Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1963, p. 13

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rm Wm hulllrllhz luls Mman mu wiuduu sainuuy Herring Hm Aquammn In rulnr 17m gunmnlml mun nnl lm mm mm Durand mu lull who Mfiéncnns ron snui mun IvflrvaTn 17 mm Iy mqu um mm Tsltrhum um AUIOMOTIVE AUNnA main TA IIIIY Fl VIIIIY Ill lull lml muMm In Iluhlllly ml luum whn Im 1m mm mm Hum mm In on ml nu Im Avvmhl Mm mr nun Mm mu NIXON MUIUMS PHONE 23 MUIIE nle Ilnnn nu MMu In la in Mllnllml lml Iu Ilnmy Ian nunn mu hm mm In Ind Inmul Mn mu mm mm mum mm In tau mu llxnzmnn Ind HalMn for Apprallmllllv nun nunm ullllv um Ilunm mmml ImM my mum uura qu Illlrhln rpn ma my OUT lllnn In ll um blood lulm dul hm lo Ihm Tluuhnn Don mm Chunk Ill Inf mm Inulm run um 0n yuan comm tor mum Appl 7M mum um M15 mann elumc molar mums PA Hm any Hm uy Suflon Inly my ml Mun ml Mom cm mclar nu Im mm mm rulxy It nmlu Truck um rmlnr Huma Mn 51ml num PA I037 In urni Av SJ wnThcr mndlllnncra nghll Phonn Barrio PA 80102 MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO 89 Highway 11 mo Coakslnwn 4554423 MCKEE HARVESTERS Aclwnlnadlng forage boxes NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS mowm eondllloners rnkc PATZ BARN CLEANERS EHO unmade landing sy mm HSATILE mlwmxlnl nualllnn Kenny mun rum Mun any or lmhunl mu Farm Supplles Service Cuse New Holland Davin Brown Hcally Farm Equlpmem 173 BURTON PA um POULTRY cmcKs FEEDIsEEoIdRAm and bbxes all nipped for corn and hay ood running con dltlogy so forage blowers iPHONE ELMVALE 752118 THUNDERBIRD uul gAéH TRADE TERMS ZENITH man no CHARGE DEAD STOCK mum mice pald or dead or crxypled cams and horses Small animals removed rec ma ken In kid In Iukomublle ll lull nl puma Tlephuno PA NHL IIAELI 01mm nll nlnu monlhl old unl mile two hm Apply Gnhlm Webb Blulwt Bingo anlle or tdlphuno tlmvuu 215W FARMERS MARKET COMPLETE urnmenu Filmlull IL firm Irma an mu mum H1 luv sum PA 000 TABLE Stock Polltau lull ply VIII Delkwy II Soul mIp FIXm Hllhwu tern Im Cununlnn lnnlll Na Slum n1 Tillphnnl sum NICKS DEAD STOCK hourl any1 am nu RE Foxmend Ontario Amuse Nn 172062 Nick Montague Prop ¥CHAVRLES EHURCH MOUNT sznzs Ind Pm What pluml Vlllnl Ind Rimbtfly clues Phnll ntud Tellphnnl 0m ll rostrum muted lnr ludld Imlll me Mull bl nod mnnlnl order Teltphonl M7 Iller Dm For as mice PHONE BARREE PA 61181 Collect or ask for ARTICLES FOR SALE DION SALES AND SERVICE FRANCIS MOREAU ANTEN MILLS FRUIT VEGETABLES HARVESTERS FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL NEW HOLLAND AND DION mess AND SHRUBS New and Used LIVESTOCK ARTICLES WANTED GXRDEN SUPPLIES D065 PETS SWAPS madn BY Prgmju alm HII IA um Any mm HI lluu Innlfiwl In Ink MI III In mm uu mlh your my Salary phmfummlnslnnn mnplcle snlos lrnlnlnp Yearly mluwnl hllsc Fur tho nclcrlul wrmn lhu malllon Horn mmmllnla nnrnlnga and an cxcollnn ulum llrnm wrllc ulvhu lull rcvlmv pad 511M glory nun We have an inmlcdlnlu enlll in Shncoo Counly acrvce uxlsllng business as well as louk nflor new business IHli ALLIED FARM ulillVlIHR OF CANADA flux If lormlnnl ll lxmxlnn Omnrlo or in my null IIIOP Colanvu um cm by mnnoa nlmmuv In 1m own hum lil hnlvflll nl nmnu IA mu or SALES NET