Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1963, p. 4

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mam mu urlmlul mum mnmm am mum In am no um In tn Aumlllud rm nu nu ma hell am mun um mm Cu an mu An TM Au amuu umnml Aulnwlua mum rnI ulIIu Illplnmnn no In ymm II In mm lundly um llllulon and mam In flllllhll IIIAN ILAvaT 0mm II II Ilcruuum mu nun Mull Amuuu um Ill Alvmlull quulL Down umun Nu Innen My uulu IIMII wry mm In gnu mum 0mm mum mm to mum ml lion Uh Huh Ill lllllli pm bl lnl url 0mm Unl Inf An 1mm ram am lirnL muml In Wul luv Iv vance Sufi 1893 Robert Kin Sr has gono Chic ago for the Vorl Fair Ccnlro Sim coe Exhibliion only agricultural show under canvas In Ontario was success al though cntrius down to 200 Paisonor at work again in lawn iwo dogs and some chickens Alinndalo village council acccplcd oiicr by ii Kcll lo lay hemlock sidewalk on Bradford Si at 27c rod Grand Trunk Railway run nlni parlor car on mall train bclwccn Col ingwood Allnndnlo and Toronto daily Several young men of Allnndalo are said in he conlcmplnilng mnirlmonyr Anllrrncllc conl remains 5050 ion hut in crease extracted llir Laldmnn in new commcrc ul mnrlcr nl ilarrio Colloginlo Collier Si lliclhodisi Church clocl rd oiilcorr antor SnrJonni proshlcnl Miss liunlcr vlcoprcsirlonl Miss idn King recording rccrclnry llilsx ida iilll Irearuror Miss King correspondan secretary lunrgc Snider oi Socnm Lino liox lm invcnlnti in now rioam lhrcshing nmuhinc So has William Simpson oi iorguron Crniuhuril inrlnorr report polalou or cro Fnli plowing in order of day in imcoo Colmly ilcclon vlllngc L1 plannan lo rel ilro proleciion Siono is being mulcd ior Ornngo indgo nl Wyovalo Mr Annow nhippod xix curloudn oi hny ni fonkxlnwn Mcsmi Malta and wm mm In AumlnId rm II IN 1001 llll mm mm They tell us at the nature of our technology has so changed ln recent years that large numbers of our work force no longer Have the skllls that are needed Except that we are better able to educate or to retraln them there la no way to find jobs tor all those who want to work 70YEIRAG0 IN COUNTY Labor union leaders say that tech nological changes in industry are mak ing full qmployment more difficult to attain Speaking to the Vermont New Hamp shire School 01 Banking Mr Gardner Ackley said The real cause of unem Eloyment is that we simply have not ad adequate markets for what we are capable of producing The widely held vlew that automation is major cause of unemployment now has been challenged by top adviser to Preslgenl Kpnncgly New Markets Would Offset The Effects Of Automation The Barrie Examiner Walla VPIIhllIher Eh 13m Exampr DOWN MEMORY LANE PubUEhEd by Canadun Newspapers lelled 18 Hayfield Street name Onténo FROM BAD T0 WIRTZ SATURDAY SEPT All Social mlll lack Mar con Alrurllnn on any ur all 01 sto mulm in vanmu lmlln II cunugh lanmflam roll vlmcd llml only inrlnl 7mm hold the km the klngllum of good uwrn mum more than enough In rave the way In any Him In mullllch nvnIlnhlt hells In Halknnlm 1hr nnllnn It Hrmly ml lhu pull lurllanlsm nr deliver ha lu Hnlcn inlo he hand of some nrnclo loc nlml not in Dolhl but in Vancouver or Ed monton ur llnuyn Hellvllla lnlelllgcncur Social rcllll Is all hemInd no ML has llmlml InlenlInMIr McLeod are buylnri grain Hawkcsione Fire destroyer 5000 eel lumber at George Smllhs sawmill William Woods iook quaniii of spring wheat to Vyebrldge flour ils iesied ll 84 ounds bushel Large number log on sand brush burning In iiledonie late ly illing air viih me and haze like indian summer Elmvaie boys have been guiily of removing nuia from axle irees oi buggles Oro Temperance Association as agreed to drop local op iion iemporarii and turn alienlion to Do minion