobbyerkowski must at least havs some of the second guessers off his back His boss es may be after his scalp heiore the season is over for not getting more out of this club which was sup posed to set the EFC on fire this year The fans were on erkowskl for toomuchJackle Parker They wanted to see Don Fuel and Sandy Ste Ehens get chance Well Wtrkowskl has now glven oth quarterbacks chance to prove themselves and so far they havent dazzled the opposltton Parker and Stephens received more gubllclty than the rest heteqm pugtogephell Step eng wag St osed to lend Montran Alouetles to Grey Cup berth wasnt long before ho was cut by coach Jlm Trimble Reason given was that he was ordered to lose weight and didnt do 50 Toronto picked Mm up and it was con sidered the steal of the season Its all over but little more crying for the Argus They can start looking towards next season now NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE teams continued to show their su eriority over other pro leagues over the weekend NHL clubs havo been look ng rent in exhibition games and no coaches are blowing of any steam yet Gordie Howe is having fantastic exhibition series Hes been tiring goals in every game recenil and it wouldnt sur rise anyone if he has the best goa scoring season of career this year saw liowo play only once outside of televised ames and it was as great thrill as Ive ever had sport it was in game against Montreal Canadians last winter The Wings won 32 and Howe scored two goals and assisted on the other When Howe ls on the tee you watch hlm whether he has the puck or not If ever an athlete could be de scribed as poetry in motion Howe ts the fellow And the Montreal tans gave hlm great ovatlon every tlme he scored So all ln all It was weekend of no surprlses ln big time art Oh well the world serles ls comlng and theres go ng to be some surprlses here Tomorrow Steve Jonescu and yours truly enter the prognostlcnllng business It wlll be ln the form of world series column so hang on for some predic tlons that wlll stand you on your ears By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gordlo Howe moms to Im prgvo wllh anal nwdy tutor MI Hath Nu lloual Hockey Anguu season 35ynumld vrlcrnn De lrnlt Ilcd Inn has been lho uulslnndmx player UN uhl billnn lmll Ho cnnlnucd hi1 xlrcnk Sun dny Mum marl hm goal and udmnn Hum nuliln Hm Wings humbzd Hulluln Dlsmu of Ilw Amcrlcun Huckcy Lenuuo Ila hnd mum nunl Snlurdny nlnhl nu mm 1031 In lflphuruh Hamel nlm ol lho MIL lunch nl llw nlhcr llvn NIH lrnmn nlm pluyul pnlr ox hlhlllnm durlnn um Wrckcnd Howe Is Star Of Exhibition Trail annula Mum LNIII mm on ma Weller Muchy ltnguo MI Slnn so Sundny nlm mlulnu lhu Wlllll Padlnnd Hucknrun ï¬nlunlny New York mm IN IN AIIRIIKI IIIMIH of UN VIII Hnlunlny and tlublml SI lnul llnnum nl HUNT ARAMA Bafrle Spoflsl lellod Cum IL IA Im um um hninltll OCT THE 4th AT SPORT AT GLANCE No Surpiises In Weekend Action the new Cnnlrnl Prolonlnnnl Hockey League 11 Sunday EILII DECISIONS mlml Cnnndlcns Ind Das lon Brulnl lllCh wun and led nunlml AIIL oppcslllon wmle Chlcnxo Black Hawk pm pnï¬r wllh thu Allb lcnml Monlrcnl hm Qucbec Am 10 Sunday nller wllh Um Am SalurdAY The Bruins llcd Iruvldcnco Red Sutur duy and lhcn haul lhb thl Sumlny Chlcnxo trmled de clllons benllnn Unnlmur Cllr pm Sunday nllnr loslnu In Hmhuy 1an Saturday lluwn not Imrlnn luppcrl Sun day night nunlnsl IIuflnXa hum llurmnlo An Slrnllnn who hnd lwn gonln and Larry ltflrry noun lInrklty Altx anlknrr nml Nnrm Ullmnn ha with and once mlly Den mm or lluflnlo lixldin Lllxmhtrqcr Icnrod win and ma hum unco Inr Tumnlo unlnll Um VIH Ilnn Sunday Inlprcssivcly Light lmprcssivclyklgln CANADIAN WIIISKY bllKI1HmmLK IMPERIAL 11 any Ihe our Eastern Football Confcrcnca couches hava cure or homeslckncss it could be worth thq title The EFC clubswith the ex ception 01 course H19 lor nnxo Argonautsare lemrs home but bust PILUIU ngad lawn Rid ii wn ï¬gural and Montreal Iii oueuu have yet to lose game It home Ottawa hovmvcr has won one an the mm which could give he surprising Rough tigers mi edge Toronto The Argus only two wins have been Mme The Arm were rapped 3012 Saturday anemonn at 0mm and the Muuelles look 2i beating Sunday attention at Hamilton The result left Ol tawn and Hamilton lied alnp the standings wilh no point But Ot tnwn with record ha angle In hand Alex uuklcy right L1 con gratulated