AGENTS my Mom Mm l0 HELP WANTED uunu Wnuld money Tr II My CD tlnr ocular um upufly up pmvtd IpplklnL Tollphom cm Ill nu In on HAHON Wllon unlld Chwmlel or lcnlllc Iul ammo nmmlulom Mull In mm mndlllnn run dul with Wm wllh dahlll In no mm xmlnor PERSONALS Dana mun hclnry nv hum molar cullom ndl wmu mu um In buumul llldlhl hem unn mnlrhlnl humor noun Ana Ina emu menu net mnnlh Hm ml mnnn our floor In In maqu but wllh Va manor ulnmluc lummlnlan cumm ndln wnnuuu uru dawn 15a plr monlh mapmm PA mu CARS WANTED TO BUY STATION Wllan Siudchlklr Lurk mum mnmve whllo nu um um ndlc Wm uh old nr compcl pm my mem Telephnnu um All tun 1m cnzvnour suuon Wllon In nod candulon tar ule Nu xenonbl omr relma Mull bu nun In IDprrcllYed ny up poxnunenl only Tuhpmn PA Mm OUR BUSINESS IS Insurance Memberships Inrm pronlucls Fnrm equipmrnt Icnulnu mg or wllh ndlo nun Al mm was md Vonwmn mm ndlo um ms mm sunon Hllhwu 90 hit pm PA mu NEED CAM NEW CH ml up prlkmd drlnn Innm my drive up III flnfllmlllnt nu All llzntlly CO Call PA 561 Em voLx $1911 Deluxl Cu 1955 Cannon Cum MI hmwll Ind In In mechln cllly AI candlllon for so Must be new by Emmiy Mth Telephnnl PA 51815 Iclmcx MODEL 1953 Pan renmn hurdle Iwo door le under low mlln Ilelulllfll common Apply Mn rulu Emu Bunk um munm ms nu Im mlnlhll In nvlry Input EHKM red Illh mulchan lnlmoh Guuu mafia low mull TIXIpthI PA Donal lunflup or ula or but all XII mnnlu cundh Ian Apply In Dunlap Slml Ball Aleullent Illnll or Mr phom PA was WE OFFER YOU us romuc our door um mamnu tnnmmlon dug and Ill V10 tom run Ind WM with much mm dawn per munlh PA ll 4m any can In Cappurlonl Ind be 1th mllchlnl luluinn deep lrnd whlllwnll llrel cullum die 15 13115 per month PA in cuss 1551 Form mm wld And an box coEbl wu don Tllflphnnl PA NIH womens coLuW war up common Na down mint Ttlr when Jlm Ditkwn PA um In pm 1m nmmxzx our door lulcmllle lnmmlnlon um mu III In lunl Nd and whfla W111 cnnllfllr old Clr on ma Mom PA 60417 nd um BUICK nbullt motor In ulnmhl tan dark mm mw your cum pm PA wax nod vuuvllvhnl xur me on candlnnn In uh over pnymenu Telephom HIM Anlul Illlr SALESMAN m4 RD IM 903 3895 1960 4dmr Meteor two one coral and whfle Dandy thape all new Hm Full price ONLY GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 16 Bradford PA 85971 MOTOR cnxfion Sm AUTOMOTIVE 1135mm Emma IjERES BARGAIN PHONE BORN STflOUD um um Ell Tlephnno PA Ybu GET GOOD DEAL WII filillVlCH COMMISSION 11 ST mun AVE EAST TOMONTU DNTMUO ImeMllun Numlwr JATflIO llmuld lw quulrd Ilnrrlc Onlnrlo Salary mm mm For lull parllrulm In ml drnrr mmllllcnllzm mull mrnh Mul nmvllrmon InnIu IN Imer nu dllrlny II It Nuillmal lilnpluylllrnl lero and hid um Apply lrrlnll OCTOIHI IN In hr Rum tlny unullulmm and man IN Mona In Mum um Am IIIUNE 1th completed npprcnllccshlp In be rude WELDING must be Iamlllnr wIIh nll lypc nI woldlnx cumplclcd apprnnIImdalp wllh prooI nI puslnx rude lost In lhe vnrluux Ileld oI szd IIOMEMAKIIIIS ING SERVICE mun be upulul In hnme nurlInz prrlcr nhly rezlmrcd num WAITHIIS AND WAITRESS COURSE Iully xpcrlenmd wallet or wnIlruI wlth Invurnl 31an In mm mcnl tupncllyI QUALIFIED TE II n5 ol EnnlIsh Mnthtmnllu Ind Edam an IuIIllmo or pub llmo bull CInm upmh mm per