Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1963, p. 13

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MONDAY mm It moo 1M0 Cnunl Junction 00 CBC New Wlllhhl Spam Nm Squid mun Mn mum Papoyu rm dely lmfl Mam almt mm huvmd Scull J11 not oi Plum scum on 00 mm Gunman MONDAY 111le Mr and Mrs Brad Prld Caaksvllla wm weekend guests and Mrs Jim McNeil and chil dren Toronto and Mn Marley Grose and Mn Hasseu of Bar rie were Sunday vllilor wIIh Mr and Mrs Grou UCW MEETING hirsfbannld Farrier spend Ing the week with her daughter lanaranlu in lha Barrie Vim17 floursieldon enlemln ed thy United Church Women Mrs Charles Stewart Regina 15 the guest at her 51 lcr Mrs Stephens and ether ralallvcs Mr and Mrs Rae Law and dnughlcu of London spent Ihe weekend with Mr and Mn 513 Mm Eerlle Couller and hm lhers will and Harvey Ridge wny worn visllors during the wggk hausigphep Imme Cmgrnlulaliuns to Mr and Mrs Ml hael Smllh nan Jul 811 on he birth daugh ter first grandchild or Mr and Mrs Malt Bcll Mrs Hell spending the week In Toronto lifih her zngmddaughterz Erin Congratulatlons to Mr and Mrl Dongle Young who were married In Ihe Unlled Church here Sept 14 Mr and Mrs Norman Gllmora hm rclurned homo all mm tor trlp through western Cnnadl lncludlng Vancouverr They vly llcd Mr zmd Mrsr lnn Jack in Summcrlnnd EC and enjoyed lhclr day rumlnlsclng They also called on Mr and Mrs Robert Holland nn lhclr way home Ihrough Terrence nay Mr and Mrs Veral film an and family of Alllslon were recent weekend visitor with Mr Ind Muullgrry my Mn and IL Kelly and Ron nld enjoyed family reunion at lhehomo of Mrs Kellys cousin Mrs Kenneth Graham Hill hurg receytly MYs Mervyn Noble vlllted Mrs John Luca or Ihm mm In VBarrln last week By MRS MAUIHCE REID AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ll your um In MI united by pm flu phuna And rm mu manna In my mm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Nun Wumu lpom Poyay Rlnll Gum Moon 5h Pllydlh IIIun Cnunl lumen 9c TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEVOUHSELF CAR AND IUCKI Jack Baxter II patient Ruynl Vlctmla Hnsplul LEIHOY CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 rm mm WW mm our XLII MILo nun HM Piltll lhtlnl new mum on 14 Main llvofl um Club mu rnyum th 1mm 10an Ilomlnl Mu In Noamv um Kmflu Klmunu Dvumb mm Our llnu ma mu Mllllnmlu pl Conlllrl Ilm mm In You lnduny mm mm Mann cm man mu nun 1mm wmm Hm um lnwrho mu 00 MD In um um loo no In no no no In Gun Will Tn ma Dr 1mm 00 crv mum1 Nam Mum 11ml HM Pltnl lllmm MIDAY offal Rev Thorpe ol Dalton in guest lpeahr he lnnivemry ur vlu In the Uuned Church SepL 29 at nm The LOBA mambo wen quilting In the Orange Hall on Thursday Mn Case Vandcmoel And By MRS REG DRINKIH The Harvest Hams service we held on Sunday In St Johns Anglican Church with Rev Leckle taking the rnurnlng rer vlce and Rev Donald French cl Stayncr akin Ihe avenan ser vice Mrs William Slbthorpa war soloist at he evenhw service Mrs Shaw nlnl xervlca Mrr Shaw ol plmvala jun granlstL The data for the Turkey supper has been changed Irom Oct to Oct Mr and Mn Graham Drlu km or Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Rex Drlnklll Mr and Mn MEI1e French and Kirk Eranllord visltad relatives here on the weekend The Guild memhira quilted lull last week In the Church Hall or meeiinz nt her home Thurlday evening with 15 mm bm present and one viuiior Mun Beth McDonald nmideni presided The meeting opened with Mn Ruiien inkinl prayer She also Had the lesson ihonxhls Mrs Elsie Fleming rend Ihe minulen oi previnuI meeting Darin the program Mrs Noble read poem Io did Mr