piebiscie Bears have been rowiin around John Crawfords arm lidjn narn owned by Charles Vcni in Tiny Township burned wiih con lenis ihe iroggera nro siiii busy at illiord Price of irogs legs hnx risen irom 40 lo 50c dozen so popular in ihia delicacy become Barrio beei Iii inndnlo 30 in lacrosse Sir Henry lyler president oi Glii lnspecied Alien dnie rinllon New Sepernle School will soon he rnnied Someihing has to be done aboul dogs runnan around inwn Si Meryl Church will have nirede or convenience hr learner Jin of Coilingwood nsi irlp of moon in hielue liilrkie liymeni and Com nnya new new miil nl Severn Mill in iuirrunnin order iiarrie in rule lei ll 21 ml LI iiev lillen inrnnin in coming in iiarrle an recior oi Chriui Church employablc Stronger markets or products will correct this and afford employment to the teenager who after low vecks training and experience will also be productive and useful worker and very mammu Large numbers of teenagers with only high school educations or less are now unemployed and this reflects the fact that an employer who has choice be tween hiring an unemployed worker or experience or teenager just out oi school usually hires the former Distribution of the unem loycd ls qulle typical of all past pcrio of hlgh employment Actually they say there are present ly millions of vacancies or potentlal va cancies which cannot be fllled But the holes are all round and the available pegs are all square OTHER EDITORS VIEWS SOCML CRIDIT HEART Emu swim GemI Minuet Pnu Thu Ilulllon plMlIll llle rw ml ln lIIll mmml lhal Mr Mn mlllnn II Mllllml lhnl nnllllnl In ll will be ulrlvlvnnlul In lhn lmrrnmrnl and In Ill hnmlllnl ol ullnlu n1 pill mlnllrv any mu llmr Iv nlulovu Ir lirl nillu llI lnnwvnllrp rank lllal II In he mullvlfl In unh Ilh llllll llnmlnll mull wllh nut any dalcllvnm 11m hm ARIN HOOD LONDON Tho new lhll Hun Dennin mm on Ha Im lumo cm Ind Ilmlllod nul In In puhllMd In lull mm mmplm mmrlu to pollllul rommmlllon and ob nran ll Ind lnr werlu Mn pmllded llul lhern would III Itvbul hnmw lnlwun lrlml Mlnlllor Murmillln AMI WWII llou lmlrr llnmld WIIrm II In nhll IhnuM b0 thnhM nnd whnl drlnlrd mm lhl rtpml 111 lhnI lhelr llnl nwflnl lo mamI In mmr hrnunhI qulrk dNMmI In uhlllh lhn mm In lull mum mm hy Iumrlu Ilan II by Mr mailman lhnl Hva mlflll ho Ihlnu in the mm whlrh llu lllme Mlnmar would not Illh lo Mu pnlyllllwl 0n lh Mllor umL Mr Wilton hal Alwnyl hllkl he Haw llul Mlly mullrvl Illlh mlxhl all nailnnnl mmy Hmulll lm lrn mu ha publllllrd Nuhm laid the dcrmrlmenl Izcmhlp and Immlxnlion wlll relax mlnln mulullnru whlth larhld lhcir entry TORONTO Cmnelwccn and 500 Yunaslnv rerun lrom he urlhqunkalcvcllcd clly Skopla wlll be pcrmlllcd In Join relHm In Canada 5ch Otto Llhzrnl mcmhcr Punmm hr York East ald Thundy Permit Yugoslavs Entry To Canada AT THE LIBRARY II boiler to choose tempor ary Imicllon Ind clernal plenc mm with Gods pen than lcm pornry pleasura an etarnal sep mllan rum God and is peoplz rails oi Charlolie emerle The first that charming lrish girl whose liic wls made miserable by domineering muihcr ilcr Intelligence lively manner and good look nilracicd many young men but she wns determined noi to marry until she had seen more of ill and so rho subri led travel and correspondence inr mnrrinze The sccnnd portrait is Ihni oi vile oi independtnl means and independenl mind who wu lor the most pm eclipsed by husband whose work and rcpuin ilon she abound Charlotte was descended mm lint oi Prater lnni clergy and was iniensely inicrcsied in religion and phil osophy Ailer her marriage rh relaincd her indupcndcnl inter ests uddlnz In Him the roles oi Shawl coniidenial clerk adA visnr Ind hosiesr ihn nilowlnl Show in he busier Ind morn