wzch Irnm pm In 10 pm mun lo mmmcncc durlnx 0c Iohcr Apply In wrllInl Ilnllnl tinIl llcnllnm nnd MAHCLLLUS Cannllnnlar Pmrlmrm min mqu Lcnlnl Callahan ENGINEERING DRAWING must be IumIIInr wih mech unlcnl archiledurnl and clvll cngIneerInz drawing wlUI Inv ernl yenrs expcrlonce In the relalcd Holds MACIIINE SIIOI must be InmIllnr with all lypc mn chlnu shag mylpmcnt well BARRIE DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BOARD OF EDUCATION UNDER PROGRAMME the FEDERAL PROVINCIAL AGREEMENT Invllc application from per sons lnlcresled In Inching the or am unm noun mm In communa Novnnber Hull lub mu wrmm mllmlem unlllm mm 01 qullncldam Pmum um peeled hourly umuun comm1o Fromm nunII Dlnrlct cum Clnllulnn Dndlom strut PARTIIMI Manny In 7an Av nlth Unnmplnymrnl huuranu vmmlnlan Yolma anll ll yem Ind over or Inlemunl Dlrl Ill VI work CIIIJHLI lichen PA Mm CLIMATE In all fit vlrlmenL lnllnlfllu Had wan Bnonuphl vaqflmu An lust Mly wed penllml Ind lmdlcll DIHIMI Rlvly Mn Ill plrllculln Io flux 11 Blnfi Imlntr MIDDLE AGED Wm wlnlud lo hmllerplnl um hlhy 1min lat llm horn mu 13va It in Teltphom Emu mm Bullum can mum Iddlllunll mnmm Inch should In ma Ind nun momnu um nuumu womn In ma In enchlnl um Contact PA um LIIMIL Haul pit and In llvlb Navunhr to II Ind IV Th chfldnHwo leth pl Elm Roma 3mm mm Eu $13513 Prep1d ding Nu nun Cam Ex 9a yup moo EM vim en put mm him Willi Bu LP NEEN EXTRA MONEYFOR CHRISTMAS Our Raptuem Mlve um $500 In $1000 during the Christin lelllni nelson now in MI win We can he you can HI kind of money with AVON erlo Mn Walker aaThomson SL Ban1e or phone PA 66551 We are looking for girl with good typing and shorthand to be trained in our aiiice Oliica hourl mo to pm Usual cum pnny paid benefit Apply in writing Marin axe and quniiii lion in Box is Burris Exam MALE FEMALI TEACHERS WANTED EOR ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE This mailinnnquirel woman oi nenl appearance who can uspouibiy ditchnrae Iii phIIea oi niiice routine with minimum oi supervision Applicant mini be nsi accurate typin Siluri hand and pmvinux experience in he construction industry Ira de iinite Isseia Iiihnuxh nut necessity Ale and mum IiIiuI will not be inciors in he iinai decisinn Firm alters permaneni unpinyhient withuuni iringe beneiils SIiary commenrurIie with ability Ind previous experience ax nu Coexdfiief 6m AUDIT CLERK IO HELP WANTED nnnlIJBnlmlo STENQGRAPPE FEMALE HELP APPLY TO BOX BARRIE EXAMINER AVON SECREIARY RECEPTIONIST urmen upmm cum nun AMHIMI lwnnllnl 1n mm mm mm 7mm nln mm hll Ilmh mull mm In um Am runIN Innllda In an bl In on uly Wm mu munn lm mnnmn ll CnIIInIml uruumlll mum um um lmu wall 1mm mr mum Tummu rA Hm durum NAUTICAL Nllll mm mnln nnmmc mum ampnny Im mum of loy mm nu pnman Illndn mu momm III Inll1vl Th Mn Ind swmxma luln In world In um mm mm rnmpl lulnmullon Ill 1mm mm EMPLOYMENT wmmi mu mam In inmumuau QIawfifiufl nvcx 7mm mm Mun or at on rm Irlum Apr Tlmn nun1 nu uom uncrluon In nun Ml mm or mm on bu mu nr mu wru nmln hlmlnr man no ma bull III In Anlul lllu pm ANDY MAN mum In yuan Imn houu mmda hourly cut TonIla mun IVANTIm yo or Nail mu mu mm mm In hm momu wm nu 11 mm WANTED Rennhle mm as Dealer In Ear rle Experlencu