Farrier Mrs Stephen alive brie talk on um 23rd Plalm In the absence the treasurer um pruldent reported on the standing lands Mn Shel don was anlslcd In serving by Noblc and Mn Farrier rummage lElB wlll he held In Iho church hall Oct and lha UCW will cater to turkey upper or Churchlll WI and lhelr husband on Oct On Nov they wlll hold bazaar and tea Chrlslmax cards are to be purchaml Ind dlatrlhuled amung the members llpufl rl Club mm mm Pmllml Itlh Uncll Mth llnmlnl Ill mu Noondly Iraan Kldda Klfloom nmmh nnd Vol IIopll In Conllld Induuy runrnm erhy Maul Club Klddn flu Ilunl Inna Nllhl TM Hull llrml Iml Mclro Vlrul Tm 1mm my 71th our Hum Th YMDUIIIII mu Duh au cmy mm emu Nmmmum Quul cm Nm wwrm Spam Now umam YORONTO BARRIE WAVERLEY Cnse Vandcmoel And Thll hnnd occurred In the We mnslen nnllann pun champion Ihlp plnycd In Minneapolis In year It lonlurcl palm In enw overlooked by many lhe cunlcfllmll Most 01 the NorthScum pnlrl arrived at our hum which wnl cannlnlr nuannhk cun lucL The av ulually allowed lho llmo caum wm lendln Ilnxlclon diamond whlc Soglhlnak wlh lhv kjnx Dtclmr playtd low hurt to ht quzcn which held Ind canllnurd wllh low club when by Ike llnl Eu re turned ho queen of dlnmondl whlch Wu ruflcd Wm IhHlId nu bidding Eut Baum Wm North ma 24 Pm Pul 4m Pul Dbla Opening innd ulna cl dll monds TOTTENHAM By Emu WICE Farmzr Tollenhnm bay OLeary Dan non of Ihe late Mr and Mrs anu OLeury new direct European market lnx for Ma firm Dan ll me dent of Comm Company Can ada Ltd and he been pain ad vIccprexldent and dreclor Marketing of Controls 5w zcrlnnd headquartm of tho In lamanunnl dlvlslon This was announced recently by Louis Pulze presldent Comm Com pany America Dan Is years old and has more lhan to year experience In lnlematlonal lrnde He Joined the Canadian Subsidiary of LP Control In 1954 ns Sales Manag er and became vicepresident and general manner ma Canadian operation In 1957 No year later he was av polnled pmldent and general manager or Cantrell Company Mrs Art Balkwell Mn Rh Board and Mn Orville Arm Ilrann attended the Womanl Inllllula common In Goldwater mid and Inesdayf Mrs William Gallop and sun Stevie oi Utopia and Mn Wlll lam Denney Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong DAILY CROSSWORD daughters Ian on Tueulay or HellPd to VII Vhllm with Wnflaca Kelli were Mr and Mn Bob Burke Ind Cecil K2115 of Toronto and Mn Armaur Mfller of Sunla Several trom here attended xEDlrinvnlefl Midland and Lindsay an Mri Manic Snider 3M Ev elyn Wallln went the weekund In Tomnlo Mn Ron Leonard at Cooks vlllo went my of day with her parents Mr and Mn Clarke French By MRS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs Ritchla 0nk vllle were recent vmlon with their lon gob 18 Mr and Mn William Denney Ind bay of Harm were and the week visitor with Mr and My Everette Johnston IIIle ILMelody 1L Caoktd Dlvman ol lpIIy lnlmrl mm 19 film In Mrntl l1 Exrunlnn DIMlull ll Emmy out IDTDHI 511an 100lvnln llml Hymlul 111mm no in nlhm 101rlnl mlmd by MM 19 Bill I0 llnl nlflll lLCunllvhnlI mml I1 Yllxdm ES 415 VIDEO LKQOH ur ll Imlll llllvll mum gs yum in Al JVIHJIM nulql Iny 400m North dcalen Ncllhnr side ulnnrablt Nonrn on um 41 A0103 Church Annunm bunch mnuurc DOWN ma am ma OAKLEY CONTRACT BRIDGE ¢u nuns one 10 1091 van Moo uuu soum lmphmrnl alum mm mm 1m 13 Mllllrl 1mm 17 Unlud nulu ol Ammu WMr Door mm Tenth ma la Ind erlnr By JAY BECKER Ewan Io tin In cl adorn Wes wul rulflnl hll pnrlncrl lrlck men he rulfed one at declnrcrl lwo unturnl diamond 1mm meru Wm no value In dummy an whlch Saulh could poulbly dip card My diamond 1mm ho had Ind Well