produciive lhan ever Shaws role look him inlo he limelluhi and Chomlnt nlher In luller IEIIMI wilh he poop ol God lhln enluy lhe plenum nl lb or Humchum 25 REPORT FROM UK Charlnlte Payannwnshcnd an lrlsh heiress was not only lho win Gentle Bernard Shaw ht famous Irish dramatist but was 1150 remarkable person Illly 131 her Pwn rlghl BIBLE THOUGHT Lady Churchlll overshadow ed by her husband even In her own blozrnphy but she emerges charming lraclnus and hl telllzenl woman who dulled only In sland slaunchly hehlnd her husband by and Dunpar Expect Heated Debate On Profumo Report Jack Flshmln hie Author In ma admirer ol Lady Chur chlll Ind Ill nppurn luhava no hulls This undaubledly make the book 11 lnlemllnlr Clunenuna recognle Chur chlll zenhu lonl helm Inyonu In and luck to her eonvlcllon during lung 1m Alormy pallllcnl career Thlu book admits lnnkly Ihnl the pen her llla blbylnz lhlx mun Ind cllerlnl lo hls ever wish and whlm ley Churchll men much of her llma min In Slr Wlnslon dldnt no uul drasAed ln onlnmu mulls Al the dlnner llbla was hll lav aurile plus for nrgulnz Lady Churchlll sport much olrhcr Ilme there as referee hls book shows Lady Churchlll as wlle but very llllle menlloned nl Mgr lull nsa malher My Dull Clcmcnllna xiv es nrc limpse Sir vlm non ha huxhand and he tnnu out to be tell lump who lnylhinx but my to llva will and look after My Dnunl Clemenflne Jnck thmln nu book Iboul Lady Churchill but It llvu an even teller plctun of hu husband Sir Winston Fascihafinfi Stbriesij Of Women Béhind Great Men th lb 0qu lmmlvml nurmhlrl II II mluln Ill Mr Vlltm will ha lunllennll Im IblA ullall nml Mll hm la mm at lul Hum II wldnpmd whllc rumrm Hm Mr Mlllflmln 11an Ml hnvc lhu mm whim hll mu llfllllfllll or In Mlld dilllndlon bdrm oculle guvunment and Indovrnndenl lmltlnry VIMUI ll lhe lwmlaflun mm IIIll mm llme Ihm hnuml lo be Illrrhu tidyu In Ihn mm Common on lhu port runnlnz nn lwn why Mr Wllwn muln In ulu on mry polMn rlumh 01 mn mm In ll whlrh In NH mo in mark loVummnl bu Mmqu mmmillovl hlmull In lllllk Hw luvnmmnl III Mu nlery munllled Mmull ml cnum by hlllloflnl lurk whkh mule on Mr Mlcmlllm and In luvrmmrnl In khhh Mrm lhtm wllh Inmhrlnl wllh mlllu lnr rol IH lllllml In ll lu uh Wlll nnMnzn hm Io mun mmrn Hul lhm mkhl dumuinx dildoum mnmnlnl uhlnel mlnlalm and nlhm In hlnh plum And Torin rm much hpplu now lhnl UM mum hu bun hmtuh out In lull ml lho unwhnlmml vu nan proved lo bu unuufl mlhy It mnllcr ul lucllons per ctnlngu Ind clunce Lel ply Ihu parccnlnxes In In to Amid XArwy expmum In the early month of prunnnry In he law days before having May womln bzllam Iho may In prunnnt ah Ihnuld all her doctor Nu depth ding on circummnm dccldl lhal lho Xnyl Ihould mu mndo hul he will um um cm In In um um lhl luwer abdomen will be expd After he Abumbs of Nllmkl And lenshlma lhere wax spec ulallon lhn unborn chlldren would all sorts of monsters This did not however mm In he the use There were lama muluuons but no numernuL And by no means minus had been prcdltlcd Therclnre lay la women who unknowingly hnvb hld ruyl early In pregnancy danl 1e Ion up ovu an exposurl nlLchhhpx mwlenlh uecohd which Jrlny compared to lho ambody udlnlion eluted by bomblg In 1pm Lets pp that Xrayn were taken me Inwar lnlcsllnll lracl or uma area Includm the lowcr abdomen In that use lhey may have caused mulnllon inme change in lha developlnl Illa Those mulallun can ntcur In humans Ind plunls Sometime ha thnnge or 1h ballet more mm It It harmful Soma llmu he chmzc while Indic Iflng durerence may be unim poglynl The qucsllon ls nu whalhcr the pregnant mama4M0 had Xrnya bul whether may reach ed the cell the erllllzcd nvum which tho beginning the Many Assnmlnx that the ovum was