nul necessary Fine oprarlunily lo slop Inlw nld mmubo buslnm when Raw elgh Products hawbeen wld lor yearn mg prDULL PdeA ucu Iurnhhnd on credit Writ leleighl Dml 1428463 006 Richelieu Manlml CHRISTIAN MAN needed Full nr panAUmoliic limo security Experience Sun day School ministry helpiui Earn $100 weekly and up No mmpeliliun Wriio John Rudi Co 11 West Madison SiCiIl cugo ill No OBLIGATION Date of Mobile Vlslt ls Wednesday Oct 1963 Between noon and pm Address Orlllin Armourlcs Orfllla Ont the sports faculties in very generous pension plan Coppoxlunny or wide travel weelu annual holldny with WHY no vlslt In to discuss your possible tulura as tech nlclan In the RCAF Wm 5mm Irrrmd ml Day helm nunuuuon PHONE IA um WE OFFER 051m month while training in electronics mechanical communlmlon ldrnlnmn lion or many other field Can physically and single One Canadlan when or Bri um subject Our 17 to 29 years old Ihave Grade educauon or hlzhn Learn Trade While Being Paid IF YOU To train as advertising re resentaiive for The Barrie aminer This is an inter estin and creative sales posi on with plenty of or portuniiy for advancement M301 in writing in Advertising Manager EH BARRIE EXAMINER Royal Canadian Air Force YOUNG MAN DWI sammizn ms FEMALE HELP Through The MALE HELP lhnt null 12 In lion wan lull Mon um 70 muon won lmulrd or heal mollylion The Iem mm In downlawn mum Friday HIM an IIHlvm huh for 0w dnlt lmlnul huh no r9 vnkd In nu ma ml Wid mulul hlm III 101 mm flmwlly hy lhe mond hum yuxlm In clty Mnory 1M Illhm mun no In July 65 lumwmlum helm nlnrhm inn Iluhlly mdly lml umllnn um Illll hllh rmngh nfl om loola rwu VIM mud Urdu an In nlmdy wllvd Mmlauon ldimll wm chm umdml Im on short Ihllln and um mumd Ib ml In at so In per rem Tho rruun pmllclrd III 0m to lhrrodny ul la dny wllh In pedal uh 95 fly Monday In mlxll Io lumwrnhuu nlmuld by link In 119 mhlum LOS ANGEL Ml0€tnn 1mm hroio Dualh lhc IMI mm lodny lnlnglnu nllr lo mlnlum lurlurvd noulhem Cnlflomlnm The lwa Iutpecll may be nlznm and dumd today pv ch mid Breezes Break The Heat Wave lollco udd Iha bombl wens ml Ind well wlmi 11on would Inn uplodcd they hndnl bcgn dilmmlled In llmu Thuryou caimul Um bambl wmnl muml lo mm anyone but lrlmlecn pl nurlutrl They red one 1th Into the wall thW they meant hull mu look 500 mm lllls Ind run ouL They Id In two bamln Ll lwo tnlmncu pul on ll Shortly helm pm the Iva drove lo Royal Bank CnnA Idl bunch and our armed Ind muktd wen In 11 youth Ilnlcmcn laid that ho wu Inalmcted lo borrow hll motherl cnr lo help rub the bunk Stolen Ilanu plum It pul on ll The dynamite used In lhe Iwa bombl each ol 1er slick and each wlrcd In an nlnrmtlock mechnnlsm appeared simllnr in lhu dynnmlln Ilnlen seven weeks no mm mud conflmc Hon me In the LamMinna north of Montreal polka uld 115511 nlorgqsna cm He said he had been In structed Thursday to help mb he mm to raise money or the organization Three other no clely members and unnum man were lo half Thu outsider was petty mm nal with record police nld The youth described as sec ond year university student mm prominent Frenchvspvk ing lnmiiy told police in at lmnl that he were miety ml organimd in lmlll mural mils umcture dmiiar to that Le