by Art Keag Toronto loilowlng pnkleya cord performance victory In the Cnnadlnn 50klomctra Ottawa Hamilton Post Weekend Wins In EFC we point olftho pace wflh 45 record and the hapless Argus are his with two wins nnd mvcn lama ROMS THREE GOA By THE CANADIAN Dave Vlll wax klcklng slur or the Tlcnls Sunday booxlng lhree lchd goals11 41 nnd yardsIn he second quarter as Hamilton look 170 hallume ny nm CANADIAN mass Chlcngn noun lho scourge lhn National Football League In lhn mas conllnued xhowlng sum Sunday return to than hnlcyondnya rbnck Bllly Wnde passing or lhrcu tnuchdownn and scoring lonnh hlmsclt lho 1an cmshcd Dulrnll Linn am In Damn lo bnend lhch unbeaten string to lhrm game and mnlnlnln helr pasiuon nlop um Icuxue Vcslcm Confer enpo nlnndngs Cluvclnnd mean whlle mdo Frank flynnl pun lnx and Jlm Bmwnl runnan lo 2M vlclnry over 1m Angelo anI In Cleveland and wank nlone Inln ï¬rst place In tho Fnslem Conlcrence also wllh rmnl SK Luull Cnrdlrmll who Ilmml mo Enslem Conlcrcnce lcnd calm lnlo Sundayl unmu um upsd mo by llluburah Slwlm and 911 hehlpdn Bears Browns Still Unbeaten New ank Glnnll lho defend lnx Emmm Canlercncc chum nun who look lhumplnu lfluburxh week nun lmd qunfluhnrk Tlllle lvntk In the llnwp Sundny nnd ho Icrl lhcm la 37 vldory ovvr lhllmlnlphln Hula before 60 611 In Ihllndclphlm nw Glnnll now are IMKERE HEAT TH tuxué dun oh iiiml llny lntkvrl who loll UuIr Vplnlnfl mm In In Hun hmuxhl WINNER OP WALK CHAMPIONSHIP PRESS lead He also added two con vert and smile Bernie Fab oney hll Tommy Gun mm Chuchdnwn pass in the first quarter and tha Tabbles other touchdown was scored by rugged 0be The ma who suu remember the 807 pasting they took In the season at Hamilton needed 11m fumble and blacked kick Io set up lhelr two touchdowns both scared by Marv Lunar Gino Benita klckcd the mnvms bath the lhlrd quart and the marsh was cut go 11 wnik championship at Camp Borden Saturday Oakley who hull mm Oshawa hr lshed In our ham 16 mln me and 565 secunds This was one mlnute 315 ecunda Fullback Dixie mm was the workhorse for Ruugh Riders and Ranged for two of This should be big night or professional wrestling Inns All lndlcnunnl point same lhlnz new and dlfleren or Bar rle Arena This Is the evening when you should ind out just who The Masked Deslroycr real thblr record to 21 Sunday with 3l20 viclary home over Enlllmnm Colu Washington Red Skins handed Dullns Tenn 2111 delem with 7Bynrd muchdown nm by Jlm Slcflcn on pass Inter Man lenvu lhu Texan wln lost In three nan Mlnncwu Viking won lhelr uncoud Kama In lhrce defcnumz Sun Frnnclml wlnlcsl Wen 154 May See Face Of The Destroyer In lho American Football League um dclcnnlncd San Dl ego Charger rolled their lhlni Ilmlnhl victory wllh lo poundlnz Ihe Mending Iruw champions Knnm Clly Chlcll Sundny Quumrbark Tobin llou lhrcw Ihm touchdown mm or the churn Dlvhbn Inad arl who havenl lost inmu thin ynnr CENYRAL TAXI Illdlo Equipped CI their our touchdowns Quarter back Russ Jackson and half back Ron Stewart so the nth ers Stewart on zoyard pass from Jackson Moe Racine leading scorer in the East with joints kkcked ï¬eld gun ihdfluee mhverts Jeromes Dick Shane scored one touchdown and Jackle Par ker effecflve as atarget fur Sandy Slepheng passes scored the other belle than 015 prevlou cm Oakley 13 year Fellx Capella ol erllnnd was second In lour hours 15 mln ules 15 seconds Examlner Phuln lhe Argos looked hungry 1n the ï¬rst hall at Ottawa and held 63 halftime lead which was rapidly wiped out when lhe ungh Rifleya got hot In the II nal so inlnnleai ly IL That means you will look his lacs Jar better nr for wurse ur mum course If he In unmnsked II will be or the halter It means hnl been beaten Inside the ropes The worse could he the vlsnxe been hiding ylon the giant Englander the masked mnn ovml Th may prove be much bnxinx match as wrestling tussle Theres thlo b1 callus that The Day lruyer lormer pralessionll buxer Layton ndmlu In ham 9M puglllst Du IN is only one bout an Um allslnr card Se vlinal pm lhn team Tony arlsl and Lorenzo Pnranll against vllnlns Dr Jury Graham and Illns Schmidt The npcncr hould ho mm flyan nflnlr lnmllunl Bllly nod Lyon Ive Iller Fred Mklns All the Iéhcdulcd action and probnhly Iomn lumich will unlold II TO HELP YOU HEADOFF TROUBLE 376 Blake St DANGERFIELD MOTORS Nrrvlce onlar FREE Brake Inspection and Free Adluslmenl FREE Cooling Syslem