not ycnclmlcd by the rays lhfn we can stupwurrylnl Flu of maybe rm harm came Irom the 1mm Lets say probath lhm Wu nu harm For Mrs and or ma other whu wrot In me lha Xnys were no of Ihe pelvic urea but he chest much all bllddcr Included brlel nnle Iboul this not so long am but qulla law latter have nine arrlved About lku he ransom one Ind pzrhaps wed better discuss this further am vary much concerned The daclor hand my II Mid der and lower pan of my Ila much 41M prohlnm whlrh Dear Dr Malner YaureA cenuy wrm lhnl Xray could endanger ll haby Ihe In three nr our mollth pup nancy was preznanl Just Yew day when hid Iveul Xray Hakcn Thelulhor feels that munlag brnuzhl order Ind hlrmnny lnlo Shuwl I112 ulnaan more hi merry or arllsllc nalvllles But mnrrhze reduced Chmloll the rule enlux halpmeel he was alien inn busy writing to wand much time with Ml rwiie Ciurlolle In her loneliness ni which Shaw seemed unawnre continued travelling and cormA funded ll length with Iwreuqe Chariot corrersmn dencu with hwrwca prov den name at line maxi iniereuinl mnierlni in this book or aha opened her heart io him ma never did in her hnxhnnd TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH DontGet T90 Upsetl About Your XRays Rum nlr 51mm mm Eupwr by mum la MW Anwun Church Imlry 1mm Rupprr IM pm Thomlcn Ornnn Ilnll nunlm lec Annlcnn Chunh Emyanl wulmma nvy Lugua ml Se Cadel Aulery hnldlnl lrozrrum Hum lhc 0mm Hall on llurlm Innnut lumen In mmllrn Iqum dnntlnl or heal nru wlll In glwn each Wrdnmlny at the SAP Annclnlmn mm mm mm II In mm pm Ium Ill umwni hy nuurnrlm 51mm nuncln Iuh mukr Hm loavlurlhlp ol IIIlI Jlltlfl rnllrr and In murtor Fullhrr Inlnmmlnn Mm nr um num mmh In Onlulo Human lncMy mull mull Min Evelyn llurml mu the luul mum TUESDAY OCT Chuck Eumlner Enlemlnmcnl Im wind Color Tnur Bum Ind Mulknh Am MONDAY lEll I0 Check Examlner Enumlnmenl Pug Church servlculm Church Pm Unilad Avpanl Sunday Parent Day II Armory Club moment by Bar Ill YMYWCA mm It on TODAY SATURDAY SEPT Colllnlwood Pnlr Colllnzwood Burl EthhIUon Blrrll Fllr Graundl Good poslure wlll do more Ihan Inylhlng Adding somn with also helps But its most ly mum of heredity nud you cant do Inylhlnx nboul lhl Moyhu your grandmother 40 year ago wu envied because xhe was so llol lhal she looked like on he drawings by John Held lr Pnshlons ohms lnlcr llwn the Immutable law na lure Dear Dr Mnlner lhcre any medication young woman can Ilka to Increase her bus Ilne se ix ml helplnz MnS No It is cmdlmcnl xonlnn or Havorlnl and nn medlclne It nellhcr engravnles hlzh blood pressure nor same used In think relieve IL Does such garlic aggravate high blood pressure AA Dear DrMolncr My wlle and have bran using powdered ml or flavoring foods have even used it right out the shaker In mall amount with an Ihe food servo Intelllgnnl handling It In nnl NOT mm which wnrrunl the worry exprcsxcd nlha Idlers hal have reached me of late ID announced 12 yemuo lodnyJn 1551 um the wouldlo it alone ii necessary on conslmc lion otthe menu Senway Ailer year in dccllion an in giant pm eat the United Sumnwas xpumd into Iclion and mud to Join in building the Ieawny which allow ocean ship to null into me vent heart he mntlnenL The geqway wn opened in llJSSchnllst huh Pu Ieur dled Mimi upled out In Freud UnIun aegtfiu you ms CANADIAN mm Iona IN OTTAWA REPORT WEDNESDAY OCT HISTORY SUNDAY IEPI and district Saturday Sept 28 to Slturdny Oct Quebec wishes lhal the spread the French language should be fostered Ihlx would breed similar amhltion among our other elhnlc groups Ind we muld become mullillnzual er Buhel For Quchccerl Thus our consliluliun due no main1 French an official lan guage In say our of Sask atchewan or on an Ontario street sign