Fran dc Ubemlian Quebecola which hu been blamed lot lemrist bombing hm last spring He wal one of two persons picked up police madblock nfltr five men robbed bank brand In file wtst end Thurs day Three mnped along with the loot Two live Umrbombl were let on the steps of the bank alter the rubber led MONTREAL CHA Nym old bunk robbery luspen has told pollen he helped mb bank of 500 to raise money or seem organlullnn similar to cmrlst groups police mum laid Friday Bank Robbery Said To Bid Secret Group KEITH McRUER Box 870 Alliston Ontario Thursday October 3rd Bred sows en gm and ham For cé aloguea con tact TOWNSHIP OF ESSA TENDERS will received until 12 Noon Shimmy Ocinber 5lh 196 larauppiyinz one me or flu Model door car or use on Police Work Quota And cylinder leper alely Quote sundard and haavy duly equipment mndnrd mm lepamely lawui or my lenng not nzcessarily accepted BELL ClerkTrauma Box Anna Ont I3 AUCTION SALES 111a Infinity will an Mum BECKER Vine St BunIo Property Chanman Cantu United Church Bani BREEDERS CONSIGNMENT SALE sfiednufim for hhem work may be obtained from the un diEIM on DEMOLITION Tender will ha received by the underlined until 500 pm on TUESDAY OmnER IBM or Oh removal or demolition of three my dweulnl R0 fillma Ontario l2 TENDERS EMOVAL ZONE YORKSHIRE PAGE Rene will be held It BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS Th 15 St Lawrence pllall nra lhe bulk of Canada 450 mm complement Ihey term the Most buwmnnlzrd and mu thlul graup pilots and he diatrch lhcy wark In In the hig Kesl and meal varlcd In Cun adnan comprises 1000 mllcs deep nnd ahnllow wide nnd nar row easy and lrirky channels mm the Gull St Lawrenca to Cornwall 0nL nnd Includes lwa Cunndnl blues pom Quebec and Munlrcnl St pilots are put ting up lhn hardest light agnlnst he vrcscm system was they who pramplcd he nstahlishmcnt of the mmmlsslan when they walked their Jabs or eight days In the aprlng 1962 and chnkcd of shipping In the St Lawrence Testimony before the commis sion has turned up numerous problems In he openanon and Idmlnlslrnllon pllolage serv Iccs in Atlantic and Pacific wa lm but these have been mostly of Ipcal nature By GEORGE PALMER MONTREAL CPDThe royal cummluian an marine pllolage return In Montreal Monday or hearing ch cammlssion sources believe may last until Christmas has visited nrnrly every major Canadian port duca start Inu ll work last February but far he lrenlu part ll time has been spent Investigal 1m pllauze on the St Lawrence RIver Iyxtem pilotage Study Will Resume Computer studies were being mlde of the work necessary to mount the alt They have not been completed Mr Roblllard nld but enough In known to make clear Illa Ihe fair can only be held In 1967 the whole pace preparation llepped up and every legitimate short cul explgfleq Mr Robfllardx resignation may have caused everi more conslemallon In Montreal than llmse last month of Commis xlunerGeneral Paul Bimvenu and his deputy Car He did nnl spell out the meas ure but he had snld earller that what lha lalr need on the part at all concerned buldea nlliclnl confidence la sense of ur 1ency TuoIdy anly Wndnudny only Thundlyonly other comm my be added when raglalnllun Indium lhu