lhereInro Ihould hnvn permuted the queen om out lho ace cornb arm 21 Chln dynuly 31 hour Cured flu or Imlller 23 Hull Suppoxc rdcd club on the qucnn diamond mm at rulllng In that can Suulh would have been loll wllhoul resource He would take the dlamond wllh lhu ace but would then be let wllh two dln mand lolcn whlch ho could not poulny Wu Ihanld havu rccognlzed lhe ndual Illunnnn or what wan The nlne of dlnmondl had arm the Hun nn lhe opening land and the Inler play at lhe queen had marked Em wllh nounUr qym blrd In hind II not way worth lwo in ma hush lomomlx rm plum um nu mama mommy The Lutheran Churcha hlls sourl Synod will dedicate ll Jew $6500000 Concordld Lulh jmn Junlor College Sunday or Iludenll prepaflng for church careerl The 23mman callexe which opened Sept 15 with 240 freshmen Is one nl ll juninr collczns apemled by lhn synod Service In the Bapllsl church here Sept 29 will he 11 Mr Mluhzner will bring the manage Thu anniversary xer vice will be held Oct Service ll am and 730 pm The Ipecial speaker and mull will be announced later However West have dc lcnlcd he cnnlracl by discard lngvon lhc queen of diamonds mud rufling The lamp tallon lo run with the useless nine of heads proved la he lhe breaking 19 ulllhp hand WM he Me hut was he Inst lrlck Inr lhc defame xlnce Snulh avununly gol rid at his nlhcfdinmond laser on he no club and thus made our hearts Canada Ltd He alloornnlzed Controls Company at America UK um and became manag lnz director 1m The Company In lending manunctum control and control mums Im lhe avia llan mlulle Industrial automa tion electronics automotive ap pllance relrlzeralion air candl Uonlnl and comfort Mating 1n duntrlel lo ipndc and declam took hc ace cashed the quun of chi anl played be king hnarlsl By MR5 DUNSMORE Mu Norman mended the Grey Bruce area Womens In stitute annual convention at Mu lggp meek The United Church will resume regular urvlcel at 1115 Sunday Mn Gouzh Mn Du mont Mn Tuck and Mn Pmrldu landed the Sim cae Area WI annual convention Goldwater Dr and Mn John McLean of Burnaby 30 are vlllklnl here with their parents Mr and M55 Egerlun Megan Mn Gnome Simpson Shan ly Bay WJII demonstrate the an of cake lcinl lo Ihe evening nixcl Oct at 530 at the ham Mn Mnur cc Par rldze Mn Oscar chkllnz will lend Jhe davblhmal period Mrs Parkman will larva lunch 7M Margaret Dmry nuns Intmlnlng Toronto Western Hogpllll was harm on he week en 10 DEDICATE comm ANN ARBOHIIlchf CROWN HILL WEST 0R0 III Anvu Yuunz Jyurl an llmllhy nIb5mm1Ing In In It Fllh 36 llhlm lrlbulnry I1 much ORE ed the nena In Mn resume 15 mm Du md Mn JULIET JONS HEY HE WAS momusrmu To In OLD BUD Dunn WINGS CAN HEAD VOU WORKING ON YOUR CAP OVER THE PHONE HI SPARK PLUG 15 leE martyr LOOSE Nhl N15 mm suos ipunol plm am THIS WEEK Jun Clbat In unknnwn In Ian 11me J10 06 l°HlUXHl and uphill convince the King England to gin him lll All MID Hf Iq qdaad Hum but to mm In flung land Icmu flu lea larchwrséfigfii BR5TOL EN ImAvc 99 T2015 ms IL VIEW béhss IL 31 mm ET IL pm oue LA mm more HEB1H WA Rscmusrm To In OLD BUD Dunn swmm you AND uummzv my D0 You WANT rr mT my mm um mm mm MONDAY mm to xmn lE IATEAU The Ship CETTE F015 TM Time LA CROIX Th Cm DONNER To Give LE DRAPEAU The Flag FIER Pmud CI Hm LESPAGNE Splin Vo¢ahulsiim delafiemaine um mums an suunnan ammo um umm n6 ammuum IM umvmcwu 12 mm mums WIN 0000 Mnu Auvvm co uumsuwr LE MOIS The Month PAUVIE Poor PENSEI Tu Think ltlim LE rum Priul FROMETIRE To Immiu QUEL wm 5E CACHER To Hid ru ANGWERTNKT UKE GIRLSW THE AGGREGATE XLIKE LOTS OF GIRLS BUT GIRL IN run in

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