or In Ihe n0 1w suture Th British North Amcrica Act says simpiy in section 133 Either the English or the French languagemay be used by any persnn in the debates oi the House at the Partiamwt of Canada and at the Housrsoi the Inllslatuu Quebec and either at those language may he used by any person in any cnurt at Canada and in Any of the court at Quebec That Ilnry lmm Winnipeg Iounds apacryphal But it is matched by an episode irom the Royal Canadian Navyi Iurvey was ordered in ind out how many oiiicer were bilingual Thrall knew the name meaning hi the word so Ihelr question asked every aiiiccr which llnguage he spoke Some rnld lhey spoke English and French some English and German some English and Hal ian while some spoke some less common lnngue wall as English The lolnl of all lhcse was addcd up and the aston ishing hul lrnc result was an nnunccd that semclhing over 30 per can at the niilcer were hl lingual WHAT IS LAW The dictionary oi course lays the bilingual means peak lng lwo ton uu it does nu mean span at English and French When Im Wlnnlpeg Schonl board recently sought new general manager mm concesslan to the current ruckus by fin that applicants should be All 15 candidate assertéd that they were blllnx ll evtry one or them won both English and Ukrainian BARRIE pmcx mcnoLsoN AWAwha is 1711mm Dont SpéaklFrench But Rte Bilingual To 1m nrnh oprn the pnml puhlit Ipomnrerl by nmllmnlly nrsnnuukml conlAd llu nmmunlly Cnlrmlu Editor Th 1mm Eumlnm MTUHDAV OCT Annhrmry Tn nml Sal Ilnnwmmk Candy by 5L Gllu Sumlly School In 55 room no to pm Collrzhh Foothill llnrrlc North Bard lenl I1 Cenlnl pm unur Smly Cnum npcn Inynnn mullan AI vm Cnerr 5L Ipnnmmi by flar rin Dlurlcl Humeu Ind Angler Comcrvr on Club Comc Pmy Iulplm of find WA am 10 um bake lahlo BunxBellu Square Dmco Club meell uch Thundly ll pm In RCAF Auocllllm lllll llllh st Club level dlncm wal comn Vespn Branch llnyll Caludlnn Lotion meclln It stall room Dtparlmmt of Land And ForuLI Mldhum pm THURSDAY FRHMY 0LT FrenchCanadian who hnva fallen behind Ihe rest Can Ada economically ladny arm Sir Vlllrldl wards of wisdom They ind It easier to blame the res of Canada For practical purposes and in the inicresis building united country he widespmd use ni any second ianguau is uniorinnaie ii is pity that Quebteers did not heed the words oi lheir hero Canadar ilrsl French Canadian prime minister Sir Wiiirid Laurier Speaking in the House 01 Cum man 73 years ago he declared The French Canadian father who today does not have his son learn English does not do jilh lien in his child or he iorce him to remain behind in tha Thls the actor which pep Imps more than anything else madden the rest or Canadn against Quebecs language or he French laugh in many schnols is useless In La Belle Province Some Ilnzulsllc purlsls aux csl lhal Quebecera them Selves break llw RNA Act whlch makes no mention of lha Frencthanadlan language This longue by vocabulary and ac cent la aomelimes lncamprb hensibla lo resldcnls of France Just as Frenchmen cannot ways makc lhtmselves unden alood ln Quebec Th panly because the Quebec vocabulary today ls archaic having been lmzcn us ll was when the close contact between France and Quebec wus broken nnd also Quebec has admlllcd lnlo ll lnngue many impurilles mm Chicago lelcvlsinn and adver llscmcnlx In ltlanltoba they are aut numbered by the Brltlall Uk ralnlan and German groups In Saskatchewan and Alberta these three as well as the Scandln avlans aulnumbar them El llnguallsm an the alrle wauld eaflalnly no Include the Quebec language QUEBECI LANGUAGE perhaps danl understand that their racial group an the second largest Inall our pmv laces me

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