med mln lmum onrolmml of teen nludonu would bl exported Hum am noled abova will be conducted lwu nlfhu nth week on mudm nn Thursday 111m will be to nation rm Dolim pmblu It lho nm rugulnr clm Two dol In will be turned to thc linden who hm In nttcndmca record of 00 or Inner Classes in Enallnh for New C3717 In an Intervlew Thursdny the day his restinatton was an nounced Mr Roblllard uld extraordinary measum will be needed to let the alt ready tlme or the scheduled open tnl April 28 1967 Tunflng to Mr Drapeau an lha platform beside him he said when we do anything In lhis country aspeclnlly in Montreal we carry It thraulh dont we Mr Mayor Thu air will be ready time the mayor replied in Montreal In address the Canadian Club Friday Mr Pearson said any suggestion that the fair be abandoned ia counsel oi despair hm ls sumdcnl enrolment classes will be held In the followlnz lubjedn ART BASIC ENGLISH CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH LEATHERWORK sswmo xBASlC HOSTESS COOKERY TYPING BOOKKEEPING musmass MACHINES murmur WELDING MACHINE SHOP Mum MECHANICS sucrmcnwuecmomcs SMALL quT HANDLING Punuc SPEAKJNO 5mm AFLOAT PM 5mm zoomov armor ly ALEXANDER AMIELL MONTREAL CmTm can iuxion surrounding due 1961 Montreal warid lair intensi fled this week with the resignuw lion Planning Dircclnr Ciauda Himd or personal rea Prime Minister Pearson and Mam Jean Drapeau oi Muni reai joined forces in an aiiempi in dispel ihlx ins Pearson Tries Clear World Fair Confusion MATH GRADE REGISTRATION TUESDAY OCTOBER THURSDAY 730 930 pm Regular Classes Commence Tuesday Oct BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Kmv New Cimdlmu provided withqu chlm Ilhla mmm Cellulm hard EVENING ClASSES The rock has mnmbtr oi the sunfish Inmlly Ind 11 wldcly dlslrlbuicd Irom North Dakota and Munlluha throuxh the mat Lakes lo Qucbcc Mason he becnmn In ma only he Nth Canadian lo le rclva hls 000 jewel put mnxlcr lodn Unlly Ladle J78 Hunllvllle Also In 01 First World Wu Cal Gran look the 12m an lnIion overseas as commandlnz 0mm He later urvcd In France with the 5m Ind 91 Brllish Armch re Iended Osgoode all law Ichool In Taxunto He was called In lhu bar In 1891 and prncllscd In IIunIsvlllt 0nI or about 70 years until hls rcIircmen liv ycm ago rant raised the In county balmllan In Canadn during lhe Fink World war the mu Simm County dledlu hospital Friday The 5pc inmt yet siid ape ciflcally what he has in mm But the big surprise was his announcement on he curia the II sacred congregallnn each under cardinal which Is mugth equivalent to the cabi ncl in secular KDVCnlmIM and which has been vIrtually all powerful In It whim of the churd lhmuzhou the world INJENJIONS UNKNOWN Grant Practised In Huntsville 30301910 cglLtmoL mm The Pope earlier pledged his support of Johns drive or church unit Indeed he went wen further and said it was time also to mend official com tact wim the worlds nonChrls flan mm His plea or old truth In reflect also Pope John sesxinn will be even more pro ductive um the first Pope Paul has ordered the agend trimmed speeches restricted to in minute in reduce Irlvla and rheturlc and In general has told his cardinals to get down In business And L1 the first