the lowpriced family car with sports car feel for folks who enjoy their family aid their fun The 64 Fairlane won its sporting blood in open competition The blaze and excitement of the Indianapolis 500 proved the stamina of Fairlanes famous optional V8 engine This Fairlane is every inch family car trim and terrific with the fun and flash of pUre enjoyment Fairlanes solid confident big car ride is smoother than ever it steers 25 easier lnclude its family room and comfort and youve got the total performance of the 64 Fairlane Test drive the total performance of the 64 Fairlane at your Ford Dealer The beaulllul new Falrlane for 1964 wlll change your mlnd about how much car you can get at such low prlce Under all thls beauty Is neat and nlmble slze with compellllon power that makes It Joy to handle But even with all Its fun and flash Falrlane Is all comlorl Inslde with newly deslgnad luxury fabricsrlch appointments and trimluxury ï¬llings everywhere And very big on style On 01 the Fe Flmlly of ï¬rm can Bum In Canldl 60mm 10mm llluamud or mentioned no option Ian eon YOUR FORD DEALER ALSO INVITES YOUTO SEE THE SOLIDI Here is the beautiful new Fairlane for 19 64 BAY CITY MOTORS LTD SILENT SUPER TORQUE FORD AND THE HOT NEW FALCON 56 Mulcastar St Phone PA 85526 5mm