Check Test Annfreeze FREE Exhaust System Check Important Items When Heading lnlo COLDER Weather Ollcr 100d For HIIINCd lllnr Act Now BOWlERS NEEDED For Wednesday Mixed league at pm Call Now KEMPVIEW BOWL Phone PA 82487 Pam Blrdelwtrout tworun Ilnxle In the bottom of the nlnth Inntng gave Hlllcmt Monarchs on viclory over St Thomas Saturdayet Queens Park and brought the Intermediate Provincial Womens Softball Un Iooto the Barrie mood COP PIOVincial Crown Monarchs captured the best olthrea ï¬nal series in twn straight games It was the tlftti provinclal tltlo tn go to the mtlcmt squggl Hmcrest blew lwa Mum lead in the game and trailed 16 going inig the last oi the niniil Linda Marshall led Iii inn iinnl inning and lied nut in ieit iieid Tina Cnmemn oi lowed and was saie an an error to qenlra iieldcr Hcslingni An error to mend baseman Pew Musial Ends With Hits ST LOUIS AP Stan Mus Ini who broke in with St Louis Caxdlnais with two hits 22 years ago ended his career the same way Sunday in winning ggdinni victory over Cincinnati Dal Mnxvllll game winning double In the lust of the nth ambled Muslal to retire on WWW Em MusIal delivered he ï¬rst hit of Cincinnati staner Jlm Mal nney single In the lourlh Then In the sixth Muslal 51n gled alter double by Curt Flnodn driving in the games ï¬rst run The ma Mt lnr Muslal yiho itmckout his first time up hrnught his career total mo Ha has played In 3016 times and ended with 33 cums buttingaverage This year he hlt 151 Belure the game Muslal re ceived one standing ovation HI ler another UPSET BUSSIANS VOLGOGRAD UiSSlt AP The British mans track and tleld team scored an upset 11W victory aver the team at the Russian Federation Sunday alter twodny meet beinre home crowd stunned to silence and then dlrccllng eatcalls at Its own athletes The nuulan team representing the largest state in the Soviet Unlan th mast ol the athletes who were barely beaten by the Unich States in similar met last July Repnln mad Ia all Inlku of can 1an Knuth WHITE ROSE Open mm to I0 pm Dally Blyflrld Street PA 510 Turms Can Be Arranged On All Repair OrmisIons PA 89761 I15 Culller SI on Marlena Faraghers grnu er put two runners on Thu brought up cleanup hhler Mary Berlhelntm Bu pitcher Lamb got her an nukes or the second out Bird who had singled in her iinl iwo trips came lhrnugh with the ciuich hit in drive in both runners and give Hilicresl the win and Rh championship VISITORS TAKE LEAD The visitors took lead In the second Inning but Kn the bozlnm hall of the flame H111 cxest struck or four runs mud 42 lend mas cama back to tie the mm In the third and again Monarchs shot Into tworun lend with My runs In their hall SL Thva narrowed the margin to one run WW run In the Inurlh and pushed menu pair In tbs eighth to set the stage InrMonnrchn comeback 1n thï¬nlnth inning AmiKemey ï¬n the dist ance or Monarch and gave up 11 hits OCommr Deni Hes mummmumwmfwmmfl WLMXfWWMHWIEWHflW LEEIUN All COLLIER Sl THEE llCl lsl Over period of years fabric which comes lo be known classic may undergo series of than on In lallorn colour wulghl and Him com poali on an on occasion the very use to which ii put still it mainlalm an unbroken link with lho past in this mood wo rcscnl classics or all and winter 03 We are calurlniz lradillonal twomla glen plahla herringbonca lairch and gun club chqcka classic yci luilnilcly conlcmpnrnry Claaslca la wonderful world oi spacial sophlsiic aiml clnlhing an ollon lalkotl abonl an auhlom ach luvmil The look is one of iaahlun inked with flair and smarlnosx nought by the vlla Yanadlan man who lakes an lnlmai In his clolhlng as well as ovcrylhlng ohm about him Case in mlnl tho so lahonhiorud llunlioy CLASSEC mmcs 001213 ACH MENS 911013 600 pm to 800 pm $100 REGISTRATION FEE PARENT MUST ACCOMPANY BOY Ppmjncgak I2 220cznm 292 056 06 $6502 GORD ROACH 22 Dunlop Won Boys yoavs lo 14 years Born On Or After Aug I949 lEGlON MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION ling and Lamb each picked up palrol Kem Lamh was clipped or In hiia and Bird was lire piate Sill with her three hits Cameron checked in with two hill or lire champs Two home runs were record ed Mary Beriheiolio led all 1119 third with circuit ciout or iiliicresi while Lamb dupiicaled ihe lea lor SL Thomas in flux same lnnhii FRIENDLINESS DANGERFIELI MOTORS the key ward In each on knnsactgam Come In and talk over deal with