damonstn than Mal1 intanflorI to carry on one Jo camp In to modernize the chum to pre xenl In softer more moderv ale light to Catholics nonCath one and nanChristin alike mop cunnm LONDON icPlPape PIIIJI announcement that he Intends to reorganize the curls the power lui governing body oi the Roman Catholic Church has sparked lively Interest in the second session oi the acumen cal council opening in In Vai ican Sunday The air all la In two lands an of them urmlchfl be tween Montreal lsland and the south share 01 the St Lawrence River Although the holce and prepnrauon of the INA are the citys responalbfllly the Work Predict Ecfimenical Council To Be Even More Productive Ill at he was the main 114 um connected with mJechnl cal side of the Mr Ind on this Aldo hut doubt have arisen gym predictwihu sums anom SHOP MATHEMATICS an explanation modem language slmflar call by of needed locil legislation merely to prcxerva prlvnlo In lemls Bu who nuazu In Inch dluuuion under he Cn nndinn pcopla dlservlcl they place oh II In my la mum desirable but Ultra Ihauld be full Ind 1m dlscunlom on In Import Inl mnller th proposed Pension Plln While the Cu in not iully endorsing the mntributory re tiruneni pension pmpouix they now mud it Anxious that the pill be pmed noon possible and lppmvn tin Cnnndn Pension Pin in prin cipie he laid in Illiement The ulticimu oi the pin which hm been mlde by spokesmen or the insunncn in dustry Ind nther privnle inter est In neither iempentn nor well conceived The lmbiic in being mm the impren an tint tho lovem mcnil propoui in both un sound Ind conlrary tin public interest OTTAWA UP Ciaude Jo doin amidml oi the Canadian Labnr Conncu said irlday ihal Insurance company apaker man are making iniemnerale ill conceived inaccurate and misleading critidama oi ha xtlavemmmla Canada Penaian an The mnln almol thus who press or relnnn ll mam de centralization ol the curls lunctlam with Inamin pow era for local bishop and an end Indth lullln monopoly on tbs cu The revised edlllon will be the first Item of buxinau bdnro the new council union and most observer take the Popes skate men In an Indication he in tends to come down hard on ha life of he zmwlnu progressivu ng Insurance Charges About Medicare All Wrong Iodoin It was his plan that caused the pmzreulve and Ihe can nrvauve to take aides and the not It was sun hack for mom slderadon was taken as vic Iory or he progressives In Mflden Indulve and up to data pun dealing wth among olher things the rights of bishops In melr relationship lo the auxla Allhoulh me first council last year was amt many at these mmplalnls became known alter he caygql rqu not be but the mulled progressives oi the church hierarchy are known to have been complain ing far years that the curia is Mmeenchied in in thinking and judgments in lad 10 of the curl beads are Italian and the other two have been in Rome 50 years The my supposed to de liver he all to In corpornllnn by me 30 1964 Work began last munlh an the expansion of one kind St Helens but has not started on the new one Nam Dame to he made by Hlllng in shallow portion of the river concerned or It hi to build OCTOBER

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